This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 223 Refinement Experience

Chapter 223 Refinement Experience
"I want to get a gold medal, Xiao Yu, how can I get it if I don't have the equipment? I can't buy it, so there's no way!"

Du Shiyu didn't speak, but Fan Chaoyue didn't envy the attributes of this superb blue pastor's robe, but he was very greedy that it could be named after his own ID, and asked curiously: "This is a good thing, why are you hiding it? "

"A good thing?" Du Shiyu sneered, she is familiar with the temper of her buddies, if it is really a good thing, the world would know about it, and she would never hide it, "Show your other equipment and see."

"There's nothing else to see!
"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

"Why, you care more than my mother"

"Then I won't care about you anymore, you can just fend for yourself!"

"...Just look at it, why are you angry, really!"

Xia Miaomiao took time to put the other equipment into the exhibition state. Except for the top-quality green scepter, the rest of the equipment had been refined.

A pair of wrist guards, originally a little best with the special effect of "toughness" added to both strength and body, now it has become spiritual and physical, and the special effects have not changed, so it has been refined 45 times.

A pair of agility shoes, the attributes are not as good as before, and the special effect of [Elementary Gale] with two agility is gone, and it becomes a product that looks like a whiteboard. , Refined 18 times.

That is, a pair of rings that were originally white plus physical attack power have been washed into green plus magic attack plus light and dark elemental attacks. Stealth] is basically useless to priests, and it is also bound, which can be refined 79 and 101 times respectively.

The necklace didn't exist before, but now I have it, this time it's even more exaggerated, it has been refined more than [-] times, and the attributes are:

"The emerald green heart of a small sapling, necklace, jewelry, quality blue, score: 911, durability: 22/33, occupational requirements: one turn 20 level silver priest (silver medal or above), weight: 1.

Basic attributes: intelligence +3, constitution +2.

Advanced attribute: special effect 1 [sensitivity] - within a certain range, passively perceive hostile targets.

Special Effect 2 [Secondary Energy Defense Barrier] - When encountering a fatal attack, passively activate a secondary energy shield, offset no more than 500 points of damage, and shock enemies at close range for 2 seconds, the shield is broken, and the cooling time is 48 Hours, the protective cover is complete, and the cooling time is 2-10 minutes.

Rare attributes: Entry (5): Magic (divine) attack power +15%, automatically gain a layer of [Unyielding] effect when entering the combat state, resistance to negative states +20%, and the time under control is reduced by [-]%.

Refining attributes: 211 times, equipment soul binding, item name change (the total number of refining times reaches 500, and the title of [Refining Master] will be obtained, and luck +2 will be worn when refining). 】”

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Fan Chaoyue was moved this time. Even though she was more 'Buddhist' and did not place as much emphasis on equipment level as others, she was amazed by the blue jewelry she saw for the first time.

Du Shiyu was also very surprised. Everyone knows that training is gambling and cheating. The best friend knows that it is a fire pit and jumps into it. He can't hold back. She is naturally angry and anxious, and she has already prepared to help her clean up the mess. Unexpectedly, a treasure was actually dug in this fire pit.

Just relying on this necklace, even if his best friend has gone bankrupt, he won't lose money. Adding on the priest's robes, he will make a profit, and it will be a huge profit.

But it shouldn't be. If this was the case, her best friend would have told her a long time ago, so she wouldn't hide it like this.

"Say, did you repay the foreign debt?"

"Yes, I borrowed a little bit!"

"Ah, you also borrowed usury!" Fan Chaoyue exclaimed, "Miao Miao, I never knew you were a female gambler, so bold?"

"What are you afraid of? If I have the ability to borrow it, I will be able to pay it back. When I get the gold medal..."

"Gold medal, gold medal, you are really stunned!"

Most of the anger in Du Shiyu's heart dissipated, so let's borrow it. After all, I invested it in myself, and I didn't throw it in the water for nothing. It's just the character of my best friend... Sigh, let others say it.

Too bold.

"The main reason is that I practiced it before the price was lowered. If I wash 10 coppers at the current price, I won't borrow money from the institution...Xiao Yu, don't be angry. Look at my handsome necklace. Wait until I change my whole body. , won the gold medal in the second turn..."

"You still want to wash!?", Du Shiyu was speechless, really wanted to see how the heart of the buddy grew, could it be made of iron?

Training is a trap. It’s not just one or two people talking about it. It’s the blood and tears of countless people’s painful lessons. How many people have lost their fortunes on this without washing out one, two, or three. If you have that money, you might as well go to the auction to buy it.

Of course, this was in the past, the previous training was very expensive, even if it dropped to 10 silver after the fourth test, it would still be a huge pit, 10 silver for one time, 10 gold for 1 times, how much is 1 gold?How many players still have 1 gold?
Those who do not have a strong mental capacity dare not look at the results of the training. It is an eye-opener for the system to be able to succeed once after 10 times of training. Smelly, it is common for the best products to be washed into whiteboards, and the whiteboards to be washed into tatters.

"I have this, Dang Dang Dang, Xiao Yu, do you remember?"

How could Du Shiyu not remember that lucky +2 ring, "You...didn't sell it!?"

"How can I sell it? I'm not stupid. This ring is really useful, but it won't show up if you use it less often. You have to use more times to show the effect. I also discovered a secret, the secret of refining, that is, the luck of refining." The value is cumulative, simply put, if the effect of your washing this time is better than the original effect, the luck value will be increased, otherwise it will be decreased.”

"How does the system determine whether the effect is good or not, and how do you classify attributes that you don't need?"

"Look at the score, if the score is high, add it, if the score is low, subtract it, if it is smashed, add more, the higher the accumulated luck, plus your own basic luck, the more likely you will get a higher-level ultimate attribute, Therefore, you can’t do it recklessly, you need to be skillful. You have to lay the groundwork and accumulate luck first... Also, it is easy to wash the whiteboard to the best, but it is difficult to wash the green, and the blue is extremely difficult. The luck required is ridiculously high, and it needs to be washed many times. The process cannot make mistakes, and if one makes a mistake, all previous efforts will be wasted..."

"So that's what you've been busy researching offline all day?"

Du Shiyu finally understood what those charts and ghost symbols on the computer screen of her best friend were. It was rare for her to have such determination and perseverance. The key was to persevere in her interest in doing something.

"Wow, so much knowledge? Then can you wash it for me, I also want a necklace..."

"Don't, don't, don't!", Du Shiyu quickly stopped, "Listen to her nonsense, all these forums have what she said, but how many people have you seen succeeded? Isn't that one with snot and tears?"

"You don't understand this!" Xia Miaomiao proudly shook the lucky +2 ring on her hand, "Basic luck, basic luck is very important, I researched a formula, the weight of basic luck is very high, Some people have low basic luck, no matter how hard they try, they can’t get anything out. I am different, my basic luck is already high, and with this ring, hehe..."

"See if you can do it." Du Shiyu believed it a little bit. Facts speak louder than words, but training is always a gamble, and she must not fuel her arrogance, let alone let another good friend be dragged into the water by her.

Just about to blow her self-confidence with a long speech, bitter words, and harsh words, someone teleported to her.

"This place is really hard to find, new map, I think the shared map has just been lit."

As soon as Shao Bing walked out of the teleportation array, he saw the three of them. There were no other players in the safe zone. He walked in cheerfully, and noticed that the atmosphere of the beauties was not right, and asked with a smile, "Why, I'm not welcome?"

"Welcome, welcome, is it not welcome for a master to go there? We were talking about something else just now," Fan Chaoyue responded with a smile.

Knowing her identity in reality, Shao Bing glanced at her curiously, nodded, and asked, "Are you talking about the family? What worries do these beauties have? If you really don't want to, forget it, haha. "

"No, no," Du Shiyu quickly denied. At this time, it is naturally difficult to say that the three of them are planning to build their own family. Now that the best friend has spent all the money and owes an unknown amount of foreign debts, it is impossible to talk about building a family by themselves.

Fan Chaoyue couldn't really let Fan Chaoyue take the money alone. Although she could afford it, Du Shiyu felt uncomfortable with such a huge sum of money.

Forget it, just join his family, let's talk about the future.

Then he agreed to join his family.

The family name is 'Brothers and Sisters Family', referred to as the Lulumber Lei family, which is really earthy.

"No way, the name is incompetent, let's call it that first, anyway, it can be changed later, what do you think?"

"50 gold, you have enough money." For the purpose of changing the topic, Xia Miaomiao never mentioned what happened just now, Shao Bing asked in surprise: "You don't know, the fee has been reduced, only 5 gold is enough "

"5 gold!?"

The three girls looked at each other, if that's the case... Well, I've already promised her, so I can't go back on my word.

"It seems that I took advantage of an information gap. Come on, three beauties, the logging family is very honored!"

The fact that they came here in person showed enough importance. The three of them received an invitation from the family of 'brothers and sisters'. After agreeing, the family module and channel were activated, and the character ID and brief information appeared in the family member hall.

The upper limit of the first-level family is 30 people. Looking at the member list, it is almost full. People I know include Brother Xinchun, Saint Warrior of Huaguo Mountain, and Truth within the range of magic. Most of the others do not know each other. Three The joining of the beauties naturally attracted congratulatory letters from family members, and the voice of "flattery" was endless for a while.

Xia Miaomiao liked it quite a bit, chatted with them cheerfully for a few minutes, everyone who knew him or not got a little famous, Du Shiyu and Fan Chaoyue seemed a little 'cold', they asked Shao Bing while they were operating the family panel The resident thing.

"It's not urgent. It's already a little bit of a clue. I'll tell you when I have the confirmation letter."

Family stores, family ranches, family farms, family missions, family NPCs, etc... These are all based on having a family resident. A family without a resident is just an empty shell, but the Alpha plane is honestly inconvenient , but the system does not 'enclose' the game area, and does not allow legal private territories outside the system city and safe area, no one can do anything about it.

Once the freshness wears off, it feels like there is only a small chat room, which is not much different from before.

Before Shao Bing left, he heard that they were exploring a new map, so he asked them which direction they were mainly exploring.

"Don't go in the direction of the Fairy Forest, there are many players there, and there are fewer people going south, just be careful to encounter humanoid monsters from the enemy camp..."

"Humanoid? The kind from chapter one or two of the expansion pack?" Xia Miaomiao was taken aback.

"Yes, many people have met, most of them are adventurer groups who catch slaves and trade slaves. By the way, you should also register a mercenary. I remember that there is a mission to explore this direction and find the hostile camp. Humanoid monsters have rewards."

"Ah, mercenary?"

"The system was just launched, which is diagonally opposite the Sheriff's Mansion on West Street in Punk City. The system has not issued an announcement, and many people don't know about it."

"Then let's go quickly...Xiao Yu?"

Du Shiyu could only nod, and Shao Bing smiled wryly: "I want to explore new maps if I have time. The players are all running out, but the new map has not been sent, and it will take several days to go out, you have to be prepared."

"You are already the patriarch, so naturally you don't have time, how do you feel, patriarch?" Xia Miaomiao joked.

"Haha, that's it. It depends on your support. Also, if you want to be a founding member, tell me in advance, just donate a little money."

"The family is established, and there is still a place for the creation member?"

"This can be declared once later, there is only one chance, and it cannot be changed in the future."

"Is that so..."

After sending Shao Bing away, the three of them discussed it, and felt that the qualifications of the founding member should be forgotten. It was not a matter of money, but whether he was being polite. Besides, their own hearts were not sincere. I still hold the idea that if I am suitable, I will leave if I am not suitable. With the identity of this creation member, I have responsibilities and constraints.

Xia Miaomiao will be fine as long as Du Shiyu doesn't pursue the matter of her training, and the family that pushed Shao Bing out is just a shield, so naturally they are willing to do everything.

Seeing that her best friend had a smile on her face, she reverted to her old ways. On the way to register as a mercenary in Punk City, she talked about her training experience, and said that this was the most exciting and interesting game play she had ever experienced.

Fan Chaoyue made her talk about it, and the two talked about the specific steps of training. Du Shiyu couldn't bear it anymore, and scolded: "Okay, do you really think you are a female gambler? You can guarantee that you will always be proud, the system is as simple as that Have you figured it out? The higher you climb, the harder you fall, don't you know?"

"Xiao Yu, you are more verbose than my mother!"

"It's not that I won't let you wash, you have to be restrained and rational, don't really be like a gambler..."

"Let me tell you next time!"

"You asked how much the institution borrowed?"

"Don't worry about it, I promise, when I wash out my blue outfit and get the gold medal, I will wash my hands in the gold basin, and I will do what I say!"

"you said!"


"Next time you call me, I want to see if it's as mysterious as you said!"

"Haha, you're also moved, right? I knew it!"

"See what you can do, I just want to see how much you brag..."

Talk all the way like this, teleport all the way, and teleport to Punk City ten minutes later.

Today's city is very lively, there are several times more players coming and going than usual, especially the area around the mercenary hall is crowded with people, everyone is talking about mercenaries and adventures and new map exploration, talking about the mercenary group Most of the adventure missions formed and released are like them. They came here after hearing the news, and it was the first time they heard that the system had quietly launched such a significant new gameplay.

Du Shiyu didn't take it seriously. After learning more about the mercenary qualifications and the mechanism of adventure missions, she said to her companions, "I feel that this method will become the mainstream of the game in the future. Let's build a mercenary group too!"

"Wow, wow!" Xia Miaomiao clapped her hands in agreement, "It's called the Dragon and Beauty Mercenary Group, how about it?"

Fan Chaoyue looked around, "There are beauties, but where is the dragon?"

Du Shiyu rolled her eyes and said, "Don't pay attention to her, she must have read that novel again."

(End of this chapter)

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