This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 244 Demonic Wolf Suit

Chapter 244 Demonic Wolf Suit
"what is this?"

"Sequoia, Ms. Professional, is all processed. It is a good material for making bows and arrows. The price is cheap, the quantity is large and the quality is high, and there are discounts for buying in large quantities."

"Isn't it Yunmu? How much is it?"

"10 silver"

"10 silver, why don't you grab it?"

"Our Newman caravan never robs... This price is already very favorable. If it is shipped to the civilized world, the price will be twice as much. During the autumn hunting, I don't know how many beautiful noble ladies like you need this kind of money." Precious woods rich in magical powers make beautiful little bows and short arrows..."

"10 pieces of silver?"

"Haha, how come, a bundle of 10 silver."

"A bundle!?"

Xia Miaomiao covered the surprise in her eyes in time, and picked out a wide variety of goods in the warehouse of Newman's caravan.

There are at least 10 red cedars in a bundle, and they are all in good condition. Each one is of average thickness and straight, and can be identified as top-grade in the black shop of the system.

Selling to the system, the minimum value is 5 silver, but here is a bundle of 10 silver! ?

Cloud wood is a very common and basic material. It is the main consumable required for low-level and low-grade longbows. Because of durability, such novice weapons often need to be replaced after not being used for a long time, so the demand is huge. The long-term acquisition of professional players is also the main target of many tourists.

Not uncommon, it has a certain value, and the profit is more than 2 times.

Not bad.

She suppressed the joy in her heart, pointed to the container in the other direction, and asked, "Where's the one over there?"

"The value of those goods is even higher."

"Take me to see."

The hard currency on the wasteland is grain, and Newman’s caravan also has the most goods of this kind. The things in this tent are all exchanged with tribes and city-states on the wasteland. Naturally, they are going to transport them back to earn the difference.

Some people want it, and they can be shipped back easily, saving transportation capacity, so why not do it.

The businessman was very enthusiastic. He opened a long wooden box on the container and found that it was a medicinal material full of roots that looked like ginseng.

"what is this?"

"This is a kind of strange thing on the strange ghost..."

Before the businessman could finish his words, the whisker-like medicinal material suddenly 'live', the hair-like roots danced, and made a crying sound like a baby.

"Put it back quickly, I don't need it." Xia Miaomiao hid far away.

"That would be such a pity..." The businessman pulled out the roots of the 'medicine' from his body with great effort, stuffed them into the box full of magic patterns and covered it, and immediately stopped the ear-piercing crying.

"What are these?" Xia Miaomiao asked again, pointing to a bundle of beautifully groomed silver-gray furs.

"The fur of the wasteland demon wolf is in perfect condition..."

"Wild Wasteland?" Xia Miaomiao's eyes lit up.

"Yes, Miss Professional, are you interested?"

"Uh... so-so, how many devil wolf skins are there?"

"10 pieces, each piece is 10 silver, if you buy more, there will be a discount."

Xia Miaomiao could hardly contain the explosive joy in her heart, her eyes seemed to be glued to these perfect furs, like a pervert seeing a peerless beauty.

She knows the Wasteland Demon Wolf very well, and she is well-known among the players.

One is because they are rare in number, and they are particularly cunning and cruel. Players rarely meet them, let alone hunt them down.

The second is because they are full of treasures. Fur is the best material for making leather armor, wrist guards and shoes. The probability of making special effects of agility and physique such as [Fast Wind], [Speed], and [Toughness] is extremely high. Minions can be used as Auxiliary materials are added to the forging of weapons to increase the probability of making special effects and stunts. Eyes can be used as medicine. They are "upgrade" materials for instant recovery medicines such as intermediate red and blue medicines and sun water. They can improve the grade and efficacy of medicines. The heart system is a black shop 10 silver to buy, but no one will sell it. Enchanting formulas above the intermediate level need this extremely rare material as an auxiliary, and it will be dropped by professional players as soon as it appears.

The third is that the wasteland magic wolves in the game map are all blue-labeled, that is, they are not 'monsters', and can be treated as NPCs, and the cubs of magic wolves can become magic pets. There used to be a guy with an ID called 'professional baby daddy' I only raised one, and it was also featured on an offline interview talk show, which was extremely popular.

Monsters are common, and monsters are rare. Even a level 9 wilderness wolf is of great value, but this businessman doesn't seem to be so rare here, and Xia Miaomiao is not happy or ashamed.

Considering the capacity of the class B backpack, there are at least a hundred wolf skins here, and there is no need to choose any more. The cost is so much, 10 silver a piece, only enough to buy 4 pieces.

The bad thing is, as soon as the merchant heard that she could only buy 4 tickets, his previous hospitality disappeared. He lazily took out [-] tickets and didn't listen to her bargaining. He called an NPC who looked like a buddy, and left.

"Ms. Professional, hurry up..." Even NPC guys look down on me without money...

Xia Miaomiao put away the wolf fur and left the smelly tent angrily, vowing to impress these NPCs who look down on people soon.

Get back as fast as you can.

What to do with the rest?
Sell ​​to system hackers or other players?
Reselling raw materials is too low-grade to maximize profits. Xia Miaomiao has long thought about how to squeeze the maximum profit margin.

A mid-level tailor’s shop in Punk City, the NPC landlord sits at the door basking in the sun, and the player tailor is busy instructing tourists’ apprentices and NPC employees to run for the daily business… It’s already a common pattern here, Xia Miaomiao No wonder.

"Uh... this is?"

"There's no need to appraise it, the fur of the Wasteland Demon Wolf is in perfect condition!"


The middle-level tailor player hurriedly put on the valuable crystal glasses with special attributes, and carefully swayed his palm on the wolf fur, "It really is the fur of the wasteland wolf, and it is of blue quality, such a good appearance." This is the first time I've seen you... Do you want to sell? Make an offer!"

"Make me a priest's forehead (hat) and a pair of wrist guards. You will pay for the auxiliary materials, and the rest of the wolf skin will be yours."

"There is no guarantee that the best product will be produced!"

"I want to watch you do it with my own eyes!"

"make a deal!"

The intermediate tailor rubbed his hands nervously, greeted the tourist apprentices and NPC employees, took out the best tools and auxiliary materials, picked left and right among a bunch of treasure-like boxes, and picked out a bunch of zeros and zeros Crumbly and unrecognizable things.

Some kind of scales, some kind of needle and thread made of rubber bands, some kind of special magic potion, and finally a needle with skill bonus!
Use a pair of blue quality scissors to cut along the drawn texture lines, which is not much different from making clothes offline.

Cutting out the materials for a forehead guard and a pair of wrist guards is an unclear production process.

I saw flashes of inspiration, and the tailor player sitting there had a sense of sight as a 'crazy engineer'. I only saw the hazy afterimage of the inspiration when I threaded the needle. After a while, a freshly baked forehead guard appeared on the work on stage.

[Magic wolf headgear (hat), quality green, job requirements: first-rank priest, level requirements: level 17, weight 4, durability 17/17, score: 211.

Basic attributes: physical defense +7, magic defense +5, agility +2, intelligence 1, with wind element protection, when attacked, the damage received is slightly reduced by 4-7, and the cooldown is 120 seconds.

Advanced attributes: special effects [hearing and eyesight], perception +2, field of vision +1. Special skill [primary rejuvenation], restore up to 10% of your own health within 25 seconds, cooldown for 45 minutes.

Rare attributes: None.

Refined attributes: None.

Producer: Skillful Hand (Title) Liu Daoyi. 】


A green-quality special effects suit has everything it should have, no surprises, no surprises.

The market price of this forehead protector is around 50 silver. The special effects are not good, but the special effects are good, so it is better than nothing.

It's just that the durability is too low, and it can't be used after several repairs. Alas, is it because the tailor's craftsmanship is not good enough?

Xia Miaomiao immediately replaced her forehead protector, put on the magic wolf forehead protector, and urged the tailor Liu Daoyi to quickly make the next one.

[Demonic Wolf Bracers (set 1/5), quality green, job requirement first-turn priest, level requirement 15, weight 2, durability 25/25, score: 234.
Basic attributes: physical defense +9, magic defense +11, spirit +2, constitution +1.

Advanced attributes: Stunt [Wind], increase your movement speed by 5 for a short time, cool down for 50 seconds.

Rare attributes: None.

Refined attributes: None.

Set attributes: 2 pieces, agility +3, intelligence +2. 3 pieces, special effect [Speedy], increase the resistance of all attributes of oneself in a short time, cool down for 45 minutes. 5 pieces, special skill [Blessing of Tias], clears the cooldown time of any priest skill, cooldown is 50 seconds.

Producer: Skillful Hand (Title) Liu Daoyi. 】

"Wow, wow, you actually made a suit?" Xia Miaomiao picked up the wristband in surprise and looked over and over.

It's a pity that the forehead protection is not made into a set, otherwise there will be two pieces.

Except for the eye-catching set attributes, this wrist brace is just like that, with special effects but no special effects, it is not as good as the one she is equipped with now.

The tailor also looked very surprised, "It may be made of the same material, and there is a small probability of incident."

"If the rest are all made of protective gear, can we still make suits?" Xia Miaomiao asked with bright eyes.

"The rest of the skin is mine!" Tailor Liu Daoyi hurriedly put away the remaining wolf skin without any discussion.

Xia Miaomiao took out another wolf skin angrily, "Use this!"

"Have you robbed the wolf's lair?" Liu Daoyi's eyes were about to pop out, he looked at the wolf skin, then at Xia Miaomiao's backpack.

"Do or not?"

"Do it, do it, it's just... the old rule, after I do two things, I get the rest?"

"You think I'm stupid!?" Xia Miaomiao put away the wolf fur and tried to leave...

"Don't, don't, discuss it again, discuss it again."

Leaving aside the value of the remaining wolf fur, let’s say that the proficiency of the two pieces of equipment made will not be lost. Liu Daoyi doesn’t know how difficult such an opportunity is. How can he usually have such top-quality materials for him to practice?

Making the first suit of the gaming career is a good example of the problem. Normally, such a small piece of leather is very rare. When did you meet such a proud winner?

"Give me the leftover scraps, as many as you can make from a piece of leather!"

"It's almost there."

"How many more do you have..."

Xia Miaomiao took out the remaining wolf skin and put it there, completely stunned Liu Daoyi: "Here, it's all here."

"...You really robbed the wolf's den. Is there any wolf cubs? If there are any, I will take one."

"Let's stop talking nonsense, leather armor (top), leather pants (bottom), leather shoes, leather hat and a mask, all made according to the standard equipment of thieves, and there is a reward for making a suit."

Liu Daoyi asked with a serious face: "Thank you, boss, for the reward, the boss is so generous... What is the reward, it is best to reward a piece of leather"

"Bronze for you"

"……Ha ha"

"Just kidding, maybe I will reward you with one in the future, haha, do it with your heart."

I believe you a ghost!
Liu Daoyi dared to be angry and dare not speak out. The dignified middle-level tailor had to apologize when he was molested. As a well-known figure, when did he experience such uselessness online and offline?
There is no way, the host and guest have shifted, and now he is begging others.

The wind-attributed wasteland wolf is still the best match for thieves. It's a pity to be a priest equipment. Seeing the opportunity to make a suit, Xia Miaomiao regrets not making a good plan at the beginning, so naturally she has to stop the loss in time.

"For the mask, you have to buy the formula..."

"You won't, then I'll find someone else"

"Don't, don't, don't, I'll collect one, and I'll go."

"Come on, I'm in a hurry."

"Wait, wait, I'll contact a friend."

Masks are accessories, and they are not sold in the black store of the formula system. If you buy them now, you have to collect them from the players. They are worth a lot of money. In the past, such formulas could be auctioned.

Liu Dao was busy for half an hour, and he was so anxious that he received the formula from the organization at a high price, and added supplementary materials worth 2 gold. .

The three wolf skins took a total of 3 hours and finally succeeded 3 times.

"Sure enough, only top-quality materials of the same nature have the opportunity to make a suit, haha... I have increased my proficiency by more than 200, and I will soon be promoted to a higher level!"

"Congratulations, congratulations!"

"Happy together, rejoice together!"

For the three wolf skins, except for the two failures to make and wasted some materials, the rest are all green equipment, and there are 3 suits.

In total, there are 2 pieces of small green outfits with special effects and stunts, 2 pieces of garbage green outfits, and 3 pieces of suits.
The suits are, the wind element mask of the wolf (1/5), the soul leather armor of the wolf (2/5), the boots of the wolf's wind (3/5), regardless of the attributes of the suit, they are all top-quality, If you can make the remaining two pieces and sell them as a set, you won't be able to sell them at a sky-high price!

At this stage, how many players can make up a complete suit?

It's done, it's done!
The Almighty System God finally took care of me.

Low-key, low-key, don't let people find out, don't...

"Uh, what did you just say?"

"I said, is there any wolf skin left? Hurry up and take it out, strike while the iron is hot, and make the remaining two pieces."

"You thought the skin of a monster was so good, it's gone."

"Ah? It's a pity, two pieces are missing."

"...Let's go, remember to keep it a secret for me"

"Hey, don't go, add a friend and have a chance to take care of my business"

"Ha, let you spend money"

"What I wish for... a small sapling? A good name, especially suitable for a natural beauty like you..."

Xia Miaomiao was not fascinated by Liu Daoyi's ecstasy soup, next time he said nothing, and if he took out a few wolf skins, the fool would realize that there must be something wrong with it.

Walking on the streets of Punk City, Xia Miaomiao's mind was dizzy. For a while, she wondered how much these equipment could sell for, and for a while, she was worried about such obvious loopholes and bugs, what should I do if the system finds and fixes them...

Worrying about gains and losses, I didn't even notice that the system announced that there was going to be a shutdown update.

(End of this chapter)

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