This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 241 Catwoman Duoduo

Chapter 241 Catwoman Duoduo
The system did not prompt to find a new map, there must be some players who arrived here before them, and it is only logical that there are players in this camp.


"What is this place?"

Fan Chaoyue pointed to the tent where the player came out and asked.

The young guide NPC chuckled, looking particularly wretched in the eyes of the three beauties.

"Oh, don't ask, it must be that kind of place." Xia Miaomiao pushed Fan Chaoyue pretending to be 'shy'.

Du Shiyu was also surprised, staring at this colorful tent, and asked: "How can there be such a place in the game, don't you worry about being prostitution and illegal?"

"I don't know..." Xia Miaomiao was actually very curious in her heart. She wanted to go in and have a look, but she was a little afraid of ruining the design. She looked around and saw that no one else was there. A young guide NPC ignored it. "By the way, can that thing be used in games?"

Du Shiyu understood in seconds, she knew her girlfriends too well, and shouted warningly: "Saplings!"

Fan Chaoyue didn't understand, and asked curiously, "What is it?"

Xia Miaomiao ignored her best friend, snickered and lowered her head, her eyes flicked to Fan Chaoyue's waist, "It's that thing, you don't even need to ask, how stupid."

"Ah, bananas..." Fan Chaoyue understood, but he didn't hide it like the two of them. Du Shiyu anxiously wanted to cover her mouth, "What's the matter?", with a look of indifference look.

"Wow, big stars are so rotten?" Xia Miaomiao seemed to have discovered a new world.

Fan Chaoyue stared at her, "It's not a three-year-old kid, so there's nothing you can't say."

"Then tell me, so... can it be used in the game?"

"It should be useless. I haven't heard of those sexually harassing perverts doing anything excessive. If this thing has such a function, it's already gone, isn't it, Xue Wu?"

"Go away, I don't know you two."

"Oh, Xiao Yu, we're all adults now, what's the matter?"


"Let's go, go, I don't bother to talk to you."

"Why don't we go in and have a look?"

"Don't even think about it, come with me...Beyond!"

"Come on, come on!"

There are more than a dozen big tents. The tent in the suspected Fengyue venue is the largest, covering an area as large as a basketball court. I could faintly hear the laughter inside. Xia Miaomiao and Fan Chaoyue were really curious, but Du Shiyu pulled it, otherwise they really planned to go. What is it like to visit such a place in the game.

The tent next to it was even more lively, there was no one at the door, and a loud noise could be vaguely heard inside. Xia Miaomiao asked the guide where it was, and the guide said slave trade.

slave! ?
"Go, go in and see!"

This time Du Shiyu didn't stop her, and the three of them walked in curiously, Xia Miaomiao almost staggered due to the pungent air waves coming towards her face. Under the dim light, there were cages of various sizes, wooden and metal, inside the cages Most of them were young orc women and children, adults barely wearing any clothes, hugging each other naked, tremblingly letting the people outside the cage comment.

Du Shiyu and the others were shocked. They saw an NPC who looked like a slave trader lift the chin of an orc girl with a wooden stick, and explained to the people around him eloquently. Although her ears and face shape are a bit weird, she has a lovely and charming flavor. Most importantly, her body is as clean as porcelain, except for a tail, which is no different from a human being, and she looks very young.

Among the people listening to the explanation, suddenly there were players like them.

"Why, how did this happen, Xiao Yu!?"

Before coming in, the three of them did not expect to see such an 'explosive' scene. Most of the former residents of Buck City were slaves, but after becoming a system city, all the slaves were released and became residents. Players often heard I have heard about slaves and slave catchers, but I have never seen what real slaves are like.

"Too, too much!"

Fan Chaoyue couldn't bear to witness all the tragedies in the cage, which was beyond their moral limits and cognition.

Most of the slaves were female orcs. They were all young women who were in line with human aesthetics. The degree of animalization was not deep, and some were young, just like seven or eight-year-old children.

Du Shiyu couldn't accept such a scene, and didn't want to stay for a second, so she left with her two buddies.

"Look again, look again"

"What are you looking at? What do you want?"

"Look, just look... what those players are doing, they don't, can we also buy one as a pet..."


"Xiaoyu, this is a game, not reality, are you confused?"

"That's a good idea," Fan Chaoyue said happily, "We can buy one to be a maid, think about it, maid..."

"What maid, you just want to play and grow up, pretend I don't know?" Xia Miaomiao dismissed and exposed it, and then said to Du Shiyu who was a little stunned: "Game, Xiaoyu, this is a game, don't take it seriously."

That being said, how could it not be true.

Just now I saw that orc girl crying and trembling, her bare thin and thin shoulders could not help but tremble slightly under the wooden stick, the teardrops hanging under the long eyelashes, and the big amber eyes The fear and humiliation revealed in it...

"Go, go back and have a look again, go, go!"

Although what the best friend said was right, Du Shiyu still resisted, and was dragged back to the tent awkwardly, and came behind the slave trader to listen to his eloquent explanation...

After listening for a while, Du Shiyu couldn't take it anymore. Since the audience were all men, they naturally explained in that direction, especially the few male players who were mixed in the crowd. Fang Guang, staring at the orc girl with cat ears, almost shed tears.

"2 gold, only 2 gold..."

At the end of the explanation, the slave merchant yelled vigorously. Most of the audience were NPCs, and most of them were unmoved. Only a few male players seemed to be touched, and whispered their ears to discuss.

"2 gold is so expensive!" Fan Chaoyue was also a little ready to move when he saw this orc girl, but Xia Miaomiao said, "The system didn't prompt, what should I do?"

"Maybe it will be prompted when there is a transaction? Let's take two gold and try it out?" Fan Chaoyue suggested.

"I don't have enough money!" Xia Miaomiao urged, "Hurry up and try, and you won't lose a piece of meat if you try."

Before the words were finished, one of the male players shouted, "I want 2 gold!"

The slave trader was overjoyed when he heard this, and Xia Miaomiao hurriedly shouted, "We want 2 gold too!"

Only then did the others notice that there were three women in the crowd, not to mention a few male players, the eyes of those NPCs made people uncomfortable.

As long as there is a dispute between the players, the number of NPCs is nothing but air.

"You... what are you girls messing around with?" A soldier-like male player said, "Stop making trouble, be careful of NPC raising prices!"

"Why is it useless, why is it useless, but you guys are full of dirty and dirty thoughts, what are you buying it for? I'm too embarrassed to say!", Xia Miaomiao replied without hesitation.

"Yoyo, I'm talking about little sister, what do you think our minds are full of dirty and obscene thoughts, don't you understand? Don't pretend to be innocent, these days, women are prettier than men!", another male player with the appearance of a mage Yin and Yang smiled strangely.

"You..." Xia Miaomiao was a little at a loss for words. Women are naturally at a disadvantage when it comes to topics like this.

"Let's see who has more money!" Fan Chaoyue looked like a local tyrant who was not short of money, "2 gold and 50 silver, I want it!" Finally, he said it to the slave merchant NPC.

"Okay, you guys cut it off!", the warrior male player jumped angrily, "Are you still talking about first come first served? It's a blatantly bad rule, right?"

"2 gold and 50 silver, we want it!", Du Shiyu also stood up, arguing for this tone is the second best thing, just can't bear to let such a lovely, poor catwoman fall into the hands of a few nasty players, anyway, Fan Chaoyue is not bad for money , I really want to buy it.

"Hehe, the adventurers from Punk City are very sincere, 2 gold and 50 silver, is there any higher bid?" The cunning slave trader took the opportunity to start the auction.

"Don't make trouble, you guys, this is our mission!", the last male player stopped his companion and said solemnly.

"Mission? Who would believe it!" Xia Miaomiao looked at him contemptuously, "I hate you for pretending, you're even worse than a scumbag, the best of the scumbags!"

"I wipe..." Several male players were anxious.

Seeing that they had been arguing all the time and there was no higher bid, the slave merchant was afraid of having a long night and dreaming, so he shouted with the final word: "2 gold and 50 silver, deal!"

Immediately, he ordered his subordinates to open the cage and lead the poor catwoman out of it.

"Beyond, give money!"

Fan Chaoyue didn't know whether the system's money NPC recognized or not, so he went there excitedly. At this time, he took out 2 gold and 50 silver coins from the system's backpack and put them in a small bag that came with the system, which was heavy.

The slave trader took the money bag, and there were glittering gold, silver and copper coins in it. He held up one suspiciously, facing the light, "Is it the currency of Punk City? Not bad, not bad, very delicate." After finishing speaking, he handed it to Gao Ma Da's subordinates checked the fineness of the silver coins on the spot.

This subordinate didn't use identification technique, but scraped off a layer with a small knife, revealing the obviously different internal texture inside.

"What is this?" The slave trader's expression changed.

"Boss, it's wood!" the tall and burly subordinate shouted.


The trio of beautiful girls were dumbfounded together.

The slave trader laughed sinisterly, and with a wave of his hand, many thugs appeared to surround Du Shiyu and the three of them, "Since you have no money to pay, let's pay with your own body!"

Someone in the NPC took the opportunity to shout, I want these three women, one for 20 silver.

Xia Miaomiao was furious, not because of anything else, but because the bid was so much lower than that of Catwoman, who did she look down upon?

As soon as the NPC showed hostility, the system marked their ID names in red. Xia Miaomiao was not afraid at all, and took out her magic staff to fight.

"It's what they deserve, let them deal with it, let's retreat!" Several male players had no sense of helping each other, and retreated to the side to watch the show.

"Wow, they are all professionals!", someone in the NPC exclaimed, "There is also a priest, Roel the Skinner is in big trouble."

Luo Er the Skinner is a slave trader. It was a big surprise to see Du Shiyu and the three of them in full swing, posing in a skillful battle formation, especially when they saw the magic scepter in Xia Miaomiao's hand, their pupils shrank.

Although there are many thugs under him, there is not a single professional, let alone a priest.

God knows which priest this pastor belongs to, what kind of territory this is, if... it will be troublesome.

In the middle of riding a tiger, the deacon Sharar arrived.

"Three beautiful ladies from Punk City, it seems that there was a misunderstanding. In order to express the apology of the Newman caravan, this orc slave is given to you as a gift."

"Ah!?", the three male players were dumbfounded.

"Send, give it to us, really?" Xia Miaomiao immediately switched back from the fighting mode, changing her smiling face like a face in a Sichuan opera.

Deacon Salar nodded with a smile, "There is only one condition."

"What conditions?"

"The Newman caravan is very curious about the distant Punk City, and is going to invite three beautiful adventurer ladies as guides to lead the caravan to Punk City for trade."

【Ding! 】

[Story mission triggered! 】

"Wow, wow, wow, Xiao Yu, did you hear that, did you hear the system prompt?" Xia Miaomiao jumped up happily, not to shake the confused Deacon Sharar, and only cared about being happy with her best friend.

"Well, well, I haven't heard about the plot mission for a long, long time." Du Shiyu was also extremely happy.

"There is also a free catwoman, wow, wow, we are developed, and the pie is falling from the sky." Fan Chaoyue also forgot about the NPC on the scene, happily hugging the two to celebrate.

"They, they triggered the plot mission!", the eyes of the mage among the male players turned red, "It should have been ours!"

"Cutting Hu? Uncle can bear it and auntie can't bear it, fuck them!", the warrior player's evil came out of his guts, and he had the idea of ​​killing people and grabbing missions.

"Wait a minute, I'll try to see if I can trigger it!"

The last male player was the most stable. He walked up to Deacon Shalal, whose expression was beginning to change, and said a few words.

"It would be great if a few people would like to help, but this orc slave has already been presented to three beautiful ladies..."

The implication is that it is okay to be a guide, but there are no gifts to give.

The three male players received the system notification as they wished. Although they were regretful and unfair, they were not in such a hurry to PK, but Du Shiyu and the others still had bad eyesight.

Du Shiyu, Xia Miaomiao, and Fan Chaoyue finished celebrating and accepted the commission from the deacon Sharar.

"What's your name!?"

Xia Miaomiao asked in a tone and manner coaxing a little niece after taking the poor and wretched catwoman slave who was like a quail.

Catwoman shivered in fright, bowed her head in silence, not sure if she understood.

"I don't have a name. Well, I'll pick one for you. You can call it Dodo from now on!" Xia Miaomiao patted Catwoman on the shoulder carelessly and said.

"Why do you use the name of the cat you raise in real life!?" Du Shiyu asked dissatisfied.

"Aren't they all cats, almost, almost!" Xia Miaomiao said nonchalantly.

(End of this chapter)

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