Chapter 217 Theme 2
When Xia Miaomiao arrived, she was really shocked by the lively scene.

There are probably thousands of players waiting for the Lord Gnoll to refresh.

I saw that the whole wolf man was built against the mountain, and there were holes dug by wolf men everywhere. The so-called camp was to build a shed on these shallow pits. From time to time, wolf men rushed out of the shed, but they were quickly captured by the players. submerged.

In addition to the old players, there are also a large number of newcomers who also came to join in the fun. As soon as Xia Miaomiao walked out of the teleportation formation, a group of fourth and fifth-level people gathered around, calling them sisters, beauties, and aunts, begging for a team, begging for help, begging for support , Pretending to be cool, pretending to be pitiful... After finally getting rid of these clingy guys, chatting privately, looking around in the crowd according to the coordinates, and found it near a gnoll's shack.

"Chunshui, is this the pastor you mentioned?"

"Well, a small sapling, an old player in the second test, the operation, equipment and awareness are not bad."

"That's all right, do you understand the rules?"

"I told her it should be fine."

"Okay, let's join your team..."

A young and invincible mage player who looked very stinky and didn't want to shake Xia Miaomiao just finished talking to Yijiang Chunshuiliu on his own, and then went to work on other teams.

"Who is this person, so annoying?" Xia Miaomiao looked around curiously, excited about the big scene now, "How long does it take for the boss to be refreshed?"

"Hurry up, not more than half an hour, uh...let me tell you about the rules in the regiment."

"What's the rule, throwing dice or taking turns?"

"Neither, all the things dropped by the boss are not allowed to be taken privately, there are designated people to pick them up, and then distribute them according to the value and everyone's contribution."


"No way, everyone has selfishness, don't say you don't."

"Then who is this person, why should I trust him, what if he refuses to give me something, and even cheats..."

"This is guaranteed by the leader's personal reputation."

"Who is this guy?"

"Wang Chaoyang..."

"He! Who is picking up the equipment?"


"Oh, that's all right."

Only then did Yijiang Chunshuiliu send a team invitation, and Xia Miaomiao joined the team, and at the same time joined a regiment composed of four teams.

The head of the group is the favorite of Feng Linwan, a big capitalist in real life, one of the most famous players, and also notoriously not doing his job properly, the former boss of Shengda Entertainment Group, Wang Chaoyang.

This person is also an old player. He bet on Canaan games very early. For this reason, he also shrunk his real-life business, caught up with the first wave of economic explosion in the Metaverse, and transformed into a high-tech manufacturer of access devices in the Metaverse. , a very successful example of transforming fiction into reality.

The blockbuster product—Shengda Metaverse glasses is booming, occupying the largest market share, and the prospects are bright.

But in such a good situation, the founder left his vigorous career and handed it over to professional managers. He retired early and became a full-time player.

This has caused widespread heated discussions offline. If we talk about the most famous players among the players, except for a few cloud play anchors with tens of millions of fans, he is the only one.

This person can be trusted, besides, there is Chun Shui.

Yijiang Chunshuiliu gave her some common sense again, follow the command in all actions, listen to people's positions, pay attention to the hatred of the boss, don't be soft when it comes to PK, act with the team and don't get separated, etc.

Xia Miaomiao is an old idiot. She has been through chapters one and two of the expansion pack, and she is still afraid of the current scene. She is not afraid at all, but very excited.

"It's been a long time since I killed someone...ah, no, I haven't killed someone with all my heart!"

Shao Bing smiled, thinking of her performance on the Alpha battlefield, completely relieved, turned around and went to explain to the other members of the team.

I don’t know how many groups there were at the scene. It’s been a long time since such a big scene happened. The third test raised the spirits of all the players.It's different now, with deflation, the life of old players is not easy, and if they don't find some income, they will really be unable to make ends meet.

That's why everyone wants to smell the stinky flies now... Ah, bah, don't you even scold yourself when you say that?
While observing the situation at the scene, Xia Miaomiao suddenly found an acquaintance in the crowd.

"Little brother? Is this guy here to join in the fun?"

"There's also big cousin... such a guy is really indispensable!"

She still hated what happened on the Alpha battlefield, so she didn't go to say hello, thinking: "That's fine, let's settle the old and new scores together, and I will give them a hard time later!"

"Sapling, sapling!"

"Here, look over here..."


"It's just me!"

She recognized others, and others recognized her. Vanilla Pudding squeezed over enthusiastically, patted her heavily, and asked, "There are two sisters in one world, and there is no place yet?"

"No, I was also brought here by a friend!" Xia Miaomiao quickly clarified.

"That's it...then you have to watch it when you're going to PK!"

"Hey, it's easy to say, it's the same for you."

As soon as we talked about PK, someone started fighting in the distance.

I saw two regiments, forty or fifty people moved their hands for some reason, and the scene gave way to a battlefield. The skills of dozens of people were violent, and the aura flashed together, and the afterimages of [Charge] criss-crossed and burst The flames of the arrows exploded one after another, the auras of the priest's divine spells lit up together, the mages chanted hurriedly while walking in embarrassment, and the thieves took a cold breath and shot out white lights to return to the city...

"Our people are not allowed to move, back up, back up!"

On the team channel, Wang Chaoyang yelled, calling for the four teams to form a group and distance themselves from other teams.

"I'm leaving first!"

Xia Miaomiao took the opportunity to get rid of Vanilla, who had no team yet, and hid behind Shao Bing, keeping a tight formation and staying away from the battlefield.

PK is contagious, as expected, the scale of the melee expanded like ripples, and soon spread to other teams, before the boss was refreshed, the players played out of their wits, and they played inexplicably, most of them were innocently involved entered.

"Those beggars!"

Retreating to a high place, Xia Miaomiao found undisturbed flexible figures swaying in the chaotic PK scene. Looking carefully, wasn't it just those newbies who hadn't taken a turn at level four or five and were still protected by PK?
I saw them scurrying around in the fiercest part of the battlefield, looking for corpses that hadn't been teleported away. Touching them here and digging them out there, there will always be a few unlucky ones with PK values ​​on their backs, burst out their equipment, and dropped them. Out of money, out of materials.

It was only then that Xia Miaomiao remembered that she had just killed someone, and then looked at her panel, and it turned out that she had 2 PK points on her back.

"Ah, Chun Shui, I have PK value, what should I do!"

Xia Miaomiao was in a panic, she had all her wealth on her body, if someone touched her, she would feel distressed to her grandma's house.

"How much?" Shao Bing asked.

"2 points"

"That's okay, under normal circumstances, the equipment will not drop..."

"Yes, but all my things are in the backpack."

"Why don't you store it in the warehouse?"

"I just spawned monsters, but I didn't come in time."

"Then you go back quickly..."

"Oh oh oh..."

Xia Miaomiao nodded hurriedly.

It's easy to talk if she has acquaintances. If she was in another group, she would definitely be kicked out without saying a word.

Just as he was about to hurry up and go back to the safe area to store things, he never expected that the BOSS would be refreshed at this critical moment.

I saw a white light falling from the sky in the middle of the two hillsides, and the 16th-level regional lord-level boss—the Gnoll Lord made his debut.

This monster is three or four meters high, and it's a giant. When it comes out, it has a circle of golden light, and the BUFF is stacked to the point where it can't be distinguished.

All monsters of this level have a name, but no one cares what his name is. He roared up to the sky, shouted some lines, and swung his two-handed battle ax several meters long to sweep around, sweeping out an open space, sweeping Fly a lot of unlucky 'flies'.

Before the swept players landed, white light rose densely in mid-air, and turned into corpses after landing. The damage values ​​were red, blue, and green. The red ones were critical strikes, and the blue ones were elemental additional damage. , the green ones are poisonous... After landing, many players who were lucky enough not to be instantly killed, poured red and blue potions into their mouths desperately, and screamed at the same time: Mom, why is I so unlucky, the boss is brushed on the face?

"Attention everyone, watch my gestures, listen to the command of the team captains... let's enter!"

"Kill whoever gets in front, pay attention to your position, pay attention to your position!"

It's messed up, it's all messed up.

Xia Miaomiao didn't have time to rush back, and hurriedly listened to the command, and walked at the back of the team. Many teams that were not affected by the PK also entered the scene where the boss was raging in an organized and disciplined manner like them.


Xia Miaomiao hurriedly blessed each teammate, and at the same time kept her only attack skill in her hand, waiting for command.

After getting off the hillside, many players stood in front of them like headless flies. Wang Chaoyang let them get out of the way with a loud roar, but when no one listened, he gave another order, and all the archers let go of their bowstrings, bursting like raindrops of arrows. Let it go.

Boom boom boom...

They killed them crying for their father and mother, running around in a panic, only a fourth-level Mengxin stood unscathed in the center of the fire, touched something, grinned, and entered the team majestically.

There were scolding voices in the team, but they couldn't do anything to him.

There were still hundreds of meters away from the boss, and after advancing more than ten meters, a group of killed and scattered players were running towards him. Xia Miaomiao saw the vanilla pudding at a glance.

"Step aside!"

My favorite, Feng Lin Wan, shouted on the nearby channel.

These people couldn't tell what was going on, and came straight to this side. Xia Miaomiao watched as the vanilla pudding suffered several rounds of arrow rain and magic missiles. Before she could figure out what was going on, it turned into a white light.

Did she not see me?

Such thoughts flashed through her mind.

Messy, so messy!
Many players did not have time to form a team, and the boss was refreshed. Many of them lost their organization in the PK. The team either scattered or lost half of their staff. Unable to bear the damage from the BOSS, those who were killed fled around.

By the time Xia Miaomiao and the others rushed to the limit of long-range output, four or five teams had already surrounded the boss. Their skills were like a meteor shower, pouring on the boss, and the damage they dealt seemed to be exploding. It is truly spectacular.

"Don't use short-range, long-range full output, full output!"

In this way, fighters and thieves are useless, and the tanks of other teams are fully equipped, and the archers and mages in the team can output as much as they want.

Magic Missile, Fireball, Shadow Arrow and Exploding Arrow, the tracers of more than a dozen skills joined in the singing, chasing the position where the boss was rushing left and right.

"Ah, you're pissing me off!"

"Try this, ants!"

"Burn it, my little cuties!"

Boom boom boom...

Basin-sized fireballs hit the injured tanks intensively, making them cry for their parents, and the flames burst out with continuous high damage. The priest used all his strength to nurse, but he still couldn't save them. Their health bars plummeted.

As the tanks died one after another, the battle entered the fiercest and cruelest stage. The boss who had lost the target of hatred turned around in a circle, found the team with the highest hatred value, and jumped into the middle of the team with both hands. With a round sweep of the tomahawk, many squishy children were taken away!

"Leave them alone, output, output with all your strength!"

The tanks in the team still hadn't moved, and Wang Chaoyang was also very dark-hearted, so he used the flesh and blood of other teams to seize the time to grab the output before the hatred value was pulled over.

The melee in this situation depends on the output weight. The team with the highest output damage will get the protection of the dropped items. Similarly, the one with the highest output must be the one with the highest hatred. Xia Miaomiao can't wait for them all to die As for the light, it is natural to agree with both hands and feet.

The other teams paid the same attention. They didn't want to help. They just watched the [-] people die, and the hatred value was transferred to the second team.

"Tank, get on!"

Xia Miaomiao saw the group leader yelling at the top of his lungs, and jumped out first. With heavy equipment on her body, she ran into the boss head-on like an iron egg.

Four or five "iron eggs" roared and yelled like ghosts, and stopped the boss like a martyr. Each of them held up their shields, shouted battles, and took turns 'taunting' to absorb the noise of hatred.

The figure of the thief appears and disappears from time to time, advancing and retreating quite methodically, the long-range output is not panic at all, and the positioning is also very skillful. Four or five priest players can always lower the magic spell just right, and pull up the blood bar of the retreating tank. Let them have the chance to drink red medicine...

"Never mind anything else, output first, output!"

This is not going to work, how can they have a chance if they don't make mistakes?
Xia Miaomiao wanted to make a move, but Wang Chaoyang was more cautious, this is the end, the boss still has more than half of his first blood.

as predicted.

In less than half a minute, the BOSS got a little impatient with being entangled, and resorted to another big move.

"Boys, treat them well for me!"

When the two-handed battle ax was thrust into the ground, it turned into a totem pole. A dense circle of light lit up around the boss, and countless gnolls rushed out of the circle like a tide.

"Ah, the boss has summoned my younger brother!"

Xia Miaomiao screamed nervously.

"Clear the mobs, clear the mobs!!"

Chaoyang shouted, the target of the team's attack has become these raging mobs, soldiers and thieves can no longer play soy sauce, the team's firepower is fully fired, and the level 16 gnolls are like chopping melons and vegetables.

Xia Miaomiao quickly downed a bottle of blue potion and threw a blessing into the pile of monsters. She glanced out of the corner of her eye and caught a sneaky figure.

That newbie!

I saw him crawling wretchedly on the ground, jumping up after spotting the target, touched something on the corpse of the monster that had lost the fall protection time, and then lay down on the ground again, and was followed by a monster who didn't know it was a monster. Still people stepped on a few feet.

"Ah, my mother has worked so hard, it's all cheap for these bastards!"

(End of this chapter)

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