Chapter 242
The half-orcs in Buck City are either wooden or respectful, without Duo Duo... so... um, fresh, not so beautiful, in line with human aesthetics.

Newman's caravan has such a big fortune, it is said that they want to go to Punk City to open a trade route, and it will not be possible in a short while. The three-person team plus an orc girl cheated in it, exhausted, and then came out of the camp. , continue to advance towards the Rock Fortress.

On the way, the three of them commented on their new companions and asked about their health. The more they watched, the more they fell in love with each other.

"Oh, what a poor little fellow!"

Xia Miaomiao couldn't help but hugged the orc girl again, touched her cat ears, touched her soft and warm skin, it felt really good.

Tsk tsk, how can touching a cat be so comfortable?
This is the picture...

"Hey, hey, you're taking advantage of Duo Duo again, you rotten girl!" Fan Chaoyue yelled dissatisfiedly pulling Duo Duo out of Xia Miaomiao's clutches.

"What's rotten? It's rotten there. You're still calling me dirty!"

"Don't think that I don't know what you think in your heart. Blossom is mine, and I paid for it."

"Tch, is it great to be rich? They gave it to you, you didn't buy it, and Duo Duo also has my share!"

"You...shameless, Duoduo was obviously me at the beginning..."

"Yeah, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, the big star is in a hurry..."

"I want to break up with you!"

"If you break up the relationship, break it up, Duo Duo returns it to me!"


"If you don't give it to me, grab it!"

"...Xue Wu, hurry up and take care of her!"

Du Shiyu rolled her eyes, rescued the orc girl who was too frightened to move from her clutches, and comforted her softly, "Go on, pretend I don't exist."

Xia Miaomiao: "Who wants to talk to her?"

Fan Chaoyue: "If you don't care, don't care. From now on, you will take your Yangguan Road and I will take my single-plank bridge, and we will return to the bridge and return to the bridge!"

"Then why are you still following me!?"

"It's you following me!"

"Where are you going when I go to Rock Fortress?"

"I... naive!"

"If you can't say it, it's a personal attack!"

"'re mad at me, Xue Wu, there's me without her today!"

Du Shiyu walked ahead with her arms around the orc girl without listening, and explained in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, they are just like this, and they have no malicious intentions."


"Wow, Dodo barked, Dodo barked, thank God, I thought she was dumb"

"I heard it too. It's so cute and cute... Oh, why is it meowing like a cat?"

"Catwoman, it must be... Dodo is not mentally handicapped, right?"

"You are mentally handicapped, why do you say that about others?"

Du Shiyu looked at the orc girl in surprise, perhaps because she was not as surprised as the two best friends, and gave Duo Duo a sense of security, so after dodging a few times, the orc girl bravely greeted her and met her. Look at each other.

At this time, the system prompts.

[Half-orc Duoduo's favorability towards you +10]

[The relationship with the special humanoid NPC Duo Duo has advanced to "meet by chance"]


Xia Miaomiao: "Wow, here we go again, here we go again, my heart is about to melt."

Fan Chaoyue: "Xue Wu, why are you standing there?"

Du Shiyu put away the surprise in her eyes, and for the sake of Duo Duo, she didn't plan to tell them the system prompt she just received.

With Dodo, it adds a lot to the rest of the itinerary.

Because of them, the desolate and cruel battlefield ruins no longer look so desolate, cruel and frightening.

Outside the continuous city wall, three... oh, no, it should be four people looking up at the collapsed ruins not far away, looking at the big craters blown up and down the city wall, feeling... particularly shocked.

No matter how realistic the movie scene is, the real battlefield cannot be restored. It is still the kind of war in the middle ages where real guns and swords were fought. In such a scene, even if it is cleaned up by centaurs, it still makes people People were speechless in shock.

There were not many bones around the fortress, but the dried blood formed black spots on the ground, like ugly scabs from wounds, silently telling the cruelty of that time.

The city gate was destroyed, and the magic pattern on the city wall was 'short-circuited' due to overload. The potholes above were dug away magic reserve materials, such as magic stones and mica. It was pushed down, and the fire burned everything that could be ignited. A few carrion-eating [Black-toothed Birds] were startled by them, flew up with a croak, and landed on a ruin, one of them still had a withered eyeball in its mouth... …

"You... newcomers?"

There are other players in the fortress, and there are quite a few of them. They are wandering in the ruins in groups of three or five, picking and choosing what they are doing.

A dwarf player blocked the way and asked in a rather unfriendly tone.

"What!?" Xia Miaomiao turned sideways, blocking the orc girl behind her.

The dwarf player didn't notice Dodo, and said impatiently: "There are new NPCs over there, and they are building a safe zone with a task leader."

"Will you be so kind?"

"Nonsense, who cares about you if you don't have a mission?"

After speaking, the dwarf player left.

"The task is the task, what is fierce?"

Fan Chaoyue said: "It must be a mandatory task with low pay, which is why I am so impatient."

"Let's go, let's go to pick up the mission." When Xia Miaomiao heard that there was a mission, Xia Miaomiao became very anxious.

"Don't worry, let's go shopping first to find out the situation." Du Shiyu said.

"What's there to visit in this ghost place? It's all ruins and dead people. The system doesn't give mosaics anymore. Really..."

"Also, the money given to us by the system is still fake."

"That's right, that's right. If you don't tell me, I almost forgot. The NPCs in the money-neutral camp of the system don't recognize it. So many good and cheap things can't be bought. I'm so anxious."

"If you can buy it, that's a loophole. It's a huge profit to resell it. The system allows you to do this?"


The Newman caravan that just left cannot only provide slave trading and romantic entertainment services, as well as some things that players love to see, and also provide some customized services. There are skilled blacksmiths and tailors, and the price is as free. It's a pity that they don't recognize the money from the system.

Speaking of this, Xia Miaomiao was indignant, took out a copper coin and turned it upside down, feeling light.

Money made of wood! ?

The dog's plan has a pit in its head, so it fools us?

Precious metals such as gold, silver and copper are the basic materials for refining fine gold and mithril. The latter has the magical "superconducting" property. Hot mithril mines are very rare. There is a special alchemy that refines gold and silver into mithril. It may be made into coins for players to use.

However, this can also be understood as a kind of 'anti-theft' design. There is a huge gap between the price inside the system and the price outside the system. ?

Alas, money, money, where to get some money, it's almost time to repay the interest.

She was worried about her debts there. Although the gains from this journey of exploration were good, they were only at a normal level. It was said that horses had no night grass and no fat, and what she needed was a windfall.

But where can this windfall be found?

Reselling materials inside and outside the system seems to be a good idea.

But the system's money-neutral camp doesn't recognize it...

Alas, then I don’t need the money from the system. Gold coins, silver coins, copper coins, I can collect ore, and then find life players to refine it!

The ore purchase price of the system is so low, it will not be difficult to receive a slight increase.

Many blacksmith players do this, why can't I.

With the precious metals obtained by refining the ore, the neutral camp recognizes the money.

Ah, how clever I am.

What to do, what to do, seems to be able to make a fortune?
If I hadn't told Xiao Yu...

Forget it, wait for it to come out, be careful of the news leaking...

"What are you doing, smiling like a fox? Did you think of something good again?"

"Ah, no, no!"

Fan Chaoyue: "She must have thought of some bad idea, and again, Dodo is mine, mine."

Xia Miaomiao didn't refute this time, she was just guilty, afraid that the idea of ​​getting rich she just thought of would be seen.

The fortress is already in complete ruins, and it can be seen from the scale of the ruins that it used to be a prosperous, populous, and heavily guarded border city, which was larger than Punk City.

Naturally, there was not one person left. Considering the reputation of the centaur tribe as cannibals, you don't need to think about what happened next.

Players don't care about these, they are just the background of the world in the eyes of the players, so the players they see only focus on their own affairs, that is the mission.

It is reasonable for the system to establish a safe zone here. All newly lit maps will have a safe zone. The most important facility in the safe zone is naturally the teleportation.

What the players are looking for in the ruins is the most basic material for the teleportation array, slate.

Complete slate.

It's not difficult to find this thing in the ruins, but it's a tiring job, with little technical content, and the corresponding rewards are also low. However, it is a prerequisite for a series of tasks, just like guiding new players. compulsory.

After wandering around the ruins, the three of them plus an orc girl didn't find anything, but the original City Lord's Mansion was still worth seeing. As for another well-preserved building - the Temple of the Goddess of the Night, it has been systematized Forbidden area, players are prohibited from approaching.

Many players are curious about such a ban. It’s not that no one wants to sneak in to see if there are any undiscovered treasures. But this time, the ban is extremely strict. It actually monitors the players’ words and deeds throughout the whole process. The warning words appear in the field of vision, and those who insist on going their own way will be kicked off the assembly line.

Damn, so mysterious?

Under such a strict order, there is no loophole to exploit.

After Du Shiyu and the others finished their madness at the fortress, and knowing this from other players, they went to the safe area marked by the system, ready to take on the task and do it.

Among the cleared ruins, a flat open space about the size of a football field has been cleared. An intelligent NPC is facing a "casting spell", and the building materials collected by the players are automatically flying. From then on, for some reason, the gray stone slabs became as clean as new, with all kinds of fine and cumbersome magic patterns appearing on them, like a jigsaw puzzle, automatically falling on the flat ground. , as if growing on top.

The teleportation array under construction is surrounded by various drawn squares. In the future, the system function store will be built in these positions, so the safe areas are almost the same. After watching for a while, Du Shiyu and the three lost interest.

The NPC who found the task release was full of tasks, and the three of them went straight to the task location with the timid orc girl.

After removing a heavy boulder, Xia Miaomiao wiped off the sweat that didn't exist, her eyes rolling around.

If the safe zone is built, it will be more convenient to implement his plan to make a fortune, but the Newman caravan is going to Punk City, will other players discover this way?
Sure, so many smart people.

Then you have to hurry up, you have to go back quickly, before the caravan sets off.

Just what excuse should I use?
What kind of mission is this? It's all hard work.

"Wow, Duo Duo is so strong, look at it..."

Fan Chaoyue pointed to Catwoman who was lifting a big stone and shouted that the stone obviously didn't match her body shape.

Catwoman was frightened and dropped the stone. With a bang, the ground shook.

"Uh... Duo Duo, it doesn't seem like an ordinary... half-orc?" Du Shiyu pushed Xia Miaomiao, "What do you think?"

"Ah... it's just a little more strength, I can lift this stone too."

"You are already at level 20, why is your strength attribute 12?"

"14, the equipment has added 2 points."

"'re training again?"

"What, I don't have time, it's a pair of wrist guards that exploded on the road, you forgot."

"...You really forgot if you didn't tell me."

Fan Chaoyue said: "I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten, green wristbands are rare now, remember to pay us back."

"Money, money, money, you know money, don't worry, I can't miss a word from you... Xiao Yu, I have to go back early."

"Go back, go back there?"

"Punk City, Dawn Town"

"Why are you in such a hurry, there is still a guide task that you can't do?"

"I was coming back before the mission started... It's Chunshui, alas, it's really troublesome. He chatted with me privately and said that he found a family residence and asked me to go back and refer to it."

Du Shiyu put down the stones under his hands, clapped his hands, and looked at his best friend suspiciously, "Why didn't the family say anything about it?"

"There are a lot of people talking about this kind of thing, and there are different opinions. Naturally, several backbones have discussed it first and brought it up for discussion."

Fan Chaoyue: "Are you still a backbone? A founding member?"

Xia Miaomiao ignored her, "He even specifically asked me not to tell others, it seemed very mysterious."

When she said this, Du Shiyu believed it, because it was a lie that was easy to expose, so she didn't think too much about it, "Then you go back first, anyway, the game time is almost up, we will discuss it after we go offline."

"What are you discussing?"

Fan Chaoyue: "They asked you to refer to the family residence. They must want us to become members of the creation, stupid!"

Xia Miaomiao couldn't bear it anymore: "Fan Chaoyue!"

"You called me by my real name again...Xia Miaomiao!"

"Childish, big stars are still so naive!"

"University teachers are not much better, misleading students!"

"Let's go, let's go!" Du Shiyu looked like he was having a headache, "My ears are buzzing from your noise every day. Go early and be quiet."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and caught sight of Duoduo bowing her head and holding back her smile, and her heart moved.

If Xia Miaomiao has received an amnesty, she can still care about Catwoman, and her mind is preoccupied with plans to get rich.

(End of this chapter)

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