This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 227 Tourists Go Online 2

Chapter 227 Tourists Go Online 2
"You know it, you know it, ask again, have you learned it?"

"Yes, yes!"

"Okay... you, the one with the ending number 1549... is talking about you, you can't even read your own ending number, what were you listening to just now?"

"Young man, be more polite, my grandson is older than you"

"There is no age in Canaan, no one cares whether you are seven or eighty or seventeen or eighteen years old, tail number, where is your tail number!?"

"In the little head portrait..."

"That's your character attribute panel. You can see your status information here. Everyone should open it and see that there is a hunger level under the ID. For you tourists, this is the most important thing-eat! When this When the value is too low, you will feel uncomfortable, you will not feel hungry, but you must eat food, understand?"

"I understand, I understand!"

"Okay, 1549, you open the system backpack!"


"Open the functional backpack again"


"The functional backpack is the one given to you by everyone and carried behind you!"

"Oh, oh, it's open too."

"Tell me the difference between a system backpack and a functional backpack!"


"I'm really convinced, uncle, you said that your grandson is older than me, so why are you here to play games? My voice is hoarse, and you always forget it in a blink of an eye... No more teaching, no way to teach! "

Aunt Xue was in class, and she listened carefully like a primary school student. Seeing that the 'teacher' couldn't bear the torture of the 'stupid' students, she quickly raised her hand and said, "Teacher, I have learned."

"...Okay, tell me!"

"The system backpack is..."

"Report your number first!"


"Well, let's talk, what's the difference between a system backpack and a functional backpack?"

"The system backpack can only hold non-physical functional consumable items and props, that is, Class A items, such as bandages that can be overlapped, potions that can be placed together in bundles, and certain BUFF props that can increase the status. into digital money and so on.

Functional backpacks can only hold physical items and props, that is, Class B items, such as quest supplies and props dropped by some monsters, most equipment, most life and occupation materials, etc.! "

"Okay, well said, it's almost a standard answer, do you all remember?"


"9949, are you talking about how to trade with people, especially players?"

"There are three types of transactions, one is gift, which is to hand it to others, and the other person accepts it, and the ownership of the item is transferred. This kind of transaction system defaults to gift. Once the ownership is transferred, it cannot be changed. Transaction behavior It is not supervised by the system, and it is not protected by the system when there is a dispute. One is a transaction endorsed by the system, that is, one party initiates a transaction request and the other party accepts it. Both parties jointly open a transaction interface and put the transaction items and money on it. Click to lock and finally complete the transaction. This kind of transaction is supervised by the system and a certain fee is charged, but the legality is protected by the system. When a dispute arises, the system can be used for arbitration. The third and last transaction is commercial Behaviors appear in system stores, player stores, and NPC stores. The transaction process is usually that the seller sets the transaction category, conditions, commodities, prices, etc. in advance, and the buyer can follow the established transaction in the absence of the seller. Processes and rules, exchanging money and items for money and items, this transaction behavior is also regulated by the system, a certain handling fee is charged, and the system will endorse any disputes..."

"Okay, okay, okay, well said, then tell me, as tourists, you must avoid that kind of transaction?"

"The first way, most scammers use the first way to cheat."

"Well, did you hear me clearly? In the game, don't believe that there is no free lunch. Those of you who know nothing about the game or have a little knowledge of the game are the best fools. A tourist was cheated yesterday. Several years of slave labor contracts..."

The training has been carried out to the last day, and Aunt Xue has done nothing, and she goes online every day to attend lectures.

With [-] points of seriousness, she took out what she hadn't used when she was young and studied hard. If you want to talk about the gains of these three days, she still has a strong sense of unreality in this almost real world. Going online every day has become her Something to look forward to and fear.

But I really learned a lot, at least I can operate the game interface, I know some common sense and nouns in the game, I know how the mainstream game process is going on, I know what a tourist is, what a player is, and the difference between the two. .

The deeper she learned, the more emotional she became.

The world is developing too fast. She is not yet 50 years old, but she feels like an old antique. When she was young, how could she have such advanced technology? She was reincarnated, but it was just a game.

In her understanding, games are arcade machines, they are not doing their jobs properly, they are slobs, and they just don’t learn well... Who would have thought that she would be able to live, breathe, make money and work in a game in her lifetime?
Most of the tourists are not 'smart'. They learn with bumps and bumps, and they are very slow to accept new things. Therefore, the classroom atmosphere is not good. In reality, the teacher who doesn't know what to do and how old he is, speaks hoarsely, and the students below Still can't hear it.

Aunt Xue is the fastest to accept, and she can graduate early today.

After a class is over, in reality, the old men and women gather together and talk about it. Talking about the feelings in the game is like gossip about other people’s homes in the streets and alleys. They are cheerful and not in a hurry. Grab a handful of melon seeds and make a cup of strong tea...

Although the body is young, the soul is still old and late.

This also determines the overall atmosphere of the tourist group, and no one has thought of it beforehand.

"Congratulations, Xiaoxue, you graduated. Let me see, this is your diploma? Why is it just a piece of paper?"

"Xiao Xue is fine, he is going to make a lot of money, come back and visit us often!"

"Xiao Xue, what is your real phone number, please contact me. Although the restaurant I run is small, it is also well-known in the local area. We can cooperate..."

Aunt Xue received her graduation certificate and was led out of the 'classroom' where she had lived for three days in response to these enthusiastic entertainments.

Coming out is an alley in Punk City. The smell and sound of life in the streets and alleys made Aunt Xue's heart settle down immediately.

She watched curiously as an NPC selling candied haws passed by, followed by a group of NPC children with sloppy hair, and a wild cat with a mouse in its mouth suddenly jumped down from the low wall, staring curiously at it with blue and green eyes. Seeing this group of people, he left with two whimpers.

There are all kinds of shops on both sides of the alley, most of which are opened by NPCs, and there are also some good players who cooperate with NPCs. The system has not yet opened the functions of real estate and shops in the main city, so the only way to avoid it.

Most of the players were walking, and they were easy to identify. Most of them looked like no one else was there, in groups of three, and in teams of five. They were in a hurry, as if someone was chasing after them.

Players say that time is money, and now Aunt Xue understands that in the 8 hours of game time, there are so many things to do, no one is full, and wasting a minute and a second is a crime.

The training organization is called Pengye Trading. In reality, its headquarters is in Pengcheng. It is a well-known Fortune 500 company specializing in international trade. Now it has caught up with the turbulent tide of the Metaverse, and the Metaverse Division is independent. It has become a wholly-owned subsidiary, and it is said that it will also operate and go public.

This organization specializes in information collection and high-quality distribution of resources for Canaan games. The popular point is to buy at low prices and sell at high prices, which is not much different from doing business.

Because of the nature of this business, I have business contacts with many NPCs and life occupation players, and I know that what they lack most is people.

In this world without machines, electricity, oil, coal, and natural gas, people are the most basic production unit, and nothing can be done without people.

In view of this, Pengye Trading started to do this part of the tiring work. Aunt Xue has already signed a labor contract. In reality, she was hired with a monthly salary of [-], realizing her... dream of working in the game!

Why use the word "dream"?

It is because in reality, many people dream of such a life, and many people want to earn money while playing games and relaxing.

There are quite a few people like this. The pressure of life in reality is too great, which makes people physically and mentally exhausted and overwhelmed.

Now that such a dream has come true, how can they not be excited about it?
So the most mentioned offline recently is the dream, the dream of Canaan, a dream of escaping from reality.

Aunt Xue didn't know whether she was dreaming or not. She was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. She saw everything new and couldn't get enough of it.

Passing by a butcher's stall, a fat NPC with a bare upper body and a big belly, saw that she was pretty, and pointed at her with a butcher's knife in his hand, "How much is this bitch, I'll take it. Speak whatever you want!"

Aunt Xue was taken aback, and when she was at a loss, the player leading the team smiled and said, "Father Finn, we are a formal training institution, not those dubious..."

"Cut, I want a piece of gold!" The Butcher NPC dismissed it.

The player's face twitched, and he subconsciously looked back at Aunt Xue, scaring her...

"Sorry, we really don't do this kind of business..."

The butcher's knife was chopped on the chopping board, and he shouted loudly, "I'll take this bitch, 1 gold!"

When the nearby players heard this, their eyes became like wolves.

"Go, go!"

The footsteps of the group suddenly accelerated a lot.

Many of the tourists in the company peeped at Aunt Xue, which made her panic even more.

"Damn, what are the NPCs so angry about? Let me tell you, when you get up, let them drink the Northwest Wind..." The player who led the team was indignant, and he didn't know if he couldn't earn the commission of 1 gold, or what, "The service attitude and service quality are similar to black spots, and each of them is dragged like two to five to eighty thousand. It's also what those guys who have no lower limit are used to. For a task, for three melons and two dates, they are thrown away by everyone. It's all over, and all players will be looked down upon by NPCs, shit!"

Aunt Xue felt a great sense of crisis, and realized for the first time that the danger in the game was not from monsters outside the city, but from people in the city.

NPCs! ?
Isn't it just a virtual tool man?

how come, how come...

Punk City is actually not big, just like a small town in reality, there are no eye-catching buildings, they are all mud houses made of adobe bricks and earth tiles, and the colors and styles are also very monotonous. That's all.

These tourists who graduated and signed employment contracts were sent to various places, such as shops and workshops. When it was Aunt Xue's turn, she bid farewell to the "classmates" she was not familiar with, feeling uneasy, Walked into a steamed stuffed bun shop in cooperation with NPC.

The lady proprietress of the steamed stuffed bun shop is an NPC, a tall and thick orc woman, with a scary appearance, but a very gentle attitude. The real person in charge is a level 12 life player, dressed in linen clothes without any attributes, busy with work.

The most people sitting in the store are not players, but NPCs.

Aunt Xue was taken into the dark kitchen and saw various ingredients in the game.

"...This can be regarded as flour, and the ingredients contained in a fruit are this kind of fruit."

"...This is salt, almost like reality..."

"...This is the seasoning, adjust measures to local conditions, it can't be the same as in reality..."

"...Can you make a fire? It's important to master the fire, and you can make pancakes? Well, let's try..."

Once in the kitchen, even in such a simple kitchen, Aunt Xue seemed to have returned to her own battlefield.

"Wow, the knife skills are good..."

"Uh...why use hot water to knead the noodles?"

"Hmm... try it, does it look like pepper..."

"Poisoned? Don't be afraid, it will pass in a while, just use this instead, those NPCs can't tell the difference even if they eat pig food!"


Aunt Xue quickly put herself into work, and her craftsmanship was much more exquisite than that of the owner of the player shop. Even if there are many seasonings that have never been seen before, if you taste a little, you will know what can be replaced, how to do it, and how to suppress the ingredients. That strange and acceptable fishy smell...

She didn’t have any tools at hand, so she used wooden sticks to make brushes for spreading the pancakes according to local conditions, and the batter was adjusted just right. When the pan was heated up, a pancake was freshly baked, and sprinkled with various side dishes and seasonings that she personally tried. Let the owner player take a sip.

This bite made the player's eyes shine.

"Wow, this is the best thing I've ever eaten in the game, the fishy smell is almost unbearable!"

Aunt Xue shared half of it and tasted it too. Some teeth were stained, the heat was not controlled properly, the batter was too thin, not as sticky as flour...

"It's good enough... Wait a minute, I'll make an appraisal and see if the system gives the attributes."

The shopkeeper player used identification on the remaining half of the pancake.

[Well-made crepes (incomplete), quality gray, hunger +4 after eating, restore a small amount of stamina and health within a certain period of time. 】

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!"

The shop owner called three times in a row. You must know that the steamed buns he made himself only increase hunger after eating. If you eat too much, you will be slightly poisoned. Naturally, the taste cannot be improved.

"Just make this, just make this, don't make buns, and make pancakes in the future, haha..."

Aunt Xue was embarrassed by him, it sounds like... the taste is okay?
(End of this chapter)

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