This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 225 The Fake Barbarian

Chapter 225 The Fake Barbarian

With the surging army of new players coming in, the safe area near the Kobold Mine is crowded with people.

Li Yan just sold the materials in the backpack at a player's booth and exchanged for 5 copper proceeds, when he saw a large area of ​​refreshed white light appearing in the teleportation array.

The players who came out of it were all cursing, some accused each other, some scolded the dog for planning, some complained, some were sorry, some were annoyed... Don't ask, it must be the team that failed to clear the level.

Some old players took the opportunity to sell all kinds of low-level equipment, all of which were left over from the third test.

To say they are tattered does not mean their attributes, but... Durability 3, Durability 2, or even Durability 1, what's going on? Is it a one-time equipment?

Speaking of this, the new players are full of resentment. Look at how good the attributes of these equipment are, and how generous the system was at that time. Now, isn't this discriminatory and different treatment?
But they had quarreled, fought openly and secretly, but nothing worked, so they could only admit it by pinching their noses.

"Come, come, take a walk and take a look. The best novice staff can be used at level 5. It has the special effect of summoning water elements and the special effect of restoring life. It sold several million soft girls in the auction house back then. The best of coins, now only 1 gold, 1 gold!"

A loud yelling sound attracted the players' attention, and they flocked to watch.

"What are you doing, only 3 points of durability?"

"3 points of durability and 1 gold, buddy, are you right?"

"Look at its attributes. Basic attacks have a chance to summon water elements, and there are special effects of restoring health. It is equivalent to carrying a thug and a priest with you. Is 1 gold expensive? The sky-high price of several million!"

Li Yan also walked over curiously to see, if it is what he said, the price of 1 gold can be sold even if it is not durable.

The current large troops are all stuck in the job transfer task, as long as it is equipment that can increase the chance of customs clearance, it is very popular.

But such a good thing is often seconded as soon as it appears, so there is no need to shout hard here.

In the past, he took a closer look at the attributes of this piece of equipment, and he was happy.

"Fuck, you can equip it only after turning into a mage? I still use this rag after turning into a mage?"

"Ah... I didn't pay attention, I was almost cheated!"

"Liar, liar!"

"How did you cheat, how did you cheat, you didn't pay attention, right? Besides, it's just a turn, this is also the best equipment, enough to use up to level 10..."

"Using 3 points of durability to level 10, do you offer it up?"

"Haha, this person hasn't changed his job, he must have been cheated..."

Li Yan shook his head, and left for the next lively booth.

This is a first-turn player who has changed his job as an enchanter. Judging by his level, he should be a rookie in the fourth test. With such a good business, he must have two talents to stand out from the competition of old players.

I saw a female elf player wearing an emerald green robe sitting very quietly on the booth, concentrating on drawing magic patterns on a wristband. There was a sign in front of her, which read: "Bring your own materials, and only charge for each piece." 5 Copper labor and tool wear costs, can enchant two basic magic effects, there is a very low probability of special effects, the first one: earth element protection, enchant armor, increase the effect of earth element damage reduction by 4-9 points, each time You need 5ml of primary magic power solution, 2g of obsidian powder, magic grass essence..."

Li Yan had just bought a plain leather armor without enchantment. Seeing that the price here was fair and transparent, and the effects of the two enchantments were both offensive and defensive, he went to other stalls to sell the materials he needed, and he also lined up.

After queuing for more than ten minutes, I saw that three players had successfully enchanted, and then I heard from the person in front that this stall owner had a very high success rate of enchanting. It has been more than two hours, and I only saw her fail once. How did you practice...

That's hard to come by.

Veteran players rarely have such a high success rate, right?
It's not hard to see why her business is doing so well.

Look at the front, look at the back, there is no decrease in the number of people queuing up, 5 copper at a time, you don’t have to pay for the materials yourself, an average of 5 minutes for enchanting, 20 times in an hour, that’s 100 copper, which is 1 silver, 1 silver is 1000 yuan, Wouldn’t it be 8 for 8000 hours of game time, and if you can go online twice a day, wouldn’t that be 16000?
Of course, this is an extreme situation, but you can still earn [-] Ruanmei coins a day.

How much is ten thousand a day?
It depends on who you compare with. This is not uncommon for old players, but for most new players, it is already a considerable and stable income.

Looking at the safe area again, there are actually many such stalls, and there are still many small merchants who have not changed jobs and cannot set up stalls, hawking, selling the income from spawning monsters and dungeons. …together form a complete and active game ecosystem.

Li Yan naturally doesn't think about such high-level things, he just thinks that the game is getting more and more fun, and there are more and more ways to play. He thinks that he is special enough, but in fact, everyone has everyone's 'special' Most players forget to eat and sleep for it, the fundamental driving force of their daily turmoil.

When it was his turn, the stall owner accepted the materials he handed over and asked him which enchanting effect he wanted.

"Just use the earth element for protection!"

The leather armor of the white board was handed over, and the stall owner began to concentrate on drawing.

Looking at people's enchantment at close range, there is a feeling of ignorance. How did such a complicated figure be remembered in my mind? It is so stable, what is it doing in reality?
The hair-thin magic lines are unremarkable at first glance, but when they form a complete configuration, I feel that my eyes can't be pulled out. The longer I look at them, the more I feel a feeling of being sucked in. Gradually blurred, what you see is not a flat magic pattern, but a three-dimensional, rotating... starry sky! ?

It is enough for the game to do this.

This is also a place that has been widely praised and criticized by the majority of players.

You said, you have carefully crafted these details, why can’t you lower the difficulty a little, it’s so difficult to change jobs, how can people play it? If other games dare to do this, how can players teach them to be human? , is the only business in the world so capricious, really.

Soon, the magic pattern was drawn, and the next step was to use mental power to temper and communicate to activate the entire magic circle.

It was Li Yan who discovered that the female elf player had a harp at her feet.

travelling poet?

Can bards also change jobs as enchanters? Isn't it said that enchanters are the exclusive sideline of magicians?

"The bard is also a spellcasting profession, Chenghui, 5 copper!"

"Ah, oh oh!"

The enchantment was successful, and the white board's leather armor became the lowest-level green armor with two attributes and enchanting effects. The score increased by 24, which can break a hundred. It can be regarded as a good and powerful equipment that is above the average level.

Being stared at by such a quiet and beautiful opposite sex, Li Yan blushed a little, and quickly paid 5 coppers for the labor fee, and put away the leather armor.

Only then did I see the stall owner's ID from the system prompt—perfume is poisonous.

This ID...

"You are a gold medal player!?"

" too? Next!"

"Hit, excuse me!"

Li Yan was a little ashamed, the gold medals from others were genuine, and he was indeed from Xibei.

The gold medal is naturally [Devil Disguise], this time I saved enough soul fragments in the Nightmare Swamp, and finally I was able to change my ID and pretend to swim in the outside world.

This time I came out with a mission.

There will always be one and only one Demon Quest.

That's the contract.

There is no such thing as changing jobs for demons. Only advanced, and only by capturing enough souls of sufficient quality through the demon contract and dedicating them to the abyss can they be promoted from little devil to big devil.

The hell of the abyss!
Li Yan still doesn't understand how he dedicated it to the abyss. Soul fragments are common, but the complete soul of an intelligent creature has not been obtained until now. This is not just killing a person, or killing a humanoid monster. Since it is a contract, both parties must sign it voluntarily, and it must be of sufficient quantity and quality...

Li Yan was at a loss when he mentioned his path to advancement. This time he came out with a mission to prepare for the final stage of the little devil's intermediate practice.

Not far from the scouring booth where the perfume was poisonous, I suddenly heard someone in the crowd shout loudly: "Bai Xiaobai, who is Bai Xiaobai, come out!"

Li Yan almost agreed, and looked at the man in surprise.

"Bai Xiaobai? My mother still wants to find him? Who is Bai Xiaobai and where is Bai Xiaobai?"

"I, I am Bai Xiaobai!"

"Are you fucking real?"

"Wait until I change my name..."

"I rub it, amuse me?"

"What's the matter with you for entertainment, you want to get that one gold reward even if you don't even have a rookie in one turn? Go ahead and dream!"

"Haha, this is the first time, another needle in a haystack."

Li Yan shrank his neck and slipped decisively.

The name Bai Xiaobai, let alone a household name now, is at least well-known among new players. The reward of up to 1 gold made him a little tempted, not to mention the bitter new players.

The same goes for the small bridge and flowing water, why are you holding grudges like this? It’s been a long time. It’s not enough to guard him in the Nightmare Swamp, and using this way of breaking up, isn’t it just cheating him of a few pieces of equipment, really.

The safe zone is bustling with people, some people come, some people leave, batch after batch of dungeons, batch after batch of failures, occasionally someone clears the level, and is treated like a star. Because the old players have too many levels, at this stage Most of the clearances are gold medals, and there are many newcomers who can't stand it. They pay for the help of players who have already cleared the customs, the silver medals, bronze medals and so on.

Anyone of this kind has no pursuit of the game, or has discovered a suitable "moving point" early, and is confident that even if he has a bronze medal, he can live a very nourishing life in the game.

Of course, having such self-confidence does not mean that you really have such strength. If you save trouble now, you will not regret it in the future.

Li Yan doesn't have the trouble of gold, silver and bronze medals, but his disguise as a gold medal barbarian is still very useful. After shopping in the safe area, finishing the things in his hand, and completing the change of clothes and supplies, he finally got his wish. The person I want to wait for.

At the entrance of a system-run tavern, a level 7 bard with a harp in his arms found him.

"Is it black??"

"it's me"

This is a human bard, tall and tall, with a handsome face and blond hair. The linen robe, harp, leather jacket, leather pants, and leather boots on his body are all standard and attribute, and there is also a bright red scarf. And the extremely coquettish cloak, these are purely decorative, without any attributes, and are very valuable.

From his demeanor, demeanor, and this useless outfit, it can be seen that this is a man who is not short of money, and also has a condescending arrogance. This person has verified Li Yan's disguised identity and adventurer number, and his face is slightly relaxed. Said: "I am Ye Gucheng, the publisher of the adventure mission, why do you have such a strange name?"

"Uh...get it at will."

"Do you know the rules of this mission?"

"It's all said in the mission briefing."

"Just know the rules. The Yuhuatan Waterfall I went to this time is a new map. I'm going to farm level 9 demonized lizardmen, and throw dice as loot. As the initiator, all the fees for spawning monsters include the missions for the Mercenary Guild and you. The remuneration and credit are all paid by me. I only have one request, the loot I fancy cannot be sold to outsiders, but can only be distributed to you according to the market price, is it okay?"

"Well, as long as it's the market price, it's fine."

"That's good... join the team!"

There is already an ID in the team: the pastor of Lonely Brother is here.

"Wait for me, it will be ready soon!" Lonely brother shouted in the team channel.

"Hurry up!" Captain Ye Gucheng responded impatiently, "There are two more people coming soon, an archer and a mage, both of whom are gold medal masters."

When it comes to masters, Li Yan is a little guilty.

Demon camouflage is indeed powerful. After completing several pre-quests and paying enough soul shards, it is even possible to camouflage other first-level jobs, including skills.

But the real first-rank occupation consumes mana, and he consumes soul fragments, and because he only has one attribute point at level 12, he can only pretend to be a level 6 first-rank barbarian, so I'm afraid Revealed.

Professional skills can be camouflaged, but combat awareness and combat skills can't. His gold medal can't stand the test. If he wants to cover it up, he must use more soul fragments to 'disguise' the power and effect beyond normal professional skills. .

For a while, Yali Mountain was big.

Shouldn't it be revealing.

Li Yan pondered the 3 skills of the barbarians.

A passive [Bloodthirsty] can allow him to recover 15% of his stamina in combat and self-heal when injured, which greatly improves the barbarian's ability to resist blows and sustain.

An active skill [Brutal Charge], the barbarian picks up the battle ax and launches a charge towards the locked target or target area within a distance of no more than 15. He dominates the body halfway, reduces damage by 15%-45%, is immune to all control, hits the target and the target Knock the enemy into the air after the area, and make them [loss of five senses] for 2 seconds.

Compared with the warrior's [Charge], [Brutal Charge] is not as good in distance and speed, but the immune control and damage-reducing dominance effect are more than enough to make up for it. The warrior's charge is more technical, focusing on one-on-one, and the brutal charge is indeed a strength Sexual, focusing on group damage and group control.

Gather for 1 second, cool down for 30 seconds.

The second active skill is also the most housekeeping skill [Rage], the barbarian burns 30% of his life, stamina and sanity, and enters a berserk state. During the rage, all basic attributes +50%, damage reduction by 15%, normal attack and skill damage + 20%, lasts for 10 seconds, cools down for 45 seconds, enters a weak state for 30 seconds after leaving the rage, all basic attributes -50%, and continues to lose blood.

Compared with the fighters, there is a focus, the disadvantages and advantages are equally prominent, the fighters are more skilled, and the barbarians are simple and rough. They are also melee physics professions. It depends on the direction of their advancement after the second turn.

For now, the positioning of the two overlaps somewhat.

This was also the reason why there were no more fighters in the team with him as a barbarian in disguise.

It's just whether he can do it?
Li Yan himself didn't have much confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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