This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 230 I have the answer

Chapter 230 I have the answer
Great Strength, Cleansing, Light, Displacement... are all common zero-ring spells, with the simplest spell structure. Over thousands of years, they have been improved by successive generations of magicians, and they have been simplified to the point where they cannot be simplified any more. To this point, compared to the spell configuration on the game helmet, it is not a little bit easier. Therefore, most students should be able to master it after a long period of practice and memorization.

After all, those standing here are all "geniuses" with talent for casting spells. Judging from Huaguo's huge population base and strong execution ability, it is a rare thing that they can't learn it.

However, no matter how many zero-ring spells you master, you can't become a magician.

The spellcaster is not only a craftsman who memorizes by rote and draws from the gourd, but also a "scientist" who improves, invents, and creates.

Mastering two or more zero-ring spells only proves that they have the qualifications to become real spellcasters, and the next step is the real test.

After checking all the apprentices' homework, he didn't say a word whether they were good or not.

He took out a few thick parchment books and placed them lightly on the coffee table in front of him. His eyes flicked over the faces that were either expecting, excited, or expecting, and pondered.

These are the basic theoretical knowledge of magic translated by him.

One is [Basic Introduction to Magic], the other is [Analysis of Magic Structures], the other is [On the Relationship between Spiritual Power, Elemental Spirits and Magic Power], and the last one is [How to Improve and Create Your Own Magic Structures] type. 】

As mentioned earlier, the memory of magic is the generation of spell slots, and the memory of two or more zero-ring spells means that they already have their own spell slots.

It is not enough to have spell slots, because they also have the ability to 'alter', they have only achieved 'knowing what is', but not 'knowing why', and now they have to make up for this most important shortcoming.

Entering this stage is the beginning of the apprenticeship, and the previous ones are just tickets.


Bei Gaoyang pointed to Ding Jian, "Take it down and copy it, one copy for each person."

Ding Jian hurried up and carefully picked up a few thread-bound parchment books.

"The homework for the second lesson is to improve the configuration of the spells you have mastered. If you don't understand anything, just read the book. That's it, go on!"

That's it, that's it...

The apprentices are at a loss. Improvement, what kind of improvement method, you can explain it clearly!

"Guide, mentor, what is improvement?"

It was Ding Jian who plucked up the courage and asked a question for everyone.



"Go on, didn't you see that the guests have been waiting for a long time?"

Bei Gaoyang is just an incompetent teacher. Not to mention being persuasive, he doesn't even do basic explanation of doubts. His teaching attitude can be called bad.

Let’s say he doesn’t care, seeing how he paid a huge price to create such a magical environment, and it’s not that he’s too full to do anything, if he cares, it’s like this...



The contradiction comes from the shaking and blurring of his positioning of the earth.

In the past, it was treated as a large rear area, a place of supply of human resources and material resources. This positioning is very simple, so it is very detached.

But the establishment of a magical environment and the emergence of magic apprentices have broken this position. It seems that he can do more, and what good is it for him to do more?
Bei Gaoyang would not naively think that with magic power, the earth can be transformed into another Canaan. It has only been a while before a phenomenon of "magic resistance" appeared. In the future, there will be many more phenomena similar to "magic resistance" , This is determined by the rules of the earth. Magic power is just an external variable, combined with the constants and variables of this world, who knows what it will become.

Uncertain about the future, and unable to grasp the development of the future, what is the purpose of cultivating these magic apprentices after trying so hard to build this magical environment?
For testing.

A magician is always dealing with various experiments. It is the right thing to study and try magic in a new environment, and any spellcaster in his position will do the same.

Intentionally or unintentionally spreading magic knowledge, magic materials and spell configurations are all based on this consideration. I want to see what kind of sparks will be sputtered from the combination and collision of science and magic.

For a little bit of hard-to-spoken thoughts.

This thought is not only the yearning for the hometown of the soul, wanting to do something for it, but also making it more adaptable to oneself, introducing water so that one can swim and breathe, this is completely instinctive.

But this does not mean that he wants to disrupt this stable rear, divert its originally well-run trajectory, and slide onto a course that no one can predict.

In the end, the core of his interests is still in Canaan!

It was this contradictory mentality that absolutely determined his attitude towards these apprentices, expecting but also rejecting and doubting them.

After sending away the confused apprentices, Bei Gaoyang smiled and greeted Yu Qingdong who had been waiting for a long time.

"Xiao Yu, come, come, come, sit, sit down and say"

"Dong, Chairman!"

Still the same as before, Bei Gaoyang turned a blind eye to the other people who followed Yu Qingdong, and very kindly greeted Mr. Yu to sit opposite him.

Those apprentices just now did not have this kind of treatment, Yu Qingdong and others saw it.

The shock and horror of seeing the spell cast with my own eyes hadn't passed.

Yu Qingdong was much more cautious than before, and he began to review as soon as he sat down, "I'm sorry, Chairman, we didn't do a good job with the artificial intelligence program, we must conduct a thorough review, and we will definitely prevent similar things from happening again... "

Bei Gaoyang listened with a smile, and when he finished speaking, he chatted about other things, "How about the offline feedback from tourists when they go online?"

"Uh... very good, a lot of praise, saying that our Canaan has solved a big social problem"

"Ah, what's the problem?"


Bei Gaoyang was taken aback for a moment before realizing that the other party was joking, and he laughed out of face, "Old man, haha... Are you complimenting us, or are you mocking us?"

Yu Qingdong was very serious. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught the reactions of his peers. Although they didn't show anything unusual, they could tell from some subtle body movements that this joke was not just a joke. He seemed to have eaten ginseng fruit, the inside and outside were transparent, and his scalp was numb.

The more comfortable you feel in your heart, the more serious you will be on your face, just like a talk show actor doing his duty.

"Of course they are praising us. Now even street sweepers are saying that they will go to Canaan to do sanitation work, and they are making demands with the Sanitation Bureau on this condition. They demand too high wages and benefits, or they will not do it."


"Of course, we don't know how many jobs and business opportunities we directly and indirectly created in Canaan. This is a comrade from the Bureau of Statistics. He told me that this year's unemployment rate hit a record low, and various economic development indicators A good explosion, the realization of the four modernizations ahead of schedule, and we in Canaan have achieved it on our own."

"Oh?" Bei Gaoyang looked at the man with glasses sitting next to him.

The man in glasses was jittery, showing an enthusiastic and flattering smile, "What Mr. Yu said is true, Chairman, if you are interested, I can make a detailed report."

"Forget it, forget it, why do I care about these things as an outsider? Haha, but this is a good thing, and it is worth celebrating."

"How about...have a drink?" Yu Dazui suggested.

"Then have a drink!"

Several people subconsciously stood up, but they didn't know where the wine was placed. Bei Gaoyang snapped his fingers, and Xiao Qi moved a bottle of "Dragon's Blood Wine" from Canaan and a few cups over.

"Taste how the wine I brought back tastes like."

Bei Gaoyang greeted enthusiastically, then unscrewed the palm-sized wine bottle, poured only a shallow layer into a cup, and explained: "This thing is so powerful, you can't bear it if you have too much, can't you I'm stingy."

"Dong, chairman, this, this is..."

"Dragon's Blood Wine"

"Dragon, dragon, dragon what?"

"It's just a big lizard, come, come, taste, taste!"

If it was a different person or a different occasion, who the hell would think that the glass contained wine, which was clearly 'magma'.

The wine is very viscous and 'boils' in the glass, producing a rich and bright red 'steam', which is still condensed and does not disperse, forming a swimming, pocket-sized dragon-shaped phantom on the mouth of the glass, This phantom hovered around the narrow space around the mouth of the cup, and then a "dragon chant" that seemed to be an auditory hallucination...

Bei Gaoyang drank it in one gulp, smacked his tongue, and tasted it, "It's not bad, the year is enough... Why don't you drink it, try it, try it!"

Yu Qingdong was completely numb. Sure enough, he really couldn't get carried away.

He can't wait to slap himself, make you sloppy, drink and drink a fart of wine, is something wrong with drinking?
"Let's try it then, thank the chairman for his hospitality."

A middle-aged young man sitting at the back said that he, with firm eyebrows and a straight waist, picked up the wine glass and drank it with heroic heroism and sacrifice.

Yu Qingdong could clearly see that when the liquor poured into the roar, it turned into a red light that could be seen clearly from the outside. Through the flesh and skin, it reflected the contours of the internal organs of the person.

It slipped from the throat, entered the stomach, and then separated into dense red filaments, which spread to all parts of the body in a flash.

"How is it, does it taste okay?"

The man's face turned red and he was sweating profusely. After several consecutive tremblings, he shouted loudly: "Good, good, good wine!"

"Haha...", Bei Gaoyang clapped his hands and laughed, as happy as a child, and then looked at the rest of the people expectantly.

Feeling being stabbed behind him, Yu Qingdong gritted his teeth, picked up the wine glass, held back the trembling, didn't dare to look at it, and drank it down.

As soon as you drink it, it's like drinking magma. The hot liquid has an unbearable temperature. Just about to scream, the hotness that didn't cause any discomfort turned into a refreshing coolness, flowing down the throat Next, he shivered several times in a row, and then felt the 'pleasure' that he had never experienced before. This 'pleasure' came from his body, from all the organs in his body, and from every cell cheering like nectar after a long drought.

what smell?
Yu Qingdong licked his paw, still feeling unfinished.

"How about it?"

"Uh... so special!"

"Haha, not everyone can drink it in our place, it's very precious."

Yu Qingdong was stabbed in the back again. At this time, his brain reacted extremely quickly, and he had an unprecedented level of sobriety. This kind of sobriety was unprecedented. Is the brewing material precious? Dragon, dragon blood?"

"Well, this is just one aspect. Creatures like dragons have extremely high intelligence, and their magic-like powers naturally awaken over time. Their blood contains ample magic power. Under normal circumstances, how can they be imported, especially brewed Is it a delicacy that ordinary people can drink? The process inside is very complicated. In short, it is an extremely rare luxury, and the luxury lies in its brewing process, not in the material itself.”

"Ah, dragons... Do you have dragons there, what kind, like ours or..."

"Compared to western dragons, the dragons in Huaguo are a kind of spirit, a kind of totem, and also a kind of culture, inheritance and identity. They are much more noble than that kind of big lizard."

"...I really want to see it with my own eyes."

Bei Gaoyang smiled slightly, "There is a chance."

"There is a mean..."

Bei Gaoyang waved his hand, "Let's not talk about this, you saw it just now, how about these apprentices?"

Yu Qingdong also wanted to talk about dragons. When did this 'chance' come about? He only said half of it, and it's really...

"Magic? It's amazing, Chairman, I... can I learn it too?"

"You? You can't, you're too old."

Yu Qingdong thought that he was only 40 years old, and he was stabbed in the back again when he was in the prime of life.

"That...hehe, they're all pretty good. I remember they haven't learned it for a long time, right? They can cast magic, which is really...enviable."

Bei Gaoyang smiled, "What do you think magic is?"


"Yes, tell me how you feel."

"Uh...a kind of magical and unimaginable power, I remember that Canaan is also magic...changed, right? Hehe, only magic can do it...Magic needs magic power, but the earth doesn't have it, so you built it here? "

"Hmm... what about the magic power?"

"I don't should be an extremely precious thing. The materials used to make the helmet and those you left behind are all magical, right?"

"You think it's a very lucky thing to have magic and magic, good thing?"

Yu Qingdong gave him a strange look, "Of course."

The smile on Bei Gaoyang's face faded, he pondered for a moment, and knocked on the table, "Okay then, let's start talking about business, I already know the reason for your visit."

Yu Qingdong still wanted to review, but Bei Gaoyang raised his hand to stop him, "When will the bidding start?"

" mean..."

"The sooner the better, this is the design requirement of the required artificial intelligence program. You take it back to those who are preparing to bid, and let them come up with a feasible plan. There is no need to mention other things, let alone an example."


On the way back, Yu Qingdong sat in the carriage with strict quarantine measures. After reading Bei Gaoyang's design requirements, he said to the person in the intercom, "Didn't you keep guessing that he would use the artificial intelligence program for that? Now we have the answer. Yes, it is used on the gods in the game!"

(End of this chapter)

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