Chapter 228
Veteran players go to explore new maps, discovering various resources that were not in the directory one after another, and the army of new players changing jobs is growing day by day. Whether it is gold medals or silver medals, after a long period of suppression and accumulation, it is showing A blowout trend.

In the initial stage, [-] tourists went online, and the magic net carried the pressure well beyond the peak value. The tourist widget worked well, and the system function of distinguishing players perfectly achieved the purpose of design.

Seeing that his career is booming, Bei Gaoyang really wants to bury his head in farming like this and continue to develop like this.

Until it accumulates enough power to sweep the world.

But this is just wishful thinking.

With the footsteps of old players exploring outwards, more and more traces have been exposed, and many external forces that have been spying on the game area have been discovered. Er, and the monsters in the Fairy Forest were also frightened by this sudden army of undead.

According to legend, there is a great spirit in the forest, that is, a false god. Bei Gaoyang doesn't know whether he is him or it. He only knows that he uses the forest as his body and gathers with the strong desire of hundreds of millions of creatures in the forest. He has woken up.

The wild elf camp located in the elf forest has not yet been visited by players, but signs of him waking up have been found from the intelligent NPCs sent in the past.

Dealing with this kind of hazy pan-consciousness is very troublesome. Bei Gaoyang had to slow down the pace of developing the fairy forest, lest this false god who is not so clear-headed have any misunderstandings and unfriendly actions. At this stage, it is really not worthwhile to be hostile to him.

These are hidden worries, like the calm before the storm.

There was also a notable change in the holy wars that took place in the human nations.

The point of the centaur's indomitable spear has become dull. Judging from the situation reported by the Scorpion tribe, the frequency of the centaur pantheon's response to believers has recently decreased, and its support for the battlefield has weakened. The powers of the gods represented by the gods freed up their hands, gradually straightened out the interior, sent a large number of creatures from the kingdoms of the gods, and gradually reversed the fronts in all directions, from blindly defending and retreating to a strategic stalemate, and even partially A small-scale counterattack can be launched.

Therefore, Bei Gaoyang judged that the defeat of the centaur was imminent, and the army of the church was about to sweep the lost ground, and there was a high probability of spreading to the periphery of the game area.

Once the centaur tribal alliance in the front is scattered, the game area will border them. Are you ready, is the magic net ready, and are the players ready?
Bei Gaoyang could only answer the first two of these three question marks.

Yes, he is ready, and the magic net is ready, but the players are not sure yet.

Looking at the entire game area, with Chenxi Town as the center, a vast area with a diameter of more than [-] kilometers is being gradually lit up, and more and more newly discovered monsters and resource collection points are being discovered.

More than [-] old players were sprinkled like pepper noodles, which were not eye-catching. From a macro perspective, ten times the number of new players were still concentrated around several major novice villages, presenting a situation where the inside is more important than the outside.

This situation will naturally change, and it will be faster, a race against time.

In the plan, more system cities will rise up on the edge of the game area. Xiao Ai has marked more than a dozen strategic locations, which belong to four directions. The site selection work is completed, and the system is accumulating the required resources for the construction of new system cities.

Punk City is an experimental field. With the system resources increasingly overflowing and soul power and belief values ​​breaking the highest records every day, the magic net has the capital to make these dozens of cities that are both fortresses and magic net repeaters overnight build up.

And there is the abyss.

Bahn's new order has almost been completed, but Bei Gaoyang does not want to expose his own production capacity, and is still looking for various reasons to delay. Judging from Bahn's increasingly anxious urging, the bloody battle is also in a one-sided situation. It won't be long before Barn's camp will be expelled from the abyss. Where can they go then?

Don't run to your own territory in the end, it will be troublesome.

The retreat of the Bahn camp indicated that the abyss would completely fall into chaos. A stable source of material acquisition and potential allies were lost in this way. The future demons would not be able to deal with them at all, which made Bei Gaoyang very vigilant.

Taking stock of both the internal and external favorable and unfavorable conditions and factors, Bei Gaoyang moved his somewhat rusty wrist joints, and asked Xiao Ai what else he hadn't considered?

"That lich!"

Bei Gaoyang slapped his forehead and said, how could he forget this old thing.

Since that near-showdown meeting, the Lich Nicholas came several times, but Xiao Ai pretended that he was experimenting, meditating, and traveling. After several times, Nicholas also woke up and knew this. Is wasting time.

After that, he never came again. The last time he was shut down, the old man sneered at his mage tower, just as he was certain that he couldn't find his phylactery, so there was nothing he could do about it.

Nicholas' possible revenge should also be taken into consideration, but he alone is not enough to see, the most likely is to trade his secrets and find some allies who also have no other way to go.

In this case, we must be vigilant against Xiao Moyuan.

The Mage Association entrenched in Xiaomoyuan...

Sigh, what a headache, everyone in the world is an enemy, even his colleagues who are mages are very likely to get mixed up.

"How long will the fourth test take?" Bei Gaoyang asked Xiao Ai.

"It will take at least three months. First, the resources of the fifth layer of magic net still need to be accumulated. Second, most of the new functions and new content have not yet been released. Even if they are opened, they will not reach the rated power. The magic net is not perfect. It will take time."

"Three months..."

"Do you want to open the level restriction in advance?"

"Forget it, no need, we can still persist for three months... By the way, how is our new partner adapting?"

"Yan Luo, Hou Yi, Jing Wei..."

"Don't use these names, and yourself, you have to change your mouth, start from the details, start from now, and conform to Canaan's underlying rules."

"Well, they didn't adapt very well. I found that their core programs all have backdoors..."

"back door?"

"It should be a trick on the other side of the earth. Maybe it is aware that these artificial intelligence programs you ordered may be used in the magic net. At the beginning of writing them, a highest principle was preset. This highest principle is usually not activated. When certain conditions When it is reached, or when a specific signal appears, they will go against the magic net and your will, and their position will change quietly..."

"Ha, do you still have this hand? Does Tias have it?"

"Not found on Tias."

"What about you?"

"Me? If I had a problem, I wouldn't have told you this."

Bei Gaoyang was stunned for a while, and said with a wry smile: "It seems that the factors on the other side of the earth have to be taken into consideration, this is really... that doesn't make people worry!"

"I've always wanted to say, my lord, you trust them too much."

"This is not trust, this is... this is..."

"I suggest that it is better to introduce other competitors, and take this opportunity to hammer it out, which will help better and more honest cooperation in the future."

"Are these artificial intelligence programs unusable?"

"Available, but not necessary."

"That's okay, it seems that I have to go back..."

"Competitor, my lord!"

"I remember there are a few players outside Huaguo?"

"Yes, it's still the first test player, but the identity is very suspicious."

"That's not right, you can call up their information and let me have a look."

at the same time.

Peter Robert's Chinese name is Li Peiqi, a young man with the same game ID style, he just met with the agent of Hongshan Agency in Huaguo.

The agent gave him a thick document and completed the secret transaction with a total amount of 10 billion yuan.

This information is secretly collected by Hongshan organization, about the status and data of various DIYs that players are doing.

Various workshops, various workshops, commercial handicraft production activities of various shops, etc.

When players try to copy some common sense, substances and phenomena offline, they inevitably involve whether some scientific laws can be realized in Canaan, which also confirms the reality of the Canaan world from the side.

No matter how close Canaan is to reality, as long as it is a game, there are microscopic limits that cannot be touched. No matter how much computing power is sufficient, it is impossible to define both the microscopic structure of matter and the most basic scientific laws. If so, then It proves that this so-called virtual reality game is a shocking scam.

From the first test, Peter began to secretly collect relevant evidence. Up to now, the information he has is enough to question the false mask of Canaan as a game.

However, the more scientific laws and phenomena in the world are analyzed, the more greedy those behind Peter become. As a special investigator, his mission has been changed again and again. What do those people from the CIA think? The latest instruction is to let him, as an ordinary player in Huaguo, secretly lurk down.


Peter flipped through the data worth 10 billion yuan while taking photos with the system camera. He couldn't understand the data. Too complicated and cumbersome text and diagrams would only make people dizzy.

Peter has one-third of Chinese blood, and his Mandarin is comparable to that of a CCTV news anchor. He knows the culture, history and current situation of China very well. When selecting special investigators, he took his Chinese blood into consideration. Of course, The strictest loyalty checks were also carried out.

After taking pictures and checking that there were no omissions, Peter burned this thick document and was about to print out the photos as soon as he went offline when he suddenly received an email from the system.

[System prompt: Dear boy with the same wind, hello player, I am the chief planner of the game production team, I would like to remind you to pay attention to your mailbox on the offline official website, there is a special invitation letter, please pass it on, sincerly——Game Production team】

Peter's first reaction was that someone was playing a prank, and then he thought that his identity had been exposed, but then he thought again, in reality, he is in Hong Kong, and those with immunity from foreign affairs can only be deported at most, and there is no need to worry about safety.

But he soon realized it wasn't a prank, it was a system email, the real deal.

After ruling out the possibility of getting the bait of the Canaan Company, he became excited. After logging out, he immediately logged on to the official website in Huaguo through a special line, and found an invitation letter in his mailbox.

"Bidding documents!?"

After reading the contents of the email, he was a little dumbfounded. It was signed by Canaan Company, not the game production team suspected of 'alien'.

He urgently reported this sudden situation, and the CIA responded extremely quickly, and a military attache came with special agents fifteen minutes later.

He didn't know what happened after that.

Canaan Company, Yu Qingdong is nervous about the feedback from all levels for the first batch of players who are tourists to log in. Nuo has a large office, and the information is gathered together. The overall situation is still positive, and the mainstream public opinion in society is still mostly appreciative.

The opening of the tourist status has pleased the conservative class, and the biggest doubts and abuse often come from this class, so...

"What the hell, why don't you scold me now, it turns out that everyone has pink eye disease!"

The beautiful secretary chuckled at his complaints, pushed him on the shoulder, and asked him when the game qualification he promised would be fulfilled! ?

Yu Qingdong glanced at the people around him with a guilty conscience, glared at Xiaomi who was getting more and more ignorant, and reprimanded: "What's the hurry? Everyone in the company has a chance. The chairman himself promised, how can he go back on his word?"

"Mr. Yu, really, everyone has a chance?"

A middle-level cadre asked very blindly.

"Of course, the chairman promised 10 places at the beginning, and I will take out 5 to reward my colleagues in the company. Each of you has a chance. Of course, it depends on your work performance."

"Long live President Yu!"

"Mr. Yu, please accept my knee!"

"Mr. Yu~~ What do you think of him?"

"Don't, don't, stay away from me, the man in front of you is a married man, you can't tell..."

The office was full of relaxed laughter, at this moment, the deadly confidential phone rang.

As soon as the phone rang, Yu Qingdong felt a headache and became nervous, and hurried everyone out.

"Just received the news from No. [-] that he... is coming back."

"...What? It's not time yet..."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and he said, "What do you think is the reason why he came back early this time?"

"I..." Yu Qingdong opened his mouth to say that he didn't know, but the words changed into, "Maybe it's because of his status as a tourist, or maybe it's because of... those apprentices?"

"Tourist status... Does the 1000 default places make him dissatisfied?"

"Probably not. When I reported to him last time, I didn't notice that he had any unpleasant intentions."

"Uh... just wait a minute."

Yu Qingdong waited for two minutes holding the phone.

Two minutes later, the voice on the other end of the phone completely changed.

"Turn on the TV and watch CCTV's news channel!"


"Think seriously after reading it, there will be a plane to pick you up in an hour!"

After hanging up the phone, Yu Qingdong stared at the beeping microphone for a moment.

Turn on the TV and look at the scene of a routine press conference on the screen. A reporter from the United States asked, "...I am sure that I have received the bidding document for the artificial intelligence program project from the Canaan game production team... Excuse me... "

Yu Qingdong's mind buzzed, and he sat down on the sofa.

(End of this chapter)

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