This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 248 Let Me Be A Rich Second Generation

Chapter 248 Make Me a Rich Second Generation

It will take some time for Wudu's cultural festival to open, and similar activities have sprung up all over the country under the turbulent tide of the metaverse.

Naturally, the purpose is to attract metaverse-related supporting industries to settle in one-acre-three-tenths of an acre of land, develop the regional economy, and improve the people's growing material and cultural needs.

Well... This wind has been blowing for a long time, and it is currently showing a trend of disorderly expansion and savage growth.

Feeling the stones and crossing the river, the whole world has no mature experience to follow. The high-level executives who originally held an attitude of not opposing or encouraging saw that something was wrong. The phenomenon of repeated investment and construction was seriously wasteful. There is one, assessing whether the local hardware and software facilities have the conditions to squeeze into this turbulent tide and make money.

Let’s not talk about software, just talk about hardware. One of the hardest indicators is the number of players and tourists.

How can you develop metaverse economy when there are not many players and tourists?
This one alone blocks most of the area out of the door frame. How many players and tourists are there in the whole country?The total is only 11 people, which seems like a lot, but economically developed coastal areas have unique advantages. The siphon effect of talents makes these people spontaneously gather in these areas. Inland areas, especially economically underdeveloped areas, even if there are players Can't keep it.

Some places didn't pay enough attention to it before, but seeing this turbulent tide rushing towards us, brother regions and cities are full of food and rich, and the GDP growth figures are rising like a rocket. How can anyone not be jealous?
Don't doubt their ability to act and execute on major matters linked to their official titles.

Therefore, regardless of the conditions or not, regardless of the prefecture-level cities or small county-level cities that have never been heard of, they have introduced various preferential policies in a hurry to attract players and tourists to settle down on their one-acre three-point land.

It is quite like the feeling of being desperate to attract foreign investment in the early days of reform and opening up.

Tax reductions, security and privacy considerations, housing, transportation, supporting facilities of the metaverse, cultural environment, family registration, medical treatment, children's schooling, etc., have all been taken into account. , He did not hesitate to visit the door in person, showing the professionalism and sincerity of the salesman to run the business.

The player himself can't do the job, so he becomes the relative of the player... In short, everyone has received a deadly task, and if they can't complete it, it will affect their official career, mother-in-law, affect their official career, who can not be serious?

Of course, Dawu is not troubled by this aspect, but it must be strictly guarded against. It is necessary to prevent brother provinces from overreaching the border, and to guard against the counties and cities below to steal wool from their own. In this case, they can only be forced to A series of preferential policies for players and tourists have been introduced.

On the second day after the update was suspended, Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao received the tax refund bill. The staff of the tax bureau came to the door in person and handed a symbolic check to the two of them. There were also photos taken by reporters and videotaped by TV cameras... …

After seeing off these people in a lively manner, Xia Miaomiao waved the check and said that happiness came too fast and too suddenly, which made people not prepared for it at all.

In another small city, Aunt Xue has just been notified that considering her actual difficulties and conditions, the city allocated her a house in one of the most luxurious neighborhoods, which is the so-called 'low-rent housing'.

Of course, Aunt Xue knew about low-rent housing. She had applied for it since the introduction of this policy, but there was no news every time.

Excitedly, he took his daughter to the community where the house was allocated to him, and he was frightened.

The community is very luxurious and the supporting facilities are very high-end. It is already the ceiling of the local area, and it is a small villa with a single family. Each household has a yard and an independent access control. seen on tv...

After repeatedly confirming with the staff that there was no mistake, Aunt Xue walked into the new home rented at 200 RMB per month in a daze, and learned that the future residents of this area are tourists, and the place where players live is better than this. On the other side of the artificial lake, the city spent a lot of effort to renovate it, and it was built like a palace.

Regardless of Aunt Xue's fear and uneasiness, Xie Xiaomeng was very happy, running upstairs and downstairs like a lunatic, choosing his own room, planning what to put in this place, and how to arrange that room.

Turning around, I saw my mother was still there, so I comforted: "Mom, don't worry about living here, we can afford it."

"I rented such a big place for 200 yuan..."

"The point is not money, but qualifications, status."

"We are ordinary people..."

"Wrong, you are not an ordinary person now, you are a person who has the qualifications to enter the metaverse, virtual life, and the second world. There are only 11 people like you in the whole country, and you are one of the 70 billion people, a very small number." Lucky, if you keep you, you keep the qualifications and tickets to enter it, do you think you are qualified to live here?"

"Huh? But me, I just sell pancakes in the game..."

"You are begging for food in the game, and the nature is the same."

After listening to her daughter's enlightenment, Aunt Xue's hanging heart finally settled down a little, and she had the energy to look at this new home.

It's too, too luxurious, and the luxurious ones dare not touch the things here, for fear of getting dirty or breaking them.

Too, it's too big, it scares her, the living room on the first floor is bigger than her original kennel, the leather sofa can be used as a bed, sitting on it carefully, the whole person sinks in, as if It's like being hugged and massaged, not to mention how comfortable it is.

The TV is too big, it's just a wall, and there are all kinds of facilities that you don't know. It's young people who accept it quickly. Now they have put on VR glasses and connected to the Internet with all the smart devices at home.

The door opened suddenly, and a naive robot came out of it. The robot was carrying a tray, and it came to Xie Xiaomeng's body by drops, and said cutely, "Master, the milk tea you want."


Xie Xiaomeng took off the VR glasses, picked up the milk tea on the tray, and looked at the robot curiously.

"What's your name?"

"Drip, please give me a name from the master!"

"Also named...haha..."

Aunt Xue was also amused, and asked uncertainly: "Then... shall we stay?"

"Stay, live with confidence and boldness!"

"But what about your Grandma Wang?"

"Didn't you say send it to a nursing home? Do you still want to take it over?"


"Wait a minute, when that person left just now, he said that he could find them if he had any difficulties. They are dedicated to serving us."

"Why does this kind of thing bother people?"

"You don't understand this, this is their job, just like the old retirement home...the phone is connected, hello..."

Seeing that her daughter was doing something wrong, she took care of this matter. She was very enthusiastic, not only promised to send Grandma Wang and the old couple to the best nursing home, but also sent people to visit the two old people on a regular basis. The cost was not mentioned...

What used to be a huge problem can now be solved with just one phone call.

Aunt Xue was filled with emotions, looking at this home that belonged to her, it was like a dream.

Unexpectedly, just as she said she accepted, Xie Xiaomeng started to sing the opposite tune again.

"Shut up, it won't last long anyway"

"Ah, why?"

"In the future, there will be more players and tourists, and rare things are more expensive. Since they are not rare, naturally there will be no such good things."

Aunt Xue fell silent.

Looking at this home again, it is really a place that I never dreamed of owning. I didn't dare to think about it before, but now I have it. I will feel very reluctant to give up.

Look at this, touch that, Xie Xiaomeng didn't speak, just waiting for her to change her attitude.

"My daughter listens to you and expands her business."

Xie Xiaomeng smiled, took Aunt Xue's hand and said, "That's right, if you don't move forward, you will only be eliminated. It would be a pity if you don't rush forward while you still have the first-mover advantage, and you will regret it later." of."

After making the decision to 'run forward', Aunt Xue was at a loss, not knowing what to do.

"It's very simple, save the money you earn now, find an opportunity to cooperate with NPCs in Punk City, open a restaurant, transfer the service and quality of reality to the game, do business for NPCs, and do business for players. Worry can't open the situation."

"That will cost a lot of money, just a pancake stand, how long will it take to save?"

"Yes, so I need a loan."

Aunt Xue would be very repulsive if she wanted to borrow money, "Girl, no matter how difficult these years are, I have never borrowed a penny from anyone. Besides, the interest is too high. If you fail, you will sell your mother. Not yet!"

"Not yet, there's me. I'm afraid of this or that. What else can I do? It's because of the risk that I can climb ahead of others. If it can be done easily, it can be done by one person, so what? ..."

What the daughter said made sense, and Aunt Xue knew it.

But the truth is this, when she thinks of borrowing from an institution for usury, she still can't get over the hurdle in her heart.

The current income and life are already very satisfied, is it worth taking such a risk?
"Mom, just listen to me, please, there may only be such a chance in a lifetime, I still want to lie down and be the rich second generation, not for your own sake, but also for my future, you call now Good foundation, in the future I will eat off-the-shelf, no need to struggle, how good it is!"

"You girl..."

"Go on, go on, let me be a rich second generation who just eats and waits to die, okay?"

"I don't know how much it will cost... I'll ask someone when the server opens."

"You promised?"

"That much money, even if you sell me..."

"Long live, long live!"

"I...will sell you to pay back the money if I lose money in the future!"

"Sell me, sell me, I have no objection!"

"Dead girl!"

The most important decision in her life, Aunt Xue's heart was beating wildly, and she was out of her mind all day.

For a while, I thought about how much money it would take to open this restaurant. For a while, I thought about what my daughter should do if it failed, and the creditors came to ask for it every day. people, look at this new home for the last time, and think how good it would be if they were not its tenants but its owners...

Xie Xiaomeng, however, was full of confidence. He made a phone call to procrastinate, and through a form from a classmate, whether it was a player or a relationship with a game guild, he found out a few conditions for opening a shop in Punk City.

First, there must be NPCs who are willing to cooperate and own real estate in Punk City.

This step is the most difficult, because it is not just a matter of money, but also involves gaining favorability, that is, completing NPC tasks.

The NPCs in Punk City are all human beings. If he has subjective intentions, he will find a way to help players meet the rigid requirements of the system faster, and give some simple tasks for people to complete. If he is not willing or willing, he can Players are making a lot of money... In short, such NPCs are becoming less and less in Punk City, and they are almost being turned into masters by institutions and leisure players. It is really difficult to deal with.

The second is funds. The system also has regulations in this area. Someone has calculated that even the smallest store with only one storefront can’t be opened without 50 gold. , the third is the rent, the fourth is the decoration, and the fifth is the various bright and dark expenses required for the opening of the business. .

Omg, 50 gold!
How long will it take to save with the income from your own pancake stand?

"Save by yourself? You may not be able to save enough after the public beta. Naturally, it is a loan."

Hearing that there is such a high door frame, Xie Xiaomeng is not afraid of difficulties, but is more active and proactive.

"Or, forget it..."

"Mom, no one can help you with the first condition. Do you have any familiar NPCs in the game?"

Aunt Xue wanted to say no, but when the words came to her lips, she suddenly remembered what happened to her in the game, her face blushed for no reason, and she forced herself to calmly deny it.

"That's difficult...Mom, you can search for it this time, maybe you're lucky enough to meet it?"

"No matter how many people try to open a store, your mother is a tourist..."

"It's man-made, didn't you teach me?"

"...Then let me try."

The next day, the server opened at midnight, and her daughter was already asleep. Aunt Xue took a shower, and logged into the game with messy and complicated thoughts.

The familiar punk city, the streets and alleys that are not much different from before, just walked out of the teleportation point, a group of NPC children clapped their hands, laughed and sang and surrounded them, "Pancake Xishi, pancake Xishi is online!"

Pancake Xishi is not a game's own vocabulary, and the NPCs don't know who Xishi is, but they understand that Xishi means "beautiful angel". As the players shouted, the NPC also called it this way, indicating that Aunt Xue Also has a little fame, at least among NPCs.

When I arrived at the restaurant where I was working, the owner and player saw her coming and said hello. Aunt Xue didn't want to go straight to the kitchen like before, but looked at the NPC sitting in the store and there were obviously many more players than usual, and hesitated. Yu.

At this time, a bearded NPC came over and asked her how she thought about her last proposal?

When she was about to meet someone, Aunt Xue panicked and walked into the kitchen without saying yes or no.

"Marry me, and I'll open a shop for you..."

The bearded NPC chased after him and shouted.

Shutting out the booing laughter of the NPCs, the unintelligible comments of the players, and the complicated eyes of the owner of the players, Aunt Xue touched her hot face with one hand, and leaned against the door for a long time, unable to calm down.

(End of this chapter)

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