This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 243 Wraith Mine

Chapter 243 Wraith Mine
It is said that Rock Fortress is already the boundary of the game map. In fact, there are still two days to go south.

On the whole, the entire fortress is actually not that big, only the size of a small county town. The fortress is full of ruins, and almost all valuable things have been cleaned up by the centaurs. Except for the rotting corpses and bones, the most left are stones .

The entire fortress is built of hard boulders, which is good news for safe zone construction, but not so player-friendly.

As soon as the freshness of the first visit to the noble land passed, the players couldn't hold back the restlessness in their hearts, centered on the fortress, and spread it in all directions with joy.

Destroyed farms, abandoned farmlands, abandoned mines...and the most, which is not available in previous game maps...ghosts.

In the depths of some dark ruins, inside some abandoned mines, and in the special environment where the magic power has accumulated for a long time, a large number of souls who died on the battlefield wander here. Over time, they devour and grow each other, and gradually evolve into soul bodies. monster.

In a mine, the player found a new place to spawn monsters, which are full of phantom-like ghosts. Pure physical attacks don't work, and you have to use enchanted weapons or skills to hurt them. These soul-body monsters are almost impossible Explode any money, materials and equipment, but a very rare thing-soul stone.

The so-called soul stones are actually soul fragments attached to some hard objects, which changes the texture of these objects and evolves from ordinary objects into extraordinary items with mystic attributes.

It is said that the lich's phylactery was originally the inspiration and clues from the study of the soul stone.

The soul stone system is expensive to purchase, and there are endless soul body monsters in the mine, and the 'refresh' is so fast that it is dizzying and hard to kill. Unfortunately, the level of these monsters is generally low, around level 10, Elites are only at level 12 or 13. The boss hasn't found out yet. For players whose general level has surpassed them by a lot, they naturally have no experience.

Similar mines and ruins were found in more than one place. As soon as the safe zone was built, a large number of four-test players rushed to enter this leveling resort that swiped the screen on the forum and the world channel.

It's a big deal to get in.

"Aww, the explosion rate is so high!"

"Soul stone, soul stone!"

"Get rich, is there a loophole in the system?"

"The explosion rate of the first kill is so high. After passing this village, there will be no such store!"

"Kill, brothers, let's get together, roar!"

The newly completed Rock Fortress safety area became lively like this.

In addition to the newly discovered resource points like 'soul stones', there are goblins, goblins, goblin bears, various scavengers, and ghoul-like undead creatures that are everywhere like mice on the vast abandoned farmland. and many more.

The ghoul is the highest level, close to the cap level, and it also adds a lot of gameplay and bright colors to the newly discovered map.

Where there are players, there are tourists, there are merchants, there is trade, and there is demand.

The Deacon Sharar of the Newman caravan had already experienced the 'sturdy folk customs' of Punk City before he arrived in Punk City.

This 'NPC' from Liberty City, who claims to be well-informed, was taken aback by such a "sturdy folk style". Including the rest of the caravan, he was shocked by the proportion of professionals in Punk City's residents.

Normally, a town with a population of [-] people can give birth to a professional. A professional is not a Chinese cabbage, but a person who has mastered extraordinary powers and extraordinary ways to continuously improve his life level through practice and exercise.

Nobles who are not nobles, the actual rulers of this world.

I don't know when Punk City popped up on the wasteland, there are so many professionals.

This subverts common sense and three views.

Could it be some evil (ancient) god who revived in the wasteland?
Only this is the most common sense answer.

Sharal and the others became suspicious of Punk City, and it became a little uncertain whether to open up this trade route, which Xia Miaomiao, who hurried back to buy ore and was about to make a fortune, didn't know.

In the depths of a mine, Fan Chaoyue used an enchanted arrow to eliminate a ghost attached to an animal carcass, and dispelled the [Soul Scream] that always brought negative shocks. He shook his drowsy head and looked at Du Shiyu. Stepping forward, he took out a soul stone from the glowing corpse.

On the surface, it is just an ordinary stone with a slight glow, B-type items, each of which increases the load, and the backpack is almost full.

"I can't do it anymore, Xue Wu, my strength is almost gone."

"Stop brushing, let's go up."

"Well, I feel like throwing up after brushing this place for a long time."

"This is a soul attack, the system has explained it."

"What kind of soul attack, the brain of the planner has a pit, and it's specially designed to make life difficult for our players."

The two complained, packed up and prepared to go back.

Behind is a fork in the road. The dark mine is like a mouse hole. Most of the places need to squat to pass. Only the original mining surface can make people stand up straight, thus forming monster spawn points one by one.

With a little animal blood, the ghosts scattered in the mine can be attracted. Some ghosts have no form, just like the ghosts in China, but although they are hideous and terrifying, they don't have the ability like in ghost movies. It can only take away a certain amount of health by walking through the player's body, and "freeze" it by the way, giving the player some negative status as the main attack method.

This kind of ghost monster without a body has the lowest level, and there is no soul stone to explode, and it is invincible, just like flies, which cannot be driven away.

The two girls have long been immune to these most ghostly monsters.

There are also some stronger ghosts, ghost elites, which can possess the player and control the player to attack teammates and self-harm, but this is only available when the player's level is too low, or the spirit attribute does not exceed 10 It may happen that almost all old players are immune to such "possession", and some "barbarians" among new players, who don't pay attention to spiritual attributes, only get caught from time to time. Not very friendly.

On the way back, they passed a section of the mine that could only be advanced by squatting. Du Shiyu and Fan Chaoyue were so bold that they turned a blind eye to the ghosts that appeared from time to time to "walk through".

This is unimaginable on Earth. Back then, the two of them could scare pigs out from watching a ghost movie, which shows how Canaan has changed players.

A monster spawn point where you can stand upright, a team of new players spawns an endless stream of possessed monsters here, there are mice bigger than dogs, there are walking dead like zombies, and there are skeletons with only skeletons left...

They are all ghost monsters, who are possessed, and they cannot be judged by the objects they possess.

A savage was at the front, and the armor seemed to be enchanted. The two hammers exuded a faint aura, and when they hit the monster, the value representing physical damage was negligible, and the number representing attribute damage was the main one.

The Barbarian held the front, and the Bard chanted in a low voice, adding various buffs and dispelling effects to the team. He could also use a harp to control some monsters to attack other monsters for a short time. It was very useful and was the backbone of the team.

There is nothing to say about archers, thieves, and priests. This bard is really powerful, capable of milking and assisting, and has a good control skill. No wonder it is very popular among new players.

Fan Chaoyue envied the bard as a team leader, not because of his skills, but because of the harp in his hand.

The harp itself has nothing to say, at best it is a green piece of equipment, holding the harp as if moving forward and retreating like a dance is very handsome, anyway, it is much more handsome than an archer.

"I don't know if I can change my profession in the next test. If I can, I'll play bard. It's so cool."

"Don't think about it, the official website said that the bard will be adjusted in the next test, and there is a high probability that it will be weakened."

"It's okay to weaken it, just handsome."

"... the harp is handsome?"

"You can sing but you're not handsome. I saw a man who sang 'Xia Ke Xing' PK on the official website. Wow, wow, wow, I don't want to be handsome! Seeing it made my blood boil."

In this regard, the brain circuits of the two were not on the same channel. Du Shiyu wisely gave up arguing with her, and went through several similar monster-spawning spots before arriving near the exit.

The infrastructure of the system is the teleportation array.

The teleportation array has not yet extended here, players can only climb in and out, a large monster spawn point has gathered dozens of players, each occupying a monster spawn area, surrounded by countless visible and invisible monsters, Without fear.

Bards are indeed cool.

I saw that almost every team has a bard as the core of the team, reciting poems, reciting poems, naturally not singing system and Canaan, it is naturally ancient poems or songs of the earth, the skills of bards can be set accordingly The verses and lyrics correspond to their respective battle scenes, and the system will give them special attributes of corresponding skills.

Some have buff status, some bring negative status to the place, some directly use it as a means of harassing and attacking the enemy, and even control...

Even though the bard only has such a skill, it can be extended far beyond the derivative skills of other professional skills. It is a comprehensive occupation that can be controlled and has output. No wonder it will be weakened in the next test.

Of course, the most important thing is handsome.

The two of them were going to go out, but unexpectedly, an elite came out of the crowd of monsters.

This elite is not possessed. It is an invisible soul body, but its soul body is rich, powerful and has substance. When it appears, it has an eye-catching aura. All the monsters in the aura rush to the end. All the ghosts above were swallowed up by it.

"Ah, there is the fragrance of the soul in the flesh and blood, that is the smell of living beings, where, where!"

There are still lines.

Seeing this, the players were shocked and rushed towards this Sadako-like monster.

Then there is a big battle.

Du Shiyu: "Let's go, don't watch, we have nothing to do."

Fan Chaoyue was somewhat reluctant: "Go, it's a pity."

"There are so many people, you can't grab it, and the backpack is full, don't waste time."

"All right!"

The exit of the mine is very steep, and the two of them climbed out after a lot of hard work. The entrance is located on the halfway of a rocky mountain, and the sparse vegetation has been trampled down by the players. Destroyed homes, on the desolate land, there are destroyed farmlands and villages everywhere, and now waist-deep weeds have grown.

Not a single centaur was seen.

It is said that there is still a clear dividing line at the edge of the game area. Players who are not afraid of death have ventured out. It is said that there is a human city that has not fallen dozens of kilometers to the south. The city is full of centaur camps and tents. the livestock they raise.

"Xuewu, I haven't seen any saplings online these days, what is she up to?"

When returning to Rock Fortress, Fan Chaoyue asked.

"Why, you quarreled as soon as you met, and you miss her after you haven't seen her for a few days?"

"Who misses her, I'm just curious, don't you think she's mysterious, there must be nothing good?"

"I don't know, and I won't say it offline."

"Aren't you going to practice again?"

"She doesn't have any money. She borrowed money from me to buy medicine recently."

"... so miserable? It's enough to fight for a gold medal."

There is really nothing to say about the perseverance of the best friend in this aspect. Du Shiyu is impressed by her, but... she is a little dazed, gold medal, gold medal, and several times she talked in her sleep and asked for a gold medal...

At this time, Xia Miaomiao's plan to make a fortune was approaching the final stage of implementation.

Silver ore and copper ore piled up into hills, and the final deposits became these useless stones collected from players and tourists, and these ores were used on credit in a workshop of a blacksmith player Refined it to get several heavy silver and copper ingots.

1 silver ingot, 4 copper ingots.

The total cost is 55 silver.

Blacksmith players were curious about what she was refining these things for. It would not take such a large amount to make materials for equipment. If it was for building materials, it would be better to buy finished products, which are cheaper and less troublesome.

Xia Miaomiao didn't even tell her buddies, so naturally she wouldn't say anything, she had already planned, if it worked out, she would bring in her buddies to make a fortune together, and try to make a fortune before the other players reacted, if it didn't work out , it should be regarded as a failure of training, anyway, she has a lot of debts and doesn't worry about it, and it's not bad.

Having said that, when these heavy precious metals were really extracted and carried on her back with her weight, she was still nervous.

"Can you help me mint them"

"Money, what money?"

"This is it!"

Xia Miaomiao took out a copper coin from Newman's caravan and handed it to the blacksmith, then looked at his expression nervously.

"Hey, mission supplies?"

"Yes, yes, yes..." Xia Miaomiao nodded her head.

"Do all of them?"


"You are minting money. The system doesn't recognize it. Someone has done it before... What kind of mission are you doing? The request is so strange?"

"What do you want to do? Do you want to do it? If you don't do it, I'll find someone else."

"Do it, the labor cost is 10 silver"

"It's so expensive, why don't you grab it?"

"You can exchange mission information for free."

"Put it down, when I'm an idiot, my aunt goes to someone else, tourists are much cheaper than you."

"Hey, hey, don't go, let's discuss again..."


After a lot of trouble, Xia Miaomiao finally got the kind of coin that Newman's caravan recognized.

(End of this chapter)

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