This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 249 The new system main city

Chapter 249 The new system main city
Soon, Aunt Xue didn't have to worry about it anymore.

After the suspension and update this time, there are more and more new things in Punk City.

First, a team of players riding tall horses swaggered through the city and took a "pretentious" trip across the entire city, and then the first player with a magic pet appeared in the city, causing a huge sensation, many players and even NPCs went to microcosm .

After the update of the mount task, the door frame has not been lowered. Players still need to complete the pre-blocked task and slowly collect the favorability and meritorious service of the Centaur Ranch to buy it. However, the "horse card" has appeared and released every day. A batch of auctions were held on the auction channel, but the mounts appeared on a large scale in advance. Many rich local tyrants spent a lot of money, and finally let themselves bid farewell to the embarrassment of the No. 11 bus, and had a cool mount instead.

Under such circumstances, each horse brand naturally caused fierce competition, and the final transaction price was enough to buy several Ferrari luxury supercars in reality. Players who own mounts naturally became synonymous with local tyrants. On a pile of shining golden gold three, it has become a real business card.

In view of this, some small guilds that are eager to gain fame will also use crowdfunding to bid for a horse, and the chairman will ride it, gather together to show off in the market, and take the opportunity to run a wave of advertisements to show their financial strength.

As for the magic pet, that is another narrative.

There is no horse card for magic pets, it is pure luck.

After this update, each player has one more general life skill [Capture], and one more item [Lasso] sold in black shops of the A-class system. Refer to the capture method of offline turn-based games. When you see a special monster like a certain monster baby, you can use the [Capture] skill and use the [Lasso] to try your luck.

Of course, the probability is very low.

Demon pets with a high probability are still in several resource points on the Alpha plane. The [Ghost Bat] and [Extreme Flame Bird] that have been discovered have become the places where players must go to try their luck every day. [Ghost Bat] and [Extreme Flame Bird] The baby is 'refreshed' immediately. Some players spend a lot of money to hire tourists to guard it all day long. As soon as they find signs of refreshing, they fly and run as if to teleport.

Don't be surprised if you encounter such players, they are often upgrading to my monster spawning one second, leaving teammates and half of the monsters that have been spawned in the next second, and running like crazy to the safe zone. Cities and various safe areas have become common scenes.

Once you have a magic pet, you need to train it to grow up, train it, use the newly launched "Happy Beans" to cultivate its favorability and compatibility, and find ways to make it understand its own talents and skills ...It's like having an extra mouth that can't be fed. It's more tiring than raising a child, but the players never get tired of it.

Magic pet babies can be bought and sold freely, if you catch one, you will post it, especially the extreme flame bird, which caused a sensation in the whole punk city. , flying around extremely nimbly, making the players who saw them beat their chests and feet enviously, scratch their hearts and lungs, and only regret that they don't have one.

Mounts and magic pets are the main game features introduced in this test, and they were not fully released until this time.

Demon pets need to be cultivated, and the improvement of the player's strength cannot be seen immediately. However, the lifting of the ban on the combat power system allows players to have a clear and intuitive understanding of their own and other people's strength.

Now when players of Punk City meet, a popular saying is: How much is your fighting power?
There is also an authoritative judgment standard for quarrels and appointments. What's the point of rubbish with a combat power of less than a thousand, I am awesome with a combat power of 3000... and so on.

Combat power score gold bonus is 1000, silver medal has no bonus, the weight of equipment score is the highest, and the weight of basic attribute is the lowest, because most players are similar, the basic attribute of equipment bonus is not counted, every level is 2 points The free attributes are compared with levels.

Finally, there is the arena rating.

The arena trial version has been built in the two main cities of Buck and Punk. One is located outside Buck City, on a hill in the southwest corner of the Mage Tower. A thread that can host hundreds of players to compete on the same stage at the same time.

The general procedure is, if you are alone, you will be matched randomly. The system will match the players who are matching at the same time according to similar strengths, and then send them to a ring. The same whiteboard, no special effects and stunts, the test is everyone's fighting awareness and skills.

The victor has 5 points, the loser also has points, 2 points, the ranking is determined by the score value, the combat power of the top 100 is +200, the top 500 is +100, the top 1000 is +50, and there is no combat power bonus after 1000.

Compared with the combat power score brought by gold medals and equipment, the maximum bonus of 200 is a bit small, but considering that it is only one turn now, and the magic net is only on the fourth floor, in order to leave enough room for adjustment, it can only be adjusted. Tried these first.

Trial version!

The test of team competition is not the level of individual strength, but the team awareness and cooperation.

This type of competition requires team formation in advance. Of course, teams can also be randomly matched, but everyone does this.

After forming a team, look for the NPCs in the arena to start queuing up. The system will match the two teams that have completed their preparations. They also have a unified level and equipment. The 10 players of the two teams will fight against each other in a larger arena. Complete destruction is the criterion for winning or losing.

However, can a person with high combat effectiveness definitely overcome a person with low combat effectiveness?
The answer is not necessarily.

There are too many factors that affect the outcome of the battle. For example, a gold medal player in the past became lazy and regressed. The 1000 combat power bonus was a lot of false marks. A silver medal player realized his shame and was brave, and worked hard. Scores, no fake marks, although the combat effectiveness of players with gold medals is lower, they are often able to beat the former in actual combat.

And equipment.

The bonus of equipment is too high, although I don’t know how the formula is converted, but no matter how powerful the equipment is, it depends on whether it is suitable for use. If a piece of blue equipment does not have a high PK bonus, it may not be the best green. Combined with PK equipment, it is a general green equipment with a single attribute, such as the special effect of [paralysis], which can also overwhelm many flashy items.

High or low scores do not represent all strengths, but only part of them.

It just allows the system and players to have a more realistic and intuitive way of evaluating beyond the level, that's all.

Of course, the cloak and strengthening system corresponding to the combat power have not yet been launched. Apart from feeling that there is an additional way to pretend to be aggressive and show off, players have not changed much in other aspects.

Still the same sentence, the difference is based on comparison, and some adjustments in this area must be made during the fifth test.

In fact, the official website has already leaked some rumors, and the combat power system is just a glimpse of the leopard. Players generally have a premonition that there will be big moves in the future, so they attach great importance to it.

Improve your rating and improve your combat effectiveness. Once the arena is launched, it will be booming. The arena in Punk City is full of noise all day long. It can be regarded as a new scene in the city.

The third obvious change is that there are fewer players doing nothing, and the taste of laziness and leisure is gone. Those idle and idle players in player shops and NPC shops are almost extinct. , The main process of upgrading has been picked up, and put into the vigorous leveling army.

The most intuitive change is that the number of players in the city has decreased, and everyone is in a hurry. Some flashy props and DIY-produced non-attribute equipment have become less popular, and prices have begun to drop, but Aunt Xue’s pancakes have become more popular. More popular, non-toxin-free meals that can slightly increase health and stamina, high quality and low price, many families and guilds came to her and talked to her about mass customization.

"I'll just say it, I'll just say it, mom, this business has a great future, opportunity, this is an opportunity, and it will never happen again in the future."

At this stage, there are not many tourists doing catering, and there are even fewer tourists with one or two blockbuster products, but this thing basically has no door frame. Try it a few times, it’s not that you can’t make food that is not poisonous and can add attributes. Even if the player tries a few more times and has more patience and time, it is not impossible to do it, but time and patience are scarce now.

There is only so much game time, and there is no shortage of things to do, and there is always a trade-off.

This is the opportunity for tourists like Aunt Xue.

"A shop can be opened..."

The mother and daughter worried about how to pass the first threshold of opening a store, but the problem was soon solved.

"Big event, big event, the system will build several new main cities, including Luke City in the direction of the Rock Fortress, York City in the direction of the Fairy Forest, and Piccolo City further north than Buck City... so many new system owners. City, definitely in preparation for the fifth Test."

"I've heard that too. The official website just sent out a message. The Rock Fortress is south, the Fairy Forest is east, and the direction of Buck City is north. What's west?"

"Several cities with neutral camps were found in the west. It seems to be some kind of abandoned civilian camp. I saw the high-level NPC Yaris leading people to interact with them frequently. There was a caravan and delegation the day before yesterday. What came to the town of Chenxi Town? There is a plot to go..."

"Wow, it's a big scene, it feels like the world view is about to spread."

"Well, with so many main cities of the system, everyone doesn't have to stare at Punk City anymore. There will be a lot of stores, and there is no need to praise these NPCs anymore."

Some tourists who have the same plan as Aunt Xue gathered together to discuss. They all have the same skills as her. It can be regarded as a small circle. Xie Xiaomeng contacted this circle offline. They met in the game and met several times.

A piece of news updated on the official website of this party ignited everyone's enthusiasm. A tourist player who brewed wine can temporarily stimulate potential and increase basic attributes by a percentage. Hurry up and save money, big guys, and when the fifth test is over, all the hard work will come."

"Yeah, yeah, finally I don't have to be oppressed by players and NPCs, I will resign now and go out on my own!"

"And I!"

"Me too!"

"[-] a month, I'm sorry, this little money is for beggars!"

"It's bullying that we didn't understand anything at the about liquidated damages?"

"Give it to him, I won't do anything if I say so."

"Yes, yes, time waits for no one!"

"Let's go, let's go, everyone, work hard, you will definitely be able to do something in the game in the future."

After the party was over, Aunt Xue thought about it and finally gritted her teeth. She also found a job as the owner of the game player and offered to resign.

The owner of the player seems to have expected it a long time ago. During this period of time, he has also developed a few similar dishes, and his attitude is more detached. He has a bottom line in his heart.

The technical door frame is too low. Compared with tourists like them, this player owner is the pioneer. I heard that he has already planned to open a fourth branch.

It's easy to talk, but I signed the contract at the beginning, and the liquidated damages can't be less. I have worked so long for others for nothing, and I take away the hard-earned money I have accumulated so hard.

After paying the 'redemption money', I only have 10 silver and a pancake stand left on me. Fortunately, I have an order in hand, so I don't have to worry about selling it.

There is no need to set up a booth anymore, the remaining game time is not even enough to complete the orders of the family and the guild, a total of more than 200 pieces have been made, and the work is more tiring than in reality.

Once the level was released, everything skyrocketed, and the price of pancakes also increased to 3 copper per piece, but the profit decreased instead.

It’s not that Aunt Xue doesn’t want to raise it even higher. 3 copper is already the highest price most players can accept. No matter how much it is, they would rather not eat it, or buy the unpalatable pig food that is poisonous if eaten too much, anyway. Just reduce hunger.

To say that these people are also strange, thousands of tens of thousands of offline meals are nothing, the game is a copper coin to pick, extremely sensitive to the price, especially this kind of food that is better and can be tolerated if it is gone thing.

After going offline, I was too tired to move, Xie Xiaomeng came back and listened to her talk about the game, and thoughtfully went to cook by myself.

When she regained her composure, Xie Xiaomeng brought a notebook and said very seriously: "Mom, there is only one solution, innovation."

"Create what?"

"You can't just make pancakes, ah, no, you can't be satisfied with making white quality pancakes. You can make green, blue, or even purple ones. You can't target the taste anymore, but the attributes."


"What players care most about is not the taste, but the attributes. Look at this... This is a green-quality food posted on the Internet. In addition to hunger and physical recovery, it also has a mental +2 gain effect within 2 hours. It costs 1 silver. Demand exceeds supply."

"Ah, 1 silver?"

"Yes, the unit price is more than 33 times that of ours, and it can't be made casually. It needs repeated experiments. Once it is made, it will be an exclusive secret recipe...Mom, the exclusive secret recipe, no one can learn it, A real cornucopia."

Aunt Xue was very excited when she was told that she knew the secret recipe too well, because there were many references in reality.

"So, you can put off the opening of the store, and you don't have to save the money you earn. It's all used to buy materials, do experiments, and try again and again. You can always make more than green...Green may not be enough, you need blue , purple, you need to have a unique secret skill, so you won’t be afraid of competition from others, even if the public beta is released in the future, you won’t be afraid.”

(End of this chapter)

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