This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 250 Was Discovered

Chapter 250 Was Discovered
"Great monsters in the dark crypt, the barbarian profession that requires a combat power of 1800 or more, there is only one parking space, if you want to buy it, hurry up!"

"Brother, a barbarian with 1500 combat power and a full body of green armor, okay?"

"No way, brother, you won't be able to stand up even if you go there. Mad monsters are no better than demonized monsters. The lowest-level grass spirits are all level 15, and it hurts to beat people. It's comparable to elites at level 15!"

"Grass, in the past, others were rushing to get us in the team, but now the wind direction has changed?"

"Dark night camp, is there anyone in the dark night camp? Is there anyone who has touched the second special mission in advance?"

"Frenzied Dryad, have you brushed the 22nd level Berserk Dryad? Keep brushing until offline!"

"New maps for leveling, new maps that no one knows about. Monsters are generally above level 18. Join the team for private chats and ask for a master with a combat power of 3000. Don't make fun of yourself."

"Fuck, 3000 combat power, who has it?"

"Let's take a walk and take a look. The middle-level stamina potion can continue to restore stamina even in a combat state. It is necessary for spawning monsters and upgrading, and PK kills. One silver bottle per bottle."

"1 silver, why don't you grab it?"

"How can I make money faster by robbing banks, buy it or not, or get lost!"

"I'm looking for a team that has been upgraded to level 20. I have 1200 combat power. I can pay for it, and the potion and supplies are all included. Big brothers and sisters, please do me a favor and bring my younger brother."

"The Leisurely Life team has started. They will farm 15 monsters, only level 15 monsters. There are wooden figures and a parking space."


Overnight, many players found that it was difficult to form a team. Many originally unknown players became popular, and they were robbed wherever they went. For those bastards with poor grades, when the tide has receded, it's clear at a glance who is swimming naked.

A safe area close to the rock fortress, surrounded by new maps, high-level monsters of all ages, gathered a large number of new and old players, the surrounding monster spawning points have been figured out, the players are enthusiastic, and race against time to move to a higher level A sprint was launched, and there was a scene of prosperity, noise, and chaos inside and outside the security.

When Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu came out of the teleportation array, they saw such a scene. Even though the two of them did not come to level up, they also felt a sense of tension not waiting for me for no reason, as if someone was leading the way ahead, and behind them Someone chased him wildly, but he was still standing still.

"Xiaoyu, hurry up, hurry up, we will also go to practice after this trip."


The two rushed to the next teleportation point non-stop, and teleported to the destination Rock Fortress. Newman's caravan hadn't set off yet, but the surrounding maps, monster spawn points, and resource points were flooded by a large number of players. When they left the safe zone, they heard someone Talking about the price of Newman's caravan, it means that they don't recognize the system's money...

The two looked at each other, and both saw the horror in each other's eyes. They rushed to the caravan to take a look, and sure enough, they saw the players coming in and out mixed with the NPCs of the caravan, and some players brought things here to exchange or sell.

Deacon Shahir was standing at the gate of the camp, talking to the president of a player guild, and the conversation seemed to be very happy. Even two guides arrived, and it took a while to recognize who they were.

"It's you, beautiful lady professional gamer, what's the matter?"

"We're here to ask for a mission"

"Mission..." Deacon Shahir seemed to have forgotten it, and after thinking about it, he suddenly realized, "The matter of opening up business routes..."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Xia Miaomiao was afraid that something would happen, such as being cut off by the guild leader standing by.

"Recently, there have been more professionals from Punk City, and the transactions have become more frequent. It seems that there is no need to rush to open up this business route..."

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao became nervous when they heard it, come on, our task, the plot...

Is it possible to cancel the task that has already been accepted?

"Well, two beautiful professional ladies, I have a letter here, please forward it to the Lord of Punk City..."

Fortunately, fortunately, the two just breathed a sigh of relief.

"Actually, I'd be happy to serve you and your caravan, Mister Deacon."

Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu glared at the president and player of the club, and Deacon Shasil was taken aback, "Aren't you together?"

"There are many professional players' organizations in Punk City, Mr. Deacon!", the guild leader did not fear the cannibalistic eyes of the two, put on a posture, and openly grabbed the task.


"Mr. Deacon, who came first, the system has already reminded us that we have received the mission," Xia Miaomiao shouted hastily.

"System... what is the system?" Deacon Shasil's eyes flashed.

"The system... is the main god of the system, the god, omnipotent, and no one can violate it!" Xia Miaomiao bluffed nonsense, but unexpectedly hit the point that Shasil had been worried and frightened.

As expected, as expected!

An evil god or ancient god called System revived in the depths of the wasteland, and he created these professionals called players. This explains why there are so many professional players, and each of them is so weird , indescribably weird...

"Since it is a matter approved by the witness of the gods, there will naturally be no accidents. The two beautiful professional ladies are assured to send this letter. As long as Punk City welcomes the arrival of the Newman caravan, we will definitely open up this business. the way..."

Oh yeah!
The two who consciously defended the mission of the plot clapped their hands in celebration, and also sent contemptuous looks to the guild leader who failed to kill him.

The guild mentioned here is not an online guild, but usually refers to an offline player organization.

There are only families in the game, and it was mentioned when the test was started, but there are no related functions such as open gang alliances.

Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu could recognize him as the president of the guild, so he was naturally a well-known figure. Well-known figures naturally have a different reserve and 'magnanimity'. Seeing that the robbing task is not successful, they don't bother each other. The demeanor of a deputy senior scholar.

"Tch, what's the big deal, the four-test Mengxin who doesn't even have a gold medal, even pretends to be like my aunt..."


"Okay, okay, ignore him, let's go to the warehouse!"

Passing by the tent that provided 'entertainment services', and seeing many sneaky players wandering around, Xia Miaomiao suddenly thought of a question, and quickly asked, "Xiao Yu, are they spending their money here?"

"You are the only one who is excited?"


"They're all making a fortune in silence, who's going to make a fuss?"

"...Then we have to hurry up, Xiao Yu, this shop will disappear after passing this village."


"Fortunately, we have almost collected enough money for our actions. This time, we will buy all the wolf skins at once."

The backpacks of the two were heavy, and they were full of privately minted coins. When they arrived at the warehouse, they were horrified to see that there were already players picking things in it.

"Xiao Yu!" Xia Miaomiao panicked.

"Don't talk, just pretend you didn't see it"

The two walked into the tent pretending to be calm. It was very quiet inside. When other players saw the two coming in, they just glanced at them and ignored them.

The last time I saw that businessman was not there, all the NPCs who looked like buddies were recruiting these players and customers. Everyone spoke in a low voice and mysteriously, as if they were secretly reselling some prohibited materials on the black market.

"Look!" Xia Miaomiao pointed to the container where the wolf skins were placed, and there were already two players picking from a pile of scattered wolf skins.

" about we look at something else?"

"Don't, don't!", Xia Miaomiao's anxious buddy whispered in the ear, "It's better to be familiar with it, don't forget there are suits"

Du Shiyu nodded, it was too late.

Judging by the posture, this way of making money will soon become known to everyone, and now it can be said that there is only a layer of window paper left.

"Ah, it's yours, beautiful lady professional!"

The guy at the wolf fur container was the same guy from last time. Xia Miaomiao was overjoyed and didn't care about anything else. She stepped forward and stepped on the wolf skin that had been dismantled, and shouted, "I want all these skins!"

This time, Du Shiyu gave everything he had. He took out all his savings and borrowed a lot of foreign debts. He bought all the ores that could be bought in the market, and the price of the ores soared by 3%. Only then did he extract enough to buy all the wolves. The precious metals of the leather, and then cast into the gold, silver and copper coins of the Newman caravan, hurriedly rushed, and only appeared here [-] days after the service was launched.

It stands to reason that this speed is already extremely fast. The two of them haven't done anything in the past three days, but they are busy with this plan to make a fortune.

Unexpectedly, it was still too late, and there were already so many followers.

The silence of the quiet warehouse was suddenly broken by her voice, and the two players at the wolf fur department were unwilling and began to yell.

"What's going on, are there still first come first come?"

"You buy them all, do you have that much money? Remind you of a beauty, the system's money is not recognized."

"How fresh!", Xia Miaomiao's eyes were red, and she entered a manic mode of disapproval from her relatives, and responded with full firepower, "You have money, and you don't care about whether people recognize you or not."

"Why, Ming Qiang, right?"

"94, we came first."

"You guys come first, ask others!" Xia Miaomiao ignored the pull of her best friend, pointing to the NPC guy who turned up for a second, "Look who came first, when my aunt came for the first time, you didn't know where it was. Woolen cloth!"

"This professional lady is indeed a regular customer. I bought 4 wolf skins last time..."

When the two players heard this, their expressions became ugly, and one of them said, "Do you really have so much money to buy everything?"

Xia Miaomiao asked the NPC buddy, "10 silver pieces, the price hasn't changed?"

The NPC guy rolled his eyes and said, "Now it's 15 silver."

"Ah, it was still 10 silver just now..."

"Price from the floor, this NPC is too treacherous!"

Xia Miaomiao couldn't care less about the 50% price increase, even if it doubled, it would still be the same as picking it up for nothing, "15 silver is 15 silver, as many copies as you have, I'll take them all."

The NPC buddy was not in a hurry, and looked at the two competitors with a smile.

The two players hesitated, discussed a few words with each other, and said, "We can only buy 10!"

10 sheets!
It was like cutting Xia Miaomiao's flesh.

How to promise this?
"Don't fight with them!" At the critical moment, Du Shiyu pulled back his best friend who had entered the manic mode, "The snipe and the clam fight for the fisherman's benefit."

Isn't that the reason!
What's more, Xia Miaomiao got a bad start. The quiet, low voice, and thief-like depression in the tent disappeared. Everyone spoke loudly, and each of them tore off their disguise, becoming extremely eager.

"It's 20 silver pieces now, Miss Professional!"

"Ah I……"


"20 silver... I want it too, all of it!"

"Why did it become 20 silver again, what the's all your fault..."

"Poor ghosts with no money crawl aside!"

"You... have no quality!"

"Hurry up and count, are you still selling it?"

"Miss Professional, wait a moment, let me check."

The NPC guy slowly counted the wolf skins on the ground, and the three or four players who were not here to pick up came over. Xia Miaomiao glared at them like a tigress protecting food.

"The fur of the wild wolf is perfect."

"Can wolf skin be used as armor?"

"Well, blue-quality Warcraft skins are rare."

"20 silver?"

"Too expensive!"

"Forget it, go look elsewhere."

The players discussed in a low voice and left.

Xia Miaomiao thought that her aggressive appearance had paid off, and she puffed out her chest even more, like a she-wolf protecting her food.

Even the two players who arrived first gave up after hesitating for a while, and went to other containers to choose.

A warehouse in Nuo Da has a wide variety of products, many of which need to be appraised, so there is no need to hang them on a tree.

Xia Miaomiao won the final victory. Seeing this, the NPC guy accelerated the counting speed.

"There are 98 tickets in total, and the unit price is 20 silver. Miss Professional is a regular customer. If you get a discount, it will be 18 gold."

I'll fuck you... Xia Miaomiao almost didn't catch her breath, she was angry at this smiling NPC buddy.

There is definitely no 18 gold. This time, I prepared according to the unit price of 10 silver pieces and a total of 100 coins. The privately minted coins are heavy, and two backpacks can barely fit them, and they are all poured out.

"Buy 50 first!" Xia Miaomiao said through gritted teeth.

"Ah, not all of them?" The NPC guy looked puzzled, "If you only need 50 copies, it's not the price..."


Xia Miaomiao almost cursed out the Three Character Classic, but it was Du Shiyu who held her back and said bluntly, "You can buy as many copies as you can with this money."

"40 cards are barely enough."

"That's 40!"

The NPC guy smiled enthusiastically, picked out 40 wolf skins and tied them together, and handed them to Xia Miaomiao, who was so angry that he couldn't bear it, and called for people to put away the precious metal coins piled up in a hill.

"Let's go!" Du Shiyu whispered after putting away the wolf fur.

"I'm furious!"

"Buy more and buy less, you can make money. You have long nights and dreams, so don't be confused!"

Pulling his buddies away from the storehouse where more and more players were playing, he ran into a group of players rushing towards him head-on. One player shouted while running, where are the bargains, where are the bargains.


Xia Miaomiao seemed to be poured head-on by a basin of cold water. She couldn't tell what was the priority. She walked past them with her head lowered and chest in her chest. She left the Newman caravan and stored the wolf skins in the safe zone's warehouse as quickly as possible.

In less than two hours, the system announcement came.

From now on, players are prohibited from illegally minting coins. The minted coins will be confiscated and they will be fined as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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