This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 236 'Goldfinger' Lost

Chapter 236 'Goldfinger' Lost

Wudu high-speed rail station.

Brother Chun hung up the phone in disappointment, and said to Qiao Shan, "They have something to do, so they won't come to pick us up."

Qiao Shan smiled and shook his head, then got into the hotel car and headed all the way to Wudu Hotel.

The three towns of Wudu are separated by the Yangtze River. Qiao Shan has never seen the river under the magnificent Yangtze River Bridge. Looking at the scenery outside the window, he saw a luxury yacht with neon lights on the rolling river. It is meandering through the bridge hole, heading for the little sparks in the distance.

The driver of the hotel said that the city is going to hold a cultural festival recently, and this is a rehearsal.

Wudu is very prosperous, and it looks very big. The appearance of the city is no worse than that of the four super-first-tier cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The tall buildings lined up along the Yangtze River are putting on a large-scale light show. Cyberpunk style and taste.

The new first-tier cities are different from small places. The driver knows that the two are players, and there is not much difference. He just became more enthusiastic. He chatted with God along the way, and talked about the news and allusions of Canaan. The facilities and services of the hotel are also very good. That's right, they played fate without seeing them as players. This is very different from the 'folk customs' in G province.

The next day, Brother Chun still didn't have an appointment with the beautiful woman, so he wanted to rush to Wudu University to visit him in person, but Qiao Shan disagreed and dragged him into the real estate agent's car.

Hubei Province is known as the land of thousands of lakes, and it has been a famous land of fish and rice since ancient times. The so-called lakes are abundant in the world, and there is naturally a lot of water. The location of Liren Lake is not remote, and the straight-line distance from the center of Hankou is less than 25 kilometers. , a very beautiful artificial lake, with willows bursting along the shore, sparkling on the lake, promenades and waterside pavilions built on the lake, many tourists and children are feeding fish, and delicate and graceful boats carry couples for spring. couple, wandering leisurely... Qiao Shan fell in love with this place at first sight.

The townhouses are built by the lake and the mountains, hidden in the dense shady trees, leaving the wide and flat main road, getting off the cable car, walking on the cobblestone path with well-developed four-way, and coming to a row of beautiful villas.

They are all two-and-a-half-story structures. There is a semi-exposed roof on the third floor, which is used as a sun room. It can be closed by electricity when it rains. The targeted layout and decoration make it impossible to fault in terms of safety and privacy.

The real estate agent enthusiastically introduced the various convenient facilities in the villa to the two of them. Qiao Shan asked, so many villas are only sold to players. Are there so many players in Wudu?

The real estate agent explained that there are not many now, but there will be many in the future. Anyway, it is just a matter of a few months.And let him not worry, only players can buy the property here, this is the main selling point of the project, it is written in the contract, how could the developer smash the signboard.


There are more than [-] players scattered all over the country. There are actually not many in a city. Maybe places like Shanghai and Yanjing will be more concentrated, but they can't support a specific consumer group.

However, considering that this group will continue to expand, planning in advance to plan ahead is also to see potential business opportunities, and is optimistic about the future of Canaan, betting on this group of players.

That's all good, but the price is not too beautiful.

"Sign!?" Leaving aside the real estate agent, Qiao Shan discussed with Brother Chun. Brother Chun didn't want to bother anymore, and couldn't wait to realize his life ideal of 'owning a luxurious villa'. Hearing this, he gritted his teeth, endured the pain and nodded, "Sign , Scared of a fart!"

"Then sign it!"

The real estate agent was called, and the agent was overjoyed. He got a commission of up to two points, and wished to treat the two of them as grandpas.

Once he decided to buy this place, Qiao Shan's mentality changed. He didn't want to go back to the hotel. The agent agreed with a pat on his chest that he could check in with his bags, and he would handle the formalities. From now on, the two uncles will be the owners of these two villas.

Qiao Shan and Brother Chun were not too polite, they stayed there at that time, asked the real estate agent to instruct people to go through the formalities on the first floor, and stayed on the second floor by themselves, opened the luxurious and convenient computer room, took out the rare and precious game helmet, put it in the Specially made game compartment.

I couldn’t wait to lie down in it and experience it. The game room is a small pocket house, which is actually integrated with a bar and toilet, and it also has an automatic cleaning function. You don’t need to move a finger when you lie down. Everything is automated and voice-controlled. For those who are lazy, eating, drinking and lassing can be solved inside.

Log in to the virtual space of the metaverse, the game warehouse is still in the original unreset state, the two log in to their accounts, call the previous settings, and the void space they are in has changed into a standing Old castle on a cliff.

Of course, in terms of fidelity, it is not comparable to Canaan.

"It feels like nothing has changed. Why pay so much money for it?"

The cartoon image of Brother Chun sits in front of the virtual screen of the old castle, looking around, still feeling pain about buying a house for the first time.

"Can you stay in the virtual world forever..."

Brother Chun logged on to the official website and began filling in a frequently visited section.

"Really, I feel that one game room for each person will be enough in the future. Houses and cars are all external possessions. Aren't these things prepared for our physical and mental pleasure? In the future, one game room can satisfy all ..."

"That's in the future, and it's still far behind."

"I don't think it's far away. Look at the current speed of development. How dare you think a year ago... Uh, what are you doing?"

"Chatting with people, things in the game."

"Go to Wudu University in the afternoon, will you go?"

"Still miss your two beautiful teachers?"


"I won't go, I have something to do"

"What's the matter?"

"About a few Wudu bosses to meet and socialize."

"You, you, what are you doing with those people? Like me, I don't ask for anyone, and I live a good life? Is it worth it?"

In the chat room, it's game time.

When Qiao Shan logged into the game, he was still in a remote safe area, but this time it went online, there were many more players and tourists, and the once secluded place became lively, bustling with people coming and going.

On the game map, the surrounding darkness has been lit up a lot. It seems that the large army of players exploring has spread here, and the rare quiet place is gone.

The first thing to do online is to go to that damned Nightmare Swamp to see if you can bump into that liar named Bai Xiaobai.

Entering the swamp, I saw someone brushing ghouls from a distance, thought it was Bai Xiaobai, his eyes were red, and he rushed over desperately.

"Bai Xiaobai, you liar, I finally caught you!"

This person was not Bai Xiaobai, but a bard with a harp in his arms. The bard was startled by him, thinking he wanted to PK himself, and even called his teammates.

His teammate, an orc player rushed out from behind a pile of chaotic rocks, shouting repeatedly: "Bai Xiaobai, where are you, where are you?"

Not Bai Xiaobai!
Qiao Shan was disappointed for a while, and only said that she had admitted the wrong person and was going to leave.

But the orc player refused to let him go and insisted on letting him show his ID. He was treating him as Bai Xiaobai, and he was also envious of the 1 gold reward.

Qiao Shan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, before he could take two steps, he realized something was wrong, turned around and asked how they could enter the swamp to spawn monsters?

"This 'cockroach ball'", the bard was very talkative, showing a prop that made Qiao Shan's pupils shrink, "It's sold in the black shop of the system, 10 silver each, really fucking black."

It's over, it's over!
Qiao Shan shouted in his heart, the system is trying to cut off my money.

For a long time, the Nightmare Swamp has been his exclusive spot for spawning monsters. The first kill rate of wild monsters is high. This experience has just been explored by the players. In fact, he has long known that the vast Nightmare Swamp is his cornucopia. Equipment, Experience, materials, nothing is missing, relying on this little [cockroach ball], a small and inconspicuous game prop given by Alice.

Now that the system's black store has started to sell it publicly, what else is he doing in the Nightmare Swamp? No wonder there are so many players in such a remote safe zone, and they all come for his money.

This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to him, far surpassing the time he was deceived.

Qiao Shan left the Nightmare Swamp in frustration, not knowing what to do in the future.

Just mortgaged a tens of millions of luxury villas, just prepared to take over my mother to enjoy the blessings, just made an overall plan for a beautiful life and future, just, just... the confidence that supported all of this is gone .

So easy, it's just an inconspicuous move by the system hacker.

How to do how to do!
He was so comfortable these days that he forgot how to play games and make money normally.

After wasting more than an hour of game time in a daze, he came to a tavern opened by an NPC in Punk City and ordered a glass of wine, which was tasteless.

Listening to the high-spirited talks of NPCs and players, I found that I have no interest in what they said. What kind of business, what kind of mercenary, what kind of adventure, is there a high income in the nightmare swamp?What treasures, what new maps, new monsters, new bosses, fighting for a dog's brains, is not as good as what I have gained in a few days...

Can't be like this, can't be so pessimistic, cheer up Qiao Shan, cheer up!
When he left the tavern, the system reminded him that he was in a slightly poisoned state, so he almost couldn't help but have an attack. He just wanted to point at the sky and scold the doggy system.

There are so many swamps, such a large game map and monsters, why let him brush alone, let him monopolize him for such a long time, it is already lucky, and if it is said, the ID Xiaoqiao Liushui has to be talked about for a long time.

"Have you heard, the system is about to release the level limit of level 20 for one turn?"

"What did the forum say?"

"Well, after the bidding meeting ended, a senior executive of Canaan Company said that the cap has been capped for too long, which is not conducive to something..."

"Yeah, I just turned to level 10!"

"So hurry up and upgrade. Once the level is released, the gap with the old players will be widened."

"Walk, go, spawn monsters"

"Buy a cockroach ball and go to the Nightmare Swamp. There are fewer people and more monsters, and the explosion rate is also high."

"10 silver ah"

"I can't bear that my child can't catch a wolf, I can't bear that my daughter-in-law can't catch a hooligan..."

Two four-test players in a hurry walked past him, and saw that they were not much different from the old players except for their poor equipment. Looking at the big Punk City, everyone has their own things to do, and they have their own things to do. He is very purposeful and races against time, but he has nothing to do and doesn't know what to do next.

Even tourists are better than him...

A beautiful woman who is obviously a tourist is pulling a handmade cart. The heavy wheels are stuck in a pit and cannot be moved. The NPCs and players passing by turn a blind eye to her.

Qiao Shan went up to help, and the beautiful tourist thanked him repeatedly after setting up the stall, and insisted on baking him a pancake as a token of gratitude.

[Well-made pancakes, white in quality, hunger +8 after eating, a small amount of life and stamina will be restored within a certain period of time.Producer: Tourist A152709949]

Qiao Shan was a little dazed looking at this unremarkable pancake, and the beautiful tourist smiled kindly: "Young man, eat it while it's hot, and come often to take care of my business after it tastes good."

Qiao Shan took a sip, and it was indeed much better than the pig food made by the NPC.

Just relying on this hand, the future "money journey" will not be bad, this is just a tourist, in the future...

Qiao Shan, are you inferior to a tourist who has only logged into the game for a few days?

"Sell pancakes, sell pancakes, white quality pancakes that can restore life and stamina, delicious pancakes without fishy smell, take a walk, take a look, new store opens, free tasting, 8% discount, One piece only sells for 2 coppers!"

Aunt Xue didn't care about the distraught player just now. Seven days after logging into the game (reality), she finally realized her life ideal of selling Canaan pancakes.

With such a yell, it quickly attracted the attention of many players.

"2 Copper? A bit expensive?"

"It's not expensive, it's not expensive, it tastes good, it has attributes, and it won't be poisoned..."

"Really... Really, food also has attributes?"

"Try it, it's free, come and have a taste."

After the players tasted it, they all said yes, except for the extremely stingy ones, they gave generously, one for you, two for me, and Aunt Xue was very busy soon.

I have been busy until the game time is almost over, and the prepared materials are almost exhausted, and then I am ready to close the stall.

After more than 3 hours, a total of 1 silver and 46 copper was harvested. After removing the material money, the profit was about 7%.

Calculated according to the current exchange rate, Aunt Xue is already very satisfied, besides, she still has a salary.

"I said, Aunt Xue, you earn hard money like this. A pancake costs 2 copper. How many pancakes can you sell in 4 hours? How much money can you earn?"

After closing the stall, the shop owner, the player boss, was still persuading her to give up paying for the stall and go out on her own, "The player is so stingy, how can NPC business be easy to do, the same pancake, I sell it for 10 copper, look at these NPCs, who blinked?" …I will do it for the remaining 4 hours of your game. I will give you a commission for a piece of pancake, which is also 2 coppers. How about saving you from the wind and the sun, and having to buy the ingredients yourself, this snack cart It’s not cheap, so hurry back.”

Aunt Xue shook her head and refused, and the owner and player were not moved by the flowers.

Going out and doing it by myself has always been my plan. Besides, there is another reason I can’t explain. After working here for a few days, I was harassed by NPCs several times. The store owner and players didn't care about the hands-on, and advised her to take it easy, it was just a game.

Just a game?

Aunt Xue can't be so open-minded, and it's not easy to tell others about it.

I'm pretty old, what's this all about.

(End of this chapter)

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