This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 245 Culture Chapter

Chapter 245 Cultural Festival

"You don't even read the system announcements? What are you thinking about all day long?"

"What should I do, I don't have a file, will there be a mistake?"

"Probably not. This is not the first test session. It's fine in the wild."

"That's fine, that's fine..."

"So nervous, tell me the truth, what have you been up to these days?"

"No, nothing..."

"You borrowed money to practice again, huh?"

"No no!"

"Don't say it, right? Don't say it, right?"

"Actually...Actually, I found a system bug."

"Ha, you can still find the system BUG? If you can find it, then not everyone has discovered it. Is it still a BUG?"

"Xiaoyu, do you look down on me?"

"Say, what is the bug, let me see it."

In Wudu University, in the small villa exclusively for players to settle in, Xia Miaomiao told his buddies in detail about the fortune-making plan he had made in the past few days. Then how did he cleverly find a tailor and ask him to repay the money for free to help him make wolf skins into equipment, how did he discover the secret of making suits, and how did he have the courage to take out all the wolf skins for experimentation? , and how it succeeded in a series of feats.

After finishing speaking, he waited expectantly for his best friend to praise him.

After hearing this, Du Shiyu asked her a few more details to make sure it wasn't a made-up story, "According to what you said, it's indeed a loophole. Taking advantage of the difference in prices inside and outside the system... It's like pulling the wool out of the system, and it won't last long."

"I also know that it won't last long, so I have to hurry up. I finally met a Newman caravan. When they arrive in Punk City, there will be nothing for us."

"Well, you're clever, but it's just a pity that the system update happened, and the precious time difference may just be missed."


When she said this, Xia Miaomiao became anxious. This 'night grass' disappeared after just one bite, but it was too uncomfortable, so she jumped up anxiously and asked Du Shiyu what to do.

"What can I do? If the server is suspended for two days, the game time will be 4 days. If it is 4 days, the Newman caravan will not be able to set off. Don't forget, we still have a guide mission."

"In other words, you can still..."


"Haha, that's really great, Xiao Yu, once the server starts this time, you will work with me. There are hundreds of wolf skins over there, all of which are made into suits, and we will send them out, you know I don't understand, woohaha..."

"Can it really be made into a suit?"

"I can't lie to you, I've already made three of them."

"Can it be made into a magician?"

"It should be ok, but the easiest thing to get from a wind-attributed wasteland wolf is thieves' equipment. It doesn't matter. Let's sell it to local tyrants. The money we sell will be used to refine our own. Give it to me. A blue outfit is not a dream, it's not a dream! "

"It's training again..."

"You still don't believe me?"

"It counts that you are reliable once..."

"Why do I sound sour, haha, Xiao Yu, you are jealous, jealous smart head, admit the cruel reality that I am smarter than you, or why didn't you discover this way to make money, wow haha..."

Du Shiyu couldn't bear the rampant appearance of her buddies, but this time she decided not to be as knowledgeable as her. She rolled her eyes and turned to look at her virtual screen, browsing the detailed information about this suspension update on the official website.

The announcement is very short, it just said that the level cap of level [-] to [-] will be released, and some system functions and gameplays that have not been released in the fourth test will be released, such as the combat power system, the arena trial version, magic pets, and the addition of magic pet tasks. Related NPCs, new general life skills - [Capture] used to obtain magic pet cubs, added [Lasso] A-type tools for [Capture], etc.

There is more to analyze.

First of all, the cap is capped at the [-]th level at the first turn. This restriction that has been lifted after a long time has made players, especially the old players, cheer. Therefore, it has been extended to the level of the second turn and the direction of the job change. Various guesses, there are There are also a lot of dry goods, and combined with the current game map, there are more and more neutral forces, maps and NPCs, give full play to imagination, and many online writers use this as material to make up stories, let alone, It's quite popular, there are a lot of serials on the forum, and the following are all follow-up comments from cloud players.

The level restriction was lifted, and the pressure on new players was greater. A large number of complaint posts flooded the entire page. Except for those who routinely complained about unfairness and asked to be capped for a period of time, most of the posts were about their current level and equipment. Gold Silver Bronze Medal Case.

An arena gave players plenty of room for imagination, because the announcement didn't specify details, and new players generally complained, saying that equipment and levels were crushed by old players. How could it be fair to compete together? Anyway, it was very happy.

It is worth mentioning that a CCTV channel dedicated to Canaan was also launched today, CNTV-11, which will not let go of such a big event when it just started broadcasting, that is to take out every word in the announcement For analysis, please invite some old players, cloud play anchors, experts called beasts, cultural and sports celebrities, etc., to comment and analyze one by one.

I was looking at it with gusto, and a warning siren sounded, indicating that someone was visiting in reality.

"Someone is coming, Miao Miao!"

"It must be the school's gangsters again, you go, I'll play for a while."

"It was me last time."

"They like you, Teacher Du."

"Then when will it be your turn to teach them, Teacher Xia?"

"Ms. Xia is not free!"

Du Shiyu had no choice but to take off the VR helmet and sit up in the game cabin.

In fact, this kind of virtual technology is still out of the scope of VR glasses. The simulation is still an optical signal. People will not "sleep" in the past, and they can still feel the real body and various perceptions of the body, but it is more advanced than before. One thing is that there is a big improvement in immersion.

It’s not a good experience to use Canaan’s game helmet to do this kind of thing. Recently, a new VR immersive headset has been launched. With the game cabin, it can deceive the “human eye” to a large extent, and the degree of realism is also better than before. Do it well.

Therefore, there are two helmets in the game room, one for Canaan and one for the Internet of Everything offline.

The game compartment itself is a safe, known as explosion-proof level 3, that is, it can resist conventional blasting methods. Of course, there is nothing to say in terms of safety, and you can safely lock the helmet inside.

Du Shiyu got up and put on clothes first, then took the elevator to the first floor, and checked the identities of the visitors on the door.

"Teacher Du!"

"Mr. Du!"

"It's you... come in."

There are 5 players in the school, old, middle-aged and young. The old one is an associate professor. In the field of brain-computer interaction, he is a high-end talent lured by the school from the United States with a player qualification. It is said that he is still a strong contender for the Nobel Prize. Very elegant silver-haired old man.

Young and middle-aged people are all natives of the school.

"You are..."

With so many people here, there was obviously something wrong, but Du Shiyu had nothing to teach them. After being a player for so long, he had already imparted all the experience that should be imparted.

"This time I'm not here to listen to the class, I'm here to discuss with you the issue of stopping the service and updating."

The silver-haired old professor smiled and said nothing, but the middle-aged director of the Academic Affairs Office who spoke.

This man is chubby, harmless to humans and animals like a Maitreya Buddha, he is doing administrative work, but he is very prestigious among the students, and he is fair in dealing with things. The most famous one is arguing for a student with the vice-principal, I heard that he slapped the table and scolded his mother. Many students heard it at the time, so he was selected in the player qualification voting this time.

"Director Wu..."

"Call me Lao Wu. I'm an accompanist, and they're doing research. You talk, and I'll record it."

Only then did the silver-haired associate professor speak, "Xiao Du, what do you think about this update?"

Du Shiyu can have any opinion, but he knows that the associate professor is not asking her own opinion, but analyzing and looking at this matter from the perspective of an old player.

As a researcher, it is natural to study typical models with broad representation, and Du Shiyu is his typical model.

Du Shiyu briefly talked about his views, many of which he just read from the Internet.

"Well, not bad, not bad", a simple comment, the silver-haired professor stopped talking.

"Ms. Du, this is the latest economic research report I made. I am going to publish a paper. Can you see what needs to be corrected?"

The documents handed by the young scholar gave Du Shiyu a headache. She was most afraid of looking at these things. It was a very simple matter, but once written in words like this, it would be confusing. Only by connecting it with what you know can you understand it.

But this time the report caught her eye immediately.

"...The role and influence of the external economic circle on the internal economic circle of the game?"

"Yes, yes, yes, there are more and more neutral camps in the game recently. I found that the economic behaviors of the two, including currency, are actually isolated, so as..."

Du Shiyu couldn't listen anymore, and thought to herself, such a coincidence, so quickly, the best friend's plan to make a fortune is in jeopardy.

But if you think about it, it's normal.

The best friend is not some amazing and talented person, she can find it, but others can't, she is just a ray of inspiration, with so many players, who can't be sure and still have a flash of inspiration?

There must be people like this, but they are all making a lot of money in silence like her, and only people like young scholars are so 'simple', and they don't want to take advantage of loopholes.

Ask young scholars when and where they plan to publish. Fortunately, it is only in some academic journals. The circle is extremely small, and even if it has an impact, it will not affect Canaan for a while.

However, the window of time is running out.

It just happened to catch up with the suspension of service and update.

Du Shiyu dealt with them in a messy mind, patiently answered a few questions, and the young scholar wrote down a few data that needed to be revised with satisfaction.

After half an hour.

Director Wu put down his pen and pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, "The discussion is over? Okay, let's get down to business..."

Ganqing was just a prologue just now?
"Xiao Du, the economy of the metaverse is in full swing. All over the country, the Eight Immortals are crossing the sea to show their magical powers. They have sharpened their heads and tried every means to get on board. Some special policies have been introduced one after another in various places... Recently, the provincial government held a meeting and said that they should fully Give full play to our province's first-mover advantage in the number of players and tourists, and vigorously promote and encourage the establishment of supporting industries related to the Metaverse in Hubei Province... We are planning to hold a cultural festival. The third part of the land also needs to cooperate with the local economic development, so I plan to let you as representatives to participate in this cultural festival..."

"Cultural Festival, the ones being built on the Han River?"

"Well, that's just supporting facilities. The province plans to set aside a special land. As an industrial park, our school also got a land to build a research institute."


"The latest data shows that economic activities and industries related to the metaverse have become the key driving force for stimulating domestic demand and innovation. How much scientific and technological innovation and implementation have been driven by the vigorous development of the Internet of Everything? Just say your game warehouse, a few years ago How dare you think about it?" Director Wu sighed, "When science and technology became the primary productive force, we, as an institution of higher learning, naturally have to keep pace with the times and cultivate professionals who meet the needs of society..."

Du Shiyu made a gesture of surrender, "I have no objection, director, what the school says we should do, obey."

"That's good, that's good!" Director Wu smiled into Maitreya Buddha, "This industrial park not only has a supporting industrial chain settled down, but also various special policies and benefits for your players and tourists. Your good The day is coming, lol"

"Director, you are also a player!"

"Mine doesn't count, my player status belongs to the school, which is equal to public property..."

After chatting for more than an hour, Du Shiyu was relieved to send these people away. He was going to order takeout for lunch, and went back to ask his best friend what he wanted to eat.

"Go out to eat, eat out, someone treats you."

"Who treats you?"

"Brother Chun, he has moved to Wudu, and just bought a house by the side of Liren Lake... Good guy, by the side of Liren Lake, that guy actually bought a house, I'm afraid it would cost a few dollars. Thousand W, this guy is so rich!?" Xia Miaomiao changed clothes and put on makeup in a sour tone, stopped halfway and said viciously, "This time I will kill him hard."

"Brother Chun? The one from Yunwan anchor?"

"Well, that's him."

"Who else?"

"There is another one that you definitely can't think of... Haha, Xiaoqiao Liushui, the one who blackmailed the main thread NPC..."

"He, I haven't heard any news about him for a long time."

"He's a professional gamer, the kind who makes a fortune with a muffled voice. I heard from Brother Chun that this person has a wild way of life and a wide range of skills. He knows all kinds of people. Our plan to make a fortune happens to use this kind of person... ...go, go, go, go change your clothes and go out."

Du Shiyu hesitated for a moment, but decided not to tell his buddies the bad news of 'the plan to make a fortune might be exposed'.

Even if other people find out, they should be in the stage of making a fortune silently, and it will take some time until everyone knows about the trouble.

With this time buffer, it should be enough.

Earning a vote should still be guaranteed.

"By the way, what's the trouble with those injustices at school?"

"Uh, about the cultural festival and the industrial park, the province is preparing..."

"If you tell me this, you'll get dizzy when you hear it. Just make up your mind...Xiao Yu, where did we put the cosplay outfit we ordered online last time?"

"Are you going to go out in those fancy clothes?"

"Haha, I can't keep up with the situation, go out and have a look, the street is full of strange clothes."

(End of this chapter)

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