This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 215 The main theme

Chapter 215 The main theme

With the roar of the night priest at level 18, his pitch-black body collapsed, and the upgraded white light rose from Xia Miaomiao's body.

"Ah, it's level 20, Xiao Yu, it's level 20!"

"Got it, got it, what's your ghost name!"

"Aren't you happy, the ceiling is finally capped, where are we going next?"

"Where are we going, Zhiqiu and I are not yet 20"

"Oh, I forgot, hehe."

The mob-spawning spots around the night camp gathered a large number of old players. After the excitement of opening the server passed, most of them picked up the mainstream game progress of missions and upgrades. No one at level 20 started a sprint towards level 20, already at level 20 Or help a friend, or enter a copy that has never been cleared to try your luck.

Some people say that the three major dungeons, the Kobold Mine, the Night Camp, and the Baldwin family cemetery, and the surrounding area of ​​the Night Camp are just normal monster-spawning spots. Brush, since he was miserably abused, and his level experience has repeatedly dropped below level 20, after retraining, he still has to find it to die.

At level 20, Xia Miaomiao happily opened her attribute panel, thinking about where to add the 6 points of free attributes she saved.

[Player ID: #10097, Character Name: A Small Sapling, Combat Rating: Unopened, Level: Level 20, Weight: 34/38, Hunger: 14, Status: +Blessing (All attributes +5% , recover 12 HP per second, and the remaining time is 46 seconds).

Basic attributes: HP 548, magic value: 872, magic (divine) attack (healing): 78-192, physical attack: 12-45, magic (divine) defense: 147, physical defense: 118 , Elemental Resistance: Unavailable.Magic crit rate: 5.5%, crit resistance: 11%, physical crit rate: 0%, crit resistance: 11%...

Constitution: 17, Intelligence: 24, Spirit: 31, Dexterity: 18, Strength: 11, Luck: Hidden.Unassigned attribute points: 6. 】

"Xiaoyu, what should I add to my free attribute? I want to add some strength. My load is too low, and my stamina will drop very fast. It should be better if I add it to 15."

"Then add it."

"But what I focus on is spirit. I hit 40 points. I heard that once a certain attribute exceeds 40 points, there will be a kind of 'master' intuition and reaction. It's amazing, and I don't know if it's true or not."

"Then add spirit."

"But I'm not strong enough, I'm carrying too much weight, and my physical strength is losing too fast."

"Then add strength"

"You... perfunctory me!"

"Anyone who listens to you nagging a dozen times a day will be the same as me."

"People can't make up their minds..."

"Okay, you two, just talk about the wheels, look, how beautiful the scenery is now!"

Fan Chaoyue leaned on a big rock, looking at the setting sun at the junction of the sky and the earth. The pale golden sun shone on her face, with a glaze color almost like porcelain, gleaming.

"What is there to see, can't you see enough every day?"

Xia Miaomiao's focus was all on the scenery, and she looked at her attribute panel with a troubled expression.

Du Shiyu was not used to her. Sitting next to Fan Chaoyue, the breeze caressed her long hair, and the skirt of the light red mage's robe fluttered.

Looking around, the red fire clouds are like pieces of rich colors. The earth is green, the sky is red, and the color between red and green is a hazy gradient. Such a spectacle has never been seen in reality. I have seen, one is that there is no such a transparent, bright and quiet air, and the other is that there is no concentration of magic power here.

The Dark Night Camp is very large. This big refers to the surrounding area of ​​nearly 5 square kilometers that spread out around the camp. The real Black Shadow Camp refers to the dungeon on the hill behind you. There are only three players and five players in a team. A moving black dot was formed, fixed the range of spawning monsters, and moved regularly within this wide range.

At the entrance of the copy behind is another scene.

Hundreds of players gathered near the entrance, and spontaneously formed bazaars quietly emerged. Many "illegal buildings" of leisure players were built and demolished under the prohibition of the system. smell.

The player's stalls almost took up all the good positions, and there were many merchants and peddlers shouting there, and even NPCs from Punk Cheng who hired players or were hired by players to build a shack-like illegal building, blatantly Various transactions were started.

There are also those who sell information, those who form a team, those who are teleported, those who fail to pass the level and lose experience, and curse... Together they form a game ecology that is full of life.

"Three beauties, don't you want someone else, a level 17 shield battle, full of green outfits!"

A dwarf player came to seek a team. Du Shiyu glanced at Fan Chaoyue, shook his head and refused, "No need, we have enough people."

You don't need a full team to farm the night priests. Besides, their monster spawn point does not produce elites, so you don't need fighters to fight in front.

The dwarf player didn't bother much, and went to another team that was not full to find a place.

At this time, a night priest was refreshed in the third position. Fan Chaoyue and Du Shiyu, who were immersed in the beautiful scenery, didn't want to move. It was Xia Miaomiao's repeated urging that they reluctantly got up to work.

"I really don't understand the two of you. You are not active in killing monsters. When will you reach 20?"

"We don't understand you. What's the rush? Isn't early promotion the same as late promotion?"

"Then what's the matter, 20 earlier, we can also try the dungeon, the second level, I still want a gold medal."

"Okay, okay, let's go up and do it... work!"

The three formed a battle formation tacitly. Xia Miaomiao was in front, throwing [Blessing] on herself first, and letting the second [Entangle] fix the monster. Du Shiyu began to chant, and Fan Chaoyue shot an arrow.

The three of them formed a character shape, surrounded the monster in the middle, and accurately grasped the 'hatred'. Whenever the monster rushed towards one person, the other side let go of the fire attack, pulling the hatred over, and let the monster go back and forth in the open space between the three of them. Running around, half of the blood volume will be consumed in a short while.

At this time, Du Shiyu began to chant the Fireball Technique, Xia Miaomiao went up and entangled the monster, Fan Chaoyue also let go of his hands and feet to output with all his strength, and in the end he was killed by [Fireball Technique].

"Xiaoyu, your fireball singing time has been shortened?"

"Well, it's intermediate."

"Wow, have you fully practiced 1000 proficiency?"


"How did you practice, I don't have an intermediate skill yet."

"I don't know, it's an intermediate level before I know it"

"So angry..."

"My Explosive Arrow is almost at the intermediate level, hehe..."

"You're all mad at me, right?"

"How can..."

After one monster spawned, nothing exploded. The three of them bickered every day, but they didn't notice that a special night priest spawned nearby.

This night priest has a green halo, which is as eye-catching as a torch in the night. A team next to them noticed it before them, and rushed over regardless of the "tacit understanding".

"What are you doing...Ah, Xiao Yu, elites, you're picking up elites!"

The conflict broke out like this. This team is also dissatisfied. It is also a three-person combination, namely fighters, priests and thieves. Compared with them, they can withstand the elite's damage head-on, but they lack continuous output.

The opponent's fighters were fighting monsters in front. Fan Chaoyue avoided the possible sneak attack of the thieves while leaning his arrows to grab the damage. Xia Miaomiao added buffs to the two teammates while using up to 31 points of telepathy to detect the possible presence of thieves. The location, I will feel it after a while.

"At this!"

A [Entangling] was instantly cast in a bush, and the thief's figure immediately appeared. Du Shiyu pinched the thief with an almost instant [Mage Hand], Fan Chaoyue's attack direction turned immediately, and a [Binding Arrow] pinched the thief. The control time of the sword was extended to nearly 3 seconds, and then a bursting arrow that had been charged for 1 second bombarded the thieves intensively.

There is also Du Shiyu's [Magic Missile], Xia Miaomiao's... Well, such a long time is enough for her top-quality green scepter to knock out two rounds of damage.

Rogues are famous for their crispy skin and poor equipment. They can compete with mages. This thief looks like a poor ghost, and he doesn't have any life-saving equipment on him.

Seeing that most of the blood bars were emptied, the thief lost control and forcibly launched [Backstab], but a light shield appeared on Xia Miaomiao who was the closest, which not only blocked this shockingly damaging attack, but also paralyzed the thief for a second.

This is an equipment stunt.

Fan Chaoyue's equipment stunt also came, the arrow turned into a ray of light, piercing the hapless thief like a meteor, at this moment his teammates rushed over, Du Shiyu's equipment stunt was activated, several [ground spears] protruded from the ground, Although they avoided them, they successfully blocked their way.

Kill one, and the remaining two short-legged fighters and priests are much easier to deal with.

Soldiers' [Charge] has been figured out by people now, and veteran players with a little operation and awareness can avoid it. [Combined skills] can only be activated in close quarters. Those with high attributes can also be immune to it.

Warrior's big kills are already a thing of the past, and the new version has not been weakened, but the vast majority of warrior professional players have already felt that they have been weakened a lot, which makes them complain a lot, and only hope that the second round can be strengthened.

With the general improvement of players' equipment, awareness, and skills, the disadvantages of fighters in PVP are becoming more and more obvious. This profession is easy to learn, and the corresponding upper limit is not high, so its role in PVE will not decrease.

Seeing that they couldn't beat them, the two of them didn't bother with each other much, they said a few harsh words, and left resentfully.

"Cut, it's reasonable to steal monsters!?"

The three female men have long been used to concentrating on the elite as soon as the monster grabber leaves.

It took a little more time, the three of them cooperated skillfully, and their equipment, consciousness, and skills were not bad. The 18th-level Night Priest elite quickly became enraged by the flames of the fireball explosion.

But... nothing exploded.

This is a bit too much.

The two teams snatched the dog's brain, and didn't even give it a bandage?
"Xiaoyu, haven't you exploded something for a few days?"

"Two days."

"Two days, it's too much, the system is going to kill people!"

"If this continues, we will have to charge money into the game."

"Ah, the elites don't give anything, the system is too stingy!"

There is a cost to spawning monsters, red and blue stamina potions, equipment repairs, and now there are more food and water... This test feels that money is needed everywhere, and no money is given everywhere. I used to watch the jokes of newbies. If this continues, the old players will also follow in their footsteps.

Only the copy is not affected, as well as the boss.

"No, I want to download a dungeon, I want to brush the boss!" Xia Miaomiao shouted.

"Boss, where is it, where is it?" Du Shiyu rolled his eyes at her.

"Look for it, the game map is so big, many places have not been explored." Xia Miaomiao said unconvinced.

In the game, there are quite a lot of monsters that can be called BOSS.

The more familiar ones are the Slime King at level 3, the Skeleton Warrior at level 6, the demonized giant grass spirit at level 9, the demonized goblin lord at level 13, etc... But these monsters are relatively rare. The interval time is too long, the second is that the refresh location is relatively fixed, and is guarded by people every day, and often the boss has not even touched a hair, and the fight has been fought several times. If you are unlucky, you will lose equipment, experience, Dropping ranks is common.

They can't kill these bosses either.

Those above level 5 will not be given anything, and those above 15 will only find a demonized gnoll lord at level 16. The refresh point is in the newly discovered area A-14, a large camp of demonized gnolls.

That place is where experts gather. Almost all full-level players must check in every day. If they are lucky, they will be lively when they encounter a boss refresh. Yesterday, someone released the first purple weapon in the game, which is still a dagger.

That lucky old player was fleshed out in the game and in reality, and the offline forums and online world channels are still talking about this lucky guy.

Xia Miaomiao has been jealous for a long time, and now that she has reached the full level, she wants to try her luck, but neither of her teammates has reached the full level yet, so I am too embarrassed to say it.

"Go, go, I knew you were impatient to pay us back." Du Shiyu said, "It just so happens that Chao Chao and I are going to explore a new map. The level is not in a hurry anyway, it doesn't matter if it's earlier or later."

"Ah, new map? How dangerous, just the two of you?"

"There is also a mop bottle..."

"... Zhu Zhuangzhuang? This troublemaker again, have you forgotten what happened last time?"

Fan Chaoyue was a little reluctant after hearing this, and said, "I couldn't blame my little niece last time. If you hadn't made a fuss, maybe it would have been fine."

"Why are you blaming me? You were the one who threw the money first..."

"I just spent money to buy a quiet place, can it be the same? You changed the nature."

"Hehe, big stars can really talk, black can be white..."

"Aren't you two finished, are you still going?"

"She came first."

"Obviously it's you"

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

Du Shiyu rubbed his forehead with his hand, looking defeated.

The three broke up unhappy, and Xia Miaomiao chatted privately angrily, asking about the boss refresh in the wolf man camp.

"...It's about to be refreshed. If you are coming or not, there is just a lack of a priest... By the way, are you at full level?"

Such a coincidence! ?

Xia Miaomiao was overjoyed, "It's full, it's full."

"Wear the best equipment, buy enough red and blue medicine, come quickly, wait for you for 15 minutes."

"Come on, come on, wait for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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