This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 233 Unexpected Treatment

Chapter 233 Unexpected Treatment

The bidding process was dull and there was nothing to talk about.

The qualifications and requirements have been detailed in the bidding documents. In such a short period of time, including the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it is impossible to customize a completely new plan for a long time. They are all modified and modified from the original plan, which is barely It achieved the effect that Bei Gaoyang wanted.

The gods of the magic net must be the same as the aborigines of the magic net, and their position and origin must be clearly defined from the very beginning. This backdoor incident also reminds me that Xiao Ai and Tias "reincarnated" because they did not pay attention to it before. Memory retention, this loophole must be plugged now.

In fact, the so-called artificial intelligence program is just that. It sounds high-end, but it is actually a set of software for collecting, analyzing, processing and learning big data, which is far from the level of "smart life".

There is only a body but no soul. The beauty is that there is no solution in science, but there is a way to realize it in magic. The two have their own strengths and combine with each other to give birth to such magical artificial intelligence as Xiaoai and Tias. life.

In fact, this kind of technology is what the earth needs most. If they know that these artificial intelligence programs handed over will be endowed with real intelligence and even souls, I am afraid they will be crazy about it and will get it at all costs. How much worse than the so-called metaverse virtual reality technology.

But they didn't understand that in order to win the bid as much as possible, and then hook up with him, who is suspected to be the "spokesperson of alien technology", they had already come up with the best plan in a short time.

But in the end, it was no surprise that the winning bid was the proposal of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and several Internet high-tech companies with the Chinese prefix.

Before the result was announced, Bei Gaoyang frowned. He couldn't believe that there was no black box operation in it, so he glanced at Yu Qingdong and asked, did anyone else's proposal be shortlisted?

"Yes, yes, and more!"

Yu Qingdong couldn't help wiping his sweat, and took out another list, "These are relatively poor."

What a ghost.

Bei Gaoyang didn't point it out, picked up the second list and looked at it, picked up a pen and drew a circle on several pleasing proposals, "Let's add these two to it too."

A Swiss robotics company, not well-known to the outside world, is indeed well-known in the industry. Their best robot precision manufacturing also has a supporting artificial intelligence program for learning and processing. This time it should be taken out of the bottom of the box and modified. Instead, the bidder was Death-Turas.

The other one is from North America, the only superpower, high-tech is not a problem, the bidders are the sun god-Titan and the moon god-Semir... Hehe, the sun and the moon are in the sky, shining forever, it really fits the taste of the world's police.

"Titan and Semir?" Yu Qingdong asked eagerly, "Duzhong?"

"Give them the moon god, and the sun god uses Ahri's Dharma"

Fortunately, fortunately, Yu Qingdong was sincerely relieved, the loss was still within acceptable range.

"Then... I'm going to announce it now?"


The scene of the bidding meeting was solemn. It didn't look like a commercial procurement, but rather like the United Nations Security Council was discussing a very serious issue. Compared with the issue itself, the elites from various countries who attended the meeting focused most of their attention on the rostrum Behind, the chief scientific officer who appears to be very low-key, gentle and restrained.

More than one person wanted to come over to chat with him, but they were all stopped because they did not comply with the "tender meeting process". so it is.

Now that the bid price is announced, there is no excuse to block their contact with the chief scientific officer, right?
Isn't this a normal business activity?
So, the first contact person came to Bei Gaoyang very quickly.

After the reception was over, Bei Gaoyang was sitting in a corner with a glass of cocktail. A handsome blond man broke through several barriers and sat down gracefully opposite him. He first raised his glass and exchanged a few words of politeness. , smiled and said: "It seems that you are really a very important person, they are very nervous, like a dragon guarding the treasure."

"Am I a treasure?" Bei Gaoyang smiled, "Maybe, isn't knowledge equal to wealth? Maybe I have more knowledge."

"We are curious, sir, where are you from, Mars or..."

Bei Gaoyang chuckled and asked, "Why do you ask that? It sounds very rude?"

The blond man shrugged his shoulders, "With the current level of technology of humans on Earth, it is impossible to make a game like Canaan. There is no doubt about this. We have not wavered from the beginning, even if it has been proven time and time again. , is an epoch-making, incredible, and miraculous game.”

"Existence is reasonable, what do you think?"

"Yes, so we tried hard to find the reason in a 'reasonable' way, and finally pointed to you... It's the first time to meet, let's get to know each other, I am the technical director of the Swiss Mudwin Robot Manufacturing Company, and I am very honored to win the bid for Death Turas."

Bei Gaoyang shook hands with him, smiled, and waited for the next article.

"Do you remember that there was a man named James Lee who once met you?"


"In Fuyuan City, when you purchase a batch of game equipment."

"Ah, he, I remembered."

"It's a pity that he disappeared... But before he disappeared, he still passed on important information. That's when we knew about your existence."

This conversation is still ringing in a certain room.

The people in the room were like the bottom of a pot. A middle-aged man punched the monitoring workbench and roared, "What's the matter, isn't he an ordinary technician? What are you doing for food? What happened? Big mistake?"


"He looks like a technician, and he's clearly... You guys are dereliction of duty,"

"...what to do next?"

"Who else is behind?"

There was the sound of nervous paper flipping.

"Check, let me check carefully again, if there is any problem, brush it down immediately!"

"Yes, yes, the list cannot be changed"

"It must be changed. Tell those people that something serious will happen if this continues. They, none of us can afford such a responsibility."

There was a period of turmoil and chaos, but the banquet scene was not affected.

The song was sung, the dance was danced, and the beautiful clerical lady of Canaan Company was embraced by gentlemen from all over the world, spinning lightly on the dance floor.

The bartender came over to stock up on drinks and reminded the blond man that the scheduled meeting time was approaching.

"His proposal is still valid. Your Excellency, free and neutral Switzerland is more suitable for your cause than Huaguo. Here is my business card and contact information. I look forward to your consultation at any time."

"Uh, I have no plans to go abroad at the moment."

"There will be."

The man smiled confidently, picked up the wine glass without making too much trouble, and walked away gracefully.

This man...was more pretentious than the nobles of Canaan.

Bei Gaoyang smiled, and casually threw the business card into the trash can next to him.

The second person walked into this corner after ten minutes.

"Hi, Chief Scientific Officer, I am Koji Ikeda, from Matsumoto Institute of Technology, meeting for the first time, please take care of me!"



"Please sit down!"

"Your Excellency Chief Scientific Officer, I have admired your company's Canaan game for a long time. I have a few questions to ask you. As we all know, in the simulation of nerve impulse signals..."

This guy understood every word he said, but he couldn't even hear it.

What kind of signal connection and simulation of brain-computer interaction, what the hell, does this thing need to be so complicated?

" did you solve this problem?"


"Please don't hesitate to enlighten me!"

"I do not know either……"

There was a contemptuous smile on Ikeda Koji's face, but he still responded politely: "Ah, how come, this is just common sense that beginners need to understand... Ah, well, I am being rude, so let's change it again." A simpler question."

"Come on!"

Bei Gaoyang waved his hand and called the security, "Please get this phony guy out."

The head of security wiped his sweat, with a look in his eyes that he wanted to eat and skin the little devil, and ordered him to leave and get out.

"It's a pity, the counterparts in Huaguo didn't even do the basic work properly, how can this look be deceiving, my humble suggestion..."

The little devil was still chattering sarcastically, and the 'gentlemen' at home and abroad stopped to stare at the entanglement with the security guards. Bei Gaoyang was annoyed, no one had ever treated him like this on Earth, so he snapped his fingers.

"My solution is simple!"

The little devil's movements and expressions froze, and a faint shadow emerged from his body. With the shape and characteristics of his body in a daze, it wobbled above his head, like a ghost, exposed to everyone's eyes.

"Ouch, God!"

Someone in the crowd gasped and groaned.

"It is to use...uh, the infinite substance directly acts on the human soul, so there is no need to simulate the nerve impulse signal of Lao Shizi. Are you satisfied with this answer, Mr. Ikeda." Bei Gaoyang approached the sofa and asked lazily.

Ikeda Koji's soul "woke up". He floated above his head, looked around in horror, and then nodded desperately.

"It's an honor to answer your doubts!"

There was another snap of the fingers, and the little devil's soul returned to his place. He seemed to wake up from a nightmare, sweating profusely all over his body, and looking at Bei Gaoyang was like looking at a devil.

The head of security carried him out sweating profusely.

"who is the next!?"

Bei Gaoyang asked the people around him, a little eager to try.

"Uh... the following meeting has been cancelled. If you are tired, you can go back to the guest room to rest." The security guard didn't know what expression he had, so he ignored it.

"This is the end?"

Bei Gaoyang licked his lips, feeling unfinished.

Isn't it very curious, why don't you just taste it and let it go, isn't there a lot of people who are going to jump out and hit me in the face, why are you scared?
The thoughts of all the people present are like a book that can be opened at any time, and their inner activities are like radio waves that flow outward from time to time. It is not difficult to decipher it. To Bei Gaoyang, it is just that they are too lazy to bother.

Many people at the scene harbored malicious intentions towards him, including the Swiss blond man who had just left, who were mostly suspicious.

Also, who made him not look like an ET? People in Huaguo believed him when they said that the chief scientist was the inventor of Canaan technology, but they still suspected that he was just a puppet pushed onto the table.

The bidding belongs to the bidding, and it doesn't prevent them from wanting to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble, and expose his true psychology as a liar by the way.

Bei Gaoyang will not be used to them. Before he masters enough mystic knowledge, he can get whatever he wants here.

But that doesn't mean it's undetectable.

Sheep who have never seen a tiger will instinctively feel threatened and afraid, just like people's natural fear of poisonous snakes.

For a long time, the reason why Bei Gaoyang has been gentle and low-key is to cover up the characteristics of being a "lion", so that he can get along and communicate with the sheep better, but this does not mean that he can push his nose on his face.

"No more, no more..."

"Where's Xiaoyu?"

"Come right now, come right now"

"Prepare a dinner to be delivered to my room... What the hell is this? It's cold. Prepare something hot."

"Yes Yes"

The head of security just wants to send this god of plague away quickly, but the scene is commotion again. If this continues, the rumors of 'aliens disguised as earthlings' and 'terminators riding a time machine' will stop. It's true.

Only then did Bei Gaoyang get up and leave in satisfaction.

To be honest, this so-called bidding will make him a little disappointed, but the outside media and reactions are in line with his expectations. Here, there are only cold, fake, masked politeness and diplomatic rhetoric. It's boring for a long time.

The gorgeous debut did not receive the expected support and enthusiasm, Bei Gaoyang thought, is this the reality of the earth?
Compared with Canaan, it is even worse!
How arrogant to the bone.

All of a sudden, he was not so conflicted about transforming this planet with magic power and magic net. All along, he was confused by the overly prettified memories and Yu Qingdong's enthusiasm and flattery, thinking that what he saw was all .

"What to do, what to do, how to explain?"

He can just pat his ass and leave. Someone has to clean up the mess left behind. Diplomats have already chased after him to inquire and protest. As soon as Koji Ikeda was sent into the guest room, he was controlled by the people of the US consulate and used "terrorist attack" ', and also conduct a comprehensive physical examination of 'Koji Ikeda', condemning his 'shocking inhumane treatment', and reserve the right to pursue further investigations.

The little devil hasn't spoken yet, where are you, an outsider, beeping and beeping?
As soon as Yu Qingdong went home to sleep, he was dragged out of bed in a hurry. Before going out, his little daughter, whom he hadn't seen for a few days, pouted and said that he was busier than the president of the United States...

The rice drama "House of Cards" is showing on TV, and I don't know where to find the resources.

The eldest son finally caught him, how could he let him leave the house so easily, and dragged him to ask about the promised helmet...

Yu Qingdong looked at the person who dragged him from the bed with pretentious embarrassment.

"Approved, your ten pieces of equipment have been approved by the higher ups... Yu Qingdong, Mr. Yu, come with me."

Yu Qingdong wasn't in a hurry, he knew something would happen, right?
(End of this chapter)

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