This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 224 Adventure!

Chapter 224 Adventure!

The mercenary guild in Punk City is about the size of a railway station waiting hall, and the interior is very empty. The mercenary guild leader is an intelligent NPC named Lando. Very wretched, dressed in the standard equipment of a thief, always with a flattering smile, no matter who he is.

Many players recognized him, saying that this is not the "humanoid monster" in the first and second chapters of the expansion pack. They almost killed him at the beginning, but unfortunately, unfortunately, there is no chance now.

The residents of Punk City are the most employed by the mercenary guild. These guys, commonly known as clerks, have a bad attitude and have no sense of serving people at all. They go to the window to register or ask other things. Many people criticized the attitude of taking players as inappropriate players.

The mission notice board hanging in the center of the hall is also marked with mission levels in gray, white, green, blue, and purple. Now you can only accept gray and white missions, and the colored ones are covered with cloth strips. , not allowing the player to see it.

Players can register as mercenaries for free, and increase the level of adventurers by completing low-level tasks. Adventurers can be regarded as a special side job, and everyone can work. In principle, tourists are also possible.

After registering your identity, you can receive and release adventure missions. The paint on the guild gate is still wet, and there are many missions waiting for players to accept. The most common one is to explore the game map. The publishers come from various advanced intelligent NPCs, such as Edward, Yaris, Lord Bob and Sister Alice, the four-pair combination is well-known among players, and they have released exploration tasks in four directions, and players can take them repeatedly.

Under these gray and white tasks with the highest priority, there are reward tasks issued by the residents of Punk City, which hotel is short of a buddy, which company lost its cat, which company hired short-term labor to help with farming, etc., all kinds of things.

The NPCs in Punk City also have copper coins, and they are generally richer than the players. They can obtain them stably from the system through management and production, and they can also extract legitimate and improper profits from the players through various means. Relatively speaking, the players Compared with them, they are still relatively weak, which also creates a spectacle where NPCs 'look down' on players.

Skip these messy mission entries, the bottom is the missions posted by the players.

There is a reward for Mengxin who is not bad at money to take him to upgrade.

There is a dungeon, a monster spawning point, and a collection point under the hirer's request for a certain task and life and occupation supplies.

There are also organizations that change their names and put advertisements on it.

Of course, there are also people who are idle and bored, and they publish recruits to chat and play with, as well as thugs, bodyguards, and even actors who play tricks.

A variety of varieties, everything.

The adventure level determines the quality of the tasks you can issue and receive. Gray and white tasks have very low requirements for adventure level and credit, and you can usually do one or two tasks to achieve it.

In terms of rewards, 2 coppers and 3 coppers are very common, and 10 coppers or more are rare. In addition to monetary rewards, there are also adventure experience and credits from the mercenary guild. The former is used to increase the adventure level, and the latter is used to When there is a conflict between posting and receiving tasks, the comparative judgment, under the same conditions, naturally gives priority to the person with high credit.

In addition to these poor mission rewards, there is a reward mission of up to 1 gold that attracts the most attention. The mission requirements are also very strange. It is actually looking for a player named "Bai Xiaobai". Everyone in this player can get a reward of up to 1 gold.

This is 1 gold!

Xia Miaomiao, Fan Chaoyue, and Du Shiyu registered as [apprentice adventurers], and obtained the initial status of adventurer level 1 and credit 10. They were also attracted by this strange task under the publicity board, and listened to the players' discussions.

A female player was a nympho and said that it must be that the real "love war" has developed into the game, and she talked to her companions eloquently about the domineering president (task issuer) and Bai Lianhua Xiaoshou (Bai Xiaobai) With tears in his eyes, he said, if someone spends 1 gold to find me in the game, my aunt will immediately follow him, and she can do whatever she wants...

Another dwarf warrior said with certainty that this was a vendetta, and imagined that a lucky player (the mission issuer) accidentally discovered a secret monster camp on the new map. After going through many difficulties and obstacles, he finally cleared the level and entered the camp A huge treasure was discovered inside, at this time a sinister guy named Bai Xiaobai appeared, attacked and killed the lucky player, and took this huge treasure for himself... Only such hatred is worth using 1 gold If I find him, the treasure must be more than one gold. If I find Bai Xiaobai, what will happen, what will happen...

The three of Du Shiyu were delighted to hear this, and they were also very curious about who it was, and how much grievances and grievances were worth spending a gold coin to find someone. , Maybe I bumped into this guy named Bai Xiaobai that day.

The lobby is very lively and the players are very enthusiastic. The appearance of the mercenary guild and adventurer missions finally let the players integrate into the world again. Although they used to do missions, spawn monsters and upgrades, they always feel similar to this The real world is separated by a layer. Players are players, and NPCs are NPCs. Even if players and NPCs are hired and hired, their identities and life trajectories are also separated.

Well now, the two have merged for the first time, and the player's game progress has undergone a profound fit with the world, gradually intertwining from two incompatible straight lines.

The game experience has taken a huge leap all of a sudden, the vast game map, endless discoveries and treasures are hidden in that unknown corner, just waiting for a lucky guy to discover... Think about it, just Exciting.

High-level NPC, the current alpha city lord, Yaris issued an adventure mission to explore the south, and relatively few people accepted it. The south is the direction of the rock fortress. It is said to be very dangerous. Some unbelievers have been defeated many times. When encountering the 'humanoid monster' or centaur of the hostile camp, they are either killed or captured. Some unlucky players have touched the game's protection mechanism and are forced to go offline. Only when they go online do they find out that they need to rebuild their characters. , I lost everything on my body and backpack, and my level dropped by a level or two.

Seeing how dangerous it is to explore southward, Du Shiyu hesitated, but Xia Miaomiao was eager to try, and encouraged him to say, we just need to be careful, there are too many people walking in other directions, and I don't know how many people are walking ahead of us.

Fan Chaoyue also tended to continue heading south. There were few players in this direction, and new maps were easy to find. He was even more curious about the indigenous cities and civilizations in the Canaan world. He wished to discover such characters and attractions as soon as possible.

Unable to withstand the instigation of the two, Du Shiyu accepted the adventure task of exploring south.

The other rewards of the mission are second to none. The rewards of adventure experience and credit are the most generous in the gray mission. Discovering a new map can increase the adventure level. With 20 credits, you can release your own adventure mission soon.

After exiting the noisy mercenary guild hall, a group of cute new players walked towards them. The player walking in front was the most eye-catching, because she was actually holding a weapon that she had never seen before.

A harp!
"Wow, Bard!"

Xia Miaomiao recognized the identity of this new profession at a glance.

Finally, there is a new turn.

Time flies so fast.

The opening of the fourth test server seems like yesterday, but in fact it has been almost a month.

It only takes a month to turn around, which shows how "harsh" the system is when there are more players.

Thinking back to when I turned around, it was like yesterday... I just don't know whether the bard won the gold medal or the silver medal.

The bard looked like a boss, and he didn't even look sideways at the three beauties of the old players who came towards him. He learned from the dog-legged servant following him that this was a gold medal player...

Xia Miaomiao looked back at this rookie gold medal player who was only level [-] or [-], feeling disappointed.

"Xiaoyu, we must get the gold medal for the second round. Look at the two pieces of equipment I wash, there are requirements for gold and silver medals. There must be many similar requirements in the future. We have to make plans in advance from now on!"

Du Shiyu also felt sorry for her. The newcomer took the lead, and the old man naturally had a sense of crisis. The previous few tests were not as strong as the current one. Being surpassed by these beggar-like players who have always looked down upon him, made an old player's reserve and Confidence is unacceptable.

"Come on, we will also win the gold medal!" Fan Chaoyue waved his small fists to cheer him up.

It was rare for Xia Miaomiao not to hate her, she kept nodding, and then said to her best friend, "That's why I have to practice, how can I get a gold medal if I don't have good equipment? Buy? The system is so stingy, elites don't even have to lose a white outfit... Look Well, when the inventory is used up, it will not last long, and you can’t buy it even if you want to, so you can only refine it yourself.”

"Here you are again!" Du Shiyu was actually a little persuaded by her.

"Just tell me if what I said makes sense!"

"I think it makes sense!", Fan Chaoyue used to praise, "My blue best longbow has been repaired a few times, and it lost 5 durability. If it goes on like this, it won't take too long. , if it’s not as good as this one, I don’t need it.”

Du Shiyu was speechless. How could these two guys be more unreliable than the other? Seeing what they said can make you mad.

"Okay, let's talk about this later, let's explore the new map."

"It's an adventure, an adventure!" Fan Chaoyue corrected enthusiastically.

"Yes, yes, take risks, take risks!"

An adventure, mixed with a lot of romantic heroism, Fan Chaoyue especially liked this set, urging the two to take the teleportation and return to the D104 area where they started.

This is already the extreme south of the game map, the farthest place the player has set foot in, and there is no one else when he left a few hours ago, and now when he comes back, there are already three or four players wandering around.

The sense of crisis among the three increased greatly, and they quickly took out the game map.

"The Suzuki Crypt is here, shall we start from the Suzuki Crypt and continue south?"

"Well, there must be many valuable maps in such a large area of ​​darkness ahead."

"Then get ready, let's go!"

The three of them went to the warehouse to store their equipment, and changed into rags that would not hurt even if they were dropped. They bought supplies, especially food and water.

I don't know how many days it will take to go, and there are tents...

Xia Miaomiao: "Xiaoyu, why does this tent look so familiar to me? Look at the stitching, it doesn't look like it was hand-sewn... Canaan still has nylon?"

Fan Chaoyue: "Maybe the programmer is lazy, why don't you care about it, let's go, take a risk, oh oh, take a risk"

Xia Miaomiao: "Why are you so excited, as if you are going on an outing?"

Fan Chaoyue: "I want you to take care of it!"

Xia Miaomiao: "The hobbies of big stars are different from others!"

Xia Miaomiao: "Furthermore, I will tear your mouth apart!"

"Come on, come on, pk, heads-up!"

"Wow, look at Xuewu!"

"Aren't you two finished, where are you going, let's go!"

Under the scorching sun at noon, stepping out of the small, simple, and secluded camp, and walking in an unknown, primitive, dangerous, and full of rewarding and passionate land, the mysterious and extreme beauty that can be painted is everywhere.

Not only Fan Chaoyue was excited alone, but also Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu. They walked into the dense forest that they could see everywhere. Some birds were chirping and chasing and playing, some monsters were disappearing in the depths of the dense forest, some flowers were shaped like peonies, extremely gorgeous, and the system prompted that they could be collected, so Fan Chaoyue cheered and rushed over, picked a flower to wear Overhead, smiling back in a dappled light.

"Am I beautiful!?"

Xia Miaomiao: "What a beautiful fart!"

With this position, the wilderness finally changed its boundless shape, and the field of vision was blocked by forests, mountains, canyons and lakes. Once the excitement of the three passed, they soon realized the discomfort and joy of being in the primitive environment. difficult!

The insects buzzing and flying around couldn't be driven away no matter how hard they drove them away. After a while, the three of them entered a state of continuous blood loss and slight poisoning. Don't stop and camp.

A bonfire was built, and the food brought was heated on the fire. Watching the iron pot produced by the system bubbling and bubbling, a very fragrant but slightly fishy smell permeated the air.

The three of them found a creek that they hadn't found before, fetched water, sat down to enjoy a bad-tasting lunch, and all the exhaustion and negative state disappeared.

"The game time is running out, try to get to the Suzuki Crypt and get offline!"

Du Shiyu cheered up the two listless companions.

At this time, a group of noisy and smelly goblins suddenly rushed out from the dense forest, led by a level 15 goblin bear, and rushed towards the three of them screaming.

"What a pity!" Xia Miaomiao threw down the leftover bones and clacked the knuckles of both hands, "Get up (kicked Fan Chaoyue), don't try to be lazy!"

The battle ended in a very short period of time. To the surprise of the three, only the leader of the bear goblin at level 15 actually exploded.

"It seems that what was said on the forum is true. The new map has a high explosion rate of wild monsters." Du Shiyu put the whiteboard leather armor that exploded into his backpack, very happy.

"First kill?" Xia Miaomiao asked excitedly.


"Then what are you waiting for, get up, let's go get rich... oh, let's go to work!"

(End of this chapter)

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