This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 251 Xiaomoyuan's 'Waiting Hall'

Chapter 251 Xiaomoyuan's 'Waiting Hall'

"I see"

After listening to Xiao Ai's report, Bei Gaoyang was not very interested in what loopholes were plugged and what bugs were fixed. He just responded briefly and focused on his own affairs.

Let go of the research on breaking the 'Boundary of Science and Technology' and realizing timely information interaction, as planned, it's time for a long trip.

On the first floor of the Mage Tower, the ceremony leading to the [Little Moyuan] has been arranged. He chanted a mysterious spell and sent out a [broadcast] requesting a connection.

The ritual is activated, and the magic circle vibrates violently with a buzzing sound. The aura of high-frequency vibration has a very special frequency band. This frequency band is not easy to be detected by people. , repetitive, babble-like useless information.

This is the 'magic key'.

Only Xiaomoyuan has the key to analyze it. Of course, even if the 'key' is lost or the person who holds the 'key' betrays, there is no need to worry, because the soul cannot be faked. This mysterious ceremony has only one purpose, which is to eliminate occurrence of such situations.

Bei Gaoyang felt an invisible thing, as if something in the dark had glanced at him. Just this one glance, he felt that his soul had been penetrated, and he got a kind of revelation invisibly. This kind of revelation is a set of numbers, Equal to IP address.

In this way, the location of Xiaomoyuan was obtained, and the vibration frequency of the magic circle changed, so the broadcast to the whole world had a specific frequency and target.

Half a minute later, a portal opened in the center of the magic circle. Bei Gaoyang finally checked his disguise, tidied up his heavy cloak, and hid his face in the shadow of the cloak. Shi Shi ran into the portal.

To go to the abyss, you can start from the mage tower. Bei Gaoyang knows a safe teleportation address, but for safety reasons, it is better to transfer from the little devil abyss.

Still in that dark room, Bei Gaoyang stepped out of the teleportation array of Xiaomoyuan, looked around, and saw bronze oil lamps lit outside the teleportation array like a tomb, and puppet servants like statues standing quietly Then, a man in a cloak waited quietly at the exit, and there were two purple soul flames burning in the cloak.

Lich! ?
Bei Gaoyang frowned slightly, and walked out calmly.

"I salute you, a powerful spellcaster. Your Excellency Merkel wants to see you. I hope you have time to visit the No. 03 Mage Tower."

Bei Gaoyang nodded, "I see, if I have time."

The Lich didn't say any more, and retreated into the shadow of the tomb after performing a mage salute.

Leaving the teleportation array and being in a dark, cramped, and narrow street, Xiaomoyuan seems to be traveling in a turbulent time and space. A transparent shield between them is like a soap bubble, separating a piece of land and land. The small town on the Internet is wrapped inside, and the outside of the bubble is endless, randomly changing streamers, just like the randomly changing patterns on the computer screen saver program, but it is not flat, but three-dimensional.

Here, the relative time cannot be accurately defined, and even the time rules are 'exempted', how can the gods do something at a certain time, at a certain place, and catch this place that hides a lot of rats? What about caves?

So it is not unreasonable that it can exist for thousands of years.

It is a subconscious intuition to say it is a small town. In fact, this intuition is wrong. Xiaomoyuan can be infinitely large or infinitely small. When there are not many tourists, it only has one cross street. There will be a relatively adaptive 'growth', but the overall feeling remains the same, giving people the illusion of being small.

The shops on both sides are still the same, and the pedestrians on the street are all wearing cloaks, but there are exceptions, such as some powerful professionals, who are confident that they can face the unknown and dangers of Xiao Moyuan, so they openly wear full cloaks to show off in the market .

A two-headed ogre wizard is one of them.

Ogre is a strange race. The strange thing is that the upper limit and lower limit of this race are confusing. There are idiots like goblins who only know how to eat, drink and sleep, and there are also aliens who are as sophisticated and cunning as dragons. , the two-headed ogre wizard in front of him obviously belongs to the latter.

But compared to the tall, blue-skinned, two-headed ogre wizard, Bei Gaoyang paid more attention to his companions.

A tauren shaman.

The tauren is a kind of orc. Nowadays, purebred orcs are endangered animals comparable to giant pandas, but half-orcs are quite common.

The orcs in the magic net are actually half-orcs, and the bones of pure-bred orcs are not easy to get, and there is no need for that.

The tauren shaman looked very young, and his approximate age could be estimated from the wear and tear of his hooves, but his body was already covered with totems, including his forehead, shoulders, chest, back, arms, thigh……

The profession of shaman is very old, much older than mage. In ancient times when magic was not popular, shaman could obtain power from the object of worship through totem worship.

Some people say that the earliest origin of the totem is the fallen congenital demon god, but Bei Gaoyang reckoned that the innate demon god would not care about who believed in and worshiped him because of the urine nature of the congenital demon god, just like an elephant caring what an ant is doing?

The real origin of the totem is ancestor worship, and later evolved to the advanced stage of worshiping natural spirits and even creating natural spirits.

The natural spirit is a false god, which can be a person, a thing, or even an 'unfounded', that is, it did not exist at first, but only a concept, which was later endowed with special attributes and definitions, and found in the depths of mysterious rules. born.

It's like the false god entrenched in the Fairy Forest, known as the Goddess of the Forest, I don't know if it has a real name, but it comes from the vision of a large number of wild elves and intelligent monsters for the habitat of life, and the entire forest is regarded as one. Something like a 'mother' thus 'activates' a 'pan-consciousness aggregate'.

Maybe the two-headed ogre wizard noticed it for too long. He was bargaining with a soul servant at the booth, turned his head around, and waved viciously to this side with a fist that was bigger than an ordinary person's head. The unknown language yelled, and the translated meaning was probably: "What are you looking at!"

Bei Gaoyang thought of the stalk of the earth, and wanted to reply, what are you doing?

However, he doesn't know the language that is popular in the unknown plane, and he finds it troublesome to cast spells, so he smiles and looks away.

"Happy...Happy Water...Only sell two ribs...Happy Water...Two ribs..."

A staggering skeleton carrying a heavy bag came peddling along the street. Bei Gaoyang didn't care at all, but stopped after noticing the fluctuation characteristics of his soul, "Your Excellency Shaheen?"

The skeleton peddler turned around with difficulty, his jaw half-dislocated and his mouth clicked open and shut twice, "The name Shaheen is so familiar... Are you calling me, young spellcaster?"

"I'm sorry, I admitted the wrong person."

Bei Gaoyang nodded, turned around and left.

That's right, it was Shaheen, the former neighbor who lived in the Nightmare Swamp. At this time last year, I visited his home in the Nightmare Swamp. Unexpectedly, he had already fallen to this point.

This also reminded him that the fate of failure is worse than death. There is only one road ahead, with abyss on both sides, and there is no room for retreat.

Another strange pair was mixed among a group of cloaked people, it was indeed a black-robed priest and his companion paladin.

This is more conspicuous than the firelight in the night. If you look carefully, the priest has an octopus head, and the extended tentacles and suckers grow in the heads of several paladins. Mouth still drooling...

This is not surprising, it is the mind flayer, maybe the elder of the mind flayer.

Mind flayers are good at psychic powers, not magic. Some studies say that mind flayers are alien species, from another crystal wall system, just like Bei Gaoyang.

Therefore, after being 'improved' by Canaan, psychic powers are already another mysterious power system different from magic. It is generally accepted that mind flayers are difficult to deal with, and the root cause lies in the weirdness and power of psychic powers.

Some magic effects that cannot be achieved by magic or require a very high level of magic can be achieved at a very low level, such as the manipulation of time.

Bei Gaoyang knew an adult mind flayer, whose psychic powers only had the third ring, but could jump to the future of two seconds, and if magic wanted to be realized, it had to go to the ninth ring to realize the subtle influence on the rules of time.

Of course, the third-level psychic ability [Time Leap] and the ninth-level spell [Time Reshape] are not the same in terms of effect and scope of influence.

The reason to avoid this dangerous mind flayer was not because he was afraid of him, but because he didn't want to cause trouble.

Xiao Ai once said that there is a tribe of abandoned people suspected of being controlled by mind flayers in the game area, just near the entrance of the dungeon, and maybe they will encounter this miraculous creature in the near future.

Speaking of miracle creatures, it didn't take long to run into another one.

A black dragon.

It should be said to be a high-level demon riding a black dragon.

The huge shadow of the black dragon flashed across the surroundings, Bei Gaoyang looked up, and saw that it was gliding towards the tall mage tower like a pillar of the sky.

Little Moyuan is forbidden to fly, obviously such a ban doesn't work on real big shots, such as this one.

Bei Gaoyang was not interested in the identity of this high-ranking demon, so he just kept his head on his way.

It is very lively near the portal leading to the abyss, just like the train station of the earth, all kinds of strange creatures are waiting in the 'waiting hall', some are reading, some are meditating, some are eating, and some are ignorant loud 'singing'.

The 'spiritual caps' of the two singing singers were opened, and the pink brain tissue was exposed to the air. They knelt next to a mind flayer's seat, and the sucker-like tentacles were licking their gray matter, giving them Brings immensely pleasing feelings, so 'sing' to express and praise their gratitude.

The 'ticket' that Bei Gaoyang bought was right next to the mind flayer. Seeing him coming, the mind flayer apologized and let the two 'singers' make room for him.

Out of politeness, the gentleman mind flayer asked, "How about some, it tastes good."

"no thank you!"

The mind flayer gentleman didn't persuade him any more, and went to enjoy the delicious food on his own.

Not long after sitting down, a 'train' arrived at the station, and the huge, oval-shaped teleportation circle between them made a heavy roar, a dazzling red light flashed, and a huge, tangible door to the abyss appeared out of thin air. Suspended in the center of the 'waiting hall', and then slowly opened.

The moment the door was opened, the rust-colored sky of the abyss appeared inside the door, and the sulfur-smelling air swept in with a compelling excitement. Then, a group of 'freight trains' driven by little devils drove away come over.

This 'train' is carried by various tall and weird beasts, some of which look like beetles magnified tens of thousands of times, but with countless greasy tentacles, dragging on the ground like snails, leaving a There are corrosive bruises, some of which look like pangolins, but are densely packed with bone spurs. The bone spurs several meters long and tens of meters long are extremely hard and sharp, reflecting a metal-like color, but the limbs are like four wheels...

A high-ranking demon with a heavy and oppressive aura sat on the beast in the center. He had four heads, a humanoid torso, huge black demon wings, and raging black flames burning all over his body. There is still the lingering aftertaste of fighting on the battlefield, roaring, and howling souls in pain...

Bei Gaoyang just glanced at it, just like everyone else, busy with his own affairs.

In fact, it is a daze, to empty one's mind, to avoid unnecessary fluctuations from spreading to the outside world, so that people with ulterior motives can catch them, and then peek into the inner thoughts.

"Did you also go to the abyss to participate in the bloody battle?"

The mind flayer sitting next to him finished eating, and while closing the lids of the two 'singers', he said to Bei Gaoyang.

"No, just to see, to see."

"Oh, I understand. I'm also going to try my luck. Although war brings destruction, it also contains opportunities that we don't usually have, such as high-level demons who need help and rescue?"

I think you're only interested in opening the celestial caps of high demons, right?

Bei Gaoyang complained in his heart, nodded, and didn't say much.

"Get to know me, I'm Ross, and my friends prefer to call me the ban."

"Hello, Your Excellency Ross, I know a mind flayer named Pain..."

"Excruciating pain? What a strange name, a grown-up mind flayer?"


"I don't know, and I haven't heard of this weird guy. Maybe he didn't develop well in the brain tadpole period? Haha..."

The mind flayer's laugh was totally different from Bei Gaoyang's, but he still managed to laugh a few times, just saying bad things behind his back like this, a little sorry for the severe pain of the mind flayer who had been made into an experimental material by him.

"You are a mage, right? Don't get me wrong, it's actually easy to guess, and most people here are."


"I guess, your spell level is very high, maybe you can call him Your Excellency the Archmage?"

"How did you guess?"

"Smell, your's so charming, how can I describe it, it's indescribable, it's so intoxicating...Sorry, I don't have any idea about opening your heavenly spirit cover, of course, if you want, I can pay any price ,any!"

Ha, I know you have bad intentions.

You deserve it, you're so hungry!

"Sorry, my time is up."

"Oh, how come, I arrived before you"

"Mine is 'Express'."

"Oh, you are so rich..."

Bei Gaoyang shook off the mind flayer who was reluctant to part with him, took the 'ticket', and walked towards the lit "ticket gate".

(End of this chapter)

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