This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 247 Everyone is the protagonist

Chapter 247 Everyone is the protagonist

"The surging river, next to the long Grand Canal, this Wudu is thriving and youthful. Hey, little girl, I have traveled here and thought about it for a long time, but I don't know how to describe the beauty of this Wudu..."

"Why does it sound so familiar, like the lyrics of a song?"

"It's You Jing, Sapling, you plagiarized!"

"I want you to take care of it!"

"You Jing, it's time for the occasion, how about a beauty sing a song?"

"Don't, don't, don't let her sing, I'm afraid I'll spit out the food I just ate!"

"Xiaoyu, why are you like this, isn't he singing a little out of tune?"

"Are you out of tune? You are tone deaf, you can sing like a pig butcher in a song by Du Shiniang..."


On the deck of the luxury yacht, Du Shiyu, Xia Miaomiao, Chun Ge, Qiao Shan, and Chun Ge's fan rich second-generation owner just enjoyed a very flavorful "Jiang Banquet" in the scenic river center, and then boarded the yacht Going up the river, blowing the gentle river breeze, enjoying the picturesque scenery on both sides of the river, I feel relaxed and happy for a while, and I just feel like a fairy.

From a distance, I saw the outline of Shiye Island and the performance site of the huge water main cultural festival built on this island in the middle of the river. I saw several helicopters circling at low altitude, and the heavy metal structure hoisted by steel cables was like building blocks. are deployed on increasingly larger facilities.

A group of swallows flew by, and many yachts, fishing boats, and flat boats came and went upstream. The lights of the evening were flickering, and the reflection of the river was like a ribbon of the Milky Way, extending to the end of the world.

The skyscrapers on both sides of the strait have already started the preview of the light show. A large number of tourists and citizens who are hiking along the river are crowded in the best places to watch, holding mobile phones and cameras, waiting for the opening of the light show.

Yanjing doesn't know what the scene is like, but it's definitely not bad for Wudu as a picture scroll of prosperity.

Under repeated coaxing from the rich second-generation shipowner, Xia Miaomiao sang a song You Jing "reluctantly" and "reluctantly".

Let's sing a song, everyone is shocked, the rich second-generation shipowner who licks the dog can't keep on licking, his face twitches, the words he prepared are stuck in his throat, and he can't say anything.

It was Qiao Shan who nodded and said, "You sang well, don't sing again next time!"

Xia Miaomiao couldn't hold back her face, and asked unconvinced: "Is it really so ugly?"

Brother Chun had a mean mouth, pointed at Jiang Yan who was flying away with a smirk, and chanted, "vomit, vomit, startle a bunch of gulls and herons!"

"You want to die!", Xia Miaomiao was furious, and used her hands to tear Brother Chun's face, and Brother Chun fled behind Du Shiyu, saying repeatedly, "Sapiao, why can't you hear good words, I'm just praising you."

Du Shiyu held back a smile and jumped away, not letting Brother Chun touch her, walked a little farther alone, took a sip of red wine, looked at the picturesque scenery on the river, her eyes diverged, and she was immersed in it.

This is all good, but there is an annoying fly next to it.

"Little rain..." The fly was naturally catching the needle, and the rich second-generation ship owner came up to him in a gentle manner with a wine glass in his hand. He leaned against the side of the boat and posed in a pose he thought was very handsome to flirt with. "Tell me about Canaan. I heard that you are the first beta player. How did you get the first batch of helmets with such good luck?"

There's no way, I don't reach out to hit the smiling person, and besides, I'm still on his boat, there are still basic politeness.

Du Shiyu talked about how she mistakenly entered a "game trust" group, and how she confusedly paid 98 yuan to qualify for the first test.

"This is really... tsk tsk... even luckier than winning the Mark Six lottery!", the rich second-generation shipowner sighed, and then began to tell how he had exhausted all means, tried everything, starting from the second test, Not to mention player qualifications, not even a tourist...

Du Shiyu listened out of politeness, found an opportunity midway, and slipped away with the excuse of going to the bathroom.

The rich second-generation shipowner shifted his target to Xia Miaomiao again, all kinds of teasing.

Xia Miaomiao didn't have Du Shiyu's good temper anymore. A few words didn't sound right, so she asked directly, "After talking for a long time, what do you do?"

"Me? I don't have anything to do, so I just hang the title of director in the group company I set up, eat, drink, play and play around every day, nothing else, just make a lot of friends."

"All those... er, friends?"

"Most of them are from the entertainment industry. I am going to open a film studio. My dad gave me 4 million in pocket money and told me that if I lose money, I will go home and work with him honestly."

"4 billion, tsk tsk!" Xia Miaomiao said in mockery or amazement.

"Actually, there is nothing in the show business circle. If you look closely at those celebrities, they are ordinary people, but they are just packaging. Let's say Miao Miao, you are no worse than them, and you are still a player. How about it? Are you interested in developing in the show business circle? It's not that I'm bragging, I can get first-line resources..."

While talking, the yacht with beautiful lights was already approaching Jiangxin Island. Looking closer, one of the venues being arranged looked very familiar. It just so happened that Du Shiyu came back, and Xia Miaomiao was also teased by the rich second generation. A little impatient, he pointed to the facilities under construction and asked, "Look, does it look familiar?"

Brother Chun was slightly tipsy from drinking, and was scratching his stomach, wanting to sing a poem to express his comfort and satisfaction at the moment, but there was no ink in his stomach, and he was feeling uncomfortable. : "By the fishman lake!"

"Yes, it's by the Murloc Lake!"

Veteran players by the Murloc Lake are familiar with it. There used to be monster spawning and treasure drop resorts. During the third test, there were more similar game maps, and the Murlocs gradually decreased, which made everyone disappear.

Even so, it is also a very famous game map. The safe zone built by the lake is a bustling place second only to the main city of the system. Open the 'real estate ban' on the game map, where players can spontaneously build a city.

There are no murlocs on the shore of Murloc Lake, and there is indeed a picturesque scenery. Relying on the facilities of one of the main venues of the cultural festival arranged on Jiangxin Island, it vaguely restores the shore of Murloc Lake, together with the "illegal buildings" above.

This is just one of them. Could it be that this cultural festival in Wudu will copy all the famous online game maps?

Only as a venue?
This is really a big deal.

The small island in the middle of the river, which is being transformed, has wharves, rocky beaches, woods, shrubs, river ditches, etc., and all kinds of lighting equipment are under construction. Xia Miaomiao asked a passing construction ship and found out that this small island The island has become one of the stages for performances. On the opening day of the cultural festival, flash mobs will be used to jump on various similar stages to show the cosmic cultural atmosphere of Wudu to audiences all over the country and around the world.

"Xiao Yu, the school told you, is this what we are asked to participate in?"

"should be!"

"Let's do what?"

"It should be a true performance"

"Perform in your true colors? Just play your own game character?"


"Then I must go and see, Miao Miao, is your character in the game as beautiful as in reality?" The rich second-generation shipowner came again.

Qiao Shan on the side whispered to Brother Chun, "Are you just watching?"

Although Brother Chun was slightly drunk, he was clear-headed. He whispered disdainfully, "Don't worry, Miao Miao doesn't like it."

Qiao Shan asked knowingly, "Why?"

"That's how he looks, like a skinny monkey"

"They are rich"

"Money?" Brother Chun sneered.

"Well, money can't beat it, and being a celebrity, don't all girls like this tune"

"None of these things work. Miao Miao wants to be a star. It's very simple. Just be like me. Look at her... This girl is very realistic and motivated. She has the heart of a professional gamer."

"Yo, yo, I said, why don't you move forward, how dare you know that your family is out of play?"

"I can't help it. I play games with just one word. It's easy, I don't want to be so tired, and I don't have such a strong sense of victory. Miao Miao must have looked down on me."

The yacht will not be allowed to go any further, and can only go back the same way.

At this time, the sky was also dark, and the light show officially started. First, the dazzling lights pierced the night sky, and then the large-scale fountain stirred up thousands of water columns, changing various shapes under the dazzling lights, and a rain fell in midair , They couldn't stay on the deck any longer, and everyone returned to the semi-open-air upper cabin, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass, admiring the picturesque scenery.

The light show kicked off with thousands of drones rising like fireflies.

The stands on both sides of the river are crowded with people, and countless exclamations gather together, adding to the heat of the early summer night, but on the river, it is indeed cool. In the eyes of the audience on both sides of the river, the small yacht has become a part of this prosperous world.

This night, I returned with all my excitement.

On the morning of the second day after the service was suspended, Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao took the school bus to participate in the rehearsal of Wudu's "Yuan Universe Canaan Cultural Festival". They met a famous director and got their script .

"Wow, is it really a character in the game?"

Xia Miaomiao flipped through the script and found it very interesting, "Do you really follow the daily routine in the game?"

"Isn't it said above?"

"Where is the main town of Chenxi Town?"

"I heard that there is a geological park in the development zone."

"Then shall we go to the rehearsal this afternoon?"

"I don't want to go, that's not what I said above, I don't need to be deliberate, I can do what happens online now"

"Go, go, go and have a look, there's nothing to do anyway, Xiao Yu"

"Go, go, don't call yourself boring."

Instigated by Xia Miaomiao, the two participated in the rehearsal in the afternoon.

Just like the Fishman Lake on Jiangxin Island, an extremely realistic Chenxi Town has been erected in a corner of the geopark. Professional actors play NPCs, and players and tourists are real people leaving the country.

I don’t know if I don’t see it, but I was shocked when I saw it. E Province said that he would give full play to the number of players and tourists. He thought he was bragging, but he didn’t expect it to be true.

Almost a thousand players and tourists who played the role of real people gathered here, received their "costumes" in the game, and took turns to make up at the makeup site like a construction site. service personnel.

In order to let these "time is precious" special talents come to join us, I really put in a lot of effort. For the purpose of "showing off wealth", it is also for the first shot of the planned Metaverse Industrial Park, which saves a lot of money. Wudu University has been mobilized. Even if Du Shiyu doesn't want to come today, the school leaders will do her work, saying that they want to support the local economic construction, support the hometown platform, and so on.

Anyway, the server was stopped for update, and Du Shiyu was also infected by the fiery atmosphere of the scene. In the make-up area of ​​Wudu University, she received her in-game 'equipment', which was put on in a place separated by a wooden board.

Put on the costumes, listen to the instructions of the loudspeaker and rush to the birth point.

In fact, there is no need to remind, the player on this road is unfamiliar, Xia Miaomiao has already arrived, and is chatting with Brother Chun and Qiao Shan with a smile.

"Why didn't your rich second-generation fan come?"

"He, no ticket"

"I didn't brag about it last night, what's the relationship, what's the name of the boss uncle, I can't even get an admission ticket"

"Bragging, I don't pay taxes anyway."

"How can anyone say that about their fans?"

"I don't know him well..."

"Well, crossing the river and demolishing bridges, I turned my face and refused to recognize anyone just after enjoying the warm reception..."

There are no lines, no script, the director said how to act in the game, but no one took it seriously, they all gathered together with people they knew, chatting and farting, the whole anti-reality performance scene was noisy Well, it's so close that you can't hear the person on the other side talking.

The electric horn began to shout at the top of its lungs again, but the players and tourists didn't take it seriously. Seeing that the trouble was so outrageous, the chief director started to curse, and nothing came out for more than an hour.

There was no way, nannies from all over the place were allowed to enter the arena to serve the players and tourists, let them separate from their acquaintances anyway, and start to operate according to the usual online process.

"Should I close my eyes, or not!?"

Xia Miaomiao was very excited. Standing at the birth point, she nervously pulled the sleeve of her buddy and asked.

"There's no camera looking at you, why are you so nervous!"

"How fun, let's go to pick up the task together later, and then go to kill monsters, quack..."

"Hey, are you two okay? There is still someone waiting behind!"

"What's the rush, really, I think I'm the protagonist."

"I didn't hear the director say that everyone is the protagonist, the protagonist of the stage, the protagonist of life, the protagonist of the game, the theme of this performance is - each of us is the protagonist!"

"Let's go, let's go, what are you arguing about, and don't look at when"

The two walked out of the teleportation point, performing decently, what it would be like to go online at ordinary times, because it is a natural performance, and no acting skills are required, so everyone behaves very real and natural.

What they can't see is that countless shots are being filmed in hidden locations, recording this super-large reality show from the beginning of the preparatory rehearsal.

This is precious material, and it also demonstrates the profound heritage and hardware and software conditions of Hubei Province as a major province in the Yuan Universe.


On this day, I returned home at the end of my life.

(End of this chapter)

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