This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 218 1 Field Empty

Chapter 218
After the mobs were cleared away, the battlefield was already in disarray, and Xia Miaomiao was also separated from her team. Players she didn't know on the left and right were running or walking around the surviving boss.

On the team channel, Wang Chaoyang sent the coordinates to get everyone to focus on him. Looking at the team list, quite a few people have already died, and their avatars have been grayed out.

After finishing the assembly with difficulty, the BOSS released another big move, this time it was a shock wave with a huge range. I saw him jumping high, and then fell heavily. The moment he fell, there was a bang, like a heavy hammer On the ground, a big hole was smashed out, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye was also emitted.

Players who were concentrated by the shock wave began to lose blood continuously. Other negative states such as dizziness, shock, weakening, loss of five senses, etc. were superimposed layer by layer. One type of time limit expired, and the other type continued to show effects. Players were tossed Desperate to celestial beings, one by one, they walked like crabs when they were drunk.

Fortunately, this ultimate move is not unlimited. After releasing it, the boss entered a period of obvious weakness, squatting in the big hole that was smashed, motionless, and possing posses.

The priest with the highest spiritual attribute was the first to recover. He didn't need to be called, and used the skills to slightly clear the negative state in turn, trying to recover before the boss recovered.

"Damn it, you're so perverted!"

A bloody tank in the team screamed.

"Shut up and listen to the command!"

There are still 14 people left in the team of [-]. Xia Miaomiao didn't find Yijiang Chunshuiliu, and thought he was dead. Unexpectedly, he was so brave and so bold that he appeared behind the boss before the others could react. Remember [Backstab] hit the critical damage, and also attracted the hatred value of the boss.

"Well done spring water, on the tank!"

When the hatred value comes over, it means that the authority of the dropped items has also come over. Wang Chaoyang's spirit is lifted, and he commands four 'heavy tanks' to surround the boss, and relieves Shao Bing. fatal output.

The skill's tracer slanted towards the boss like a meteor, and the damage value was like an explosion. The other teams saw that the hatred value could not be attracted, so they moved their minds.

"Fuck, who, who, that bastard!?"

A tank that was the top monster in the front was focused by the bursting arrows from the side and rear, screaming against the damage, pouring red medicine into its mouth, and looking at the location where the skill attacked with red eyes.

"The BOSS still has more than half of its blood, grab me at this time!?" Wang Chaoyang shouted to the other side, looking desperate, how can he be a bit of a "gentle, courteous, courteous and frugal" of a big boss and a big capitalist?
"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, miss, miss!" The head of the other party hurriedly came forward to clarify.


"Attention everyone, be careful everyone!"

What else can we do? We're at this point, we can't let the boss go and find them to fight. The tank that has recovered its condition returns to its own pit, and carries the boss who looks obviously weak.

"Ah, I don't have enough blue medicine!"

In the team, a pastor MM shouted in panic.

Xia Miaomiao hurriedly looked at her backpack. Fortunately, fortunately, there were still two groups of blue medicine.

Then it started to hurt.

She brought 4 sets of blue pills, so half of them have been used?

A set of 5 bottles, a total of 1 silver, is much cheaper than before, but the exchange rate has risen, 1 silver is 1000 yuan, a bottle is 200, it is a tank of gas, and it will be gone after one gulp?

"I'm 200, I'm 200!"

Gritting her teeth, Xia Miaomiao replaced the prayer with this one, which also melted the pain into 200 miles.

"Whoever has too much blue medicine, get some out first!"

The captain of the pastor MM shouted in the channel.

Xia Miaomiao didn't say a word, and the other two pastors didn't seem to hear either!

The captain is in a hurry, his own tank is still standing in front, "Two silvers a team!"

Still no one cares about him.

"3...what the hell, a group of 5 silver!"

"I have so much!"

Xia Miaomiao was still hesitating whether to split the group out to help others. It was all a team who cared about so much work, but another priest was more enlightened than her. After asking for 5 silver, he decided to split it Bottle, traded to the priest without blue potion.

This little episode quickly passed, and the number of players fighting for output around the boss has been greatly reduced, and the corpses in the area have also been recovered by the system. In this way, some people have become very conspicuous.

It's those guys at the fourth and fifth levels!

Seeing them, Xia Miaomiao just gritted her teeth in hatred. Relying on the protection of the system, she doesn't pay attention to the threats of old players at all. As long as she avoids the skill damage of the boss, she can come and go freely. You say you go touch the mobs Forget about the dead bodies, it's too much for you to touch the players. These days, who doesn't have a few PK points on their bodies, and they really feel uncomfortable all over.

But now I can't control that much anymore. When the second tube of the BOSS is worn out, the most dangerous moment has arrived.

"Attention, the boss is going berserk!"

Wang Chaoyang's changed voice sounded a little hoarse, and before he finished speaking, a yellow light appeared on the three-to-four-meter-high BOSS, yelling at the ants, you have successfully angered me, and then began to transform.

He was already like a giant, but this time he transformed into a "Hulk", his body swelled up like a balloon, the bulging muscles were like iron blocks, and there were totems lit by magic lines, Twisted as if to come alive from him.

"Try this!"

After the transformation, the boss went down with an axe, and knocked a 'heavy tank' man and shield into the air. With a bang, it was like a truck weighing more than ten tons collided head-on. The tank man turned into a monster in midair. There was a white light and it hung up.

"Hide, hide, hide!"

No matter how heavy the tank is, it can't withstand the damage after the berserk. The tanks of my own team and the tanks of other teams all use [Charge] to escape desperately. A hulk-like BOSS is chasing behind, chasing, chasing, The formation was in disarray again.

Four or five teams were all mixed together, one left and another, and it was hard to tell which team the hatred was on. Xia Miaomiao's running strength had bottomed out, and the effect of panting and drinking had decayed to negligible The stamina potion, looking at the bottom of a tank's blood bar, is a skill thrown on him.

I can't tell if it's my teammate or not. Everyone is holding their breath. The blood bar of the boss is really falling down millimeter by millimeter. Fortunately, the violent boss has strengthened physical attacks, and the frequency of using skills is greatly increased. Reduced.

"Omnipresent, omnipotent wolf god!"

After more than two hours of fierce fighting, the boss had only the last tube of red blood left, but he began to play tricks, and began to seek support from the big boss behind the scenes.

"Interrupt, interrupt quickly!"

"Scream and Mage Hand, quick, quick!"

The boss remained motionless and let the player attack him. He knelt in front of a totem pole emerging from the ground, and prayed devoutly to the wolf god on the totem pole.

Both the Warrior's [Battle Cry] and the Mage's [Mage's Hand] have a chance to be interrupted, but this chance is very small, and it needs to be tried repeatedly in less than a minute.

But the skill has a cooldown time, and the chance of interruption is less than 1% each time. If you are unlucky, you will end up destroying the group.

This boss has already opened up wasteland, and players already know how to fight it. For this situation, it is naturally the most effective to equip special effects and special skills.

Has a passive special effect that reduces the cooldown time of skills.

There are active perks that clear skill cooldowns.

At this time, I let go of my hand, and finally when the progress bar was about to bottom out, I luckily bumped into this 1% probability.

The last big move of the boss was interrupted, no longer the previous arrogance, and the weak state continued until the end.

"The wolf god is great, one day, one day..."

Following the last line of the big gray wolf, the 16th-level regional lord-level boss fell to the sky, with a "clang" sound like fairy music, and green, blue, and white spherical aura burst all over the place.


Xia Miaomiao couldn't bear to see such a scene, and her mind would go dizzy at this time.

She screamed and ran towards the nearest green light, but just as she touched it, she was knocked away by an afterimage.

As soon as the dizzy time passed, I saw that the scene was already fighting.

"Things are not ours!"

She yelled in the team channel, and her eyes turned red. The old lady worked so hard, there was no door for anyone who wanted to take things away.

Raising your hand is a [coil] to fix a warrior who is chasing and killing his teammates, followed by an equipment stunt of the best divine scepter [Hammer of Light and Shadow], swinging a piece of light and shadow to transform into a huge hammer, one hammer down, hit out The damage is second to none, and the powerful effect of the two-second stun that it carries makes this soldier turn into a white light and drop a pair of wrist guards in the next counterattack of his teammates.

Xia Miaomiao picked up the pair of wrist guards before his teammates could react, put them in his backpack without looking at them, and said to some stunned teammates: "Have a good cooperation, kill them!" !"

"Oh, oh!"

Before leaving, give him a skill so that he will not die due to continuous blood loss. Scan the battlefield with both eyes like a radar, and quickly find the target.

Where did the two thieves fight to the death, one had just handed in [Stealth] and [Backstab], and the other's green armor's active life-saving effect left a little blood, and then went into stealth and touched the opponent.

The thief who paid [Backstab] and [Stealth] ran away like flying, and the stealth thief chased after him. Both of them have high agility. You won't be able to get rid of me for a while, and I won't be able to catch up with you.

Xia Miaomiao counted the cooldown time of the skill, and rushed to the right position just right. Once the cooldown time was over, it was a [coil] to take away the thief who had only a trace of blood in the stealth state. Unfortunately, only two pieces were lost. Group of blood medicine, no equipment.

"Thank you... ah!"

A fireball technique exploded on another thief, killing him instantly. The shock wave pushed Xia Miaomiao staggeringly, covered her body in flames, and continued to lose blood.

This also caused her to be watched. A [Charge] was launched from the side and rear, and she was knocked out without giving her time to react. She was dizzy and saw a dwarf warrior launch a [Continuous Skill] on herself.


Xia Miaomiao erupted, dodging the front in the blink of an eye, and then launched another equipment stunt - [Resist Fire Ring].

A halo of flames spread out from the armor on her body, pushing the dwarf warrior away. Xia Miaomiao hated him to death but didn't want to fight. Sneak away before another archer locks her down.

melee, melee!
There is me in you, and you in me. All parties in the melee have lost their organizational system, and they can only calculate how many teammates remain on the scene from the darkened avatars of the team.

"Spring water, spring water!"

Even if a priest is tough, he is still a soft persimmon in this kind of occasion, and he will be pinched when he goes there.

After a while, Xia Miaomiao dodged four or five times of open swords and hidden arrows. She survived only with good equipment and awareness. She didn't touch a few pieces of equipment before she was driven to the periphery, far away from the items dropped by the boss. No chance in sight.

Even the mage became weak after losing the protection of his teammates. Only the archer with top operation and awareness still stubbornly stayed on the scene, flying a kite to fight a guerrilla!
"Chunshui, Chunshui, how is the situation?"

Naturally, Shao Bing had no time to return to her. As soon as he was equipped with the special skill [Bloodthirsty Strike], he took away a difficult archer, a figure appeared behind him. When [Backstab] was activated, a fatal black light appeared on his body. The light shield blocked it, taking advantage of the short period of time when the opponent was stiff, and tied A 9 times. The claw shadow was as fast as Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do, and killed another person again.

This fellow thief memorized a lot of PK values, and there was a big explosion on the spot, with only one pair of pants left on his body, weapons, armor, necklaces, rings, etc., all splashed out with a large amount of green light.

Just as Shao Bing was about to pick it up, a black shadow like a loach took a step ahead of him and touched the most valuable dagger in his hand. Shao Bing subconsciously wanted to fight back, and a light curtain protected the player.

[The player is protected by the PK mechanism]

"Ah, this is a fucking bug!"

The good-tempered Shao Bing was also furious, watching helplessly as this nasty newcomer snatched several of his spoils.

Killing and killing like this, looting and looting, explosion and explosion, in the end, there are fewer and fewer people left on the scene, new players are not absent, and the ground is even more clean. I don't know when, even the boss exploded Everything is gone.

The rest of them were all red and purple.

"Don't fucking hit me!"

A dwarf player stood on a big rock and shouted loudly, waking up all the red-eyed players. He pointed at the empty ground and shouted angrily, "Look, what's left?"

Then there is still left, the scene is like a dog licking, not even a bottle of red medicine is left.

"Why don't you fight?"

"Hit, hit quickly!"

"Hurry up, don't waste uncle's time!"

"Haha... this time it's posted, it's posted!"

"The grandson picked up what the boss dropped, come out and surrender!"

"What kind of boss do you want, the things on these idiots are better than the boss's!"

"I just saw someone touch a blue ring?"

"Fuck, who, who, who is so lucky?"

Vultures, vultures, these people are vultures, they snatched their trophies, were about to touch their own corpses, and called themselves idiots! ?

"These bastards!!" A blackened player with a red ID rushed towards the 'vulture group' angrily.

"This matter is endless, the system must give an explanation!"

"Yes, BUG!"

(End of this chapter)

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