This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 214 Checking the Water Meter

Chapter 214 Checking the Water Meter

Hehe, the fact that this is free is really exciting.

But Bei Gaoyang didn't care too much, it wasn't that he didn't believe it, but that he couldn't believe it all.

In the category of occultism, there is no absolute truth, just as there is no absolute truth, which is the essence of mystery.

Perhaps, the real purpose of free is to make him believe. It should be noted that in his position and resources, just believing is enough to change many things.

Sometimes, the false can also become true, just like the 'faith value' collected by the magic net.

This weird world.

Sometimes Bei Gaoyang will feel very tired, very tired, and there is always a string in his heart, even in the safest and most relaxed time.

"I see... But Mr. Nicholas, even if the Book of Canaan originated from a certain innate demon god, it probably won't be able to save you from the brink of assimilation, right?"

"Hehe, didn't you do it? Buck City..."

"How can those mortal things in Buck City be compared to you? They are weeds, but you are a fruit hanging high on the branches. How could the abyss let such a powerful and experienced soul like you go?"

"Not now, maybe in the future"

"……What's the meaning?"

"You know, I have been secretly observing your net and your players for a while, and only now do I know that your talent and whimsy are supported by another crystal wall system."

Bei Gaoyang's eyes narrowed, as if pondering, staring at the Lich in front of him with scrutiny.

He became impatient, and realized that this guy had too many secrets about him, and he had the idea and plan to silence him.

It's just not easy to completely destroy a Lich.

Not to mention that he was about to be captured by the consciousness of the abyss, but where is his phylactery is a big problem.

To kill a lich, one must first find his phylactery. This is common sense. Only when the phylactery is destroyed can the lich die. respawn nearby.

Generally speaking, the phylactery cannot be too far away from the lich, perhaps within the coverage of the magic net.

Bei Gaoyang began to think seriously about this possibility.

"The soul from another crystal wall system was reborn in Canaan. It started as an abandoned boy and grew into a great magician step by step. It stood at the top of what mortal things can reach, and began to attack at a higher level."

"He tried his best to snatch a 'sealed item' that could realize this ideal, but he didn't use it to improve his spell level, but took a roundabout way, and he could not exceed his own spell level. Invented a "net" and a way to allow the souls of people from the soul homeland to travel through Canaan, and disguised it as a so-called... game?"

"Network, players, and games, he is achieving his goals step by step solidly and skillfully. With each test and larger-scale soul travel time after time, the game and the network are becoming more and more abundant, stronger and stronger. There is a slight tendency to get close to the mysterious origin and integrated rules, like the plague, like the original Gaia consciousness, like a kind just born!?"

"What are you trying to say, my dear Mr. Fisher, are you threatening me, are you sure?"

"His ambition is great. He intends to subvert the order of Canaan and the rule of the gods, and also has the grand intention of reshaping the mysterious rules of Canaan. On his way forward, there are countless enemies, almost everyone, Each one is an enemy he must defeat, what can he do, he can only be careful, more careful... Therefore, it is not a good idea to reject an ally who thinks like him and understands his intentions and methods Choice, I think he will make a rational decision after overcoming his unhappiness."

After the Lich finished speaking, he met Bei Gaoyang's gaze, "Just now, just now, I used a player's soul to carry a horcrux offline, and now I have lost this horcrux permanently , I know that it no longer exists in this crystal wall system, that is to say, a part of me is about to wake up in your soul hometown."

Bei Gaoyang frowned slightly, and suddenly laughed, "It seems that you have fully prepared for today's meeting."

"Yes, Ramsviel, cooperate with me, let me join your plan, let me access your network, I am your natural ally, you should not reject me."

"So, the book of Canaan to share with you?"

" just need to invent a spell, 8 rings, maybe 9 rings, to delay the progress of my assimilation, wait for your web to grow, and save me when your goal is about to be achieved, my requirements are not high , it is not difficult for you, but it is already the only hope, for this hope I can do anything, anything!"

"It's crazy..."

"Yeah, my waking time is running out. The closer I get to this time limit, the more I can't control myself."

"Let's do this... think about it, I'm naturally willing to cooperate with a powerful and wise spellcaster like you..."

"Don't delay, don't play tricks on Rumsfeld, restrain your pride, and make a sensible and correct choice."

"Of course!"

"Then... don't bother, I will wait for you for a while."

"Goodbye, Mr. Nicholas."

The Lich stood up and was about to leave. When he walked through the door, he turned around and said, "Mr. Fisher, Your Excellency Nicholas, Mr. Nicholas, you have changed my name three times... You are still the same, Rumsfeld, anytime Adjust and decide your attitude towards someone or something according to the context, environment and conditions. Your mentor once commented on you, saying that you have a heart without any constraints. Now I agree with him. You Woolen cloth!"

"I've forgotten about that old guy!"

"That's right, as far as I know, you are like father and son! Where did he die? The prison of the Holy See, or the stake?"

"No, I killed him with my own hands!"

The Lich was taken aback for a moment, then sighed, "I envy him, really, I envy him."

"You can go, go, before my patience runs out."

When the Lich left, Bei Gaoyang's exasperation as if he had been trampled on his sore foot disappeared completely.

Life is like this, there are always some unpleasant ups and downs, and big shots are no exception.

Bei Gaoyang was not so arrogant as to ignore these pitfalls. Being threatened and having his secrets mastered was not a big deal. In his life, he had been threatened a lot and had his vitals seized. The devil has mastered the real name... how about now, don't you just sit here and carry out a conspiracy to overthrow the whole world?
When encountering a ditch, the more you get over it, the more you can't get over it, just bulldoze it. For a powerful enemy, you will naturally not hesitate to eliminate it. If you can't eliminate it temporarily, it is not impossible to compromise.

"Is there a way to find this guy's phylactery?"

Xiao Ai asked: "What is a phylactery?"

"Something that stores the essence of a lich, a kind of dirty mummy, some powerful spellcasters have a premonition that their lives are coming to an end, and in this way they preserve an important organ of themselves, which stores his Memory, emotion, and soul core, reborn with rituals and materials left behind in life."

"...a bit like magic cloning?"

"No, it's two different things, and I won't be able to explain it clearly for a while."

"What are its characteristics, it is best to have a real object to refer to."

"The real thing, let me think about it..."

The phylactery is so easy to obtain, that lich is not an old ghost, he is as smart as a ghost, how could he let his phylactery be lost?

Alas, still have to find Barn.

However, to make this kind of request to this cunning high-ranking demon, think with your toes, he will definitely guess his intentions, if this damn old guy was recruited by Bahn, isn't it self-inflicted?
Who else but Bahne?

Maybe it's time to go to the abyss and see the bloody battle for yourself...

"Are there not many things going on recently, is there anything special that needs attention?"

"I can handle most of the affairs, only the new players turn around..."

"Why, isn't it arranged?"

"There are too many loopholes, I am worried about people who make up the number..."

"Don't pay too much attention to these details, Xiao Ai, you are the manager of the magic net. In fact, the mastermind of the system needs to pay attention to the overall situation. You must look at the whole from an overall perspective, grasp the balance, and grasp the measurement."


"Is it not a game experience to be able to get away with it? Doesn't it increase the fun of the game without disguise? Isn't it also a qualification to be able to find loopholes and exploit loopholes?"

"...Well, don't blame me for not reminding you that there will be a lot of gold medals when the time comes."

"Uh... it's still a degree, there must be a degree, beyond this degree..."

"Are you going on a long trip? For the phylactery?"

"...Let's talk about it, I'm not sure either."

"I will strengthen the monitoring of the game area and try to find this phylactery."

"That's it"

Earth at the same time.

Tarzan stared at the ring, motionless, as if to stare at a flower.

"Old man, old man?"

He has called it many times, but no voice responded to him, which made him start to doubt again, how did this ring come about.

Could it be that I it by mistake.

"Yangyang, someone is looking for you outside."


"Liu Gongan, come down quickly"

In the countryside, everyone in the village knows everyone, even the cadres stationed in the village. Liu Gongan is the only official police officer in the police office. Why did he come to find him?
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Going downstairs, Tarzan saw his old lady telling people about the ring he had just eaten.

"I'm really old and my eyes are not working well. Why did such a big thing go into the food? Fortunately, my family vomited it out, otherwise..."

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

Liu Gongan had already bald in his thirties, and looked at the two strangers who came with him, a man and a woman, dressed in decent professional attire, unsmiling, and stood up immediately when Tarzan came down.

"Yangyang, Public Security Liu has something to ask for you."

"Oh, what's the matter with Old Liu?"

"Sit, sit, sit down and talk."

After the host and guest were seated, Liu Gongan said, "It's two comrades from the county looking for you to understand something... Aunt Li, let's go out first and let them have a good chat?"

"Why do you want to avoid people? Isn't there another donation? Even the county has come? Let me tell you Liu Gongan, my Yangyang family doesn't make much money, and the little they earn is enough to build a house and buy furniture..."

"Mom, you go out with Liu Gongan first."

When there were only three people left in the living room, the man and the woman first showed their IDs, and then said, "We are from the Special Public Opinion Team Office, and we are here today to learn about your recent experience in the game... three hours A while ago, you told people in the chat room of a certain group that Canaan is not just a game, but a real world. Reality... is this true?"


Li Yang (Tarzan the Ape) did not expect that the water meter checker would come to the door so soon.

"Yes, there is such a thing."

"We want to know, are you joking, or..."

"It's true!", Li Yang didn't intend to keep it secret, he also wanted to find out what happened to the ring and whether it was dangerous, so he started from the beginning and picked and picked what happened to him.

"Ring... Where is the ring?" The attitude of the man and the woman changed obviously, and they were still a little careless.

"Here, I'm going to find a professional organization to test for a while, I don't know if there is any virus radiation."

The ring should be made of some kind of animal bone, inlaid with a black, shiny gemstone the size of a grain of rice?
The shape and style are very simple, like someone's handicraft.

Other than that, nothing special.

The man and the woman repeatedly asked him about his encounters in the game, carefully recorded them, and finally put the ring into a transparent bag carefully, and said to Li Yang before leaving, "We will get the test results as soon as possible. You don't have to worry. Also, don't mention this matter to anyone, especially online."

"I see... Uh, maybe my mother accidentally made it into the food. It's too magical. Don't take it too seriously."

"Don't worry, even if it's an oolong, it's not your responsibility."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Li Yang breathed a sigh of relief after seeing off the person, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

I logged into the game at night and called that 'grandfather', but I couldn't get a response.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just an ordinary player, I just want to make money, I just want to play the game well, I don't care about other things, and I can't control it, whether it's a real game or a fake game, I treat it as real, what's the matter?" Don't bother with me, please."

It has to be said that Li Yang is very self-aware and pragmatic, which are his strengths. If it were a different person, it would be impossible to hand over the ring so easily.

"Monkey, is the Gnoll boss coming? It will be refreshed soon, and there is still an output position!"

An unfamiliar person in the family sent a private chat, Li Yang put aside the complicated thoughts in his mind, "Come on, why don't you come, leave me a seat, who is in the family?"

"You know all of them, hurry up, we are going to start a group."

(End of this chapter)

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