This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 226 Tourists go online

Chapter 226 Tourists go online
"Aunt Xue, don't leave the stall today, what time is it?"

"No, no, what's up today?"

"Xiaomeng is on vacation? Are you going to take online classes again?"

"Why are you so ignorant and ignorant? They are going to sell Canaan pancakes."

"Ah, Aunt Xue, you have won the lottery. Congratulations, congratulations. You did a great job of keeping the secrets secret. I don't even know about the neighbors!"

"Don't listen to his nonsense, what about Canaan pancakes, things that don't have a shadow... Well, I have something else to do, let's go first!"

"Cut, what's the air, don't you just want to play a game, don't do your job properly!"

"Haha, you still said that you are not jealous of others, I heard that a tourist status can be sold for a lot of money, which is enough to pay a down payment..."

Aunt Xue closed the door, wandering back and forth in the small and shabby living room nervously and at a loss, when the alarm clock set by her daughter rang, she remembered what to do, hurriedly ran into the bedroom, and put it in her daughter's newly bought safe. Take out a game helmet full of sci-fi style, hold it in your arms, like holding a bomb.

It took me a while to remember the steps my daughter taught me. I lay on the single bed a little stiffly, and put on the helmet with great difficulty.

The field of vision was immediately filled with the darkness in the helmet, and after a little adaptation, a line of faintly glowing text appeared.

【Visitor identity verification is successful】

[Identity confirmation, do you want to land in Canaan?whether】

Aunt Xue was a little flustered, her breathing was a little short, and she didn't know if it was a psychological effect. She felt like a ghost pressing the bed, with unreasonable fear and panic mixed with great tension and excitement, and she didn't know what to do.

My mind is in a mess, I think of my daughter's excitement when she won the lottery, the envy and jealous eyes of her neighbors, someone offered a high price to buy her tourist qualification but was stopped by the street office, her husband died young and she is a single mother The hardships of bringing up the eldest daughter reminded me of countless mornings before dawn when I went out of the stall against the cold wind and scorching heat. From three yuan, five yuan to now eight yuan, it is a difficult business
A pancake stand, thinking of her daughter being looked down upon at school, thinking of mother and daughter hugging and crying on the anniversary of her husband's death...

After thinking about it, tears flowed down my face, and I "woke up" after a while, and found that I had no body, like a ghost, floating in a huge temple.

There are many majestic statues in the temple, and a vast, thick and inhuman voice boomed around: "Traveler from afar, I feel the sadness, bravery, tenacity and love in the depths of your soul. , Canaan is a place full of hope, but also full of unknowns and dangers, are you sure you want to travel there and start an incredible life journey?"

Surprisingly, Aunt Xue is not afraid. Although she has no body, she still "imagines" herself kneeling in front of these invisible gods like she did when she visited the temple before, "I am willing, I want to make money, I want to raise money." Eldest daughter, find her a good wife, the merciful Guanyin... Uh, no, god, I am willing to go to Canaan, my original intention!"

"True and simple wish, well, I will satisfy you, and give you the authority to witness, record, experience but not go deep into it, the identity of a tourist!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Aunt Xue was overjoyed.

As soon as the words fell, a beam of light fell from the sky, shining on her formless soul, picking her up, and throwing her into a small white spot under a statue of a god.

There is no role selection for tourists. The race and appearance of birth, except for gender, are completely random.

When Aunt Xue woke up again, she felt her body. She opened her eyes and saw the first light of Canaan.

It was sunset.

A round of bright red and huge sunset hangs on the intersection line of heaven and earth, and the sky is full of burning clouds, making the extremely transparent sky red. The sky is so close that you can reach it with your hand. The ground is so flat that it seems that there is nothing ups and downs.

The red of the sky and the green of the ground are both so rich and pure, the wild grass is waist-high everywhere, and countless white lights brush up around the body. After a white light passes, it is a shocked, dull and confused person like her.

For a while!

In the crowd, a female scream woke her up, her whole body trembled, and she subconsciously touched her body.

The touch of the hand and the touch of the body are so real, the taste, and then the taste, the sobriety and cold air brought by the breeze that has never been smelled before.


This is reincarnation! ?
Aunt Xue's education level is not high, and she is a person in the market, so she naturally doesn't have the knowledge and experience of the new generation, let alone VR virtual reality. Although she has been instilled with a lot of such concepts, when she really understands and is in it, Only then will you experience the impact of subverting the three views and all life experiences.

"These tourists are so miserable, they were born in the wild!"

"The system is too random, isn't this obvious discrimination?"

"Mom, mom, where are you?"

"Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming, do you know my Xiao Ming, he is also a player..."

"Professor are Old Wu, haha...I am Lin you can't remember me being absent from class, haha..."

"Comrades from the ** Forestry Bureau, comrades from the ** Forestry Bureau..."


The tourist's birthplace is outside the safe zone of 1-4 in Chenxi Town, just like monsters respawning, appearing on the pedestals one after another, and after a while, people are everywhere.

Many players had received accurate information in advance, knowing that the first batch of tourists would be online at this time, and they were waiting here early.

Also, we have known each other in real life, such as father and family, friends and elders, work colleagues and so on. She couldn't accept the same thing, she had the idea of ​​reincarnation, crying and making noises in fear...

Aunt Xue didn't know anyone, and there was no one waiting for her in the game. After the huge shock, she was at a loss. She didn't know what to do, and she didn't know what to do next.

"It's hiring, it's hiring, Papa Flirty's weaving workshop in Punk City is hiring, 2 coppers a day, food and lodging included, is there anyone here!?"

"The Kobold Mine is recruiting trainee miners, and the treatment is favorable. Don't miss it when uncles and aunts pass by..."

"Tourists are recruited to collect, teach and organize meetings, and the collected materials are purchased at a uniform price. Is there anyone coming, is there anyone..."

"Listen well, the player's own workshop is recruiting workers. They are all from the same township. They are free from deception. Food and shelter are included, as well as teaching the basic operation and common sense of the game. The salary starts at RMB [-], and there is no upper limit!"


There were relatives, friends, colleagues, and classmates who met at the scene. There were only various ridiculous behaviors, and there were also various yells that Aunt Xue was familiar with and felt at ease, which made her subconsciously walk to the recruitment site she was familiar with.

Under a sign holding a sign for a bartender, a player with a green face and fangs who looked like Zhong Kui grabbed her, "Is this an aunt or a young lady? Don't go, Punk City, a waitress in a hotel in a big city , the treatment is definitely the highest, why don't you take a look?"

Aunt Xue was a little embarrassed, "I'm already quite old."

"That's Auntie, don't be afraid of a lot of age, don't you know that you are rejuvenated now?"


"See for yourself!"

'Zhong Kui' handed him a mirror, and Aunt Xue took it over and said, 'Ah! ' Pushing it away with a sound, she saw a completely strange and unbelievable face, this face was as tender as tofu, and it looked better than the female stars on TV.

"You're lucky, auntie, you're the prettiest in this area, and you're the most suitable to be a waitress... Oh, no, it's a waitress!"

"Hu, what are you talking about, I, I won't do it, you can find someone else!"

"Come on, there are tips in addition to wages, hey, hey... Let's find out more!"

Aunt Xue almost ran away, her face was burning hot, and she crashed into another recruitment site in a daze.

"...Yes, yes, it's similar to moving bricks on a construction site. The brick factory I own has a severe shortage of people. It includes food but not accommodation. Let me tell you, don't listen to those people who say that they are all lying Humans, even the players themselves don’t have a place to live for you?”

"...The salary can be settled daily or monthly. The daily payment is 2 coppers per day, and the monthly payment is 1 silver per month... What, 1 silver is equal to 100 coppers. Of course, the monthly payment is a bargain!"

"...Don't you know the exchange rate? 1 copper coin is equal to 11 yuan and 6 cents RMB...Is it too small? Then the monthly payment will be settled. You don't know anything. I still have to teach you. I am a player, hundreds of thousands per minute. , Isn’t time a cost?”

Aunt Xue is a little moved. Although she earns too little, she doesn't understand anything now. She doesn't know anything. What she needs most is a place to stay.

"2 coppers a day, it's too dark, uncles and aunts, don't be fooled, even if you go to work for an NPC, it's 10 times the salary, not only..."

"Damn it, you are an intermediary second-hand businessman openly robbing business!?"

"What's wrong with robbing you, you're too dark, you really lose your conscience, uncles and aunts, come and have a look at me..."

"Young man, why are you recruiting people?"

"The job I recruited is very simple. Collection, collection, you know? I designate a place, and you find what I want, such as flowers and grass. It's very simple. If you have collected enough, I will buy it at a uniform price..."

"Don't listen to him. Gathering is a second-hand dealer. He buys what you pick at a low price, and then he sells it at a high price to the professional players who need it..."

"Damn it, who didn't do that, it's better than your black brick kiln!"

Aunt Xue watched the two players quarreling and didn't know what to choose. The three tourists around her seemed more calm than her. A tourist with real leadership temperament subconsciously touched his big belly, but felt a flat belly. He was happy, and said to the two colleagues and subordinates beside him, "Write it down, it's all knowledge, and it will be useful in the future."

"Good Director!"

"Leadership is self-awareness, always thinking about work."

Aunt Xue came to the next recruitment site.

This time it is much more reliable. It is an organization in reality that recruits all kinds of "salesmen". They will conduct a three-day training to learn and familiarize themselves with the game's environment and operating functions. There is no charge for the training. At the end of the training, there is a two-way choice and a formal labor contract is signed, but only the real salary is found. The salary is very high, and there are five social insurances and one fund. You only need to work 4 hours a day (game time), and the rest Free time control, no room and board, no interference with other game activities outside working hours...

Tourists who signed up at the recruitment site were enthusiastic.

Aunt Xue also went to sign up.

During the process of queuing, some dizzy and swollen minds were a little clearer, and they touched their bodies from time to time. After the huge shock, all kinds of emotions such as inconceivable, unbelievable, pleasant surprise, panic, helpless, and bewildered emerged.

"……how old are you!?"

"Hehe, it's 60."

"What do you do in reality?"

"Engineers, don't you respond to the country's call to build our New Canaan?"

"You're kind of, right?"

"Yes, I know everything about the construction site."

"Do not give any modern tools, only rely on human hands, only the most primitive and simple materials, can you build a building according to local conditions?"

"It's ok. I've made cement by the earthen method. The steel bars are replaced by bamboo strips. It's okay without bamboo and rattan. When I was young, I was short of supplies. We also built dams by earthen methods. The quality is good. How much did it take?" Ten years without any damage..."

"Okay, you are the talent we need. You are assigned to Group A. This is your brand. Go over there and find someone to receive you... the next one!"

Aunt Xue walked up to Ai Ai, and the player who buried his head in writing and drawing on the earthen table without looking up said, "Look at the game interface yourself, there is a small avatar in the upper right corner, and there is a number next to the avatar. Tourists There is no character ID, only this set of numbers, report the numbers to me."


"Uh, how old are you?"


"What do you do in reality?"

"I... I sell snacks."

"Snacks...what snacks?"

"Pancakes, Roujiamo, stone cakes, soy milk, deep-fried dough sticks, etc. can be made."

"Why do you want to come to Canaan?"

"...My daughter said she could make money, a lot of money, so she applied for it for me. Luckily, she won the lottery, so she came here."

"Hehe, your daughter is quite knowledgeable... Auntie, your daughter didn't lie to you, there are opportunities everywhere in Canaan, money is everywhere, and things that are more expensive than RMB are everywhere here, as long as you work hard, you can earn money." There's a lot more money than it actually is!"

The player just raised his head to look at her, and he was a little surprised when he saw it. Aunt Xue's face was burning hot when he looked at her. How many years has it been? This kind of eyes looked at her, but it's a pity that she has a hard life, she chooses a short-lived ghost, alas.

"You, did you pinch your face?"

"What pinching face?"

"It's just... Forget it, this is your brand, Auntie, you are the kind of talent our organization needs. I hope you will choose our organization after the three-day training."

Aunt Xue took the sign and let out a long sigh of relief. No matter what, she finally found a place to stay.

Next, listen to other people's orders, do whatever they ask you to do, and learn whatever they ask you to learn. It's a newcomer, and after finding out about this scary place, Aunt Xue is still going to set up a food stall to sell her Shandong pancakes.

She can only do this, for decades, and nothing else.

As for games...

She really couldn't see that this place that seemed to be reincarnated was like a game, just... She touched her face again, and a hint of joy filled her heart after her panic.

If anyone knows...

Ah, what a shame!

(End of this chapter)

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