This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 240 Athletics, Combat Strength, Strengthening, and Cloaks

Chapter 240 Athletics, Combat Strength, Strengthening, and Cloaks
"The self-sufficiency rate of B-type resources is less than 50%, and C-type resources are 0%, and they still need to rely on import and export trade."

"Uh... take your time, it's much better than before, this is only the fourth layer of magic net."

"I don't know what the ninth layer of magic net looks like..."

"Then it can't be measured by the coverage area. Okay, let's not talk about this, the game map is finished, what about the next item?"

"Then there are levels and functions that have not yet been opened."

"Tell me"

"Old players are generally at full level, gold, silver and bronze medals have not changed much, the average level of new players is around 14, the situation of gold and silver medals is better than that of old players, gold medal players account for 15%, which is higher than that of old players 7 percentage points, silver medal players accounted for 51%, and the remaining bronze medal players will not be mentioned.”

"Haha, you still discriminate against bronze medals? But it's a little surprising that gold and silver medals have such a high proportion."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that either."

"This is really good you cross the river based on the experience of your predecessors?"

"The combat power scoring system has not been opened yet, just wait until the level restrictions are lifted... I have a suggestion."

"Well, you said."

"It's too one-sided to judge a player's strength based on gold, silver and bronze medals, basic attributes, and equipment ratings. A competitive mode under system rules should be introduced."


"Yes, let players fight alone or in groups, eliminate the differences in equipment and levels, and only test everyone's fighting awareness and skills."

"That's a good idea...are there enough idle processes?"

"Currently, 15% of the magic power circuit is in a state of wealth, and the plug-in can be done first..."

"Well, let me think about it..." Bei Gaoyang pondered, remembering what he had seen and heard when he returned to Earth this time, and said with a smile: "When they went back this time, they set up a supercomputing center to try to replicate some of the online experiences. I suggest that to get through the delay between online and offline, so that Canaan's timely events can be seen offline. Further penetration of influence..."

"Do you still need to do promotion?"

"You can't say that. Being well-known does not mean that it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. I have long considered the online live broadcast mode. On the new batch of access devices, there are also interfaces that can be expanded in the future."

"You mean, those weird digital interfaces on gaming headsets?"

"Yes, the new helmet is not the previous motorcycle helmet. It is a mobile digital terminal itself, which converts the player's auditory and visual signals into digital signals. Interesting, I plan to make it the focus of my next research."

"Can it be achieved?"

"It should be possible, I have a secret weapon."

"Okay, what about the arena, should we launch it now, or wait for the next test?"

"Launch a trial version first to see the effect, and put the official version in the next test. Let me shouldn't be difficult."

"Then the player's combat power score will be judged comprehensively by considering gold, silver and bronze medals, basic attribute values, equipment score values ​​and arena performance?"


"What special treatment do players with high combat effectiveness have? They must show different advantages in order to attract players to tirelessly improve themselves."

"Uh... just use the title. The title corresponds to a special equipment that can be purchased in the system store."

"Special equipment?"

"How about the cloak?"

"...It sounds familiar, is it the material of that offline game again?"

"It's not important, just use a cloak, make it more beautiful, and lower the door frame for beginners. What level do you estimate most players are at now?"

"Estimated by combat power value?"


"Gold medal players are above 3000, and silver medal players are around 1500."

"Then get started with 1500. Besides the title, the cloak also has attributes, which can increase combat power and can be strengthened."


"Haha, I went back and played a few offline games, which are very interesting and inspiring. Isn't our purpose to make players more invested, the better? Most of the time, 'krypton gold' also has miraculous effects. A lot of time and money are spent on pursuing titles, combat power and powerful equipment, creating a strong desire, a demand that everyone needs..."

"That is to say, the cloak has a basic attribute, and this attribute can be improved through so-called strengthening?"


"...system spending will increase substantially."

"Isn't the surplus level very healthy? Don't be so stingy, this is good for the accumulation of faith points. Think about it, a player has a cloak of +12, and the probability of getting 13 is extremely small, but if it succeeds, the increase will be huge. A huge amount of resources and money have been invested in the front, will he be nervous, will he pray for the blessing of the gods and Buddhas in the sky, haha, your business will come soon, you have a balance of faith, you can temporarily bless this player Ah, luckily, the business will start like this, haha..."

Little Love:"……"

"This is still just one aspect. If there is no demand, you have to create demand and respond to the player's psychology. Also, where do the resources consumed by the player go, and don't they all flow back to the system? Maybe it can also reduce system power consumption. Woolen cloth?"

The last point touched Xiao Ai. After thinking about it carefully and comparing the materials in the database, I found that this is indeed the truth.

"Same as the polished model? It's going to be more deflationary."

"If you think about the model again, you can launch a class A item for strengthening, just like a system bandage... Besides, deflation is still beneficial, as I said just now, the demand, the huge demand, is expected but not possible The needs of getting, the things that you dream about and dream about are the most impressive, and it is good for the cohesion of belief values.”

"OK then……"

"Well, since the new players have changed jobs, let's release the level restrictions as soon as possible."

"There is also the mount and magic pet system. If you let go of the level, the current mounts in stock cannot meet the needs of players."

"Then raise the door frame, or regularly limit the supply, and let players compete to grab it."

"How to solve the magic pet, just open it like this?"

"Open, let the players grab and hit it by themselves, it's interesting, then everything can be arranged."

Xiao Ai thought to herself, you won't say that when there is a bug.

Seeing that Bei Gaoyang was happy, he didn't refute, and settled the matter while chatting and laughing.

What is left?

Bei Gaoyang yawned, and was no longer interested in continuing the inventory.

These are details, details, the general direction is good, very good, if the external enemies and the changing world situation are ignored, it can be said that there is no hidden worry at all.

He always pays attention to the overall level. From a strategic height, Xiao Ai and the subsequent system gods are responsible for specific affairs.

In Bei Gaoyang's plan, all adjustments to the game's functions, content, and gameplay can be pushed to them in the future, and he is only responsible for making an overall request to fully mobilize their enthusiasm to solve practical problems.

No matter how big the brain capacity of the great magician is, it is impossible for Xiao Ai to process thousands of threads at the same time. He has a specialization in surgery, and his strengths are not in this aspect.

This inventory check is an inventory of the family's wealth, which gives Bei Gaoyang enough confidence to go out for a long trip.

Yes, after returning from the earth, the trip to the abyss is on the agenda.

Without seeing the latest situation of the bloody battle with his own eyes, his heart is still unsettled. The jihad that took place in the material world is just a continuation of the bloody battle in the abyss.

Xiao Ai was still talking, Bei Gaoyang seldom interrupted to speak, and listened without saying a word, thinking about the next trip to the abyss.

If this trip goes well, we can start designing the fifth layer of the magic net after we come back. I hope that the centaur tribal alliance can support it for a while...

at the same time.

When the words [Rock Fortress] prompted by the system rose in the field of vision, the gray field of vision immediately became clear and bright, and the game map they were in was lit up. After 14 days (game time) of long-distance travel, we discovered new maps such as [Suzuki Crypt], [Fortress Front Station], and [Battlefield Site B] along the way, and finally arrived at the destination of this trip.

I saw a ruined ruined wall lying in front of my field of vision, with gaps everywhere on the continuous wall, and a withered and tattered flag was planted on the toppled watchtower. Under the flag, a tall skeleton silently looked at the sky, empty. The mouth was open, as if making a silent cry.

There are abandoned flags everywhere, rusted and damaged weapons, and more than that are broken bones.

Depressed, dark, desolate, thrilling...

But the three of them didn't seem to sense this at all, and they hugged each other to celebrate.

"Long live, finally arrived, it's not easy!"

"Yeah, yeah, I almost gave up several times along the way."

"You still have the nerve to say that you are the one who let you out to explore, and you are the one who is afraid of hardships and tiredness..."

"Hee hee, people are just talking about it, haven't they all persisted."

"Stop talking, go in and have a look."

"Go, we are coming to Rock Fortress!"

The three of them happily left the small soil bag where they were, and walked among the huge battlefield relics. A huge skeleton of an unknown beast lay in front of them, which aroused Xia Miaomiao's amazement.

The three of them took turns to take pictures beside the huge skeleton, smiling and posing, shouting eggplant, not noticing that a pair of eyes had been fixed on them.

"who are you!?"

A voice suddenly appeared in the surroundings, causing Xia Miaomiao to jump off her bones immediately, put on a vigilant posture, and shouted, "Who are you, come out?"

"You are not survivors..."

"What survivors, we are adventurers."

"Strange adventurer..."

A young man with brown hair, tightly bound behind his head by a headband, showing a broad and white forehead, came out of a pile of bushes. His handsome appearance was different from that of an elf, and he looked very manly. His slender and strong body is covered with a layer of delicate leather armor, and a strange emblem is painted on his chest...

"Wow, so handsome!"

"Humanoid, NPC?"

"The name is blue, so that is the NPC of the neutral camp?"

"Go up and ask, maybe there is a mission."

Young men are also looking at them.

Strange combination, all women, wearing professional equipment, looking pretty good, but the breath is a bit strange...

"Three beautiful ladies, I am Arnold, I am a scout from the Free City of Ferji, where are you from?"

"We are from Punk City."

"Punk City?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter. You said your name is Arnold, right, a scout? Where is your camp?"

Arnold was a little vigilant when he heard the words, but Du Shiyu was afraid of messing up, so he quickly said, "We have no malicious intentions, we just want to trade, and take a break by the way."

Arnold nodded, "The Newman caravan welcomes all well-intentioned adventurers. Three beautiful ladies from Punk City come with me. I will take you to see Deacon Sharar."

In the southwest corner of the ruins of the Rock Fortress, in a piece of destroyed farmland, a Newman caravan with more than a dozen tents and wooden fences as walls camped here. A strange city dominated by trade.

This city was originally established by a group of businessmen. At first, it was just a place for regular gatherings and temporary settlements. Later, it developed into a secular city focusing on commerce and trade. It is known as the most free place in the whole continent.

Tall knights were cruising around the camp, and some knights came from far away. After negotiating with them, Arnold looked at the trio of beautiful girls with scrutiny.

In this dangerous place, a team composed of purely female professionals is really too strange.

"These NPCs look at us well..."


"Can they still insult my wife?"

"It's not like it hasn't happened, there have been several incidents in Punk City, let's be careful..."

In addition to these knights, there are also a large number of gray people who rummaged around on the battlefield. When they found valuable things, they put them in the back basket behind them. When they walked in, they found that they were dog heads with shackled feet man slave.

At the main entrance of the camp, an old man with gray hair and a beard was already waiting. The scout Arnold whispered to him a few words. The old man smiled and turned to look at the three beautiful girls, "Is it Punk City? I've heard of it. You must be adventurers who call themselves 'players', right? Good to meet, good to meet, I am the former deacon Shalal, and I welcome you to the Newman caravan, where you can trade freely and rest at ease."

"Thanks, uh, Deacon Shalal."

Deacon Sharar waved over a clever young man and told him to be a guide, but he didn't care.

Walking into a large-scale camp, the ground under your feet is hard and simply treated. A player came out of a tent drunk and hugged a woman with scantily clad clothes and a graceful figure.

Is it easy for the player to recognize it? This player is eager to attack the woman as he walks...

Xia Miaomiao's eyes widened, and she pointed in that direction for a while before saying, "We must be wrong, player, is that the player?"

(End of this chapter)

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