This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 246 Touring Wudu

Chapter 246 Touring Wudu

It is already late May, and the weather is gradually getting hotter. Wudu City is known as a stove, and summer has entered early. The temperature is 30 degrees. Walking outdoors, you will be sweating all over in a short while.

Du Shiyu couldn't remember how long it had been since she took the bus, and it was so refreshing to revisit it suddenly.

Looking at the street view outside the window, when the bus stops at a stop, a salesman selling VR glasses comes up and sells the latest products launched by a certain company one by one.

"Mom, I want, I want!"

"Sister, let's buy a pair for your child. Put it on and look at it. Everything is digital. You look at the armrest, automatic identification, intelligent analysis of ingredients and uses... Now is the era of the Internet of Everything. Don't let your child lose On the starting line, buy a pair?"

"how much?"

"Not expensive, the original price is 1899, our company is doing activities, only 899"

"So expensive?"

"It's not expensive anymore. There are no similar products from other manufacturers that are less than [-] yuan. With it, you don't need a mobile phone. In the future, this thing will be just like a mobile phone, a must-have item for everyone."

"Then... just buy one"

"Long live mom!"

The salesman's eloquence is very good. After wearing VR glasses, everything around him can be read. He can also automatically recognize the height and weight of people, and has a video recording function. It can also be used as a mobile phone. The functions are powerful , People who experience it for the first time are easily fooled.

"Boy, I'll try too"

"I'll try it too"

"Technology is developing so fast now..."

"Yes, yes, old man, I can't keep up with the times."

"You are called old when you are only 60. I read the news not long ago, saying that retirement will be postponed. [-] years old can only be considered middle-aged."

"Crap, how can you be considered old, 80?"

"That depends on the situation, as long as it's not too old to walk, it doesn't count."

Xia Miaomiao likes to join in the fun the most. Seeing the enthusiasm of the passengers in the carriage, she also curiously called the salesman to try a pair.

After wearing glasses, it’s like looking at things through a layer of glass. There are many readable options on this layer of glass, such as seats and armrests. When you point your finger on it, the material, purpose, Shape, weight, color, etc., let alone, are quite interesting.

Of course, it’s not as good as the game cabin, and there’s no sense of immersion at all. If the field of vision shakes too fast, it will become blurred, and if you look at things a little farther away, there will be delays and freezes...

"I want a pair too!"

"Okay... the beauty's equipment, tsk tsk, you can tell it's custom-made at a glance, isn't it cheap?"

"not bad!"

Xia Miaomiao bought a pair of glasses at 899, and took out the manual to read.

"Miao Miao, what are you doing, we don't need this thing."

"Buy it for fun, it's only 9 coppers, and it's not expensive."

Bringing the player's habits into reality, after converting it into copper coins, I feel that everything is so cheap. Du Shiyu also feels this way, so I don't say much.

The salesmen returned with full load, and there were many people on the bus looking around with VR glasses.

Xia Miaomiao felt dizzy after taking it for a while, and then the bus driver said, you have met a liar, this thing is a 'customized version of the bus', it is useless when you get off the bus.

Passengers who bought the glasses quickly asked what they meant, and the bus driver only revealed the details at this time. It turned out that what he had just bought was a 'cottage phone', which was a Sanwu product spliced ​​together with various defective parts, designed for various The 'sales scene' is customized, and it's useless when it's out of the 'sales scene', it's just a look.

The deceived passengers blamed the driver for not reminding them earlier, some shouted to call the police, some refused to let the bus continue to drive, and some scolded their children...

"Come on, let's get out of the car."

"Damn, damn liar!"

Xia Miaomiao didn't want her glasses either, she threw them on the seat and got in the chaotic carriage with Du Shiyu, standing near the entrance of a very lively pedestrian street.

Xia Miaomiao looked left and right, and suddenly saw an 'orc barbarian' and an 'elf bard' hugging each other. She was amused, and hurriedly pointed it out to her buddies.

"Aren't we the same? I feel very ashamed!"

The two are also wearing COS equipment in the game. A priest and a mage are both humans. It’s not an exaggeration. This couple is completely immersed in their own world. The orc pretends to show two fangs Outside the mouth, there is also makeup on the face, which is green and red, just like a ghost.

The girl pretends to be an elf, but unfortunately she is not good enough, so she uses heavy makeup to make up for it. The powder on her face seems to be shaved white, and her facial features seem to be painted on. When you look at it suddenly, it is very permeable.

Wudu will hold the Yuan Universe Cultural Festival, and the bustling pedestrian street has already had a festive atmosphere. There are all kinds of fancy clothes everywhere. After walking not far, I saw a team of officially organized COS parades along the street. People in standard vests send out brochures.

The merchants along the street have also made various decorations to suit the occasion. Most of them have a colored sculpture of a game character standing at the door. There are exquisite ones, some rough ones, and music played in a loop. It is also the most popular "Ah, Canaan, Canaan" And "I am a Glorious Orc", the main business of many stores is also the game peripherals, COS stores are the most common, buy some restoration props of different quality, set up a theme cafe, sell some Canaan maps, monsters, minerals Pokédex and so on.

These are the easiest businesses for ordinary people to start. Even street snack bars make in-game food to attract customers.

The two held hands and strolled through the jewelry stalls. There are the most props in the game, especially necklaces, rings, and amulets. It has undergone a certain degree of beautification and improvement.

In fact, even the COS worn by the two of them has been beautified and improved. The reason is the same as the popular Hanfu movement. If the style of Hanfu in various historical periods is truly restored, it may not meet the aesthetics of modern people.

Going shopping was one of Xia Miaomiao's favorite 'sports' in the past, and she didn't feel tired after shopping for a whole day, but after a short time this time, she felt tired, so she dragged her best friend to the appointed cafe.

Brother Chun and Qiao Shan have been waiting for a long time.

No way, being late is the prerogative of beautiful women.

Brother Chun was stopping Qiao Shan, who was waiting impatiently, and refused to let him go. Seeing two beauties in cosplay costumes come in, his eyes lit up, and he shouted loudly: "Sapling, Xue Wu, this way, this way."

Xia Miaomiao smiled and waved to this side, very quietly walked over with her best friend's arm, with a reserved smile.

"How is it, not bad!?"

Brother Chun arched Qiao Shan and whispered.

"'s okay."

"At least 85 points or more...Be smart later, don't bring the bad temper from the game here..."

Just as he was muttering, the two beauties arrived. Brother Chun graciously ushered them into the booth, called the waiter, and ordered coffee according to the instructions of the two beauties.

"Sapling, how is it? Haha, I said I will definitely move back when I move back. From now on, everyone will be comrades in the trenches."

"Did you buy Lakeside Beauty?"

"Yeah, I bought it because the environment over there is good, but it's a bit expensive, but...haha, it doesn't matter!" Brother Chun looked like he was not short of money and wanted to be humble, afraid that others would not notice that he was shaking now up.

Xia Miaomiao saw a lot of people who were so ostentatious, so she cut her throat and looked at the other person sitting beside her, "This is..."

"Let me introduce, my buddy, Qiao Shan, the game ID Xiaoqiao Liushui, how is it, have you heard of it!?"

Qiao Shan smiled and said, "Hi, you two beauties, I'm Qiao Shan"

"Small bridge and flowing water", Xia Miaomiao pretended to remember, and pushed her best friend, "I seem to have heard of it there?"

Du Shiyu rolled her eyes in her heart, knowing that her buddy was pretending again, and said, "It's the one who robbed the main thread NPC."

"Oh, I remembered, old player."

"I made the two beauties laugh, hehe..." Qiao Shan looked calm and accustomed to the world.

Brother Chun still looked like he was licking a dog, and said enthusiastically, "We all know each other. We will all be in the same family in the future, and we will all be brothers and sisters."

"Why, you also want to add Chunshui's family?" Xia Miaomiao asked knowingly.

Brother Chun said: "Yeah, Chunshui, this person is kind and fair, anyway, it's all plus, so let's go in and hang out for a while, and then we can talk about it."

" the way, what happened to the family residence?" Du Shiyu asked.

Xia Miaomiao secretly thought that it was broken, and Brother Chun said suspiciously: "Resident, I didn't hear what Chun Shui said, is the system going to start dividing again?"

Du Shiyu knew that she was deceived by her best friend, so she pinched Xia Miaomiao secretly, and stopped asking.

"Speaking of the residence, it's a real pit now, and it's not something ordinary people can play. I know a few buddies who have invested all their wealth in it. I haven't heard any response until now, and I still owe a lot of debt. Good first-test players, now they are poorer than newcomers, praying to gods and worshiping Buddha every day, hoping that there will be some resource points on the newly grown map, otherwise, hehe, they are afraid to hang themselves."

"Do you still know this kind of person?" Qiao Shan interjected, "Are they interested in changing hands?"

Brother Chun said, "Why, the boss you know is interested in taking over?"

"You don't have to worry about it. You can contact me and build a bridge to help your friend out of the sea of ​​suffering."


"One Word"

"That's okay, the two beauties can take care of themselves!"

Xia Miaomiao shrugged her shoulders, Du Shiyu was drinking coffee, and Xia Miaomiao was amused when she heard who Brother Chun was calling.

This world is really small, the unlucky guy turned out to be the big cousin gang.

You deserve it, let you go black and white!
She will remember everything about the expansion pack for a lifetime.

After making a phone call, Brother Chun didn't say anything about the result, but asked enthusiastically, "We'll go there later? Why don't you go to my place and have a look?"

Xia Miaomiao: "By the beauty lake?"

"Well, you are also old players, don't you think about buying a set? The environment in that place is very good..."

Xia Miaomiao wanted to buy it, but unfortunately, she was too shy.

Having said that, she remembered the business, looked at Qiao Shan, and said, "I heard that you know a lot of people. I have some good things that I want to sell. Please help me."

"What good thing?" Qiao Shan said lazily, with a very casual tone.


"Blue equipment? It depends on the attributes."

"Green outfit"

"It's fine to wear green clothes, my friends are not bad."

"It's still a set, sold as a set."

"Put... What are you going to do?"


"You have?"


"A few?"

"Complete set!"

"Blow it!" Qiao Shan sneered and leaned back on the sofa.

Xia Miaomiao didn't say much, just took out a few printed pictures from her bag and put them in front of her.

Qiao Shan picked it up to look at it, and Brother Chun came over curiously to look at it.

"It's really a suit!" Brother Chun exclaimed.

Qiao Shan put down the picture, and looked more serious, "The magic wolf suit doesn't look like a bomb, but it looks like it's custom-made."

It was Xia Miaomiao's turn to be proud, "You don't have to worry about that."

"Okay, let me ask for you, how about the price?"

"Naturally the taller the better"

Brother Chun joked, "Miaomiao, don't you want to use this magic wolf green outfit to change into a villa by the Lake of Beauty?"

"Why, no?"

"It's really not good!" Qiao Shan became very serious as soon as he entered the business state, and his laziness was gone. "If there was no need to say it before, it is impossible now. Let me talk about your green suit first. The biggest shortcoming is that it is too durable. Low, now that the system has been adjusted, the durability will drop too much once it is repaired, and this set of equipment can last for a month or two. Again, it is for thieves..."

"What's wrong with thieves, those who play thieves are all high-end players."

"All the good ones are old players, the most popular among new players is bards, the equipment of thieves is cheap, and there is..."

"What is it?"

"It's a suit attribute that can't be said to be good!"

"What's wrong, the special effects of my equipment are not bad."

"It's not bad, but they are all low-level special effects, big-budget ones. My friends are all pursuing perfection and perfection. What is perfection? Those who can use +3 intelligence will never need +2, and those who can use dual-characteristic special effects There is no need for a single..."

"Okay, I don't expect you to buy it even if you lower the price even though you know it!"

Brother Chun saw that he was about to froze, so he quickly interrupted, "Okay, okay, I'm out to play today, don't talk about things in the game, Qiao Shan, you will die if you don't say a few words, just let you pass on a message... Miaomiao ignore him, shall we go there later?"

"No, go home!"

"Don't, don't, I finally came out to play, and I don't know when the system will be shut down next time... Otherwise, let's go to the Han River and charter a yacht. I have someone I know who will go to the center of the river. How about picnics and barbecues on Shiye Island? By the way, there is also a cultural festival, do you know about the cultural festival? One of the venues is on the Han River, and the layout is very lively. There is also a large-scale light show every night. It’s beautifully done!”

Xia Miaomiao was furiously unmoved. Du Shiyu remembered what the school director Wang said, but wanted to go to see the preparations for the so-called cultural festival, so she pushed her best friend to let her almost get it.

"Well then... a yacht?"

"It's on me. I have a fan who has it at home. He has a license. You wait, I will contact him."

Half an hour later, the three of them left the cafe and drove towards the parking spot of his friend's luxury yacht in Brother Chun's new luxury convertible sports car.

The hottest time of the day has passed, and a cool breeze blew up in the afternoon, rolling up Xia Miaomiao's skirt standing on the convertible sports car, and wrinkled the calm river surface.

(End of this chapter)

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