This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 220 Tourist Status

Chapter 220 Tourist Status
"Wake up, the system can't compensate you. If you compensate if something goes wrong, then the game won't work?"

"I'm so angry, those newcomers got cheaper in the end"

"This time is a lesson, you should remember it next time when you start a group, and clear the field in advance."

"But those people can't be beaten, scolding doesn't work, how to clear the field?"

"There is always a way. It is impossible for them to stay at the fourth and fifth levels all the time. They have to change their jobs. Even life players can't do it if they don't change jobs."

"Uh...Xiao Yu, do you think it's possible that someone has been stuck at the fourth and fifth levels without changing jobs, and they just do this kind of thing?"

"It's possible, but the gains outweigh the losses. Such opportunities don't come every day. Would you use a precious player qualification to do such a thing?"

"...That's true... well, what are you doing?"

A new small western-style building built by Wudu University was originally intended to improve the accommodation environment for external scholars and professors. The design and decoration style of the European and American side are the same. As a special matter, a house was allocated to them, allowing the two to realize their dream of a large single-family villa ahead of schedule.

The living room on the first floor is usually used as a computer room for the five newcomers in the school. The two game rooms are placed in a partition connected together. Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao are wearing game helmets, but they have not logged in. Instead of playing games, surfing the Internet in the Metaverse and Internet of Things mode.

The two can see each other's operations. In the virtual space, the two virtual cartoon animals represent their respective images. Du Shiyu is a Garfield who is sitting in front of the virtual computer console and typing on the keyboard. Qila, carrying a small lipstick case, bounced up behind Garfield to watch her operations on the computer screen.

"Uh... I calculated the cost and benefits of making red and blue potions."

Du Shiyu has been making the potions for the two plus Fan Chaoyue, but he no longer has the enthusiasm of the first test, and the potion master is no longer the same as before. The speed and efficiency of making money are not the same, and the income has been maintained at around 60%. .

Don't look at the 60% rate of return is already very high, this is in the game, even if you have this little game time, even if you go to work, it is far higher than the 60% rate of return, and besides the time cost, there are also material costs and labor costs. go in.

"Right now, the basic red and blue potion is a set of 1 silver, and the price is relatively firm. The total material is about 35 copper, and the physical exertion can be regarded as a bottle of physical potion..."

"Where is the consumption of a bottle of stamina potion..."

"Measurement is wide... If you don't understand, don't interrupt"


"Time cost plus labor, in fact, it doesn't make much money... I won't do it in the future."

"Ah, don't, if you don't do it, I will have to buy it. One set of silver is too expensive."

"I didn't see you call it expensive for 10 silver and 20 silver before."

"Can the past be compared with the present? By the way, Xiao Yu, how many gold coins do you have?"

"What do you want? You ran out of money again?"

"No, no, I still have more than one gold."

"One more gold, didn't you have two more gold yesterday?"

"Isn't this a team battle... Okay, okay, anyway, I'm right that I didn't waste money, and this time it's not that I didn't gain anything, 5 pieces of green equipment, when I sell them, I'll make money."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Don't worry about it, first lend me 1 gold, and I will return it to you after I sell the equipment."

"I haven't paid back what I borrowed last time..."

"Is it okay to make a profit this time?"

"you said?"


Seeing that her best friend agreed, Xia Miaomiao became happy, and sat back to continue typing on the virtual keyboard of the metaverse.

Hang 5 pieces of green equipment on a player's internal trading platform to deal with the endless inquiries.

"...Sister, I lost this piece of equipment, can you return it to me at a cheaper price?"

A stranger sent a pleading emoji and a message, Xia Miaomiao smiled coldly, and quietly raised the price by 5 silver.

"The selection method for tourist qualifications has been introduced."

"Ah, where, where?"

"Official website, you go to see it"

Xia Miaomiao is not in the mood to take care of her own business any more. The inflation of the green suits is too high now. I don’t know if 5 pieces of green suits can be sold for 2 gold. The money is getting more and more valuable, but there is a way to get money It's getting narrower and narrower. After all, she was busy with this game and didn't make much money. She also hung up once, and broke out two sets of red medicine and a shoe with special effects, and was priced at 1 gold and 50 silver. It's hanging.

1 gold and 50 silver?
Crazy poor is this?
The way to open the official website is to "teleport" to the virtual lobby at the address of the official website. There are a lot of animals and cartoon characters in it, and it is crowded with players with game cabins.

The announcement on the official website was scrolling on the light screen in the center of the hall. Angela was carrying the red lockbox, bouncing and bumping into another Angela, with overlapping figures and staggered past.

"...Another 1000 default quotas. Is Canaan Company going to carry out the black box operation to the end?"


"It's the only business in the whole world, so you can do whatever you want, it's useless even if you protest."

"The store is bullying customers, I really hope there is a competitor coming out."

"Competition? Another Canaan game? Don't be kidding me!"

"Extraction method or voluntary grouping? Have a skill? What is a skill? Does programming count?"

"It doesn't count, it should be cooking, mining, carpentry, blacksmithing, etc. The more basic and primitive the better."

"I can cook instant noodles..."

"Why are you a player joining in the fun?"

"I asked my family. My mother runs a restaurant. The food she cooks is delicious."

While listening to the rounds of the players, I read the detailed rules for the draw of tourist qualifications. The first batch of 10000 qualifications were pre-determined as one-tenth. I don’t know how many people compete for the remaining 9000. The probability is lower than the draw of player qualifications. Low.

But it's not sure, once you have a tourist status, you can't have a player qualification, most of them will definitely not be so active, right?

Do my parents have a chance?
Thinking of this, I have no intention of staying any longer.

After logging off the line, taking off the helmet, and sitting up from the game cabin, I have been in the virtual space for a long time, and it is really uncomfortable to return to reality at first glance.

Xia Miaomiao called home. Her mother was playing mahjong, and she didn't care about the draw for tourist qualifications. There was no mahjong to play in Canaan, and even if there were, there was no suitable player.

Her father was quite interested, and asked her if she could fish in the game, and when she knew it was possible, she immediately agreed, asked her about the registration and grouping for ten minutes, and promised to do it right away.

Hanging up the phone, Xia Miaomiao was a little happy. If Dad was brought in, wouldn't it be that he had a 'Life Number' to support him? If nothing else, just talk about materials, food and drink can always be solved Well, the fish her father caught can also be sold, and the price is still very high.

Xia Miaomiao's father knew that his daughter was pretending to be an old man, so he drove to register that afternoon.

The registration point is at the Civil Affairs Bureau, and there is only one window assigned to the work group assigned by Canaan Company. In a prefecture-level city, there are still a lot of people queuing up for registration. They are all middle-aged and elderly people who are old and have nothing to do at home after retirement. , Xia's father also met two fishing friends, and immediately chatted in the noisy hall.

As soon as they heard that her daughter was a genuine player, the two fishing friends were not happy. One said, Lao Xia, you hide very deeply. With such a daughter who can make money, why are you afraid that someone will snatch it away?
One said, then why do you drive a broken Hyundai, why should a Passerati and a Rolls-Royce be enough to be a player daddy?

"No matter how much the child earns, it belongs to the child. Our old couple has no shortage of food and clothing. She is thankful if she doesn't ask us for it. She is raised by her daughter. My old Xia has not been mixed up for that, haha..."

Xia's father pretended not to care, and got great satisfaction from the envy and jealousy of his fishing friends.

More and more people rushed to register, the hall was not crowded, and gradually lined up outside the door, and some young people, especially a group of children in primary and secondary school uniforms, were blocked outside and refused to enter. It's dazzling, and parents and parents came together, saying that they got the consent of the school and family, and there is no age limit for tourist status, so why not let them in...

A fishing friend lamented that the society is developing too fast and changing with each passing day. Playing games used to be a nonsense, now you see!

Another fishing friend said, what era is it now, the metaverse, the Internet of Everything, in the future people don't have to work, just lie at home, everything is done by robots.

"It's just becoming too fast, and some can't keep up."Said the first fishing friend.

The birth of the Canaan game has led to the rapid development of Metaverse and Internet of Things technology. The huge demand has spawned a huge economic effect. There is a huge economic effect behind it, and the development of technology is also changing with each passing day.

The Canaan game itself does not have much technology to spread to the outside world, but it is just a demonstration effect, a huge influence and centripetal force, which is enough to make huge resources, manpower and material resources tilted here.

Metaverse has become popular and fashionable, and everything related to it is favored, and some people are waving banknotes for fear of not catching up with this trend. The speed goes to the application level.

In the market, various access devices emerge in an endless stream. The first international metaverse ecological technology standard seminar held in Munich last week paved the way for the unified specification of technology and the seamless access of various devices.

Many leading technology Internet companies have already begun to implement Metaverse Office, allowing them to have zero-distance contact and negotiation with colleagues and customers thousands of miles away without leaving home.

Others, such as metaverse shopping, metaverse tourism, metaverse teaching, metaverse customization, metaverse industrial production, etc., emerge in endlessly. Concepts and ideas are more advanced than one, and each is more sci-fi, and they all have a basis for realization.

As long as the relevant infrastructure continues to be implemented like this.

Father Xia came relatively early, but after waiting for several hours, there were still not many people missing. The work efficiency of one window was too low, and he waited until everyone was about to get off work before queuing closer to the window.

At a window like Ding Yizhen, the staff members were told to work overtime, so there was a lot of resentment, and the service attitude was not good. When it was Dad Xia's turn, he talked to the staff members with his waist down, supplemented the information and relevant certificates, and then got the a number.

With this number, you can participate in the "voluntary grouping" initiated by the official website. The mode is similar to the fourth player qualification draw, but there are more requirements for "one's best".

And this requirement is almost the same as no requirement. The official definition of what is a skill is also very vague. If all engineers are recruited, there will be no such selection.

After finishing the work in the evening, Xia's mother was still fighting on the mahjong table when she got home. Xia's father called her daughter and said that the procedures had been completed and asked her to help her choose the group for reference.

Xia Miaomiao agreed with her father's actions when she received the call, and then excitedly selected a group on the official website. This one is auspicious, that one is easy to say, and this one seems to have a special meaning, so I just need to ask a fortune teller for a fortune-telling.

Du Shiyu's parents are both high-level intellectuals, they are more reserved, and their mobility is not as high as Xia's father, and they are not willing to join in this extremely low-probability excitement. When Xia Miaomiao came to ask for advice, she was talking softly. Discuss with your parents and urge them to go through the formalities.

"This kind of thing is not positive, and I don't know what your parents are thinking."

"The probability is too low."

"No matter how low it is, it's better than nothing, and it doesn't take much."

"I told them, they lined up overnight, but there were more people than expected."

"That's right, my dad just called and said that the roads at the registration office are closed, and even the aunt who sells Shandong pancakes is queuing up, saying that they want to sell metaverse pancakes."

"Hehe, Shandong Pancakes in the Metaverse is so emotional, we can eat them in the game."

"Everything in the game has a certain smell... Oh, by the way, you and Fan Chaoyue went to explore the new map, what did you find out?"

"No, a little prestige is rewarded."

"What new map?"

"What is not highlighted is the new map, but there are many scenic spots with good scenery. Today we found a pool that looks like a yin and yang fish. It is in a cave, and there is a material called [Suzuki] growing around it. You can make a wand."

"Wow, isn't that posted?"

"It needs a certain age and shape. This kind of wood grows very slowly, and we have already collected it. We bought it for less than 50 silver."

"That's fine too. Well, now that you put it that way, it's really a way to explore new maps."

"Are you coming?"

"Forget it, I have something else to do."

"What's the matter, aren't you at the full level?"

"It's just something, don't ask"

"Mysterious, there must be nothing good!"

The draw for tourists is tomorrow. When going online at night, Xia Miaomiao first sold the equipment obtained in the team battle, and got back the 1 gold and 75 silver funds, and borrowed 1 gold coin from Du Shiyu, plus the deposit, to get enough 4 gold .

Without telling anyone, he found a secluded safe area, and quietly came to the NPC who was refined.

"Last time, last time!"

She took out the lucky +2 ring that lied to her buddy that she had sold it but didn't sell it, and put it on, muttering nervously to herself. Is a veteran of this.

 If you see duplicate players, please go back to Chapter [-]. The contents of the two chapters were mixed up when I edited the day before yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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