This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 216 1 Day of the Metaverse Real Estate Developer

Chapter 216 A Day in the Life of a Metaverse Real Estate Developer

Alpha plane.

As soon as Zhang Miao went online, he stared at his construction site. The red bricks he pulled from the player’s brick kiln yesterday broke into pieces when he squeezed them lightly. said.

"Don't worry, the NPC said that the bricks need to be made of a special soil and then fired at a high temperature to adapt to the special environment there. I'm watching the brick kiln, and I can replenish it soon!"

"Are you going to spend money again?"

"No, when we signed the contract back then, we wouldn't pay any money if the product was unqualified. This time I switched to a professional one. They make building materials offline. They have developed a very special formula, which has already been sold elsewhere. Tried it, and it works!"

"I don't understand. It's okay to use wood. Do you really expect to get back your money?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Anyway, so much has been invested, so it can be done at once. Didn't the city lord say that the dangerous environment is not static. With the expansion of players' footprints, the current barren land may become in the future... "

"Do you also believe the pancakes drawn by NPCs?"

"So what if you don't believe me? Most of our net worth has been invested in, so how can we withdraw?"

"Fuck! What's the matter!"

After finishing the call, Zhang Miao wandered around the No. 404 construction site again, looking at the piles of building materials discarded on the ground at will, and felt really distressed.

These are all money, money, real money!
Some NPC workers are laying foundations in the dug pits, and some Sitest Mengxin hired by NPCs see him as an old player and boss, and some are eager to come over and get close. What can a 5 square meter area do, so this piece The construction site was actually connected by more than a dozen landmarks. Seven or eight unlucky people who had photographed the landmarks huddled together to keep warm, and jointly formed a so-called metaverse real estate development company. This was their first business.

It seems to be the last one. A few days ago, two of the partners couldn't stand this bottomless investment, and told the system that they had given up on the bid. The rest present a huge conundrum.

The land they gave up was right in the middle of more than a dozen landmarks, and it couldn't be avoided. Only the remaining people bought it.

Fuck, this little Metaverse real estate development company almost went bankrupt. The partners blamed me, I blamed you, you pushed me, I pushed you, but they refused to pay more to give these land Bid back.

Nowadays, no one is robbing it, and the reserve price of 20000 meritorious service can be won, but is this the same thing as before?

There are very few meritorious deeds still in circulation, and even if there are, the price... well, it’s worth noting.

But what can be done, so much money has been invested, can the system take it back for free?
A few brothers and sisters almost cried with each other in their arms. They had no other choice, so they gathered a little together and took those few bids.

What Zhang Miao is most worried about now is not the construction period, but someone who can't bear the pressure and leaves the field, then it will be completely useless.

Others are fussing over the various unsatisfactory results of this test, such as dog walking, burst rate, traffic jam, Punk City is a routine specially used by the system to blackmail players, and the extraction of tourist identities. They are the only ones. Unlucky ghost, for this construction site, all the time and energy online and offline have been devoted to it day and night.

20 meters long and 12 meters wide, the place is not very big, at least much smaller than the unlucky family who had given up on the land. The land is on the opposite side, separated by a dirt road into the canyon, and it has become an unfinished construction site. A few days ago, I saw someone come over to point out where, as if a certain organization was about to take over, but they came to inspect it, and there was no more content, which also made Zhang Miao feel very cold.

Private lands and family lands in other places are by no means like this. They are booming, even if the location is a little remote, they are also bustling and joyful. Every day, you can see such and such players standing on their own construction sites and pointing fingers. Dot, a color of excitement and longing.

In some good locations, some institutions with good money transported rockery, strange trees, and strange rocks, and planned flowing water, orchards, and well-developed roads in all directions. Without the intervention of the system, a frantic construction wave rose around Alpha City.

It is a city gate, corresponding to the four markets, four commercial streets, and four CBDs. It also moves the successful experience of reality to the online. What kind of apartment is built, and the advertisement is from offline to online, that is called An overwhelming room, the size of a pigeon cage, is marked with a sky-high price, and the supply is still in short supply. I heard that many "default" players with tourist qualifications have already settled for themselves a home in the metaverse in advance.

Fuck, I'm a first-time beta player who invested all his money and is struggling on the verge of bankruptcy. You, a tourist who hasn't even logged in to the game, can have your own three-bedroom and one-living room?

What is this called!
The more I think about this, the more unbalanced Zhang Miao's heart becomes. It's a mistake that will cause eternal hatred. If I didn't take pictures of this land, how chic my family would be. If you say you play games, you can play games, and you can move bricks. What kind of style is it? , What kind of metaverse real estate, this is good, the trap is dead in this dead land, and there is no hope of solving the trap.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Brother Ruoran came back with a convoy.

More than a dozen carriages were pulled full of a kind of turquoise brick with metallic luster. Brother Ruoran was covered in dust, like a contractor, and he was yelling at the hired Si Ce Mengxin to move all the bricks down.

"How much!?"

Zhang Miao picked up a brick and asked.

"Two coppers and one piece"

Zhang Miao was startled, "So cheap?"

"It's not what it used to be. Prices are falling, and only the price of copper coins is rising. You say it's cheap, but I think it's too expensive."

"How much is this?"

"50 silver"


"Advance payment, we will pay later later, who can come up with a few gold at once now."

"Okay, another debt!"

"Haha, you don't have to worry if you have too many debts. Those who are in debt are all uncles. Now when I go there, I always greet them with smiles. Who used to care about us?"

Brother Ruoran is much more optimistic, unlike Niu Er and Xie Changting, who no longer come to the construction site, saying that every time they come, they can’t bear it. Now the joint account of the five-person team has long been empty. Zhang Miao, Ruoran and Hu Xinmin invested more than one million in it. Niu Er and Xie Changting didn't say whether to give it or not. Anyway, they are still delaying it.

Seeing that this drags on any longer, the spirit of the team will be dissipated, and the day of disbanding is imminent.

It would be nice if I didn't jump into this fire pit.

"Stop moaning and sighing, there is no limit to the road, have you not noticed that the surrounding environment has become much better?"

After being reminded by him, Zhang Miao realized that the surrounding dense fog had dispersed a lot, and the visibility increased to about [-] meters. The canyon in front of him could see a little green, and the place where he couldn't walk in before, also exposed rocks and soil without a blade of grass... …

"I feel... this place seems to have grown a lot?"

"Haha, I just heard the news that this Alpha Battlefield is actually a half-plane, and half-planes can grow. There may be some amazing mineral deposits, or water sources, or some special things in the newly grown site. environment... In short, we haven't reached a desperate situation, if we persist, we may be able to turn around one day."

"I hope so... Did you hear that NPC again?"

"Don't worry about it, work, work... Fuck, NPCs are still lazy, what time is it, can they do this?"

It seems that Brother Ruoran has devoted all his energy to this mess.

How long has it been since there were no missions to spawn monsters? When the server opened, it was level 18, and now it's still...

I don't know what my big cousin is busy with, and I didn't come to the construction site today, so I can't hold it anymore?
Chatting privately with my big cousin, Hu Xinmin took a while to reply: "...the camp of the wolf man has been discovered for a long time, and it has been hidden secretly. This time it can't be hidden... The boss's refresh time is relatively fixed, you come Don’t come, many people are waiting here to refresh.”

"A regional lord-level boss?"

"Well, something must explode. Someone released a purple weapon a few days ago, and the offline scene is crazy. You don't even know?"

"Fuck, I know what a fart, I'm busy with the construction site every day, so I don't have time"

"If you want me to say, it's fine to admit the compensation and leave the game. If Brother Ruoran is in a daze, well, I can't say it."

"You don't want to... give up, do you? Don't, most of my wealth has been invested in it."

"...wait a little longer...will you come?"

"There is a place."

"Wait a minute, a regiment I don't know, I'll ask the regiment leader."

With the BOSS, Zhang Miao will not stay in this horrible place anymore. After talking to Brother Ruoran, he goes to Alpha City.

The nearest teleportation array is more than ten kilometers away, and the mount task has not been completed, so I can only rely on two legs.

After walking for seven or eight minutes, I walked out of this barren land. The environment became much more normal. In the sparse jungle, I could see some newbies from the fourth test and life players from the eleventh and second levels wandering around. See here Look, poking there, pausing every now and then to identify something.

There are also monsters in the Alpha plane, but the monsters are hiding, and there are some very rare produce, some kinds of magic plants, some kinds of mineral deposits, some kinds of bird eggs, etc., and some can be made into food , drinks and other living materials, bought by the aboriginal shops in Punk City.

The most valuable place is the place where the demon farms came to raise all kinds of monsters and magic plants. The teleportation array is located in a valley that was originally used to cultivate [Screaming Vine]. There are groups of carriages coming and going. , pulling all kinds of building materials, on the private land on both sides of the valley, a very earth-style building rose from the ground, and below it was a very exotic-style commercial street, which began to take shape.

How long has it been.

Compared with the bustling and bustling here, Zhang Miao was really tired when he looked at his own place where no birds shit.

As he was walking forward, he suddenly heard a loud crash, and when he looked up, the five-story brick building had collapsed.

The scene was dusty and people were hit, which was troublesome.

It's easy to say that it hits the player, it's a big deal to lose a little experience, and I'm afraid of hitting NPCs, especially the NPCs in Punk City.

"It's collapsed again, it's collapsed again!" A player gloated and clapped his hands and laughed. Zhang Miao went up to ask, and he said that this was the fourth time.

"People's NPCs have said that they can't be built too high, they can't be built too high, they don't listen, hahaha, now some people suffer"

The environment with magic power is different from the environment without magic power. The most intuitive manifestation is in the buildings. There is no reason for the earth enclosures like Buck City and Punk City. In this world, except for the temple, there are no too tall and majestic buildings. , even if there is, magic is involved.

Bei Gaoyang's mage tower had to pay attention to this and that at the beginning of its construction, let alone them.

Zhang Miao also became worried. If my brother insisted on overthrowing the original design plan and starting over, the new plan would also be built with bricks and tiles to make it taller. Otherwise, the cost would not be recovered. The site is so big, and the only way to find space is to look upwards.If it collapses, they can try a few more times, and they will go bankrupt, so hurry up and chat with Brother Ruoran privately to tell them about it.

"Haha, don't worry, I've thought about it a long time ago, the bricks brought back this time are all special secret recipes, signed a contract, everything will be fine, don't worry."

"How many floors are you going to build?"

"At least the fifth floor?"

"Fuck, just rely on those bricks? In reality, the building is so high that it needs reinforced concrete?"


"You listen to me, build the third floor first, and we'll talk about it later depending on the situation. Even the old cousin has the idea of ​​quitting. Don't toss yourself to the end and make yourself a lonely family. The big trap is to resist alone, you resist live?"

"Why should I carry it alone..."

"If you continue to be in a daze like this, I will also withdraw, and the money invested in the previous ones will be thrown into the water."

"Don't, don't, you, Xiaoer, you can't do this!"

"Three floors!"

"The third floor is too small, and there are other people... Okay, okay, okay, I'll change it, I'll change it."

"Only three floors, if there is one more floor, the team will be disbanded!"

"...Okay, listen to you"

Anyway, finally let Ruoran, who was on the tip of his horn, turn back, Zhang Miao was so tired that he didn't want to see anything, didn't want to say anything, while queuing up for transmission, he saw a few bloody people dug out from the collapsed site.

The player's corpse will be recovered by the system as soon as the time is up. This is naturally an NPC.

Cries sounded, and a group of NPCs rushed in, which indicated that the most troublesome NPCs in Punk City were the ones who had the accident. Surrounded by NPCs, the sheriff of Alpha City is working hard to clean up the aftermath. The scene is the same as in reality.

When he teleported, the teleportation point at the destination entered maintenance time, and he could only teleport to Dawn Town 2, the "main city" closest to the Gnoll camp.

"I heard that the line is congested due to the BOSS refresh, and they are all rushing over there. Let's hurry up and try our luck!"

Hearing this from the crowd, Zhang Miao felt that everyone knew that the Lord Gnoll was about to respawn.

"Everyone knows what's going on!?"

(End of this chapter)

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