This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 229 Checking Homework

Chapter 229 Checking Homework

Soon, Yu Qingdong saw the original copy of the so-called "bidding document".

After seeing that the inscription was from Canaan Company, he heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, fortunately, there is still room for redemption.

"What did you do to those artificial intelligence programs to make them so passive now?"

"You don't have to worry about it. Naturally, someone will take responsibility for it."

"What now? He's coming back soon."

"This is also for you. As the person who knows him best, your opinion is very important."

"Important fart, why don't you consider my opinion when you do things? I have said again and again that you must be cautious when dealing with him. He seems to be very...easy to talk, but in fact he is very powerful, very self-centered, and very...Proud (Arrogant) person, he may not care about some of your small actions, or even laugh it off, because he doesn't care, but when you threaten what he cares about and touch the red line, his reaction will be unpredictable."

"...This time we were reckless, the key is how to deal with the aftermath."

"What else can we do? There was no bidding, but now there is only one."

"You mean..."

"You can see that the signature is still Canaan Company, which proves that he has no intention of bypassing us and contacting foreign forces. This shows that he just wants to give us a warning, and he is also watching our reaction. If we make any small moves... then It’s really hard to say.”

"Bidding... such an important thing..."

"What exactly do you want? If he is an alien, the actions you have made are ridiculous, like Guan Gong wielding a sword in front of him. If he is not, if Canaan is really... then it is even more useless, separated by a world, I don’t know how many light-years away, can you still control it remotely? It was discovered by others... I don’t understand, even a layman like me can figure out these principles, why are so many experts and think tanks collectively lost their minds?”

"There have been some changes in personnel in the group recently, so there is some confusion in the guiding ideology."

Yu Qingdong rolled his eyes, "A layman leading an expert again?"

"Watch your words!"

Under the stern gaze of the other party, Yu Qingdong shrank his neck.

What kind of nonsense are these things, and they have made such a big mess, why don't they let people talk about it?

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

At this time, a team responsible for making plans for Project Zero was in a mess. When they received a call, they seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw. After a meeting overnight, they came up with a remedial plan.


So let’s recruit, with great fanfare, full of confidence, and openness and transparency. If the left side of the face is swollen, the right side will also be swollen, so that it looks symmetrical and sincere.

"Yes, our company does have such a plan at present, and has issued invitation letters to relevant entities in the principle of openness and transparency. This bidding will be open to the international community to dispel doubts from some quarters, especially some very popular Conspiracy theory, I believe that the application of the world's most cutting-edge technology in Canaan can effectively counter such ulterior motives to smear and attack..."

Only two hours later, Yu Qingdong was well-dressed, confidently facing the cameras everywhere, and boasting in front of the media from all over the world who came to hear the news.

"This guy……"

In the aftermath team of Project Zero, a person in charge of communication between the 'front and back office' pointed to Yu Dazui and Mr. Yu on the screen, "I always like to talk off-topic, and I don't know when I can control his mouth." .”

"It's not suitable for you to put such a person in such an important position."

A slightly shrill voice made the person in charge frown, and he knew who the speaker was without looking.

He sighed in his heart and said, "Our perception is not important, his perception is the most important thing. This mistake has sounded the alarm for us. On matters involving him, no matter how small the impact is, We must also take into account... attach importance to the opinions of professionals, especially the opinions of front-line close contacts, and we cannot close the door and slap our heads to decide this and adjust that. This is not a scientific and cautious work attitude, and it is something we must try our best to avoid in the future. .”

The slightly sharp voice stopped talking, and the atmosphere in the meeting room became a little dignified.

The person in charge thought, it’s understandable that you come to pick fruits and ask for political achievements, but it’s too natural for you to apply the outside set to the goal of Project Zero, but this is an ordinary thing. Ordinary people, he will listen to you Baton coming?



Bei Gaoyang was very busy and didn't have much time, so he came back very quickly this time. As soon as he came up with a plan for the aftermath, and Yu Qingdong just confirmed the bidding on the media, he appeared in the basement of the small red building.

When the electric arc spread throughout the basement dissipated, a Terminator-like highlighted figure gradually cooled down, and the details of his appearance were restored.

First, he sensed the concentration of magic power around him, and then checked the consumption progress of the magic power reserve materials on the substrate in the basement. Then he turned around and watched a flickering candlelight go down the stairs.

"This ghostly place looks like there are some monsters hiding below. Did you hear it just now?"


"Could it be that lonely ghost who crashed in again?"

"It's a ghost"

"Not the same"

"The instructor said, we have a special environment here, so... special ghosts, right?"

"Are there really ghosts in this world? Humans really have souls. Death is not the end of human beings, and they will exist in the form of souls for a while?"

"I don't know either... Our place is special, there should be no ghosts outside."


"Yeah yeah"

"By the way, have you finished your homework?"

"Almost, how about you?"

"It's difficult for me. I can't describe the fourth spell configuration. My brain seems to be full, and there is no hard disk space. Alas, this may be the talent that the instructor said."

"Diligence can make up for one's weakness... Ah, there is someone!"

"Why is there someone, it's not a ghost...ah, it's a mentor!"

The two apprentices gave a lame mage salute hastily, Bei Gaoyang nodded and snapped his fingers.

A large area of ​​light emerged from the basement, and the magic patterns engraved on the base board and the wall all lit up, and Xiao Qi, Xiao Ai's avatar, activated and sent him a greeting message.

"Your number?"



"What time is it now?"

"April 4 at 14:9 p.m.."

"Did something happen while I was gone?"

"...People from outside came in twice, and it was brought by Yu Dazui, who said he had your permission."

"anything else?"

"A week ago, student No. 1547 had an accident during the replacement of the magic energy storage unit. Some...some lost their minds. Xiao Qi isolated him on the fourth floor. There was no sound for many days. We were very worried... "

"Accident!?" Bei Gaoyang frowned slightly, and immediately got a detailed report from Xiao Qi.

It turned out that the "improper operation" in the process of replacing the "battery" caused a short circuit of the magic power, and the overloaded magic power "electricity" arrived.

"I see, go and inform others, I will check your homework tomorrow."



The two apprentices went up the stairs cautiously. Out of Bei Gaoyang's sight, they still felt a pair of eyes staring at their backs. They were afraid and careful, and only dared to take a big breath when they returned to their respective rooms.

Walking up the steps slowly, Bei Gaoyang sensed the slight difference between the magic power environment and when he left. The consumption of the magic power reserve unit was faster than expected. In just over [-] days, the remaining reserve was almost exhausted.

This is the planned two-month reserve.

The consumption is so fast, it is natural that the magic power has escaped, which means that the 'gathering array' is not working as expected in this magic desert.

Sure enough, in the spiritual perception, the magic power encountered invisible resistance in the operation of the "circuit", just like a resistance. In order to overcome this resistance, it had to speed up and increase the speed of operation, so the phenomenon of 'heat' appeared. A way to convert magic power into heat, forming an escape phenomenon.

Whether it is resistance or magic resistance, it does not exist in Canaan, it is unique to the earth, and it is a manifestation of different rules.

On the first floor, all the apprentices already knew that he was back, and they were all waiting obediently in the living room, but the difference of more than [-] days seemed to have been away for a long, long time.

"Salute to you, mentor!"

The mage rituals of the apprentices are much smoother than before. It can be seen that they have practiced a lot in private, their attitudes are more correct than when they left, and their mental state is also more positive. It seems that they have accepted this life of confinement.

The respect and fear for him came from the heart.

Such changes are naturally not caused by external factors.

"Come one by one!"

Sitting on his exclusive sofa as if no one else was around, Bei Gaoyang pointed casually, "It starts with you"

The homework before leaving is the memory, description and casting of the four zero-ring magic configurations of light, cleansing, disease removal and great strength.

In terms of the concentration of magic power here, the difficulty is higher than that of Canaan, and in terms of their soul qualifications, they have a natural advantage over Canaan's apprentices. For details, you can refer to Bei Gaoyang himself. At the beginning, he was here. It is not difficult to learn and cast four zero-ring spells in the first stage, and it only takes three days.

The first student called out was Ding Jian.

He saluted nervously, and reported his student number and learning progress in a bumpy manner. He was qualified to memorize and cast two of the four zero-ring spells.

"Is the light technique and the cleaning technique right? Okay, let's start!" Bei Gaoyang no longer remembered this 'genius' who was discovered by himself in the factory, and was a little dissatisfied with his nervousness, and his voice was a little harsh unconsciously.

Under the tense gaze of all the students, Ding Jian took a deep breath to calm himself down and entered the state of "meditation". The expressions on his face gradually disappeared, and his posture gradually became tall and confident.

Like playing a piano, his hands danced quickly on the non-existent keys, muttering words in his mouth, and prepared for about 5 seconds before popping out a silver coin.


When the coin was flipped in the air, there was a slight crisp sound, a little light appeared on the surface of the silver coin, and then the light exploded.

In the end, a small glowing dot remained in midair, emitting bright and natural light, making all the apprentices excited and commotioned.

This is where the source of their change of attitude lies.

Who would pass up a chance to be Superman?
"Not bad!" Bei Gaoyang commented, and then asked: "What's your spell?"

"I, I don't know..." Ding Jian wiped the sweat from his forehead, and replied respectfully, "I think mantras are just an expression of emotions, and emotions are the carrier of spiritual power. Incantations and spell-casting gestures are needed to assist the casting of spells. Therefore, spells change according to the environment, the timely conditions when casting spells, and the physical and mental state at that time. There is no universal model, and there is no fixed sentence. It's changing, and it's meaningless, to describe it, it's more like the elemental spirits are 'talking'."

Bei Gaoyang felt very complicated when he heard this.

He also said similar things to his mentor, and he still remembers the expression on the mentor's face at that time.

This is so eye-catching among a group of only apprentices, but here, there are a group of such apprentices.

Racial differences?

Humans on Earth are smarter than those in Canaan?

It seems, and it seems not.


However, Bei Gaoyang didn't give a single word of praise, nor did he make any comments on this lofty theory, so he called the next apprentice.

Ding Jian wanted to say that he still had cleansing skills to perform, but the next apprentice had already jumped forward, so he had no choice but to back down.

"Great strength?"

"Yes, yes mentor!"

"let's start!"

They are all zero-ring spells. Naturally, I choose the ones that are most acceptable to me to learn. They seem to have similar spell configurations, but I can see the "bias" of each student. This bias is only known by the magic teacher, and it may determine their strength. The magic path of a lifetime.

The apprentice who chose the Juli Technique was a little fat man with some baby fat on his face. He looked at most eighteen or nineteen years old, and he didn't know what he used to do.

He was even more nervous than Ding Jian, and he had to prepare for a long time before starting to cast the spell.

Once he entered the spell-casting state, all the hesitation and tension on his body disappeared completely, the baby-fat face was solemn, and his whole temperament changed.

He chanted the spell very loudly, as if he was roaring, and seemed to be giving some order to someone who didn't exist. In contrast, his spell-casting gestures were very simple, with ten fat fingers simply waving, The right palm patted on his chest.

The spell was cast successfully.

His figure began to grow taller, the muscles on his body bulged, his fat arms bulged biceps representing strength, his chest became thick and hard, and the baby fat on his face was replaced by hard muscle lines.

Fat House completed the gorgeous transformation of a bodybuilder, which completely blew up the emotions of the apprentices.

It seems that they have not disclosed their study progress in private. This kind of protection of privacy satisfied Bei Gaoyang who had repeatedly emphasized, so his tone softened a lot.

"That's it!", he said.

Xiaopang heaved a sigh of relief, ended the effect of the spell, and his body deflated like a deflated ball.

At this time, Yu Qingdong arrived.

Bei Gaoyang ignored it, and asked the little fat man, "What do you think of spells?"

"I, I, I don't have any opinion. I don't know how I feel comfortable. I don't know what I am reading. It seems to be different every time..."

The little fat man scratched his head and said nervously and shyly.

(End of this chapter)

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