This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 238 From Alpha to Punk City

Chapter 238 From Alpha to Punk City
"The big era, what big era, whose big era, the radical slogan of 'players are productive forces' was shouted at many places. At the latest economic development report meeting, the National Development and Reform Commission reiterated that virtuality cannot replace reality. The tertiary industry dominated by the cosmic economy should better serve the manufacturing industry, and should not be evasive. The country is consolidating and developing the secondary industry, especially the guidelines and policies of the high-tech manufacturing industry remain unchanged..."

"When are you still in the mood to read these, hurry up and log in."

In the virtual space of the game warehouse, Zhang Miao closed the news page on the virtual screen, agreed to Ruoran, and chose to log in to the game.

The place where he went online was still the Alpha plane, and now he saw the heaven and the earth of this demiplane, and he had a subconscious nausea reaction - he was about to vomit.

The sky that has not changed for thousands of years is like a mirror. At first glance, it is transparent, quiet, and close at hand. It is naturally extremely beautiful, but if you look at it every day and every month, you will feel monotonous and rigid.

On the earth, the wounds left by the war have almost disappeared. There are forests, mountains, lakes, and canyons, but they are all pocket-sized. In the Suzhou gardens, but after a long time, it will feel fake...

Yes, fake, there are artificial carvings deliberately, far less than the mountains and rivers in the game map, rough, real and natural.

On the construction site, the final finishing work is still in progress. The hired NPC workers and tourist helpers are cleaning up the leftover construction waste. A two and a half-story small building stands in a group of similar buildings, which is inconspicuous.

The building complex is built on both sides of a dirt road leading to the canyon. The dirt road is seven or eight meters wide. Compared with the desolation of the past, it is finally a little popular. Many players and tourists enter the front canyon through this road to explore A new 'growth' map of the demiplane.

The dense fog has receded a lot, but there is still a hazy layer of mist covering it all the time. This small building complex has a very poetic and systematic name - Misty Town.

It's called a town, but it's actually just a street. Except for the "metaverse real estate developers" who are deeply trapped in it, there is not much permanent population.

After cleaning the construction site, the interior of the facade on the first floor is still being renovated. Brother Ruoran is standing by the renovation site, pointing to an unsatisfactory place and asking for rework. A designer who looks like a tourist compares the design and construction drawings, and a manager who looks like a player The elf kept nodding to Ruoran's various requests, and seemed to have a good service attitude.

Can it be bad?

I don't know how much money has been invested. Every time I look at the account book, Zhang Miao is terrified. If no resource points are found on the new map, this huge investment will be thrown into the water.

You can still hear it when you throw it into the water, but in this ghost place, you can't even hear it.

He recalled the news he had just seen offline.

He empathizes with this. Although 'players are productivity' is radical, it also represents a part of reality.

Just a few of them, how much output value has been created, from institutional banks to online and offline service providers that provide various services, how much money has been distributed back and forth, inside and out, and how many jobs have been provided , how many jobs were created?

As far as the decoration is concerned, in reality, it would cost tens or millions of dollars, but here... oh, if I don’t talk about it, I’ll cry if I talk too much.

Now it's hard to get off a tiger, so I have to bite the bullet and stick to it.

To put it bluntly, it is a gamble.

It's a gamble of all at once!
Being at the gambling table, I can't take care of other things. Up to now, except Erniu Manmian and Xie Changting, who have long since neglected their affairs, he, brother Ruoran, and big cousin Hu Xinmin have not yet reached the full level. It was all spent in this small two-and-a-half-story building. I don't know how many problems happened before and after, but fortunately they were all solved.

The final decoration is expected to be completed in two or three days, and the opening will be opened by then. At that time, whether there are resource points in the new map will be found out. Whether it is life or death depends on the answer to the mystery. That day.

Even if he makes a lot of money, Zhang Miao is not allowed to go on the glorious road of "metaverse real estate development". Knowing that the pressure is so great, even if you lose the money from the auction, you will transfer the land as soon as possible.

"Little Er, Xiao Er, why are you standing there in a daze, go to Punk City and look for 'Fudu Building Materials', there is a problem with a batch of planks they recently provided, come and take a look..."

"Oh, here we come, here we come."

"Look, it's not fair. There are fucking burrs in these, and there are insects in them. I will do it. If I do this offline, I will sue him to close down."

"Old Fu should have been negligent, not on purpose."

"Whether he did it on purpose or not, you go and tell him that he will bear the loss caused by delaying our construction period..."

"It's not good, it's an old relationship, and besides, I still owe him the money for materials."

"It's the uncle who owes the money. You bring me the score of the uncle. What kind of old man is a vampire from a black-hearted factory..."

Zhang Miao was under a lot of pressure, and Ruoran, who had plunged in and refused to go out, would only be under more pressure. Under his cannibalistic eyes, Zhang Miao could only nod and obey.

"Go, go, let him send another batch of goods as soon as possible, and you will watch the whole process, so that there will be no more problems."

After leaving my construction site, I saw that the conditions of the neighbors were similar. There were beautiful two-and-a-half-storey small buildings, some big and some small, the big ones had seven or eight storefronts, and the small ones were only big enough for two people to walk in side by side.

The first floor is the storefront, so there is nothing to talk about. The second floor depends on the type of business. If it is used as a hotel for catering and accommodation, it will naturally be used, and the investment will be greater. If it is the same as Zhang Miao and the others plan, it will only be used for potions and materials. , intermediary and customized department store business, only the first floor can be used.

The second floor can be used for living and accommodation. In other words, it is a home in Canaan. The main functions and gameplay of the private domain can be realized on the second and third floors.

The home of Yuan Universe, the home of Canaan, what a poetic and picturesque thing, he was blinded by this 'poetry and picturesque' at the beginning, so he got into it in a daze.

Damn, I don't even have a real home of my own in reality, and it's realized in the game first, so what's the matter.

The popularity brought by the flow of people coming and going made the pressure on Zhang Miao a lot less. I heard that the new map on the other side of the canyon is very big, and the peaks on both sides have completely "grown". The white land where not a blade of grass grows, and the shadowy trees appear in a very short period of time, as if they were copied and pasted by people, as if they had grown there in the first place, and had grown there for tens or hundreds of years.

What is virgin land, this is the real thing.

Therefore, not only the game map is exploring new maps, but the Alpha plane is also carrying out similar activities. Many new resource points have been discovered. When a resource point is discovered, the result is a substantial appreciation of the nearby real estate.

Near the teleportation point in Misty Town, there are more players and tourists coming and going. Most of the tourists are engaged in collecting and being hired. The hawker stalls doing business are surrounded by a circle. Those who hang out, bargain, and collect goods are very popular. lively.

After paying the 10 copper teleportation fee to the NPC responsible for the teleportation, Zhang Miao teleported to the [Devil Farm Back Station] safe area, and just walked out of the teleportation array, and saw a group of centaurs driving a group of ungrown mounts, Go to the farm outside the city.

The players were extremely envious of these mounts. At this time, another team of Griffin training camp players yelled and flew across the low sky, driving the Griffin in a hurry, and landed at the 'airport' in the safe zone in a thrilling manner.

These quasi-Griffin Knights are hardcore players with military ranks and meritorious deeds that have reached the rank of sergeant major. If Zhang Miao and the others did not engage in metaverse real estate, their meritorious deeds would be enough. Now they can only envy them that they can fly in the sky.

The most lively place in the safe zone is the mercenary guild. When I passed by, I heard the magic pet resource point shouting about the new hairstyle. Zhang Miao went in curiously and looked. It is a monster called [Humming Flame Bird], and it can take in young [Humming Flame Bird] as a magic pet.

An adult [Humming Flame Bird] has two real-name talents, one is [Wind Group], which summons several whirlwinds, slows down the enemy and causes slight damage, and increases the movement speed of the owner.One is [Inflammation Ray], which shoots a ray from the two special compound eyes of [Humming Flame Bird] that burns the enemy, and also has a control effect to blind the target for one second.

Compared with the [Ghost Bat] known as the vampire bat that has already been discovered, this kind of magic pet looks very good, with fiery red feathers all over, like a shrunken Phoenix bird. Once discovered, it ignites the enthusiasm of the majority of players , especially for female players, most of the players in the lobby came after hearing the news. Even if the system has not unlocked the functions related to magic pets, some people have issued a reward in advance to buy the chicks of [Humming Flame Bird] at a high price.

What is a resource point, this is it.

That direction is also starting to approach the border. It used to be a piece of white land, but now it has become a cornucopia of daily wealth. A large number of players and tourists come here, and the flow of people is more than ten times that of myself?
Somewhat frustrated, he came out of the mercenary hall and walked towards another teleportation array.

From [Devil Farm Back Station] to [Devil Farm Front Station], you will enter the essence of the Alpha plane.

The popularity here is even more prosperous. The shops along the street already have the style of a bustling commercial street in a small county town. Those areas that have been confiscated have been built long ago. Offline organizations, companies, guilds, and banks have settled down here. Institutions, such-and-such companies, and such-and-such banks have more eye-catching signboards. Players, tourists, and NPCs in suits, Hanfu, and all kinds of exotic clothes without attributes are mixed together, entering and exiting various two-and-a-half-story buildings.

People talking about business, shopping, shopping, setting up stalls, bargaining, setting up stalls without licenses, avoiding NPC urban management... how lively it is.

The largest and most "luxury" is the "Qiao Canaan" with seven or eight facades. It is an institution that provides wine, food, accommodation and online and offline transaction guarantees. In the 'parking lot', there are all carriages parked, and at worst, there are horses for transportation.

Looking at other people, and then looking at myself, it's really not like I don't know, and I'm startled.

It seems that Canaan is not a pure land, and it has been contaminated with the smell of copper in reality so quickly.

Zhang Miao thought sourly in her heart, she didn't want to watch again, took the last teleportation transfer, and arrived in Alpha City.

Compared with the two safe areas in the front and back stations, which are mostly entrusted land, this main city in the demiplane and the only system city is not enough.

It’s still the same as when I left last time, nothing changed. Although there are many people, most of them are NPCs. The buildings are also the same earthen houses, and the original ecology of the system city is maintained. No matter how you compare it, it’s the same as what you’ve seen. The two security zones are incomparable.

But this is the place where the system functions and services are most concentrated. City halls, training camps, mission release settlements, etc. can only be performed here.

Zhang Miao said hello to the familiar city guard NPC team leader, went to several training camps to hand in a few small tasks, and then left the Alpha plane by teleportation.

As soon as Zhang Miao walked out of the teleportation array in Chenxi Town, he could smell a different air. Looking at the drowsy sky and the vast and boundless game map, he really felt like he had stepped out of a small cage.

Compared with the Alpha plane, the real game map is like two completely different worlds.

The players are all wearing equipment with attributes, there are not so many boring decorations, everyone is in a hurry, with a strong purpose, although there are many people, they are not noisy.

Outside the safety zone, there are many 'illegal buildings', spontaneously forming a market mainly workshops and handicraft workshops, where the most tourists are, several black brick kilns have just been sealed up by the system, and tourists who have lost their jobs are crowding into the security area. District, recruited by several intermediaries, commonly known as part-time workers.

As we all know, Chenxi Town is the base camp of old players, the most quiet and low-key, and Punk City is another scene.

If the Alpha plane is the base camp of players and tourists, this is the world of the aborigines of the system. The Alpha plane has a strong atmosphere of the earth and Chinese style, and this is the pure Canaan flavor and medieval style.

Fudu Trading also found a system 'loophole' in the form of NPC joint ventures, so it has a legitimate building materials workshop outside Punk City.

The workshop employs a large number of tourists. All kinds of wood collected from players and tourists are processed here and made into various building materials with increasing demand, supplying the construction tide that is rising everywhere in the game.

Walking into the simple and rough gate of the workshop, you can see a transport convoy consisting of more than a dozen horse-drawn carts, and piles of plates are loaded onto the cart by strong half-orc coolies and transported to various construction sites.

Zhang Miao soon found an acquaintance, Fu, in the busy workshop.

Hearing about the quality problems of the last batch of goods, old Fu, a level 12 casual player, looked helpless and said, "The system is going to build an arena, you know that? Most of the good materials have been confiscated by the system, and they are sent to you. That batch was the best."

"Arena, what arena?"

"You don't know? What other arenas are there? You can go to the official website to see for yourself. The level restrictions are going to be lifted. I heard that you can also broadcast live simultaneously offline."

(End of this chapter)

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