This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 237 The Great Era

Chapter 237 The Great Era

After Aunt Xue went offline, she exchanged the copper coins she had saved for the past few days into RMB. Seeing the series of numbers on her bank account, her heart settled down, and she was sure that she had also made money in the game. .

In just over a week, she earned an income that she could not have earned in the past few months. She happily went to the vegetable market to buy good things that she was usually reluctant to buy. She was going to cook a big meal for her daughter who is in high school. Celebrate too.

After a busy morning, I fixed a table for a sumptuous lunch and waited for my daughter to come back from school with full anticipation.

The school is not far away. Over the past few years, the family has changed because of the daughter's entrance into school.

I went to elementary school in the town, went to junior high school in the county, and moved to the prefecture-level city where my hometown is when I got to high school.

The daughter is also up to the challenge. She has never been worried about her studies since she was a child. The school is the key point. Tuition fees are waived. She even applied for a poor student subsidy and rented a house very close to the school.

For her, her daughter is the whole of her life, the hope of her life. Since her daughter grew up and became more and more independent and strong, the position of the head of the family has been transferred from her to her daughter unconsciously.

As soon as Xie Xiaomeng opened the door, she could smell the sweet smell of the big meal. She had short hair that reached her ears like a tomboy, and she wrapped her school uniform jacket around her waist. She hurriedly kicked off her shoes and rushed to the dining table.

"Wow, mom, what day is it today?"

Aunt Xue came out of the kitchen wearing an apron, "Wait a while, there is still a fish."

"What day is it today, so extravagant?"

Xie Xiaomeng hurriedly grabbed a piece of ribs, threw it into his mouth, chewed, fanned his hot mouth, and said to the kitchen vaguely.

"Good days, good days for our family, guess what, aren't you the smartest in the world?"

Xie Xiaomeng spat out the bones, patted his chest and swallowed a mouthful of delicious gravy, picked up the Sprite and blew a mouthful into the mouth of the bottle, wiped his mouth afterward, and said: "You still have to guess, you must have made money in the game, right?" ? You changed copper coins into money, how much did you change?"

"You girl, I can't hide anything from you. You are a monkey. What will you do when you are so smart?"

Aunt Xue put the last plate of braised fish on the dining table. The simple dining table couldn't fit it, so it had to be stacked on top of each other, and it was full.

"How much did you change?"

"Three thousand"

"Ah!? Thirty thousand?"

"Shh, don't be so loud, be careful that people can hear you."

"You won't convert all the copper coins into money, will you? How will you do business in the future?"

"Don't worry, I've saved money, and your mother is not stupid."

"However, we have agreed to expand the business. You have withdrawn all the capital, how can you expand the business?"

"What about expanding the business? I'm already very satisfied with this income. Counting the salary, I can earn more than 10 yuan a month. This is 10 yuan a month. It's like a dream. How could I have dared to think about it before? Let's not talk about it. Stop talking, eat!"

"But... obviously you can earn more..."

"No matter how much your mother dares to think about, she won't be able to sleep tonight, for fear that waking up in the morning will be a dream."

"But...if you don't expand your business and keep up with the development of the game, you will be eliminated in the future. A wave of bonuses won't last you a lifetime."

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, you can earn 10 a month now because there are not many players and tourists, and the competition is not so fierce. What technical content can there be in making street food? In the future, when there are more people, can you still earn so much? If you don’t seize the first-mover advantage and complete the accumulation, you will be eliminated in the future.”

Aunt Xue felt that what her daughter said was reasonable, but she didn't want to worry about it on this happy day, so she ignored the quarrel and urged her daughter to eat quickly so that she could go to school.

"Hey, a little rich is safe, a little rich is safe..."

The daughter shook her head and sighed while eating, and the chopsticks moved quickly. The way she was gobbling it up was so sweet and cute in the eyes of a mother.

"Slow down, slow down, no one will grab you."

Seeing her handsome face more and more like her when she was young, Aunt Xue felt sour in her heart. She silently glanced at the photo of her deceased husband hanging on the wall, and then remembered her face in the game. She felt an inexplicable heat in her chest, and felt There was a fluster.

how many years.

This home finally has a little bright color, a little hope.

Although her daughter is careless, Aunt Xue knows that her heart is actually very sensitive. How many cold nights, she closed the door alone, hugging the pillow and crying under the quilt.

A child without a father met a mother with no skills and culture, and no relatives and elders. He grew up in a street food stall and watched his classmates holding hands with strict fathers and loving mothers. There are a lot of relatives and elders. All the New Year's money was soft... What about her?
My daughter can grow into what she is now, thanks to Mantian God and Buddha.

Thinking, thinking, tears welled up in my eyes, afraid that my daughter would see it, so I wiped it away with the back of my hand while holding the soup.

Xie Xiaomeng saw it, but pretended not to see it. When she ate a piece of hot pepper, she couldn't stop shouting that it was spicy. Aunt Xue hurriedly poured water for her, and said suspiciously that there was no spicy pepper.

By drinking water, Xie Xiaomeng wiped his eyes, and said capriciously, if you let it go, you let it go, knowing that people can't eat spicy food, you still let it go...

A meal is spent in such quarrels, but there is a different kind of sweetness and warmth in it.

There were so many dishes, it was impossible for the mother and daughter to finish them all. A widowed couple lived downstairs, so Aunt Xue drove out some dishes that she hadn't touched much, and asked her daughter to send them to the grandparents downstairs.

"Who is bothered to eat your leftovers!?" Xie Xiaomeng didn't want to go.

"Your Grandma Wang won't mind, hurry up and forget how she took care of you when you first came here."

Xie Xiaomeng went out reluctantly, confused, and ran into Aunt Liu who lived across the street. This person was notoriously talkative. Xie Xiaomeng didn't want to talk to her, so he just nodded and passed away. She was very enthusiastic, "Xiao Meng, your mother went to Canaan to sell pancakes and made a fortune. I have heard about it. Good guy, you have earned hundreds of thousands in just a few days... I heard that the lottery draw The group was decided by you, come, come, come, tell your Aunt Liu, what are the tricks in it, or do you have any connections, I heard that there is a classmate in your school who is related to that Canaan company..."

"What the hell, Aunt Liu, don't talk nonsense!"

"Hey, this kid still keeps it from me? Who in the neighborhood doesn't know, it's the young man who waits downstairs all day long for you to go to school together..."

Xie Xiaomeng was afraid that Aunt Xue would hear it in the room, so she said perfunctorily, there is something else, and I will talk to you in detail later.

Only then did Aunt Liu see the plate in her hand, clicked her tongue twice, and gave your Grandma Wang another food... I don't know what that expression means.

It was hard to get rid of this pestering Aunt Liu.

The first floor is a semi-basement, only the windows are exposed, it is dark and damp, and the narrow corridors are filled with cooking utensils from various houses, frying and frying, and the smell is very pungent.

Xie Xiaomeng walked to the end of the alley with a pick of where to stay, knocked on the door and went in, and saw a hunchbacked old woman sitting on a pile of garbage cardboard boxes, struggling to tie up and tidy up.

She quickly put down the food and went up to help.

Grandma Wang has cataracts in her eyes, so she sees people as shadows, but she can tell who is coming by smelling the unique fragrance of the girl.

Her wrinkled face was wrinkled with a smile, and when Xie Xiaomeng said what she came for, she kept nodding and saying yes, yes, yes... as if she couldn't say anything else.

After helping, Xie Xiaomeng went to the back room to see the bedridden old man. When he came out, his heart became very heavy.

When she got home, she said to Aunt Xue, "Should we send Grandma Wang and the others to a nursing home?"

Aunt Xue paused busyly, "Your Grandpa Wang is still ill?"

"Well, there is no one to take care of him, and the old man is so stubborn that he won't go to the hospital for anything."

"Then give it away. The one I asked last time costs more than two thousand a month. We can afford it now."

Xie Xiaomeng was very happy, "Grandma Wang still has subsistence allowances, so you don't need that much."

"Don't move on the subsistence allowances, and those who save will talk about it."

"What can you say, what can you say, can we still plan..."

"Shh, you are still young and don't know that people are scary, and gossip hurts people the most."

"Then... when will it be delivered?"

"I'll check it out this afternoon."

"As for the game, there is another round in the afternoon, right?"

"Tourists are easy to log in, and they are not players, and they have to queue up."


"Go to school quickly, you don't have to worry about these things"

Xie Xiaomeng left the house, looked back at this tube building built in the 90s and [-]s of last century, and thought that it was time to move, this place would become very unsafe if she stayed any longer. When she first came out, many people pointed behind her back. Pointing and talking, it was Aunt Xue who made a lot of money in the game, and the family seemed to have a mountain of gold and silver.

Seeing a figure riding a shared bicycle across the street from a distance, Xie Xiaomeng felt annoyed, and remembered what Aunt Liu said, and became even more vigilant.

"Xiao Meng, Xiao Meng!"

A sunny boy with a big smile and big white teeth chased him up on a shared bicycle. Xie Xiaomeng pretended not to hear and just walked to the school.

"Xiao Meng, we have a party today, a party!"

Xie Xiaomeng stopped after hearing this, and asked angrily, "What party? Player party?"

"Yes, yes, yes, players, will you go to my cousin's party? There are also many tourists, all from the circle."

Xie Xiaomeng hesitated when he heard this.

"Isn't your mother a tourist? Go, get to know more people, it's good for you."

"But... there is an old class in the afternoon."

"What are you afraid of, you are the second in the school, just make up a reason and deal with it."

"Is it really a gathering of players and tourists?"

"Can I still lie to you?"


"City Workers' Sports and Cultural Activity Center, People's Square."

"What time is it?"

"It officially starts at two o'clock, and there are still TV recordings."

"Okay then, I'll go to school and ask for leave first."

Unexpectedly, there is no need to ask for leave when they arrive at the school. The school will participate in some activities organized by the city. Several of their high school sophomores have been recruited to be volunteers.

The venue of the activity is the Workers' Sports and Cultural Activity Center.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, colorful flags were displayed on the People's Square, and there was a sea of ​​people. The main leaders of several teams in the city also came, set up a tall podium, and raised several big hot air balloons. Xie Xiaomeng was wearing a A silly red vest

Xie Xiaomeng also met Sunshine Boy's cousin, the person who is said to be related to Canaan Company, a senior player, and the president of a certain player guild.

Speaking of players, there are a few in the city, all of whom are left in the city by various welfare conditions and treatment. If you want to develop the Yuanverse economy, how can you do without players?

Sunshine Boy's cousin, the president of a game guild in Canaan, was also taken aback by this high-standard reception.

How do you make them look like so-and-so foreign guests?

There was also a high-level reception dinner in the afternoon. All the heads of the city were present, and a series of preferential conditions were finalized on the wine table. As long as the game guild settled in the Metaverse Economic Industrial Park in the city, they would give whatever they wanted.

The security and privacy issues that players are most concerned about are not a problem.
"...So, our small place also needs to have a formal player organization and an offline trading market?"

The Sunshine boy blushed from drinking, just now he had a drink with the deputy mayor, and the principal was still laughing with him like a waiter. As a bad student who hates dogs, he is still a bit lost. "But, it's not like that. With players, there will be, with... er, demand, and business opportunities, and a large industry can be revitalized, and how many job opportunities can be created? Those officials are not stupid. This is called, this is called buying a horse bone with a thousand gold... My cousin was fooled by them, so he agreed to move the guild headquarters here..."

Xie Xiaomeng started to think about her own plan.

The more I counted, the more I felt that this was an opportunity, and I told Aunt Xue about it after returning home, meaning to let my mother expand her business.

Aunt Xue didn't think it had anything to do with her. She was a pancake seller, and these things were too far away.

No matter what Xie Xiaomeng said, it didn't work, so he could only be anxious.

"You will be eliminated by the times like this!"

"Era, what era, what does it have to do with us ordinary people?"

"You... I can't tell you. Anyway, you listened to me right. You are not allowed to exchange copper coins in the future. How to play games is all up to my arrangement... Otherwise, I will not go to school!"

Not going to school well is Xie Xiaomeng's trump card. When she heard this, Aunt Xue panicked, and it was the same this time.

In the evening, Xie Xiaomeng wrote in his diary, "We are in a great era full of changes and opportunities." Hearing this from the dinner party, his handsome melon seed face was full of contemplation.

(End of this chapter)

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