This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 231 God in the Skin

Chapter 231 God in the Skin

"Use an artificial intelligence program to make...the gods in the game?"

"...In this case, the previous guess was wrong?"

"What about the thing you brought back?"

"Maybe it's a coincidence?"

"Coincidentally, what about the fact that the earth has no molecular structure detected from above, and what about the energy response that is very similar to the energy spectrum of magic power?"

"...You let me think about it."

"I thought of a possibility"

"Thank you so much"

"Will this be the case, two possibilities exist at the same time..."

"You mean?"

"It's like our Internet of Everything and the virtual space of the metaverse, with a layer of... skin on top of the real one?"

"The skin of the game, the real bone?"

"Yes, that's what it means. You see, haven't we realized the combination of virtual technology and reality now? Why can't he!"

"Old Xie, your idea is very bold...and very inspiring."

"Don't take it for granted, then apply our experience mechanically..."

"I know, I know, bold assumptions and careful verification, this may be the most logical, taking into account the two possibilities, and it can also explain the thing brought back from Canaan."

"Then let's make another bold assumption. I remember that Number Zero said that the so-called magic is also a science. If it is a science, it is an objectively existing phenomenon and a law that can be repeated. Then the magician is not our colleague, an outstanding" Scientific researcher'? Only the science of the two worlds is different, the difference between matter and objective laws makes him a magician, who can do all kinds of things that seem to violate science and the laws of matter, but these are only two scientific systems The different directions of emphasis are determined by the objective laws of the world..."

"Don't make a long speech, just give a lecture and talk about the result."

"Such an outstanding 'scientific researcher' has invented a technology that can cover a layer of 'game skin' on the basis of reality, and is using special means to recruit so-called 'players' from us. '..."

"Where are the gods? That kind of thing... can also be virtualized?"

"Why not? God is a code name, a thing that only exists in the 'skin'. What the gods in the skin can do, the skin itself can do. We must not be fooled by the word god." Blinded."

"Interesting, interesting..."

"Because the objective laws of the two worlds are different, he needs our technology, that is, the artificial intelligence program, combined with the technology over there, to create something we don't understand, which explains his motivation."

"But it's just a guess, we can't prove it!"

"Yeah, it's just a guess, I just hope that I can have an open and honest talk with him, but unfortunately..."

"Don't be reckless. Every word and every action you say to him must be cautious. If you are more cautious, this time will be a painful lesson."

"In this case... what will happen to this bidding, since this... the god in the skin is so important?"

"I can't help it, I can only do what he wants. Do you want to force him to go to someone else?"

"... But how to write the report, the higher-ups are still waiting for our conclusion?"

"There are no conclusions, only guesses. How to judge, let the higher-ups make the decision."

I don't know how many people stayed up all night, and Yu Qingdong was one of them.

He yawned and waited until 4 o'clock in the middle of the night to get the result of tomorrow's bidding meeting as usual.

"It's not... such an important thing, I really want to..."

"Can you persuade him to change his mind?"

Yu Qingdong shrank his neck, shook his head quickly and said: " watched it today, he seems to be easy to talk, but in fact, in fact..."

"Very selfish, very strong, very..."

"Yes, yes, I feel very, very uncomfortable in front of him, as if I am like weeds, bathing in the generous sunshine...Damn, you think I like to talk, I can't help it, I can only Ways to make jokes to relieve my stress..."

"Don't make excuses for yourself, I warn you, don't try to hold yourself back, who can't see your little thoughts?"

"What's wrong with self-respect? I'm really wronged. It wasn't me at the beginning..."

"Okay, okay, I'll just remind you... Take a break, there's still work to do after dawn"

"How can I sleep in this situation?"

"Don't disturb me if you don't sleep, I haven't slept for two days and two nights."

On the helicopter back, Yu Qingdong endured the noise of the engine, looked at the dark night sky outside the hanging window, and saw that the sky was about to dawn.

"...You really haven't closed your eyes?"

Yu Qingdong smiled wryly, "I'm too nervous, mainly because I'm unwilling and anxious"

"Isn't it just bidding, we will do our best to fight for it."

"Wait then?"

"Go to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, where they are also working all night... Hehe, the gods in the game, those scientists have changed some of them."


"The so-called artificial intelligence is still a kind of software that analyzes and learns through big data. Algorithms, formulas, etc. are all open. The difference between each company lies in the analysis and processing efficiency of big data. We are unique in this regard. Only by using the advantage can we come from behind and compete with the American people. Now that the direction of big data has been determined, can there be any changes? According to the information you brought back, this god, that god, this god is in charge of this mess, that one God has such and such a personality... It's complicated, do you think it's a one-sentence thing?"

"Although I was born in technology, I am professional and good at marketing and management. Of course I don't understand what you said."

"In short, it is very troublesome. We must first collect a suitable and sufficient amount of data, but where does the data come from?"

"...Currently edited?"


"Where can it come from?"

"It's too late to compile now, and it can only be collected from literary and artistic works."


"Stop talking, here we are."

In the headquarters building of Modu Canaan Company, the helicopter was very stable on the roof. When Yu Qingdong came down, he staggered and almost lost his footing.

Only then did he remember that from last night until now, he hadn't had any water or rice yet, so he didn't feel hungry. He also remembered the glass of dragon's blood wine. topic, just hold back.

If you ask him how he feels now, he hasn’t completely reborn. It’s like in the martial arts novels where he eats thousand-year-old ginseng and gets through Ren Du’s two veins. He feels very energetic, tireless, and doesn’t feel hungry. Vibrant.

"Mr. Yu, coffee or tea?"

A beautiful female secretary came in and asked.

The boss is busy with his brains, and the subordinates naturally have no time to relax. The whole building is working overtime and preparing for the bidding meeting held in the afternoon. Yu Qingdong ordered coffee, unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, and rolled up his sleeves to read A document sent by a subordinate secretary.

There was a thick pile of documents, all of which were the arrangements and procedures of the bidding meeting. I was getting a headache from reading it. I realized that the people in my company hadn’t spoken for a long time. When I looked up, I saw him staring at the beautiful secretary outside the suite. Graceful back, thoughtful.

Yu Qingdong was a little guilty and nervous, and quickly said, "Her background and background checks have passed, so there's no problem."

The people in the company nodded and said: "It's good to add fragrance to the red sleeves, but you must also pay attention to the influence, Lao Yu!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, I'm married..." Yu Qingdong argued forcefully.

"You just have to pay attention to yourself... How are you preparing for the bidding meeting?"

"Look, it's almost there."

Yu Qingdong handed over the document and asked, "How is the Chinese Academy of Sciences going?"

"No news yet, I should be working overtime... Don't worry, they should all win the bid. How can the Americans know the truth like we do?"

"I'm afraid..."


"Well, I'm worried that he won't make a decision based on the bidding results at all. If...he has decided to introduce a competitor, can we accept it?"

"So what if you don't accept it?"


It was busy until 9:[-] a.m., media from all over the world gathered, and there was a huge crowd of people outside the headquarters building. The media meeting before the bidding began.

Yu Qingdong did not show up. He arrived at the small building in the factory area two hours ago, stood outside the rainbow-like protective cover that separated the inside and outside, and waited quietly for the summons from inside.

"Hey, he feels like an eunuch!" He was blowing the cold wind in the early morning, and swearing in his stomach, "I come to wipe my ass when other people shit, what's the matter?"

There was gradually movement in the small building. The apprentices who woke up had a day of intense and interesting study and practice. Since there were no modern things, they still had to do things by themselves, such as fetching water, doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc. It's like practicing.

There are two worlds inside and outside the shield. Compared with the previous discomfort and resistance, the apprentices have become willing and particularly active.

I just checked the homework yesterday, whether it was done well or not, and whether it was completed or not, the instructor didn't even comment. This made the apprentices feel uncertain, and it added to the pressure on them-for fear of falling behind and being kicked out.

The place where the water is fetched is a primitive well. The well is engraved with a kind of magic pattern, which can draw groundwater up. Every time it is used is also a kind of practice. Yu Qingdong stood outside and watched the apprentices line up in an orderly manner, one after another. Go up and get water.

Singing and gesturing, which seem funny on the outside, have been tainted with an indescribable mystery after the experience of last night. I think these people will think about it when they first moved in, and they will not be curious and envious. That's fake.

Ding Jian took the water and returned to his room on the third floor. After a brief wash, he started today's study.

There are paper and pens next to the open parchment. In the process of copying [Basics of Introduction to Magic], I am also savoring the rich meaning of every word and every sentence.

"...Magic is a language, method and tool that points to the core of mystery. To explain what magic is, one must understand the meaning of mystery."

"…mystery comes from the consciousness of intelligent life, and the collection of consciousness of intelligent life represents the underlying rules of mystery. No matter how complicated it is, the mystery will be broad and chaotic, and the mystery will be 'indescribable'. This is the only thing that can be accurate. The attributes described, the consciousness of intelligent life is usually only a small part exposed above the water surface, and the mysterious subject is what is below the water surface, we named it—Gaia Consciousness.”

"... Gaia's consciousness is almost equivalent to the mystery itself. Magic is actually a language of communication. The so-called spells can be understood as praying to it. Magic power is only appearance, and the essence of magic power comes from intelligent life consciousness……"

The pen swished as he wrote, word by word flowed into Ding Jian's heart, some he could understand, some had only a half-knowledge, and some didn't understand at all, but it didn't matter, he would write it down, and he would have time to comprehend it in the future.

"...Magic is the language to communicate Gaia's consciousness, a method to apply magic power, and a powerful tool to change material reality, conscious reality, and rule reality."

"...The magic configuration is the grammar of this language, the shape, texture, and functional bias of this powerful tool. Only when magic power flows according to a specific 'circuit' can it exert a specific effect and change a specific phenomenon."

"...The casting of spells is therefore divided into three steps. The first step is to use one's own spiritual power to outline the spell configuration. This step is called memory. The second step is to memorize the spell configuration and fill it with specific magic power. , the magic power possessed by itself is just the introduction, and the almost infinite and eternal magic power outside is the sea we want to use... This process of communicating magic power to deepen the affinity between the storage of own magic power and the external magic power is called meditation... The third Guided by one's own spiritual power, based on one's own magic power, guide and order external magic power to fill the spell configuration, in order to complete specific effects and change specific phenomena and rules, which is to cast spells."

own magic power?
Am I already magical?

Ding Jian touched his chest.

I don't know if it is a psychological effect, but he does feel a very special thing flowing in his body, which he hardly notices normally, knowing the opening point of these words, he wakes it up all at once.

The more you copy, the more you devote yourself. It feels like a layer of fog shrouded in front of your eyes has been stripped away, revealing the inner truth that is almost 'dream talking'.

This truth conflicts with the worldview he has formed for a long time. Fortunately, under this special environment, the concepts and memories formed in the past have been greatly weakened, making him almost forget the past and the so-called rationality, and only live In this woven, narrow cage.

Maybe this is the original intention of the teacher?

Ding Jian somewhat understood the purpose of being locked up here.

At this time, Bei Gaoyang had already 'woke up', he changed into a custom-made suit, and walked out of the rainbow version of the protective cover very leisurely.

"Morning, Xiaoyu"

"Ah, morning, morning, chairman..."

"The rest of the itinerary will be left to you."

"Okay, okay, please follow me, I know a place that has a very special breakfast."

"Then I'm ready to have a real treat."

(End of this chapter)

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