This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 234 What is the soul

Chapter 234 What is the soul


Outside the intensive care unit, Major Smith stomped out the cigarette butts anxiously, ignoring the head nurse's murderous eyes, and said to his colleagues beside him, "Have you negotiated with the Japanese yet?"

“People at the embassy are trying to get it”

"Fight? Since when do we need to fight against the Japanese, tell them that my time is limited and I must take this person away tonight."

"The identity of this person is very sensitive, not an ordinary technical expert..."

"I don't care who he is, I only gave me 5 hours. He must appear in a special inspection room at the base and undergo a comprehensive inspection."

"Let me ask again, don't worry about the major."

The colleague pushed open the ward and went in. When the door was open, he was very excited to hear the people inside talking nonsense in Japanese.

little devil!
If you don't get serious with him, he won't be honest.

Smith lit another cigarette, waited for a while but did not get a satisfactory result, and decisively notified the soldiers outside the hospital to break in.

American soldiers with live ammunition rushed into the hospital like robbers, jumping all the way, under the leadership of Smith, broke into the ward, ignored the little devil's protest of jumping up and down, picked up the target-Koji Ikeda, and left.

The military vehicle was waiting outside the hospital, and the movement attracted many Tokyo citizens to watch. Smith turned up the collar of his coat, put on sunglasses, and protected Koji Ikeda, who was being hooded all the way, into the military vehicle, and rushed all the way to the base.

Once people enter the base, there is nothing wrong with the Japanese.

Smith didn't care about any foreign affairs disputes. His mission was completed. Koji Ikeda entered the special inspection room of the base and began to conduct all-round inspections on him.

Outside the examination room, a group of medical experts were watching the video over and over again.

The scene of the bidding meeting captured by the mobile phone was very shaking, and the center of the lens focus was a handsome man sitting on the sofa. The man's eyes were like two black holes that could absorb light in the lens, and his facial features could not be captured by the optical lens. Details and expressions at the time.

Opposite this man is our suffering master Koji Ikeda.

I saw a faint shadow floating above his head very clearly, the lower body was still connected to his body, and the upper body was already doing all kinds of frightened and dazed movements like an unstable time.

Although it is not the first time to see it, the medical experts who rushed from the United States still suspect that this is an April Fool's joke. This must be a mistake in the phone lens...

But Major Smith's superior, Lieutenant Colonel Johnson, has repeatedly stressed that there was no problem with the filming. At that time, more than one pair of eyes witnessed it.

Oh my God!
Interested experts asked to contact those who had experienced this supernatural event. It just so happened that Koji Ikeda had completed a comprehensive examination. As a result, except for his mental state, all indicators were normal.

"Mr. Ikeda, how did you feel at that time?"

"I...I don't remember."

"Think about it, Mr. Ikeda, this is very important to us, don't hide anything, you should know that your research institute can't help you."

"I protest, I am a Japanese citizen, I am..."

"Let's be honest, Mr. Ikeda, if you can't satisfy us, even if your government persuades the White House, we CAI will not let you leave this room. You have no choice, Mr. Ikeda."


"Do you want to keep secrets for your own research institute? I have to say that you are a patriot. I can promise you that after answering our questions truthfully, you can leave. At that time, you are giving back to your research institute. It's not too late, you know, we are allies."

"Okay, I said, you can ask."

"How did you feel at the time, how did that all happen?"

"I just heard a... a... a very... indescribable voice."

"Is it this voice!?"

Smith, who was accompanying him, pressed a switch winkingly, and a finger snapping sound that had been extracted from the scene and reproduced through special processing appeared clearly in Ikeda's ear.

If Ikeda was struck by lightning, his whole body froze and his expression was frozen. Then a horrifying scene appeared. A shadow flickered on the surface of his body, and then struggled to float out of his head.

Oh my God!

The experts participating in the interrogation were so startled that their eyes almost popped out. The Lieutenant Colonel, the intelligence officer of CAI, jumped up all of a sudden, and brought the seat upside down, as well as the documents and equipment on it, with a loud noise.

"I, what's wrong with me, I'm like this, what just happened!?"

Unexpectedly, everything returned to normal in the next second. Ikeda woke up and forgot what happened just now. From the horrified and surprised eyes of the people around him, he realized that something bad had happened to him.


The lieutenant colonel's order made the technicians flustered for a while. After a while, the video just now was played on the screen, and it was frozen at the second when the abnormality appeared.

"Now you can talk about your feelings, Mr. Ikeda, come, let's satisfy our curiosity!"

"That voice..."

"Yes, we all heard that voice, and then?"

"Then I felt myself, myself... I became lighter, and I had the illusion of getting rid of the heavy shackles and rising."

"That's not an illusion, Mr. Ikeda...Damn it, is that all? What else did you feel or hear?"

"No, I was sober at the time, and then I saw myself... I was scared and at a loss, I didn't know what was wrong with me..."

"Where is that person?"


"The chief scientist!"

"He, he, he... Ah, I remembered, he is not human, I looked at him as if I saw a black hole, a black hole with huge mass and gravity, I felt the pull from him, as if The next second will be swallowed up... That fear, yes, yes... comes from the depths of the soul, it's too scary, too scary, woohoo..."

Seeing the [-]-[-]-year-old man crying like a child, Smith felt his hair stand on end. He felt an indescribable cold energy enveloped the room, as if there were a pair of invisible eyes looking directly at him through his body. his heart.


"Is he an alien, right? It is certain that the Chinese people discovered his spaceship and made a deal with him, so there is a Canaan game? It seems that some gossip speculations are correct. It's ridiculous that something like this could happen in the [-]st century."

Smith did not participate in the subsequent interrogation. Late at night, he and other colleagues discussed quietly when they were sorting out relevant information and the professional opinions of experts.

"A place similar to Area 51? God, the Chinese people took a big deal this time."

"Politicians always have a way."

"I hope, I can't imagine what will happen when the Chinese people fully digest the alien's technology!"

Smith looked at the photo in the portfolio of the Chief Scientific Opinion.

In the photo, he stands on the steps, turns around and smiles at the camera.

It looks like an unremarkable, gentle and harmless person. Who knows what is hidden under this gentle and harmless human appearance?
Then I remembered the snap of fingers I heard from the device.

Why did Ikeda Koji have such a big abnormal reaction, but others are fine? Could it be that the power of that person came here with Ikeda Koji, or is it some kind of unknown alien technology?

His doubts are also everyone's doubts. I don't know how the scientists diagnosed it. Such an incident that happened under the eyes of everyone is undoubtedly a supernatural phenomenon.

At the same time, the magic capital.

Bei Gaoyang didn't even realize how much trouble a small casting of a spell, but a slight punishment, caused.

They didn't tell him, and Yu Qingdong didn't even mention it.

The bidding meeting ended, he got what he wanted, and he also completed a contact with other potential collaborators, which was a small warning to the current collaborators.

The goal has been achieved, and it is time to go back.

Replenish the magic reserve unit of the small building, and take a little time before leaving to guide the apprentices on their homework.

With a change in mentality, the ambivalence towards the apprentices has also weakened. This is the first real teaching to solve doubts. The apprentices are flattered.

"Teacher, do people really have a soul?"

One of the apprentices mustered up the courage to ask a digression.

"Soul? What do you think a soul is?"


"The reason why you are you, not someone else, let alone a pile of flesh and blood waiting to rot, is because of your thoughts, your memories, your emotions, your desires, this is you, you say the soul is what?"

"The soul... is the unity of these?"

"Uh, then tell me, do people have souls?"

"Of course, otherwise, wouldn't we become walking corpses?" Another apprentice responded excitedly.

"Yeah, asking if a person has a soul is like asking if you exist. It's a stupid question."

"Teacher, No. 1179 didn't make it clear. He probably wanted to ask whether the human soul can exist independently of the body. If so, why didn't it be discovered before, and there is only a philosophical concept?"

"Well, this question is a bit technical. The soul does exist, but we have some ambiguities in the definition of the soul, its shape, and its way of existence. According to the rules defined by the mystic, the soul can of course be separated from the body Existing alone, not only that, the powerful soul will in turn dominate and change the way and level of existence of the body. But in the scientific rules of your world, consciousness cannot exist independently of matter..."

"Then why now?"

"Stupid, because you have a mentor, you have magic power!"

"Yes, magic power. Magic power comes from mysterious rules. It is an external interference force that affects and changes the scientific laws and phenomena of this world, so that the soul and the flesh can be separated."

"Then... what about the players, are they playing games with their souls?"

Outside the door, Yu Qingdong was terrified when he heard it. Opposite him, a Chinese tunic suit from Yanjing slowly let go of his right hand that was twisting the doorknob.

"What do you say?"

"Of course, that level of virtual reality can only be achieved by... technology that directly affects the perception of the soul?"

"Yes, the players are playing the game with their souls."

"Then... isn't Canaan a real world?"

"Whether it's real or not depends on how you judge. People's understanding of the world comes from people's various perceptions. There is a mountain in front of me. I saw it, touched it, smelled it, and measured it with my own feet. Then it is real. If I can't see, touch, even smell, and don't know what I'm measuring with my feet, does this mountain still exist?"

"Of course there is..."

"Doesn't exist, at least not in our perception"

"Yes, whether Canaan is real or not depends on the perception of the players. If all players think it is real, even if there is no mountain in front of it, then the mountain still exists, and vice versa. This is a part of mysticism. The fundamental law, the mystery, arises from the collection of consciousnesses of intelligent beings, in which anything is possible and nothing is certain."

What an answer.

Whether he admitted it or not, is he saying that Canaan is just a virtual game or...

Yu Qingdong was confused.

This is the end of the preaching and teaching. The instructor is rare and pleasant. When every apprentice leaves, he has an excited smile on his face. Looking at the backs of these young people in the tunic suit, he frowned slightly and then let go.

"Xiao Yu is here, come in!"

Yu Qingdong asked with his eyes if he would go in with him in the tunic suit. The man in the tunic suit thought for a while, shook his head, and stayed outside the door.

This person came to 'excuse the teacher', because of the outrageous behavior of the bidding meeting, the higher-ups felt that it was necessary to let the 'chief scientific officer' understand the seriousness of the situation, so as to prevent the next offense from happening again.

But this 'special envoy' with full authority seems to have changed his mind now, maybe he just heard that those things worked, but who knows, Yu Qingdong felt that he was playing tricks.

"I'll give you trouble this time."

"There, there... Is the chairman ready to leave?"

"Uh, time is too tight, and there are a lot of things to do when I go home, so I can't do without."

"Then... the result of this bidding..."

"The next test, you must strictly control the quality, these things will be the main content of the next test."

"Okay, don't worry, the chairman."

"Uh, I left some things in the old place, you can go and have a look when you have time, don't worry about this building, everything will be as usual!"

"Okay, okay."


In the middle of the night, the small building was silent, and the faint candlelight was like a will-o'-the-wisp. Yu Qingdong shivered in the night wind. Looking back, he felt a strong sense of unreality.

(End of this chapter)

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