Chapter 219
"You can't get used to these players. If you feel a little unsatisfactory, I will compensate them for this BUG and that one. I will compensate them. Who will compensate me? Besides, I will compensate you. I... issued an announcement, saying that the normal behavior of the players in the game, online I can't do too much interference...that's it!"

"Will it be too tough?"

"What's the matter with being tough? I figured it out. It's difficult to say what we do. No matter what we do, there will be a large group of people who are dissatisfied. They simply want to be aloof. They love to play and don't play. I don't know how many people are waiting in line."

"Then... so?"

"that's it!"

The crowd of protesters outside the headquarters of Canaan Company had not yet dispersed. Yu Qingdong stood in front of the huge French windows of his office, watching the traffic police and security guards maintaining order at the scene.

"These people don't even bother to protest in person, who are they hired?" Yu Qingdong complained.

The beautiful secretary covered her mouth with a smile, "The old players are all very rich, maybe even richer than you. In their words, it's hundreds of thousands a minute. How can I come here in person?"

"Hundreds of thousands per minute?" Yu Qingdong sneered, loosened his tie, and sat down on his boss chair.

The beautiful secretary consciously came behind him and massaged his temples.

In fact, what bothers Yu Qingdong and President Yu now is not the protests of the players. Such protests happen almost every day, and they are not new anymore.

What he was thinking about now was last night, that is, after the list of tourist qualifications was released, he attended a very high-level meeting.

How high is the standard? A chief secretary of the Elder's House will attend.

At the meeting, the list issued by Canaan Company was carefully studied and discussed, and almost all of them were rejected.

Yu Qingdong did not expect such a result at all. This list has taken into account the current situation and needs of all aspects. It can be said that it has been perfect. How come it is useless when it comes to the chief?
Besides, it is impossible for such a large report to come out of thin air, and it is impossible for him, Yu Dazui, to make a decision. Change as you say?

The selection of tourist qualifications, which was originally scheduled to be released today, has been aborted, and the superiors did not explain it clearly, but only told them to go back and study it.

Research, research shit!

Yu Qingdong couldn't figure it out. He tried every means to inquire, but he couldn't get a letter of approval.

What the hell does this mean?
While thinking about these horrible things in his heart, he vaguely heard a very special ringtone, and he was stunned for a moment before realizing that it was the secret phone in his safe that had never rang before.

He hurriedly asked the beautiful secretary to go out, opened the safe with a key, and took out a small silver box.

"Hi, I'm... Number 107, Flounder!"

Yu Qingdong stuttered before reporting his code and code name in Project Zero.

"A helicopter will pick you up in 15 minutes."

The other party was a very dull male voice, and after saying this, he hung up the call.

Yu Qingdong stared at the red microphone in a daze for a while.

Fifteen minutes later, a Z15 armed helicopter landed on the helipad on the roof of the Canaan company headquarters building. Yu Qingdong boarded the cabin alone. He was the only one in the cabin. The pilot did not say a word across the cockpit.

Then there is the flight of up to 5 hours.

When the continuous mountains appeared below him, Yu Qingdong shook his drowsy head, and saw that among the mountains, there was an airport that had never been marked on the map.

The airport has been carefully camouflaged, with towering antennas and large radar detection devices erected one after another. In order to avoid space satellites, vehicles and buildings have been camouflaged. At first glance, one may think it is an ordinary valley.

After the helicopter landed, the camouflage net overhead covered the airport. Yu Qingdong was shocked by this posture, and he got off the helicopter obediently, and a major in military uniform came to greet him.

After declaring his ID number and code name, the major took him on an electric cable car without saying a word, and then took the elevator all the way down.

A mysterious, huge base.

Walking in the silver-white corridor, the leather shoes stepping on the special texture of the floor was silent, coming and going, many white coats with signs were hurrying, no one paid attention to him, and no one gave him a second look.

Suddenly, Yu Qingdong saw an acquaintance, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who came to Canaan Company for research last week. Yu Qingdong treated him as a leader who came to inspect from a higher-level unit. I remember the academician’s last serious evaluation: , "As an effective combination of scientific research and industry, Canaan's model is successful and has pointed out the direction for our future path."

At this time, the academician clearly saw him, but he walked by without squinting as if he hadn't seen him.

What plane are you doing?
Mysterious, where is this going.

In the end, he was taken to a fully transparent, hollowed-out room suspended in a huge cave. Through the transparent glass wall, he could see that the cave still maintained its original appearance. The cave looked like a valley with water. , there are forests, stalactites, and a naturally formed pool.

An underground river divided the cave into two. On a flat stone platform on the west side of the bank, stood a small building. Yu Qingdong recognized the appearance of this building at first sight.

Isn't this... the building in the factory area?
Yu Qingdong guessed something, his body trembled slightly.

Only then did the major say, "Someone claims to have brought something back from Canaan."


Yu Qingdong's first reaction was that he heard it wrong.

"After our detection, we found a new element molecule. After the most rigorous testing and deduction, we believe that it came from outside the earth even if it did not come from Canaan... But it is obviously a man-made object, and there are still some human remains on it. Fingerprints, sweat and blood, but we couldn't extract what we wanted from these specimens, and we couldn't analyze it more deeply until we brought it here."

"You simulated restoration of that building?"

"Yes, he taught us the art and method of engraving those special stripes and patterns, and left ample material, which we consider to be his acquiescence."

"But those materials are used to make helmets!"

The major didn't make any distinctions, and said to himself, "The one who brought this thing back is a player. He claimed to be found by an 'NPC' in the game. This NPC is very special and asked him to experiment with various methods in the game. From the mouth of this player, I know what a player is, where the player comes from, and I also know that the world I am in is just a game.”

"Four walls, the awakening of the intelligent program broke the four walls?"

"Maybe, but it's more complicated than that. For Canaan is just a game, this 'NPC' seems to have doubts. In order to confirm, he swallowed a very special item into the player's stomach, and asked him to complete the game. Some kind of special procedure and ritual to go offline."

"It's... that's impossible, it's too funny, it's too, too..."

"We had the same reaction as you at first..."

"What happened next?"

"The latter will exceed your confidentiality level... I came to you today because of the tourist list."

"Ah... In that case, you can just decide."

"No, we must take his perception into consideration. As the person who has had the most and longest contact with him, your opinion is very important, but you should pay attention to reflect your feelings and judgments on him as objectively as possible. Find a perfect balance between your attitudes and tendencies.”

"...You want to send a large number of scientific researchers to Canaan to study and analyze it...Is it a real world?

"It's not just scientific research... You should prepare, you will be the protagonist in the next seminar."


"Don't be nervous, you can rest here for 30 minutes, and I will call you in 30 minutes."

After the major left, Yu Qingdong fell into a deep entanglement.

Reason told him that this was simply nonsense, but his intuition told him that it was true, true, because it was the most...common sense?
Oupai Ga, hell common sense.

Think about it, suddenly there is such an epoch-making game popping up, with that level of virtual reality, it is better to believe that it is a real world than to believe in unknown black technology.

In fact, whether Canaan is a game or not, doubts have never been eliminated.

However, in the face of the reality of ironclad evidence, these voices have never been scaled.

Yu Qingdong also had similar doubts at first, but after seeing that it fits all the features of the game and has the functions of most games, he gradually agreed.

Perhaps at the top, especially among senior professionals, such doubts were never cleared?
But, but...

Yu Qingdong hopes that it is just a game, whether it is from the perspective of his interests or his emotional tendencies.

"Why is it so complicated!"

He sat on the sofa, covered his face, and sighed in his heart.

"He doesn't seem to accept it easily?"

"Well... so far, his reaction is normal."

"You can't draw conclusions like this. We must know how complicated things we are facing now, and previous common sense and experience cannot be applied."

"I don't see any... unknown influence on him."

"Observe and observe first. How about the list of close contacts?"

"All close contacts have been arranged."

"Don't arouse the vigilance of close contacts."

"Don't worry, the comrades in the three subjects are professional."

"As for the players, there are [-] people, except for the benign changes, there is no..."

"No, the player's body, physiology, and even spirit have only positive reactions... Some patients have improved their physical fitness, and some patients have experienced varying degrees of relief. It can also treat depression, schizophrenia, etc. Serious psychological problems..."

"That's good, that's good, nothing can happen. Once something happens, it will be a disaster we cannot bear."

"Don't worry, old man, I also signed it back then, if there is a problem, we will take care of it together"

"I'm afraid we won't be able to bear it!"

Yu Qingdong didn't know that his every move, even a micro-expression was played on different LCD screens, and many invisible white coats were working around the data collected from him. Half an hour passed in a flash. He was taken to a lecture theater and faced a group of serious old men and women.

"...His original words were, 'I hope the sources of tourist identities are more comprehensive, and it is best to take care of people from all walks of life'?"

"Still fair"

"Fair... What kind of consideration do you think he made such a request for?"

"Isn't this very simple, the ecology of the game."

"second Life?"

"Yeah, what else is there for?"

"Do you think his attitude at that time was serious or casual?"

"I...I think he is serious, and there is a vague meaning of taking a school exam"

"Examination school?"

"It just depends on how we do it. Greed or...disregarding his request and blindly pursuing immediate interests."

The old men and old ladies whispered to each other, and after a long while, "Is your subjective assumption in what you said just now?"

"Aren't you just asking me how I feel about him? That's how I feel, of course my subjective assumptions are included."

"Okay, you have nothing to do here."

The major appeared and took Yu Qingdong away.

Back in the all-glass room, Yu Qingdong looked at the small building replicated in the center of the cave.

When I calmed down a bit, I discovered many details that I had overlooked before.

For example, the mysterious lines and lines engraved near the small building constitute a very complex, abstract and mysterious array. There is a kind of shiny thing flowing on the array, radiating out a mist that slightly distorts the air.

Magic environment!

Unexpectedly, it has been researched to such a point, only based on the map on the game helmet, and his few explanations in unknown words, and those special materials left behind...

There seemed to be people living in the small building, just like the object it copied, and a group of apprentices lived in it, and maybe the courses of the two were synchronized.

The entire base, or the entire laboratory, is built around this small building and the sealed environment in the cave. The so-called No. [-] Project, this is where the No. [-] Project is located.

"Can I ask, what is the thing brought back by the player?"

Before leaving, Yu Qingdong couldn't help asking.

"I do not know either!"

said the major, shrugging his shoulders.

I believe you a ghost!
"Then do you have a conclusion, what exactly... is Canaan?"

"I don't know... I really don't know, just like you, everyone wants to find out what the truth is."

Yu Qingdong boarded the helicopter back with mixed emotions, and was notified the next day that the rejected plan had been re-examined and approved.

Yu Qingdong, who already knew part of the inside story, was not in a relaxed mood. Doesn't such a change of order just show the contradictions, suspicions and hesitation at the top?
Maybe that day, Canaan games will be completely banned.

This is not impossible.

"Dear viewers, dear viewers, the big news is that the identity selection plan for Canaan tourist qualifications has finally been released. Except for the 1000 default quotas, other qualifications are drawn for the whole society. In principle, priority will be given to those with special skills, but this restriction is very loose. Ah, I don’t know if being able to cook instant noodles counts, quack quack... everyone, hurry up and sign up on the official website!”

(End of this chapter)

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