Chapter 239 Four Test Inventory
"Xiao Ai, how long has the server been open?"

"Earth time?"


"41 days"

"Time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, spring is already blooming on the other side of the earth. When I go back this time, the willow trees on the street are all in shade, and the day the server was launched was still covered with snow."

"How about the harvest this time?"

"That's it... Let's talk about the business, have you done an overall inventory?"

"Are you preparing for a possible conflict?"

"...The centaur is still defeated."

"Okay then, let's start with the system surplus?"

"Well, how much soul power, how much faith value, how much daily balance, how much expenditure?"

"The soul power value is 1900 million, the faith value is 2000, the daily balance soul power value is about 210 million, and the faith value is less than 300. If you spend it, here is a detailed report."

Bei Gaoyang looked at the report that Xiao Ai pulled out from the background. In terms of expenditure, the support for players still accounted for the majority. Occupation, skills, equipment, etc. are commonplace, and they are already the most economical and most efficient. status.

The huge amount of soul power rises and falls in terms of the player's expenditure. The peak value is the highest at a certain time period on a certain day, and the balance is the largest at a certain time period on a certain day. Much more than spent.

This is the key and confidence for the growth of the magic net, and it is also the embodiment of the tenacious vitality of this model. The fourth layer of the magic net, hundreds of thousands of magic power circuits, jointly support and define all aspects of the game, including the players in the game. Various experiences.

It is worth mentioning that in terms of "degree of freedom", the system has added a lot of expenditure sub-items, and some idle threads are mostly temporarily called to this aspect of the game experience. Xiao Ai explained that recently doing "science There are more and more people practicing, especially after the tourists go online, some tourists are looking for the 'loopholes' of the game all day long, and they are copying the scientific experiments and phenomena of the earth. If they don't interfere, maybe the steam engine will come out .

Bei Gaoyang laughed when he heard this, and said, let them do it. It would be good to make a steam engine. The fifth test turned into a steampunk style.

It is impossible to replicate the several industrial revolutions of the earth in Canaan. Bei Gaoyang has tried it a long time ago. All steam engines are left over from his play.

Soon these people will find that the variable environment full of magic makes all efforts to replicate the results of the last experiment in equal quantities futile.

In other words, a major feature of scientific phenomena and rules is repeated realization, which is not feasible in Canaan.

Magic power is a variable, and human consciousness and spirit are also in constant change, which determines the chaos of Gaia's consciousness and the uncertainty of Canaan's underlying rules.

The result of the last experiment was 1, and the next time, with the same conditions and procedures, the result of the experiment may be 3. If you want to find the difference, you will find that there is no difference. Even if there is, it is because of some mystical conditions that they cannot grasp or even observe. , even Bei Gaoyang couldn't make a 'steam engine' without any magic power and magic array configuration continue to run 24 hours a day, let alone them who only have scientific knowledge but no common sense of mysticism.

Then let them toss.

The new expenditure on the degree of freedom seems to be a lot, but compared to the huge system base, it is only a small head... Forget it, Xiao Ai's cautious attitude will not change for a while, so let him interfere.

Strictly speaking, with such a surplus level, preparations for the fifth layer of magic net can be started.

The closer to the 7th ring, which is equivalent to his spell level, the more difficult the design work is, and the fifth-level magic net has already touched the high-level door frame.

Just as the third ring is a watershed, the fifth ring is also a bigger qualitative change. The spells before the fifth ring are more 'template and situational', and the spells after the fifth ring and after have a high degree of freedom, and each spellcasting The reader's emphasis on spell research.

The inventory continues.

"Let's talk about the details of this test, which new features are open, which are not open, how is the open performance, how is the player's feedback, is it necessary from the system point of view, where can be optimized, what is the reason for not open , What conditions are expected to be met before it can be opened..."

"This test has launched two races, elves and orcs, and launched two major occupations, bard and barbarian. At present, the players in the fourth test have basically taken up their jobs, and the transfer rate is 99%. Among them, the elves account for the highest proportion. It reached 39%, followed by humans at 27%, then orcs, 16%, and finally dwarves..."

"Good guy, so many elves? Are there enough bones and active substances?"

"There is still a 17% balance left. The fifth test is definitely not enough. The storage from the centaur is already in a hurry."

"Well... this is a matter, write it down."

"In the next test, you can make certain restrictions in this area, and it can't be based on the players' preferences. Sometimes you really dote on them."

"Why did you accuse me while you were talking...Okay, okay, listen to you...What is the proportion of occupation?"

"Archer 19%, Warrior 9%, Mage 17%, Barbarian 21%, Bard 34%"

"Ah? What about the soldiers..."

"This is what I want to report to you. The position of a warrior is in conflict with that of a barbarian. After the player's proficiency and skills increase in the first stage, the characteristics, gameplay and skills of the warrior profession will be greatly affected. The... weakening... means that the system has not reduced the support for them, and the player's experience also feels that there is a big gap with other professions."

"This is really... Barbarians are going to transfer to totems, shamans, and natural spirits. Warriors..."

"But once you turn around, barbarians are also a type of fighter. I also think that warrior is a very broad occupational position. When it is used in a first-level class, the position is a bit blurred."

"Well, make a note, and make a big adjustment for the next test."

"Soldier canceled?"

"Uh... How about replacing it with a paladin? There was no game god in the previous tests, and it was impossible to talk about paladins. As a profession of fighters, my original plan was to rely on paladins."

"Paladin, Templar?"

"Behind it are divine warriors and paladins...a semi-AOE profession that combines physics and magic."

"In this case, the archer will also need to make certain adjustments, and there will also be problems similar to blurred positioning."

"Uh... the first test was too rough, and the archer was replaced by a ranger. The direction of job change in the future is jungle rogue and druid, close to nature, close to the jungle."

"Where's the magician?"

"Magicians don't need to adjust, the second turn can be frost, fire, evocation, undead, light, dark, wind... there are many, barbarians are totem warriors, shamans, bards... let me think again .”

"This is a little different from what you said last time!" Xiao Ai complained.

Bei Gaoyang touched his head and said with a smile: "Do people always change their minds?"

"I don't think the profession of bard is necessary. There is no mature template to follow. It's better to change it."

"Isn't the feedback from the players great?"

"How to locate it? Does Canaan have a real template?"

"The Bard of Canaan... I used to imagine being a bard, traveling around the various planes with a harp in my hand..."

"It's your head-slapping decision again..."

"Who said that even if there is no template, I can create a mature and reliable career system."

"...Then tell us about the pastor."

"What can the priest say, priest, priest, bishop, cardinal..."

"I mean, so many system gods have their own priests, and their emphasis is on. Do you want to design a career system and skills for each priest?"

"Uh... at the first rank, the priest's professional characteristics and skills are fixed, and at the second rank... well, by the way, why should I worry about this matter, don't you have your own income?"

"You mean that [-]% of faith is worth the balance?" Xiao Ai's voice was slightly sarcastic.

"Haha... It seems to be a little less... Oh, by the way, how much savings do you have now?"


"Just ask, you don't know how to guard yourself, haha..."

"No, what can the system hide from you? My [-]% of the balance is all spent on the optimization of degrees of freedom and system cities."

"Oh, I'm not talking about you, you're just a little too boring sometimes..."

"I'm not human."

"...", Bei Gaoyang touched his nose, wisely gave up the idea of ​​joking with Xiao Ai, and said, "You don't have any savings, how will you develop believers in the future?"

"Ten percent is too little. If you plan to have every system god provide some 'special service' items... at least thirty percent, based on the current income."

"This... Let's talk, let's talk again, let's see the actual situation of the fifth layer of magic net... What's the next item?"

"Is that how the restrictions, balance, and changes of races and occupations are determined?"


"That's the game map."

"Hey, I just saw it. The players are very grateful to you. You have already explored most of the game map. How many safe zones and teleportation arrays have been built?"


"Uh...the expenses in this area are huge, right?"

"Teleportation has always been a major expense, and it is still operating at a loss. Until your mount system is fully rolled out and the cost of teleportation is increased, there will be no signs of improvement."

"Let's not talk about this first, what about the resources?"

"There are 197 new Type A resource points, including 3 obsidian mines, 5 magic stone mines, and 11 mica mines..."

"Okay, let's talk about the whole thing"

"There are 97 B-type resource points, 89 kinds of materials that can be directly used by B-type magic nets, and 191 kinds of materials that can be recycled after simple processing. There are 0 C-type precious resource points, and there are 2 suspected ones, one is located in Altus Mountain , an abandoned green dragon lair, the possibility of him or her coming back is not ruled out, an abandoned civilian camp near the entrance of the dungeon, suspected to be controlled by mind flayers, but it is not certain, the magic net has just covered there, and no players have set foot there yet .”

"Green dragons and mind flayers? What about the self-sufficiency rate in terms of resources?"

"The self-sufficiency rate of Class A resources has reached 88%."

"Sounds good, huh?"

The so-called Class A resources are the resources necessary for the construction and operation of the system magic net, such as various bones, various active substances, various main and auxiliary materials required for magic cloning, and so on.

As the forest grows, there will be more birds. This is also due to the contribution of the vampire Edward. Not long ago, he discovered an ancient battlefield buried underground, and took out many bones from it. There is also a sentence about the ancient Titans. Put it in Bei Gaoyang's collection room, I don't know how to use it.

There are also hidden races and hidden occupations.

Xiao Ai is more pragmatic, and doesn't like these behaviors that don't help the system much, and only increase the game experience of a small group of people, but this time, after reporting in detail the various performances and game progress of hidden races and professional players, I suggest: : "In the fifth test, some valuable hidden races can be selected and reserved, and the rest can be removed. It is not helpful and consumes unnecessary system resources. Wings are to increase the fun and playability of the game, but there is no corresponding professional support, so that these wingman players can't reflect the characteristics and advantages of the hidden race at all. What kind of occupation is good for flying, warrior? What about warrior skills? How can it be released with an extra pair of wings? Can it be possible in flight? If it can be, what kind of effect will it be? None of these systems have made any arrangements. If not, the hidden race will become empty talk."

Here again, here again.

"Well, hidden races must have corresponding hidden occupations. This suggestion is very good, what else?"

"There is also the orc's hidden job transfer system. You just said that shaman can be used as the direction of the second job. I may have forgotten. You can also transfer to a shaman when you meet certain conditions in the first job."

"Ah!? I really forgot about this."

This Bei Gaoyang really forgot.

There is no way, there are too many things, and his brain is not a computer.

"Fortunately, no player has met the requirements."

Bei Gaoyang touched his nose with some embarrassment, "Which valuable hidden race are you talking about?"


"Oh... tell me about the performance of this lucky player."

"He performed very well. Not long ago, he signed a demon contract with a smart kobold. Through his sacrifice to the abyss consciousness, he has already received a response from the abyss consciousness."

Bei Gaoyang laughed and said, "What is this, a Trojan horse? Didn't the abyss consciousness realize that he is a Xibei product?"

"No, so we can promote it on a large scale in the fifth test. It's a pity that so many nightmare swamps are not used. Prepare for the future map of the abyss?"

"Uh... the hidden race of demons, through signing a soul contract to obtain experience and promotion conditions, the task is also to cultivate their abilities in this area, until they cultivate a systematic demon race that is recognized and favored by the abyss consciousness?"


"Okay, write this down, I'll go to the abyss and get more little devil's bones when the time comes."

"There are still active substances, and the devil's active substances are not much."

"Uh... Do you want to add this when you trade with Bahn... No, it's not good to be seen by him, so let's work hard."

(End of this chapter)

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