This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 232 I am the Chief Scientific Officer

Chapter 232 I am the Chief Scientific Officer

Clamp a crystal clear crystal shrimp dumpling into the mouth, bite the teeth lightly, the thin and elastic filling is broken, and the soup and meat inside are mixed with an extremely delicious taste, which makes people feel delicious. Every taste bud on the tongue is cheering, feeding back messages to the brain that taste good, taste good, and more...

When he was half full, Bei Gaoyang sighed: "If you want to talk about enjoyment, it's up to you. I have traveled to many different worlds and tasted countless rare delicacies, but none of them can compare to this little one..."


"Well, yes, dumplings, the taste is so good."

Yu Qingdong thought, can it be good? It is already comparable to the standard of a state banquet. The master chef who came here from Pengcheng, a special chef at the state banquet level, can cook a piece of Chinese cabbage that is unaffordable. What's a breakfast worth?
From this detail, it can be seen that Yu Qingdong was a little gloating because the high-level executives were anxious to redeem and make up for the situation after they made the mistake. He couldn't blame himself for the blame. It's time to teach those people a lesson.

The seemingly casual conversation actually has a mission, which is to continue the small talk and what Bei Gaoyang took the initiative to pry out more... secrets.

"You just said you've been to many different worlds?"

" can't talk about the world, it's like grapes."


"The whole grape can be regarded as a universe, but each grape can be regarded as a 'false world', with its own boundaries, edges and even a unique ecological environment, where various intelligent creatures and their civilizations other than humans live .”

"...It's so shocking, we are also one of the grapes?"

"Hehe, let you find the answer yourself."

Breakfast is held in a private club, which is the kind of place that is not open to the public and only provides services for members. It is called a private kitchen. It is impossible to tell that this is a restaurant from the outside. I thought it was some kind of retro manor. It is similar, with red walls on all sides, and a tall red wooden door guarded by two stone lions. The vehicles entering and exiting are silent. The outside looks tall, but the inside is exquisite and quiet.

After enjoying a delicious breakfast, Bei Gaoyang stood on the water pavilion and fed the koi swimming in the water, while listening to Yu Qingdong's report on the preparations for the afternoon bidding meeting.

Halfway through, he said, "Okay, just follow your preparations. The time is tight and the task is heavy. The results will be released today, and I will go back the day after tomorrow at most."

Yu Qingdong quickly agreed, and asked him, would he attend this afternoon?

Bei Gaoyang nodded, and jokingly said, "It's about time, I should meet other elites besides you."

When Yu Qingdong heard that Yali Mountain was big, he smiled wryly and said, "It's our work that hasn't been done well."

"This is considered a turning point, you go to work, don't guard me."

With the "highest instructions", Yu Dazui hurried back, causing the organization work in the rear to be in chaos. big.

When it is confirmed that he is going to show up, how to conceal his true identity has become the top priority. A complete set of files and resumes that can withstand investigation have been prepared from a very early time, just to prevent this. The emergence of such a situation.

It's just that they all have a fluke mentality-maybe it won't be needed?
Now we have to implement a myriad of tasks.

It is not that simple to fabricate a person out of thin air, family, parents, relatives, friends, classmates, from birth certificates to school experience, from kindergarten photos with children to primary, secondary, and university homework, papers, notes, grades... You can’t have the experience of studying abroad. You can’t stand the inspection of a magnifying glass. You can only use “a genius-like brain that was discovered very early” and enter a training program for “young genius scientists”. , What has been accomplished, what has been published, what has been invented, and what has been solved, but these are not public, they are the core secrets of national defense and civilian technology.

In this way, some achievements in the field of secret research were placed on him, adding various "reasonable" auras to him, and paving the way for this epoch-making scientific and technological invention in Canaan.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there are thousands of threads. It must not only withstand the domestic inspection, but also withstand the critical and careful scrutiny of foreign countries. It is an extremely large and rigorous project, and it cannot be released. Wrong.

Fortunately, with the support of the most powerful execution and control on this planet, Bei Gaoyang got his ID card and household registration book in China before the highlight of the afternoon.

How did he know the hard work and hardships behind these two inconspicuous and common documents, he threw them into the ring space without taking it seriously, got in an airtight luxury car, left the manor, and headed all the way to Canaan, the magic capital. Headquarters of the company.

On the way, Yu Qingdong briefly introduced the fabricated identity and resume for him, explaining that this is a necessary 'procedure' to prevent his identity from being exposed, please understand.


understand what?
The wording was so harsh, Bei Gaoyang understood it as the opponent's bottom line.

After all, Canaan is a foreign thing. It is unknown, mysterious, powerful, and incredible. After watching so many alien civilizations invading the earth, as well as movies and novels, you know that "paranoia of persecution" is common. With such a 'conspiracy theory' prevailing, once its true face is exposed, the people behind Yu Qingdong will be under tremendous pressure.

Under this kind of pressure, compromise is certain, and the situation will slide into an unpredictable and uncontrollable direction, which is contrary to Bei Gaoyang's fundamental interests.

"Uh, I see."

Seeing that 'Lafayette' gave in so easily, a big rock in Yu Qingdong's heart was also settled.

The biggest difficulty of this plan is not the cost of fabricating it, but whether the victim accepts it.

Did he want to take this public appearance as an opportunity to get rid of the current cooperation model and tacit understanding?

If it is, it will be troublesome. If nothing else is considered, the future of Yu Qingdong and Canaan Company is uncertain, and countless people and things will change. How can we not be nervous.

So serving the 'Lafayette' is really a hard job, and I am always worried about it. In ancient times, a companion was like a tiger. Relaxed, natural, and with the task of clichés and espionage, it's not ordinary tiring, it's so fucking tiring.

The convoy was driving on the elevated highway around the city, and when it passed an intersection, a group of convoys with drums and drums and colorful flags joined the traffic flow, which caused a short-term congestion.

Bei Gaoyang looked at the Canaan logo on the colored flag, felt the festival-like joy of everyone in the motorcade, and smiled.

Yu Qingdong took the opportunity to apply eye drops, "As far as the current acceptance level is concerned, Canaan has become a symbol of China, a business card, and the acceptance of the people is unmatched by other countries and regions. Celebrations and parades like this are very common, especially It's in the magic capital..."

"What are they celebrating?"

Yu Qingdong took a closer look at the colorful flags in front of him. It was vaguely that the guild was celebrating the completion of some kind of resident, presumably it was a promotional activity to build popularity and expand offline business channels.

Bei Gaoyang: ""Residence?It's worth celebrating, haha..."

"Speaking of this, Chairman, there has been a loud call recently."

"Oh, what is it?"

"Open the game map, especially the land of the main city, as well as commercial functions and permissions."

"This can't be done. It's not yet time, and the Alpha map hasn't been fully developed yet."

Forcing players to be assigned to the Alpha plane is out of consideration for the development of this demiplane. The function and fun of the game are second. Besides, it is only the fourth test, so we must leave some room for future tests.

In fact, Bei Gaoyang already regretted launching too many functions and content during the fourth test.

For example, a mount and magic pet system.

So far, there are only a handful of players who have completed the mount quest, and the vast majority of players still rely on teleportation and two legs to travel, let alone magic pets.

It takes time, steps are needed, and too hasty to take up a lot of system resources in vain and fail to achieve the purpose of the original design, why bother?

As you can see along the way, the elements of Canaan have penetrated into every aspect of daily life, especially in Shanghai, where Canaan has almost become a unique symbol and culture of the city. Tourists can be seen everywhere wandering around the Canaan company. Canaan's headquarters is no longer located in a building in an industrial park. The new site has been selected in the outskirts of the city, with a total investment of more than [-] billion. It will be built into a park similar to Disney World Park, with game maps, Dawn Town, Buck City, and Punk City. One-to-one restoration, copy all online props offline, and then connect to the Internet of Everything to create a virtual online experience.

Speaking of this, Yu Qingdong is ambitious, and he is full of longing for the future of the company.

Bei Gaoyang's mood was very complicated after hearing this. He didn't care about these things before, and his interests and concerns were not on these things. Now it's different, and his positioning has been shaken and blurred.

When we arrived at the company headquarters, media and reporters from all over the world gathered. At the entrance of the main entrance of the headquarters, a jungle with long guns and short guns was set up. When Bei Gaoyang was surrounded by people of Yu Qingdong's status like a mysterious boss, he was in the C position, and walked towards the steps with a smile, there was a moment of silence on the scene.

"Mr. Yu, who is this gentleman?"

"Academician Lin, Academician Lin, is this gentleman the long-rumored chief scientist, Mr. Chairman who owns 51% of Canaan's shares?"

"Sir, may I ask if you are an alien from that planet, and what is your purpose for coming to Earth?"

"Excuse me, can you understand the language of the earth, sir, sir?"


Yu Qingdong's face turned dark, and he was slightly relieved when he carefully saw that Bei Gaoyang's expression hadn't changed.

Most of these media are from abroad, so they won't listen to them.

The human wall erected by the security guards couldn't stop the madness of the media on the scene. The topics held high and the camera lens struggled to cross the human wall, desperately going to this side.

At the beginning, I was still speaking poor Mandarin, but later I was in a hurry, English, French, German, Spanish... etc., chattering outside, and soon I couldn't hear what they were asking, and I only saw a picture of a book that opened and closed quickly. Mouths and crowded and deformed faces...

"Cough cough..."

After getting the consent of his companions, especially Bei Gaoyang, Yu Qingdong stopped on the fourth step, and two coughs made the scene audible.

For a while, I don't know how many cameras focused on him, and of course that mysterious, young, calm person who is suspected to be the chief scientist of Canaan Games is indispensable.

"I want to say, you guessed it right!"

Yu Qingdong was able to cope with this kind of situation with ease. He first let Bei Gaoyang to the C position, and then introduced: "This is the honorary president of the Huaguo Brain-Computer Interaction Research Institute, the chief scientist of our Canaan company, and the major shareholder. One of them is Bei Gaoyang, Academician Bei."

With a bang, the scene exploded.

"Quiet, quiet, everyone will be able to see Academician Bei's resume soon, I believe it can satisfy most people's curiosity and doubts, because Academician Bei has been working and fighting for a long time in the secret scientific research field that is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, so he is not well-known I know, but I want to say that in our land with a history of more than 5000 years and 14 billion people, there are still many unknown people like Academician Bei who have made great sacrifices and dedications for the country and the nation. .”

Wearing a high hat?

Identity and emotional binding?
Bei Gaoyang subconsciously thought of this aspect.

But I have to admit that a certain part of his heart was captured by such flattery. This part is in a place like here, sitting in class, guarding in front of the TV, and facing the computer screen to accept and passively accept education and indoctrination.

"Would you like to say a few words?" Yu Qingdong asked in a low voice.

Bei Gaoyang shook his head.

"Then let's go, the time is almost up."

It's not so easy to leave after firing a cannon.

Seeing that they were about to leave, the media reporters who were in shock and confusion subconsciously wanted to chase them. When the security barrier was loosening, a few reporters with cameras and microphones rushed out and chased them after a few steps. up the steps.

"Al-Jazeera, we are Al-Jazeera, this, Mr. Chief Scientist, I have a few questions, foreign audiences want to know very, very much!"

"Security, security!"

"what do you wish to ask?"

"According to statistics from professional organizations, you are already the de facto richest man in the world. Do you really own such a huge amount of wealth? As high as 51% of the shares of Canaan Company?"


"Is the epoch-making technology used in the Canaan game really researched, broken through and invented by you?"

"Who else can I be?"

"What kind of technology can you talk about?"

"Hehe... Do you understand what I said? Besides, I don't have time right now"

"Are you really an alien? Do you need legal assistance from the international community? There are speculations that your personal freedom has been imprisoned. I think..."

"No, as you can see, I live a good life and come and go freely."

Sweat was dripping from Yu Qingdong's face, and his heart skipped a beat when he said 'freedom to come and go'. He slammed himself between the microphone and the reporter, "It's time, Chairman?"

"Okay!", Bei Gaoyang touched his nose with unsatisfactory expression, smiled and waved to the reporters and cameras who were dragged down, turned and walked into the gate.

(End of this chapter)

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