This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 221 The 1st 'God' Meeting of the Magic Web

Chapter 221 The First 'Gods' Meeting of the Magic Net

"Hello, chairman, is the chairman busy?"

"Xiao Yu, what's the matter?"

"Yes, yes, yes, isn't the extraction plan for tourist status announced? Have you read it on the official website?"


"What do you think? If there is something wrong, we are correcting it."

"It's okay, just follow this plan."

"It's great that you are satisfied. Here I want to explain to you that we are going to send some more professional people for the 1000 default quota..."

"Professional? What kind of professional?"

"Such as engineers, handicraft practitioners and the like."

"Hehe, are you planning to build aircraft and cannons in the game?"

"...Do you think it's possible?"

"Do you really have such an idea?"

"No, no, no, it's mainly to enrich the various ecology of the game. You know, all industries in society need some people who really understand technology and production..."

"Okay, I see, let them try it, what else do you want?"

"No, no, I wish you good health and smooth work, goodbye."


After finishing the call with the earth, Bei Gaoyang chuckled, and said to Xiao Ai, "It seems that the Horcrux that Nicholas brought back really caused quite a stir."

"Aren't you worried? Let them discover that Canaan is not just a game?"

"Canaan is not a game, what is it?" Bei Gaoyang asked back, "What they see, hear, touch, and perceive are all magic nets, and the magic nets determine what they can see and hear , what is touched, what is perceived, may I ask, if it is not a game, what else can it be?"

Xiao Ai stopped talking.

"From the very beginning, I expected this situation. It is bound to happen. With so many players and such frequent interactions, how can it be possible to keep this secret? There are a thousand and ten thousand ways, from the players' mouths Know the secret so it can't be a secret in the first place."

"Even if you know it, so what? Under the control of the magic net, the player must first solve the magic net. For the earth and the players, the world they come into contact with is filtered by the magic net. So what can we do if we get different facts from the mouths of the natives in the south? With the existence of magicians, it is still impossible to shake the rule of the gods?"

"But there is a powerful state machine on the other side of the earth, which controls all aspects of society, and possesses powerful executive power and resources unmatched by Canaan, which is unmatched by Canaan and even the church. Once they..."

"There is more than one state machine like this. Besides, what difference does it make to them between the real world and games? What they care about is interests, interests above all else. Maybe letting them discover the truth is more important than it is now. What about putting in? If you don’t believe me, let’s make a bet, they are more afraid of this secret being discovered than I am, and will try their best to help me cover up this secret, even pretending not to have discovered it.”

"...Humans are too complicated."

"Yes, the complexity of human society is difficult to describe in words."

"So, you are so sure, right?"

"I didn't take him seriously at all...Nicholas? Hmph, a little lich wants to shake the magic net and threaten me? Naive!"

"His phylactery has never been found"

"Don't worry, wait for him to come next time, I will perfuse him a few more times, if there are too many times, I will always show my feet."

"Aren't you afraid that he will tell the secret of the magic net?"

"In the world view of occultism, any secret has a shelf life, and the shelf life of the magic net is coming soon. It doesn't make much difference whether you say it or not. You have to be hard to forge the iron. The fourth layer of the magic net... By the way, there are new secrets. Did the player take a turn?"

"not yet."

"It shouldn't be, it's been more than half a month, such a large base..."

As soon as the conversation came to this point, Xiao Ai detected that a new player had completed the first turn task. When she told Bei Gaoyang, Bei Gaoyang smiled and said, "It's also a coincidence... let me see who it is."

Xiao Ai called up the data of the players who cleared the level. Bei Gaoyang took a rough look and said with a smile: "Although it is a bit opportunistic, it is considered qualified. This is just the beginning."

"Yes, the fourth-test group with the largest base is on track."

"This is great news and should be celebrated."

Standing up and stretching, I went to the bar to get a bottle of red wine from the earth, three wine glasses, two of which were placed on the opposite side.

"What do you mean?"

"Come out, although you are the manager of the magic net, but I am the master of the magic net, what else can you hide from me?"

Xiao Ai was silent for a while, a circle of light was refreshed on the opposite side of the seat, and an elf walked out of it.

Sitting opposite Bei Gaoyang, the elf raised his wine glass and sighed: "Magic is so mysterious and complicated, it's a pity I can't learn it."

Bei Gaoyang smiled and said: "In the future, the magic net will be equivalent to magic. As the manager of magic, you may become the de facto goddess of magic. Why can't you learn magic?"

"You know what I mean."

"Okay, okay, nine out of ten times life is unsatisfactory, how can everything go smoothly, let's drink this cup full, for our common cause"

"For our common cause!"

After drinking a cup, Bei Gaoyang looked around, "Is there another one?"

When Tias, the Goddess of Life and Harvest, came out, she was much more active than Xiao Ai.

A ray of holy light appeared out of nowhere in the void, and fell straight on the third high chair, condensing into a human woman with the holy emblem (magic pattern) of life and harvest on her body. She was dressed in complicated, gorgeous and bright green clothes. Long robes, long black hair tied behind the head by a garland, his face is somewhat blurred, shrouded in a layer of mist that makes it impossible to see clearly, and his whole body is filled with an indescribable smell—the smell of faith.

It's a pity that this taste is not pure enough, it is far inferior to the creatures of the kingdom of God that Bei Gaoyang has come into contact with, and even inferior to the war angel that appeared on the Alpha battlefield.

This smell made Bei Gaoyang's brows instinctively frowned, but they soon relaxed.

He looked at his actual creation, a false god, smiled and pushed out the first wine glass, saying, "This is the first time we have met, Ms. Tias."

Tias picked up the wine glass silently, raised his head and drank it down.

"What should I call you? Father?" Tias asked.

"No, no, no," Bei Gaoyang waved his hands again and again, "We are partners, partners who start a business together, you just call me Your Excellency, Legion Commander just like Xiao Ai."

"Legion Commander..."

"The player's legion leader, your legion leader!"

"……I understand"

Bei Gaoyang nodded in satisfaction, filled up the three wine glasses again, and said, "The fourth layer of the magic net can support the existence of false gods like you. In the future, the fifth, sixth, and seventh layers will have More partners will join our entrepreneurial team. I hope to unite sincerely and spare no effort for our common cause. I know that you have many questions and ideas, but these are not important. The important thing is in our Until my career is successful, I don't want to see any... distractions outside of this direction, do you understand?"

"Yes, Your Excellency the Legion Commander!" said Tias.

"What about you, little love?"

"...As you wish!", Xiao Ai said.

"That's good, that's good, come on, cheers!"

After drinking the second glass of wine, Xiao Ai asked: "What about the future? When the magic net is fully rolled out in Canaan, when the order of the magic net replaces the existing order, and when you become the de facto... the god is the god, the supreme demon." When the net dominates?"

"Haha... I don't have such big ambitions. If there is such a time, you can go and pursue your ideals and truth with peace of mind. I plan to return to Earth and enjoy life to the fullest."

"So, the magic net should be Canaan and the earth, right?" Tias asked
Bei Gaoyang's smile restrained a little, "Who's to say that's right, let's take it one step at a time, and come down to earth." He waved his hand and changed the subject, "Tourists are coming, they are different from Players, have enough time and a lot of professional knowledge and skills to get to the bottom of it, we have to come up with a logical and self-consistent plan."

"Scheme, you mean?" Xiao Ai asked.

"World view!" Bei Gaoyang said, "Even if it is a game, it has a world background. In the past, it was simply fooled by the rebels. It was because the players didn't understand it and only thought it was a game. Now there are such a group of people who not only think it is It’s not so easy to be fooled when someone who is a game comes in and carries the knowledge, skills and wisdom of another world.”

"What do you think?" Tias asked.

"It's also a coincidence that the story Nicholas said can be used. At least a considerable part of it is true. The origin of this world, the Age of Miracles, the Age of Heroes, and the Age of the Gods, can be referred to in the modern part. History is over, as for our rebels, the focus is on my identity and your identity."

"... What are you going to do?"

"I am going to wake up Yan Luo, Houyi, Kuafu, Jingwei, and Nuwa. They were originally prepared for this test. Now that the system resources are abundant, it is time to let some new companions join our entrepreneurial team."

"I agree!" said Tias, "A complete world view should be rich and multi-dimensional. How do you think about their identities?"

"Yan Luo is the god of death, the opposite of you, Hou Yi is the god of the sun, symbolizing light, Jing Wei is the god of storms who controls the climate, oceans and rivers, Nu Wa is the mother goddess of the earth... let's just say these for now, system resources Not too rich, not enough faith value."

"After they wake up, together with you, we must complete this narrative together. Your origin can be the revived ancient gods. My identity is your apostle. The player's identity is the apostle recruited from another world to overthrow the tyranny of the gods." The mercenaries... that's roughly what it means, you can discuss the specific details."

"I understand, no problem!" Thias nodded.

Xiao Ai was silent for a while, then said, "What about the division of labor?"

"It's still up to you to be in charge of the overall situation, the magic net affairs, and others to be responsible for the affairs in their respective fields. From now on, you can compete with each other and develop believers among players, long as it is a method not prohibited by the system , can be used.”

"Competition, doesn't it limit occupations?" Thias asked.

"There are no restrictions on this. Priests can believe in you or others. Similarly, barbarians, bards, mages, archers, and warriors can also believe in you. You can issue tasks to them, but you must follow the principles of the system , accept Xiao Ai's supervision."

"The belief value generated by my followers is at my disposal?"

"How is that possible!" Bei Gaoyang laughed and said, "The system needs to participate in the sharing, so let's just share [-]% of it, the system will take [-]%, and the remaining [-]% will be your private money, haha..."

Tias was shocked, and was not dissatisfied with such a harsh distribution ratio. Isn't this equal to private property? Doesn't this mean breaking the big pot of rice?

Therefore, the enthusiasm has been greatly improved.

It can be seen that even this kind of creation needs a carrot in front of it.

"Xiao Ai, you are still my big housekeeper, but the name has to be changed." Bei Gaoyang excitedly knocked on the table, "How about it, do you want me to get one for you?"

"It is my honor, my lord!"

"You, why are you so rigid all the time...Since your original intention, let's call it Artemis, close to Canaan, and conform to the mysterious underlying rules, which will help you gain the recognition of Gaia's consciousness."


"How about it?"

"I will always be your little love, my lord!"

"Okay, okay, okay, I'm the only one calling Xiao Ai"

"No problem, my lord!"

"I don't care about your real names. Just let me know when you condense your real names, because this is not about your personal affairs, but about the entire magic net. When you condense your real names, it will be considered The real integration into Canaan also means that the magic net has become a part of Canaan and has been recognized by the underlying rules."

"I believe this day is not far away, my lord!"

"Well, I hope so!"

The last glass of wine was filled, and Bei Gaoyang made a summary before the end, "This time there are only three glasses, so it may not be the case next time, this meeting is called the first meeting of the gods of the magic net... well, it's named Incompetent, let’s talk about better things in the future.”

"Then I take my leave, my lord!"

"Work hard, let your hands and feet go, and go all out to win believers. You have the first-mover advantage, Tias."

"I will, my lord!"

After Tias left, Bei Gaoyang said to Xiao Ai, "Don't think too much, I didn't intend to share your authority. It is inevitable to get to this point. The family business is big, and naturally more people are needed to manage it. It's nothing like reality."

"I haven't, my lord"

"It's fine if you don't, it's fine if you don't."

"Then... where is my role, my lord?"

"Your... oh, look at me, I forgot, you are Artemis, goddess of magic"

"It turns have already planned it"

"Hehe, take one step and see three steps."

The first meeting of the gods of the magic net is over, and Bei Gaoyang has invested in the order of the war golem again. By the way, Xiao Ai finally reported that after 21 days (realistic) testing, the magic net has just reached the theoretical perfect value, and the peak is online Breaking through 4 people, the game map is fully spread out, and the distance between east, west, north and south is more than [-] kilometers.

What a big family business!
Bei Gaoyang sighed, it is no longer possible to cover everything, and helpers are indispensable.

(End of this chapter)

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