This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 222 'God of Gamblers' Xia Miaomiao

Chapter 222 'God of Gamblers' Xia Miaomiao
Xia Miaomiao lay on the bed weakly, looking very tired.

Du Shiyu didn't respond after talking to her, turned around to look at her strangely, and asked, "What's the matter, you've been listless since yesterday?"

"Uh... what did you say?"

"I said what's wrong with you, you look like you'd rather die than die, and you're bankrupt?"


"No no!"

"Let me just talk about it, why did you have such a big reaction? I said, did you go to practice again without telling me, eh!?"

"No, how could I stumble twice in one place, don't worry, don't worry!"

"That's good. Although the training fee is now cheaper, most people are still cheated a lot by it. A few days ago, a player ruined his fortune and even sold his real estate. As a warning!"

"An'la, Anla, why are you like my mother, are you annoying?"

"That's good... Did you listen to what I just told you?"

"What did you say?"

"I don't know what you're thinking about every day... I said I want you to find a career in life. Everything costs money now, and it's really expensive. Can you subsidize it by switching to a career in life?"

"Turn what?"

"A tailor?"

"I'm clumsy, I can't do it, and it's not that I haven't tried it, why am I not a potion master?"

"There are too many people who work as potion masters, they can't make much money, and the materials for making potions are expensive. Now new recruits are starting to work one after another. Potion masters are popular. Red and blue potions will be cheaper in the future, unless you reach the intermediate level. To be the top batch, but you are just starting now, it is obviously impossible.”

"Then why a tailor?"

"Tailors have a threshold, the materials are cheap, and the things they make are easy to sell. Look at the profit statement I made, except for the sledgehammer (blacksmith), tailors are the most cost-effective."

"And what about jewelry and scroll makers?"

"What are you talking about? Can you afford the recipe? The player who is currently working as a craftsman is not complaining, any recipe can be sold in the auction house, and the materials are still expensive. The key is that there are few."

"Great input and high output, tailors are too mediocre."

"You, you, you can't change the old problem of high-sightedness and low-handedness. As a tailor, no matter how ugly you are, as long as the system recognizes it, people will buy it. Now there are more tourists. Even if it fails, you can handle it without any attributes. Give it to them, attributes are useless to them anyway, how good it is, the harvest will be guaranteed in drought and flood.”

"But I can't hold the needle, and I get a headache when I see a needle. This is the reality, let alone in the game."

"You're just lazy. When you become a pauper one day, I don't think you can handle it!"

"What are you talking about, curse me, bah bah bah..."

The two bickered every day, and waited until the time was up before putting on their helmets, lying down in their respective game cabins, and logging into the virtual space where the tourist qualifications were drawn.

Now the game warehouse has become the standard equipment for players, and the price of nearly 10 is not so unattainable. Even if you are like a beggar in the game, you can earn copper coins. No matter how difficult it is to obtain, every day You can also earn three melons and two dates. According to the current exchange rate, it is a lot of money to convert into Ruanmei coins, but it is not as easy as before.

From this point of view, it is inevitable to tighten the faucet. The scarcity of copper coins is determined by the scarcity of Canaan. The firmness of copper coin prices is also an intuitive manifestation of scarcity. Too much flooding is undoubtedly overdrawing Canaan’s credit. A stable exchange rate, no matter how high it is, is beneficial to Canaan itself.

Almost every player has a game cabin. The game cabin is the standard equipment for accessing the offline Metaverse, and the experience is better than other access equipment. All the audiences who are jumping around in various cartoons and animal images are particularly agile. Almost all of them are game warehouse users, probably tens of thousands.

As the saying goes, when there are [-] people, there is no limit, but this is not the case in reality.

The so-called virtual hall is a real live studio, and the virtual one is just an online experience. Thousands of real audiences don’t know that there are some virtual audiences around them that they can’t see or touch, let alone that on their heads, How many people's buttocks and heads overlap on the shoulders and seats.

The atmosphere of the real live broadcast scene is very hot, and the same is true for the virtual scene.

"They are disgusting!"

Angela and the rascal rabbit were holding hands, and finally let themselves hang on a projection lamp in the studio, condescending, and naturally had the best view, and it was easy to find that the virtual audience was the most around the few real beauties, Some of them are too much, still, still... Forget it, anyway, it's very dirty, let's not talk about it.

With the experience of Canaan, this technology of combining offline virtual reality and reality is a pediatrics. It is not new at all for players, but rather rough. But for those who have never experienced virtual reality technology, it is Totally sci-fi.

There are also such virtual audiences at the scene, and there are quite a few of them.

Du Shiyu was talking to someone, but he didn't hear the complaints from his best friend. The rogue rabbit was dissatisfied and hit her with a leather stick, and asked, "Why, who are you so devoted to chatting with?"

"Who else is it? The school is talking about teaching."

"It's them again!", talking about the school's five newcomers, Xia Miaomiao, full of dissatisfaction, "Everyone doesn't understand anything, and they still put on airs, as if we owe them, if you want me to say, Xiao Yu, It’s better to move away.”

"Moving away? No more work?"

"How many copper coins is that salary enough? The charity we give them is far more than that salary, right?"

"It can't be said that way. Work is not only for money, but also for identity and social status. It is also an ideal, to realize the value of life..."

"Okay, okay, I know you come from a family of high-level intellectuals... Oh, let's stop talking, let's start, let's start."

The attitude of the players is relatively detached, completely in the mode of eating melons, and the atmosphere in the virtual lobby is very relaxed, which is not the case in the real environment.

Many people waited with bated breath, watching the extraction machine under the spotlight.

Not long ago, I experienced the grand occasion of the player qualification draw. This kind of scene is no stranger, but this time there are only 9000 places, and I don't know how many people are competing.

It is still a voluntary grouping method, but this time the number of people in a group is very small, only 100 people, but it is worth consoling that this is only the first batch, and there will be more tourist qualifications later.

There is also the difference for the group. The tourist status cannot be restricted by the mainstream game experience, which discourages many people. Most of the people who register and draw are middle-aged, elderly, retired and resigned.

This determines the overall atmosphere of this extraction, it's not that... intense, like a pot of unboiled water, it's a bit hot, but it's bearable.

When the host pressed the button under the supervision of the notary, the first set of lucky numbers was released soon. The response on the spot was very enthusiastic, but the melon-eaters in the virtual hall were a little dissatisfied.

That's it, that's it?
"It's not interesting, Xiaoyu, why didn't anyone cry and laugh this time, and some fainted? As soon as the results of the draw came out last time, the winners appeared on the big screen. Those kinds of reactions were really joyful... How come this time? No?"

"So you came to see this?"

"Hehe, what can you watch if you don't watch this? Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle."

"...Then shall we go?"

"Don't watch?"

"Didn't you say it's boring?"

"Let's go then!"

Angela and the rogue rabbit passed through the virtual light gate arm in arm, and returned to their respective virtual spaces.

The virtual space of the game warehouse can be DIY, just like some kind of business game, it can be built and arranged, and a kind of virtual currency is circulated, but the value cannot be compared with copper coins. value-added services provided.

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao arranged their virtual space to look like the cockpit inside a spaceship. The material was a popular sci-fi movie. Outside the huge and transparent flight cabin, it felt like they were really in the vastness of the starry sky in the universe. among.

A huge blue planet rotates under the flight cabin, and the service provider also thoughtfully provided some materials corresponding to reality, such as the International Space Station, satellites revolving around the earth, and spaceships with various signals, etc.

If you choose the earth, you can also get a service similar to the map of Guge. From the virtual space to see what is happening in the real streets and alleys, the experience is still very good.

The two are getting more and more used to living in the virtual space, where everything is timely and convenient, whether it is information or entertainment, they can always be obtained in an extremely direct way.

Du Shiyu started sorting out all kinds of information on Canaan again, focusing on various analysis data. Xia Miaomiao didn't know what she was busy with. She stared at the virtual screen mysteriously, and there were also some cloudy charts, which she still read with gusto.

More than an hour later, the draw for tourist qualifications was still going on, and it was time for the two of them to play.

Landing in Canaan is like returning to reality from a virtual and illusory space, but Canaan is clearly illusory. This cognitive gap requires customer service for each player, commonly known as 'jet lag'.

As veterans, the two of them naturally got used to it a long time ago. It was the evening in the game, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone in the secluded and uninhabited safe area. A few NPCs were interacting with each other in a simple and mechanical way. After going online, they stopped one after another, just like shop assistants waiting for customers to come to their door, smiling.

Area D104.

A new map that no other players have set foot in. After Du Shiyu and Fan Chaoyue discovered [Suzuki Crypt], the system newly completed the teleportation point.

Only valuable maps will be specially marked and named, and there will be new safe areas and landing points.

As soon as Xia Miaomiao went online, she received a text message from Shao Bing, "Xiaoyu, Chunshui asked us if we would join his family."

"Family? He can afford 50 gold? Didn't you say that he even mortgaged his real house to the bank?"

"They make a lot of money!"

"Look at other people, and look at you again. I don't even know where your money is spent..."

"Speaking of family matters, why are you talking about me again?"

"Let's discuss it when Zhiqiu goes online, who is there?"

"I said you don't even know..."

During the conversation, Fan Chaoyue also went online. As soon as he came up, he asked the two excitedly, did they watch the live broadcast?

Xia Miaomiao: "Look, I don't have much awareness, it feels like I'm going through the process"

Fan Chaoyue said: "Our life will be much better when tourists come up, at least we can solve the problem of eating. What is the NPC called? It's terrible."

Xia Miaomiao: "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat, what do you think about family matters?"

"Family? Can't we build one by ourselves? Don't worry, I'll give you the big bucks. You can make up whatever you want."

When Xia Miaomiao heard that she wanted to contribute money, she felt guilty, and was about to change the topic when Du Shiyu asked, "Collect any money? How much?"

"How much did you say?" Fan Chaoyue looked as if he was not short of money.

"2 gold?"

"Well, each of you will pay two gold, and I will leave the rest to me!" Fan Chaoyue patted his chest, very angry.

The two were chatting lively, and noticed that Xia Miaomiao shrank her neck and asked her what she meant without saying a word.

"I... How troublesome to build it myself. It's not very good to join the family with three people. It saves money, there are many people, and it's still lively..."

"Wait a minute!" Du Shiyu finally realized that her best friend was wrong, and grabbed her by the collar, "Where is this priest's robe, why is it different from last time?"

Xia Miaomiao hurriedly broke away, "Nonsense, it's the one from last time, you read it wrong."

"Show me the attributes and let me see, hurry up!"


"You went to practice, you went to practice again, right, all the money was spent, and you still have to borrow my money, huh!?"


"You, you, you're going to piss me off!" Du Shiyu was angry and anxious, gnashing her teeth, wishing she could tear up her best friend.

"Xinlian, isn't it fun!?" Fan Chaoyue was on another channel.

"Quickly reveal the attributes!"

Du Shiyu was really angry, and Xia Miaomiao didn't dare to do anything wrong. Honestly, she awkwardly changed the light and attributes of the priest's robe to the [Exhibition] state, and immediately, a strong light blue aura emerged from her body.

[A small sapling's psychic robe, quality: blue, score: 1017, durability: 15/34, occupational requirements: one turn 20 level silver priest (silver medal or above), load: 4.

Basic attributes: spirit +3, intelligence +2, constitution +1, physical defense: 30-56, magic (magic) defense: 40-77, attachment: earth element protection and resistance: 5.

Advanced attribute: Special effect [Spiritual Armor] - When attacked, a spiritual armor that can absorb 150 points of damage is activated, which lasts for two seconds.Special effects [clear ears and eyesight] - perception of invisible targets +5 (spiritual extension attribute).

Stunt: [Half-Moon Slash] - Actively launch a half-moon-shaped light blade at the locked target. The basic attack power of the light blade is 30% of its own magic (divine) attack power, with a stun effect for 1 second, and 1 second of momentum. Let cool for 5 minutes.

Stunt: [Praise of Tias] - Actively activate a halo that restores health, the halo covers 5*5, lasts for 4 seconds, restores the health of self and no more than 0.5 friendly targets every 5 seconds, the minimum recovery 30% of own HP, maximum 70%, friendly target minimum 15%, maximum 45%, singing: 2 seconds, cooldown: 5 minutes (Note: You need to believe in Tias, the goddess of life and harvest.)
Rare attributes: None.

Refining attribute: 104 times, equipment soul binding, item name changed. 】

Du Shiyu and Fan Chaoyue were all stunned.

Blue equipment with double special effects, double stunts, and three basic attributes is already the best blue equipment.

There are also special effects and special effects that are so practical that they cannot be described as superb.

Especially Tias' praise, which has never been seen on other equipment.

It's just what's going on with this 'need to believe in the Goddess of Life and Harvest Tias', can the priest believe in anything else?

Are there other gods in the system?
"Xiao, Xiaoyu, I didn't hide it from you on purpose, I was afraid, afraid that you would say that I..."

"Did you wash this equipment yourself?" Du Shiyu pointed to the temporary attributes of the pastor's robe and still couldn't believe it.

"Of course"

"Washed 104 times!?"

Facing the unbelievable eyes of her best friend, Xia Miaomiao lowered her head weakly, "10 coppers a time, actually...not much."

(End of this chapter)

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