This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 252 The town of happiness in the abyss

Chapter 252 The town of happiness in the abyss

Everything has a dark side, and the dark side of Canaan is the abyss.

The abyssal consciousness born from the abyss is difficult to describe what it is, and it is even impossible to accurately define whether it exists or not, just like the way of heaven on earth, it is usually on the lips of practitioners and philosophers, but you have to ask this What is the way of heaven, where is it, and in what form does it exist? They will think that there is something wrong with you as a person. The way of heaven is invisible and an ideological concept. How can it exist?

But the consciousness of the abyss is different. Although the vast majority of people cannot touch it, or even feel its influence in their entire lives, it does exist. It is like a towering mountain that cannot be touched. It cannot be seen or touched, but it exists. There, it exudes its huge influence all the time.

The abyss consciousness, which is opposite to the Gaia consciousness, also has preferences and biases. These preferences and biases are the corruption and degeneration of intelligent creatures. The more noble, tough, and unyielding souls are, the more they can please them after they fall.

The abyss consciousness is also generous and fair, and any creature that can please it can be recognized and favored by it, but the abyss consciousness is also contradictory. In a certain period of time, it may be more inclined to disorderly destruction and chaos. Time period, it tends to orderly 'management' and step-by-step.

And the outstanding representatives of these two are the two sides in the current bloody battle.

Both camps claim to represent the "Way of Heaven" and regard each other as a crooked way that betrays the "Way of Heaven". People with common sense know that confrontation in this situation is often the most cruel and unsolvable, and both sides regard each other as irreconcilable The enemy of life and death has risen to the level of the "Day of Heaven", and the hatred value has surpassed that of foreign enemies. Therefore, bloody battles are real bloody battles, and they will do everything they can.

As soon as he walked out of the teleportation array, Bei Gaoyang felt a very 'familiar' feeling, as if he was in his own game area, covered by magic nets everywhere.

Naturally, there is no magic net in the abyss, only [Abyss Consciousness].

But this is too absurd, the magic net was brought by himself, and who made the abyss consciousness?
Leaving this feeling of absurdity behind, the first thing I saw was the iconic rust-colored sky.

As far as the eye can see, the rust-colored world paves the horizon. On the flat and undulating land, there are cracks everywhere. Some gaps are bottomless, and some gaps are cut out like swords. In the canyon, there is no grass in some places, while in others there are all kinds of weird fleshy plants.

In the abyss, there is only one kind of life that is naturally born, and that is the abyss worms that crawl on the cracks and fleshy plants.

The small town where the teleportation array is located is located in such a world. It is lonely, as if there is only this man-made camp in the world. Low, weird, ugly, and shack-like things are scattered all over the town. , In the rugged, narrow, dirty alleys and buildings, there are strange creatures.

Magic power, rich magic power, completely different from the material world, fills everything. This magic power is 'poisonous'. Every time I take a breath, I feel a trace of cold and eerie things getting into my body, like a snake , like earthworms, crawling in and out of their internal organs.

Bei Gaoyang stuffed a [cockroach ball] into his mouth first, then nodded to the eyes full of malice, scrutiny and evaluation, and walked out of the teleportation array calmly.

Here, there is no need to hide his head and show his tail, so he lifted his hood and held a staff of an archmage as tall as one person, arousing powerful spiritual power and showing his sense of existence with all his strength.

In the abyss, being weak is the original sin, and hiding strength is to lure others to commit crimes against oneself.

Sure enough, after this sense of presence was revealed, most of the malicious eyes disappeared, but some of them became more interested, and among them, the eyes a few blocks away were the most rough and direct.

"New here, come and register!"

There was no one around the teleportation array, except for a little devil sitting on the table, holding a quill, staring at Bei Gaoyang slowly approaching with 'schadenfreude'.

"Name!", the little devil yelled.

Bei Gaoyang's response was a snap of his fingers, and a finger-thick purple lightning struck the little devil, causing him to roll off his seat screaming and wailing, rolling on the ground.


The little devil rolled for half a minute before struggling to get up from the ground, "I seem to have heard this name..." The little devil was in extreme pain, but his eyes were more presumptuous and direct, it was so bloodthirsty, hateful and cruel, and So nervous and excited, "Wait a minute, let me look for it." Unknowingly, he turned out an old sheepskin booklet, which was filled with patterns and lines like children's scribbles, but each pattern and line was unique. It is 'alive', sometimes changing into a human face, sometimes changing into a scene at a certain moment...

"Ah, I found it, it's you!"

The little devil found Bei Gaoyang's portrait on one of the pages. At that time, he was 'younger' than now, and he was still wearing the standard mage robe of a middle-level mage in the secret academy, looking at the 'camera' curiously.

Bei Gaoyang nodded.

But the little devil lost most of his interest in him, closed the booklet sinisterly, and threw out a bunch of rusty keys, "Why didn't you say it earlier, get out, get out!"

Bei Gaoyang put away the key first, and then another purple lightning taught the little devil how to be a human being. Amidst his painful wailing and tumbling, he seemed to be slowly but actually left here quickly.

After stepping through a half-decayed rusted gate, a narrow alley is on the way. The vision is blurred for a while, and it becomes the alley that must be passed by in my memory when I go to school when I am young. A stray dog ​​squats in the alley With its scarlet tongue sticking out of its mouth, it barked twice, then lowered its head and gnawed on a bloody cat.

It tore out the cat's intestines and chewed it. The cat's body convulsed, and the cat's face was indeed very comfortable and relaxed.

There was a shop selling breakfast in the alley. The steamer at the door was emitting strong steam. The sweet smell aroused Bei Gaoyang's hunger, and he couldn't help swallowing a big mouthful of saliva.

"Steamed buns, steamed buns, fragrant and delicious steamed stuffed buns!"

A nightmare with a snake head and a human body was selling in the street, and he waved to Bei Gaoyang who was approaching, "Hungry, kid, come, uncle will give you one for free!"

"What's the stuffing?" Bei Gaoyang happily jumped up and down in front of the steamer, looking at it with greedy eyes, his saliva was almost drooling.

"Look for yourself!" Nightmare opened the steamer with a smile, revealing the heads of babies inside, some were red, some were purple, some were pink, some were green...all were made with pairs of grapes as pure, yet Staring at him with malevolent, mad and neurotic eyes.

"I want this!" Bei Gaoyang said, pointing to the green baby's head.

"Good boy, you have eyes!" Nightmare grabbed the green baby's head and handed it over, smiling kindly, "Quick, eat while it's hot."

"But I want to take it home to eat!" Bei Gaoyang grinned honestly, "Good things must be tasted quietly alone!"

Unexpectedly, Nightmare's snake face changed, his figure froze, and he asked, "Home, where is your home?"

"It's nearby, here, I still have the keys!" Bei Gaoyang took out the bunch of rusty keys and shook them.

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Nightmare's attitude changed drastically, and he snatched back the green baby's head and threw it on the steamer. "It's a waste of my time, get out, get out!"

Bei Gaoyang sighed, "Everything is good in this place, but it's a bit deceitful!"

Nightmare ignored him, turned around and walked into the shop, closing the door with a bang.

After the sound, it was like an old photo dug out from deep in my memory—the alley disappeared, replaced by a messy, dirty, cramped shack, and there was no snack bar selling steamed buns in front of me, but a crawling A sinkhole full of abyssal worms.

A nightmare like a silver carp was sleeping soundly on the sewage pit. Aware of his sight, it lazily opened the four compound eyes lined up on the snake's head, coldly spit out the split letter, and opened its mouth silently. Zhang.

"Go away, go away!"

Bei Gaoyang laughed, snapped his fingers, and a purple lightning struck down, but was blocked by Nightmare God with a wave of his hand. The lightning crackled and tangled on his arm, blasting off two pitch-black scales.

Throwing the key in his hand, he clearly felt that the only remaining malicious 'eyes' disappeared.

No, there was another one, in a room just two blocks away, so persistent, he must have recognized who he was.

Bei Gaoyang didn't care, he threw the key and walked into a group of strange creatures.

The big devils and the little devils are the most, but they all have duties, either driving all kinds of slaves, or escorting the carriages pulled by various monsters, or acting as hospitality in shops... The currency circulating here is not gold and silver, It was soul stones and soul crystals. The former belonged to a special kind of mineral deposit that often appeared in battlefield relics in the material world, and the latter was a collection of demons above the median.

Wind elves, blue giants, intelligent ogres, winged men, liches, vampires, werewolves... are common 'tourists' in the abyss, most of them have the ability to travel between planes, and they also have considerable strength.

A wind elf with an atomized lower body was carried by several little demons, picking and choosing at a roadside stall guarded by a skeleton servant. Suddenly, an LED light made from the earth was on at the stall.

Oh, I forgot to explain, the day of the abyss and the polar night are also well-defined. The material world calculates the alternation of day and night in days, but here it is in units of years.

Now is the time to 'move', which most demons don't like, so there are only so few demons above the median, not counting the Nightmare just met.

Wind elves and elves are not the same thing. Wind elves, fire elves, earth elves, and water elves refer to demi-human intelligent life born on the major elemental planes, just like the demi-humans born in seawater—the murlocs. It is common sense for the demihuman intelligent race born in the sea of ​​elemental spirits to be named wind, fire, water, and earth spirits.

The wind elves are huge in size and not light in weight. A few little devils grinned their teeth in extreme pain. Naturally, their words were not polite. The insults and curses were all directed by the giants who stamped on them, but the wind elves didn't care at all. He twisted the LED light, and talked to the stall owner who didn't know where he was hiding through the skeleton servant...

The Wingmen have disappeared from the main material plane, but there are some ethnic groups remaining in other lost planes, but they have forgotten the origin and history of the ethnic groups, and have degenerated into local aborigines.

This is also understandable. When the glorious civilization disappears, even if the embers that survived by chance are rekindled, they will be another kind of flame supported by material.

The status of vampires and werewolves in the abyss is very low. Their talents and abilities are not worth mentioning in the abyss, but not just any vampire or werewolf can appear here. At least self-preservation self-confidence.

These are the common racial identities of plane businessmen. There are also many unnamed or never-seen intelligent creatures, most of which come from lost plane worlds. There is a transparent bubble floating there, some are attached to clods and stones with a spiritual body, and they are connected to form a strangely shaped puppet to parade through the streets there, and there are people like skeleton servants who let a skeleton Or a ghost instead of its own eyes, mouth and ears...

Bei Gaoyang already knew that in a lost plane, there was a strange intelligent race called [Guirans], who were not flesh and blood in common sense, but a gaseous life.

In short, anything can be encountered here, and all kinds of weird things can happen.

Of course, it will not be as peaceful as it seems on the surface, although it is the 101st floor of the Abyss, the famous place of order, ruled by the demon lord Bayero.

By the way, its name is Happy Town.

I won't talk about the irony of the word "happiness" here. The evil taste of the devil has always been incomprehensible. It is said that it is a small town, but it is not small. Just like the small devil, its area is "adaptive" and its size is Varies according to changing conditions.

The last time Bei Gaoyang came here, he came for an "internship" with his classmates and mentors. It was more than ten years ago. At that time, he bought a house here and obtained a local "hukou". The key is the proof.

The passage of time in the abyss is much faster than in the material world. Even so, this place has changed little since the last time we left, except that it is smaller, more depressed, more restless and depressed.

"It should be here, oh, yes, I found it."

An inconspicuous 'shack' is Bei Gaoyang's home here. At first glance, it looks no different from the surrounding 'shacks', but the moment the bunch of keys is shown, the 'shack' disappears, replaced by a An ancient castle built on a steep cliff.

The whole body of the castle is white, and a trembling cable bridge connects the door standing in mid-air behind him. Bei Gaoyang walked on the cable bridge, threw the key, and hummed the nursery rhyme of the earth: "Little rabbit, be good, open the door, open the door!" Come on, I want to come in!"

In the old castle, another voice belonging to him, but a younger one sang: "I won't open it, I won't open it, and I won't open the door until my mother comes back!"

"Haha..." Bei Gaoyang laughed loudly, and after walking the cable bridge to the gate of the stone castle, he stroked the magic pattern mark left by him with the palm of his hand, and drew his real name with his fingers accurately and without any trace.

The next moment, it seemed that the door that had been closed for hundreds of millions of years opened.

(End of this chapter)

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