Chapter 253
"Do you really want to sign?"

"Sign it, die early and reincarnate early!"

The pen in Zhang Miao's hand seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and it couldn't fall down no matter what.

It was like having a dream. When I woke up, I found that I had nothing but wasted a lot of time and energy.

The business representative of Hongshan Organization was very patient, sitting opposite the conference table, chatting and laughing softly with a beautiful employee in professional attire, and sitting on the other side of the conference table were 5 fellow sufferers, Zhang Miao, Hu Xinmin, Ruoran brother, Hsieh Changting and Er Niu were full of faces.

Among them, Xie Changting and Erniu Manmian are the most active. They have long wanted to get out of this quagmire. This transfer is also the most active. Brother Ruoran is different, like a dead fish that has landed on the shore. Lie there gasping for air, eyes full of unwillingness and pain.

Hu Xinmin is also inclined to transfer, go to the development of the fucking 'metaverse real estate', that is really not something ordinary people can do, so far, five people have invested all their net worth in the land of the Alpha plane, every Everyone owed a lot of debt, and the result?
At one time, they saw hope. New resource points gradually appeared on Alpha's newly grown maps, which drove the appreciation of some remote real estate. Invest in the hope of seeing returns, and if you have hope, you can grit your teeth and stick to it.

It's a pity that they are not such lucky ones. No new resource points have been found in the direction of Misty Town. Although they persist, there is no chance of a comeback, but they really can't afford it.

The level restriction has been lifted, and the game progress has begun to speed up. Ruoran has not reached the full level until now, it is really not worth the loss.

After fierce quarrels, today's scene came about. If Brother Ran strongly opposed it, it would be useless. In the end, everyone still had to bow their heads to the capital.

"Why don't you think about it again?"

The business representative of the Hongshan organization got a little impatient, and stood up with a beautiful woman in business attire and said.

"Xiao Er, even Lao Nie has signed, where are you dawdling?"

Er Niu urged anxiously.

"But this agreement is too harsh, and we can't even pay back, let alone wasted time and energy."

"As long as they bid the highest... Brother, I beg you, stop the loss in time, we are players, not businessmen."

"Yeah, yeah, with this time and energy, what can I do better than this?" Hsieh Changting also persuaded.

"Then... sign it, don't you regret it in the future?"

"Stop talking nonsense, the future is the future, let's focus on the present first!"

Zhang Miao had no choice but to pick up the pen again, and signed his name on the agreement heavily.

"Uh, happy cooperation!"

The commercial representative of Hongshan Agency and other lawyers from both parties confirmed that it was correct, heaved a sigh of relief, and stretched out his right hand with a smile.


Brother Ruoran jumped up with a roar, and ran out with red eyes.

Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin didn't move, Xie Changting and Er Niu warmly held the hand of the business representative and said some words of gratitude...

"Don't worry, the rest will be completed within two working days, you just wait to collect the money, haha..."

In fact, it didn’t take that long. Zhang Miao’s bank account received a huge sum of money that afternoon. After repaying all foreign debts and high interest, the five people divided the points, and each lost more than 7 figures of money. That's not even counting the investment of time and energy...what a waste!
"Take it as a lesson this time!"

Hu Xinmin explained to his companion who was filled with low pressure, "If you don't have such a big head, don't wear such a big hat. Let's do the task honestly and upgrade. People like us don't do this kind of thing."

"You will regret it, for sure!"

If Brother Ruoran became Sister Xianglin, "I will regret it in the future" became his catchphrase, Xie Changting rolled his eyes, full of dissatisfaction with him, and tried not to spit it out.

If Ruoran hadn't persisted until now, he wouldn't have lost so much. Fortunately, he and Er Niu woke up early and didn't spend too much time and energy on this...

"Forget it, let's look forward." Now that the matter has come to an end, that's all Zhang Miao can say.

"That's right, we are gold medal players!" Hu Xinmin also cheered loudly for his companions.

"The next step is to return to the right path, stop engaging in those nonsensical distractions!" Er Niu pointed out with a full face.

"Start again, with five people working together, their strength will cut through gold...Come on, let's touch it!"

Xie Changting stretched out his right hand.

Zhang Miao and the others roared in the middle of the second class: Five people are in one heart, and their strength can cut through gold, so let's hold each other.

In the end, there was only one brother Ruoran still staring at him, Zhang Miao secretly kicked him to wake him up.

"You will definitely regret it, you will definitely regret it..."

Brother Ruoran muttered something about Che Jilu, and the last one put his hand on the back of his folded hands.

The others pretended not to hear.

"...Recently, a revenue statement disclosed by the well-known Metaverse investment institution Hongshan Capital has attracted widespread attention in the industry. Horned beast companies have all obtained astonishing rates of return, and the generous returns have made Hongshan Institution's subscription market booming... Among them, the valuation of a Metaverse real estate project with a valuation of 180 billion yuan has even exploded the industry. , is also the first authoritative evaluation of the commercial value of virtual assets in the world. The North American accounting firm that participated in the audit and evaluation responded to the industry's doubts and believed that the commercial real estate owned by Hongshan Organization in the Alpha plane of Canaan exceeded The value of goods, the value of goods does not lie in real or virtual, but in the relationship between supply and demand..."

"Turn off this damn TV!" Xie Changting shouted with veins on his face.

"180 billion, 180 billion...", brother Ruoran really started.

"It doesn't matter how much money we have!" Er Niu yelled loudly.

"You will regret it, and you will definitely regret it in the future..."

Er Niu's face was full: "Fuck, are you still finished?"

Hsieh Chang-ting also broke out: "The 180 billion is for other people's 'Qiao Canaan', not our place where the birds don't shit, you have to figure it out!"

"You guys will regret it anyway, I have a hunch..."

Well, there is no way to communicate.


Xie Changting slammed the door angrily and left. Er Niu smashed the TV remote control before leaving, and the remaining three sat for a few minutes before they dispersed.

Going online at night, Zhang Miao is preparing to upgrade the team mission and return to the mainstream process of the game. Hu Xinmin and Ruoran have arrived, and Xie Changting and Er Niu have excuses not to come.

The shadow of breaking up hangs over the hearts of the three of them, and the next time seems listless and boring.

After a long time without a normal game, Zhang Miao found that everything has changed now. There are many more tourists, many new people and new things popping up.

The 'illegal buildings' outside the town of Chenxi Town are demolished and rebuilt, just like leeks, they can't be cut clean. Many life and leisure players set up camp here, and they don't use good building materials. They just sit on the ground. Digging a hole and building a shed on it is equivalent to setting up a home in the Yuan Universe. Many small workshops and factories are located in these simple and cramped places. A large number of tourists gather here and are hired to engage in various activities. item of livelihood.

The three of Zhang Miao bought supplies at a potion workshop. Not to mention, the current price is really touching. The primary red potion that used to cost 1 silver for a set now only costs 50 copper. They also accept barter, that is, exchange materials.

The oil lamp emitting black smoke is lit in the potion workshop. I heard that it is also a DIY product of a certain workshop. The oil comes from the subcutaneous fat of some monster. The only advantage is that it is large and cheap.

A dozen tourists sat under the dim light, and they were doing preliminary processing of the materials for making red and blue potions. Since they were paid on a piece basis, everyone was too busy to look up. Zhang Miao inquired about their income and found that it was already more than Got to be the gold collar in reality.

These people are relatively 'honest', characterized by their age, most of them are over 60, it is really difficult for them to adapt to the rhythm and atmosphere of the game, this way of making money is what they are most familiar with.

This kind of tourists is more popular, there are shortages everywhere, wages are rising again and again, and under the competition of various workshops, it has long been the turned serfs who sang.

The biggest expense of the workshop has also been replaced by their piecework wages from the purchase of raw materials.

After buying the potion supplies, the next step is to repair the equipment on his body.

A blacksmith that Zhang Miao knew charged a reasonable fee, but he had already moved. This player also set up camp in this illegal building. There was no way, the rental system was too expensive, and he couldn't compete with peers who were desperately trying to reduce costs.

It only cost 10 copper to repair the whole body's equipment, and blacksmith players also tried their best to sell them all kinds of small things they made, many of which had no attributes.

Such as lasso traps for hunting.

"You don't know this, do you? Demon pets, the system is too expensive. My tools are good and cheap. Just find the right place and place them on the route that monsters must pass. Make sure one set is accurate. If you are lucky, you can get a small one." Cubs or something, don’t you have this magic pet, and it’s only 2 coppers, so it’s still expensive?”

To put it bluntly, Zhang Miao and the others sold five sets of such traps, and the blacksmith players enthusiastically helped them update the map, highlighting the rumors of certain cubs appearing in those places.

In addition to the blacksmith's workshop, a group of players riding tall horses came to meet them.

These players were dressed in glamorous outfits, and their equipment was on display. The rich blue aura really blinded their eyes. The leader was wearing the professional equipment of a bard, and he was still an elf, with a dim yellow Under the light, it looks like a hero who came out of the Lord of the Rings movie, making people unable to move their eyes away once they see it.

Zhang Miao looked at his green outfit, which was good in the past but could not keep up with the situation now, and couldn't help feeling a little 'ashamed of himself'.

Hu Xinmin said, I now know why Lao Xie and Er Niu didn't come.

Zhang Miao and Ruoran didn't speak, they just watched the glamorous team of players whizzing by in silence.

Others make wine, steam steamed buns, DIY non-attribute clothes and accessories, buy and sell primary building materials, collect various basic materials and compete with system black shops... There are all kinds of things.

There is also an express hotel, sneakily doing some shady business, such as providing private places for some players and tourists who are right-eyed, and doing some indescribable activities... Although the players and tourists have gender, there is no difference between them. Aspect functions, I don’t know what to be curious about.

With such a place, another twin industry is naturally indispensable.

There is a big shack not far away, two flesh-faced NPCs are standing at the door, the voices inside are noisy, and the sound of shaking the dice can be clearly heard outside. A team of players dismounted in this gambling stall, humans, orcs, elves, dwarves... All kinds of equipment, all kinds of accents, coming and going, coming in and out, just like a scene in a magical movie .

"We can't keep up with the situation, we have wasted too much time, too much!" Hu Xinmin said with emotion.

Zhang Miao didn't answer, just said: "Let's go, take the task."

The current task system has also changed a lot. In the past, specific NPCs released tasks, such as main thread NPCs, advanced NPCs, etc. Other NPCs can only issue small tasks, daily tasks, etc. Now there are no specific NPCs. It's time for a mission. To receive a mission, you can only go to a few main cities of the system to collide, or go to the mercenary guild to register as a mercenary, and start from the lowest-level, trivial missions.

Quest rewards are also rarely experience, equipment, etc., all of which are prestige, such as the prestige of this town, the reputation of Buck City, Punk City, the favorability of this NPC, the impression of that NPC, etc., only the reputation and favorability are reached, It is possible to receive some so-called 'hidden exclusive tasks'.

The characteristic of this type of task is that it cannot be completed repeatedly, and many of them are unique. Players need to meet harsh conditions and spend a lot of time and experience to specialize in a certain item.

The largest number of mercenary missions has no such restrictions. The publishers include both players and ordinary intelligent NPCs. Among them, Punk City has the most residents, but most of them are trivial things, such as a cat in a certain house. If you lose it, find a player to help you run errands and send a letter, as well as recruiting escorts, workers, farming, collecting... Even tasks such as escorting caravans are considered gunners, because they can be used on the way. Spawn monsters and collect without wasting time.

Zhang Miao and the others naturally look down on this kind of task, and they don't have the time and energy to brush up the mercenary level. After asking acquaintances, they learned that some system shops in the safe zone will release some collection, clearing, and exploration games on a regular basis. Repeating missions for the map.

This kind of mission is what they need, so they studied on the map for a long time, found a suitable safe zone, and teleported there.

B199 safe area, from the serial number, you can see how big the current game map is. This place has never been here before. It is already on the east side of the Murloc Lake, and further ahead is the entrance map of the Fairy Forest and the Dungeon.

"Uh... Recently, there have been more monsters coming out of the forest to forage. Many of our collection teams have been attacked. In order to avoid more losses, we can only trouble powerful players like you to help with the construction of the camp. Please Help me collect some Datura rhizomes, the pharmacy is in urgent need..."

The safe zone is crowded with people, and there are leveling teams everywhere, generally above level 20. It is worth mentioning that new players and new professions have also appeared here, and the old players have no mounts for the first time. One of them still rides with a griffin.

When the Griffon Knight fell from the sky, even Zhang Miao's heart was full of soreness and swelling that I don't know how to describe.

Look up!
Disappeared with everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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