This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 235 The Temperament

Chapter 235 The Temperament
"Look, Xiaoyu, does this chief scientific officer look like the main thread NPC in the game?"

"Uh... what does it look like?"

"Aura, aura..."

"What kind of temperament?"

"Very bad temperament"

"A scientist of his age should be proud and reserved. Don't talk nonsense."

"Maybe he played it. Didn't it mean that the main thread NPC was played by a real person? I think he looks very similar."


"What are you looking at?"

"Hey, this video is very popular recently."

In the virtual space, Du Shiyu turned his virtual screen over and asked his buddies to watch it.

"It's to teach people how to get rid of the earthy smell inside as much as possible when making food..."

"Tourist Chef?"


"By the way, we haven't caught up with the tourists to go online. We have been exploring new maps in the wild, and we have missed a lot of excitement. I heard that after the tourists went online, those players in the main city lived comfortably, and they all became Huang Shiren, what? There are people who can help with everything.”

"Do you want to go back?"

"It's impossible, we're halfway there, we have to go to the Rock Fortress anyway."

"Come on, there is Obsidian Canyon behind the Suzuki Crypt, but unfortunately we didn't discover it, let's go west, stagger with the people in front, and take a turn to see if there is anything we can gain."

"Valuable new maps are too difficult to find. An obsidian canyon made us go for a few days. If it weren't for the high rate of wild monsters, we would have lost money."

"You can't give up halfway."

"Okay, I'll look at the map..."

The two of them only paid a little attention to the so-called bidding meeting and the news about the chief scientific officer. This is also the attitude of most players. As long as their interests in the game are not involved, they are not interested in whether the chief scientific officer is male or female.

Besides, this series of blockbuster news was treated coldly in China this time, but it was different abroad, but with a wall blocking it, most people in China could not hear the overwhelming voice of doubt.

"Look, look, I went to Tsinghua University at the age of 12, and got my Ph.D. at the age of 14. I still don't understand the importance of 'human bioengineering'. Fuck, have you ever heard of this major? Am I the only one who is ignorant? "

At the same time, Yunwan's anchor, Brother Chun, is taking advantage of the chief scientific officer's enthusiasm. He has been making game videos, and he also needs other condiments to make adjustments. If he eats too much, he will get tired of it.

Hundreds of thousands of people watched him make jokes in the live broadcast room, interpreting the heavy news that was officially released this time as an old player and Yunwan anchor.

"Everyone, take a good look and get acquainted with this big cow. It is the 'infinite quality' he invented. It is the major breakthrough in virtual reality technology in Huaguo, and there is such an epoch-making great game as Canaan. It is our god, Patriarch, come and worship us!"

With the active broadcasting, comments and rockets flying, Bei Gaoyang got the nickname of Beishen, Beishen 666, Worship, Mighty and so on, swiping the screen.

I don't want to suddenly receive a notification from the backstage of the short video website, saying that the relevant interpretation of the relevant news hot spots violated the regulations, and the stream has been restricted, so Brother Chun should rectify it immediately, otherwise the live broadcast will be closed and the broadcast will be banned for a period of time.

"Fuck, why is it against the rules, I interpreted it so positively?"

I quickly contacted my exclusive editor, and the editor told him that this person is not something ordinary people like you can comment on, neither good nor bad, and everything is based on official news.

Brother Chun argued that I was trying to create a positive image for him.

The editor only replied that you are not qualified enough, mainly because you do not have that kind of authority.

Brother Chun lost his temper.

Forget it, the arm can't twist the thigh, let's not talk about the chief scientific officer, you can always talk about the others, right?
Brother Chun was wise enough to give up the heat on sensitive people, and changed the subject, saying that the bidding itself will be held this time.

"Tsk tsk, using artificial intelligence programs to make all kinds of gods in the game, why do I feel so LOW, do you have similar feelings? I feel that I am not worthy of Canaan. The current artificial intelligence is artificial mental retardation, not to mention passing the Turing test , It’s just that free dialogue in general scenes can’t be done, such a thing can also be used, is it worthy of Canaan?”

"What alpha dog, it's all bragging, this is not Go, this is God, God, with Canaan's level of simulation, don't make a bunch of tool-man gods, and then a lot of bugs are funny... Besides, so Can important things use foreign technology? Just for the sake of internationalization to please foreign players?"

"In this way, the internationalization is definitely unstoppable. It may be that there will be a lot more bird-speaking players in the fifth test game. I personally don't care. It's just that there are more meat and fewer wolves. I don't know how to qualify for this game. Point, don't make a lot of messes out by then."

"... Alas, let's talk about seriousness, why did it involve Maomei, there is no Maomei in the game, only humans, dwarves, elves, orcs..."

The live broadcast room is very fun, and Brother Chun is also happy to broadcast, making money or not is the second priority. He likes to brag and fart with so many cloud players from all over the world when he is not playing games. Not anymore, the benefits in the game have satisfied him, and in terms of his highest requirements for material life, the freedom of wealth has been realized ahead of schedule.

Not so with the other person he lived with.

As soon as Qiao Shan came back, she heard her roommate yelling.

He shook his head, put down a stack of brochures about properties and nursing homes, and poured himself a glass of water.

Sit down and get used to opening the official website to watch the news.

The biggest news now is of course the tender and the appearance of the chief scientific officer.

There are a lot of things to say on the forum, most of which are positive, but because the government has set a lot of sensitive words and restrictions on the chief scientific officer, the discussions on him are all the same, like government reports, gossip and other news Very little, if you read too much, you will lose interest.

There are many doubts about artificial intelligence programs being the gods in games. They all doubt whether the current "artificial mental retardation" can do this task. Without such technology, it is necessary to invite bids, and be beaten to pieces. We do not have "artificial mental retardation", but we have Canaan, which is the only one in the world. What do you have in 1450, do you use love to generate electricity?
Qiao Shan checked what 1450 was, and found a website that specializes in translating overseas comments. It is full of news comments and replies on international hotspots. It was on the air, and there would be nothing to do for a while, so he simply soaked bread noodles, and watched while eating.

The hot news and comments translated on the website are all Canaan.

The latest is about this tender and the chief scientific officer.

Unlike domestic companies who pay more attention to the bidding itself, foreign countries focus on the identity of the chief scientific officer.

A resume has been repeatedly interpreted, various speculations and conspiracy theories are prevalent, and the photo of the chief scientific officer is PS into ET and alien, the most striking is a news inside picture, the chief scientific officer has a zipper on his face, The zipper was pulled halfway down, revealing the cold metal forehead and the electronic eyes shining red...

Even the Terminator and the time machine came out.

Foreign netizens and domestic keyboard warriors have the same virtue, eating melons is not a big deal, and conspiracy theories that have been depressed for a long time are prevalent again. This time, with the proof of the chief scientist, the audience is wider.

In short, Bei Gaoyang's youthful face did not add points to Canaan at all, but instead burst a mysterious bubble, making people's first impression one of suspicion.

Qiao Shan looked joyfully, he didn't care about the truth, it was interesting to compare the domestic public opinion, it was a bit "he will let others do what he wants, and the breeze caresses the hills" as immobile as a mountain.

Compared with the reactions and abnormalities of the netizens of various countries and the official organizations of various countries, the most popular spokespersons who jumped beforehand actually softened their posture and wording a lot, and began to use some ambiguous words and unpredictable attitudes. To respond to the overwhelming doubts, what is even more weird is that the sanctions and bans that no one has mentioned have been completely canceled this time, and some of them even sang a one-man show, talking about Canaan's game qualifications in their own draws with great fanfare. The problem.

The international public opinion that was raised out of thin air made Canaan Company no longer pretend to be dead, and had to issue an announcement saying that it had no plans to enter overseas in the short term.

These are all melons. Foreign melons are more fragrant than domestic ones, and eating them with instant noodles has a special taste.

When Brother Chun was broadcasting, Qiao Shan finished his bowl of noodles. He collected this interesting website, picked up brochures of various real estate projects, and walked into the connected suite.

"This beautiful lakeside is nice, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with good scenery, convenient transportation, and quiet. They are all townhouses. How about we buy them together for security measures?"

“Just a bit expensive”

"Let me see... Shit, it's so expensive, why don't you grab it?"

"Look, it's a metaverse project..."

"Damn it, now dog meat sellers can sell a flower with a gimmick in the metaverse... It says, what does it mean that it is only tailor-made for players? Only for players?"

"How is this possible? It may be offline supporting facilities, security, Internet of Things, offline virtual scenes and the like."

"I have a game room, and I need these...Forget it, let's look at other things."

The two discussed moving out from the player's apartment in the provincial capital, buying a house and real estate, driving a luxury car and living in a villa, so as to realize their ideals in life.

Originally, when I left this less-developed province, I went to Wudu, the central city in the economically developed zone of the Yangtze River and Pearl River Delta, and all I looked at were the real estate there.

I don’t know if I don’t see it, but I was shocked when I saw it. Just knowing that the housing prices in the four first-tier cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen are expensive, who knows that the housing prices in the new inland first-tier cities like Wudu are not much worse.

The two of them are considered to be wealthy, and ordinary real estate is naturally not a problem, but it is not a little bit short of realizing their ideals in life.

"Didn't you say that the housing price has fallen, why has it risen again, and it has risen so ridiculously?"

"Experts on TV said that the economic situation is very good, and the wave of the new era of the metaverse has given birth to a group of new rich people, that is, us. They say that our consumption ability is strong, and our willingness to consume is strong. We are so prosperous that we spread it in the game. Money to walk the dog..."

"WCTM, why didn't the price increase for ordinary houses? Are we being slaughtered like fat sheep!? No, I don't care about everything with Metaverse and player exclusives... How much is left?"

"Then there is nothing left. Ordinary residential projects do not meet our requirements. It is not suitable for only one safety factor. It is better to live in an apartment!"

"Depend on!"

"If it's more expensive, it's more expensive. You can still get a mortgage, and the bank's interest rate is not bad..."

"Of course it's okay. The bank is not afraid that we won't be able to pay it back. Going there to find such a high-quality customer is equal to zero risk!"

"You talk a lot of nonsense, so why don't you buy it?"

"Buy, buy, isn't it tens of millions more, a down payment is still affordable..."

"That's it, I'll give them a letter of approval, Lakeside Beauty?"

"Well, that's it."

Qiao Shan got up and was about to call the real estate agent. Brother Chun remembered something and asked, "By the way, have you sent out the 1 gold reward?"

Qiao Shan's face became very gloomy when he heard it, and he glared at him, "Do you think I'm joking?"

"I want to persuade you that it's been so long and you should let it go. If people find out that you are the one who offered the bounty, the old shit will have to be revealed. Do you want to go back to the way everyone shouted Want to 'catch the little bridge alive'?"

"...I'm just not reconciled!"

"So what if you are not reconciled? You don't know who that guy is, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, how do you find it?"

"I suspect it was a pit dug by the system. After so long, who has ever heard of a hidden profession like a demon?"

"That's even more confusing. If the system specifically cheats you, what can you do? Go to Canaan Company to protest, or go to a lawyer to file a lawsuit? Stop making trouble."

Qiao Shan was stunned for a while, and finally sighed, "I will withdraw the reward task when I go online."

"That's right, you have to look forward, why are you always entangled in the losses you suffered in the past? The good days are still waiting for you."

"Well, thanks."

"Are you going to take Auntie to Wudu?"

"Well, after contacting a nursing home over there, we will move out once the house is settled."

"What about the family, Chun Shui has asked several times, I told you, he said he welcomes you, the family needs someone with a wide range of skills like you, and it's easy to handle things."

"...The family name is too... ugly."

"I'll change it in the future. There are beauties, and she's a teacher at Wudu University. How about it, hehehe..."

"let me think again."

"What the hell, it's just a family, it's just a bit of a grind..."

On the way to the hospital to pick up his mother, Qiao Shan was still a little sad when he recalled the experience of being cheated. When he encountered a traffic jam, he saw a motorcade with colorful flags waving at the intersection, and even had a dispute with the traffic police.

They cosplay various races and occupations in the game, beat gongs and drums, and shouted the fanatical slogans of Canaan YYDS, and two-dimensional pictorials of obscene Canaan gods fluttered in the wind.

Only after the taxi driver cursed did I know that the bidding meeting had already been settled, and this was a group of cloud game enthusiasts taking the opportunity to make trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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