This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 254 Red Name Monster

Chapter 254 Red Name Monster

Looking far away, the endless fairy forest lies across the undulating horizon in front of you. This is already the easternmost edge of the game map. According to legend, there are countless monsters in the forest. What does a monster represent? I know, so there are many real 'adventurers', regardless of the system's ban and the persuasion of NPCs, sneaked into the forest quietly, dreaming of getting rich overnight.

Warcraft are not ordinary monsters, nor are they demonized goblins, demonized grass spirits, etc. that originally have low combat effectiveness, but become aggressive due to the erosion of the abyss' magic energy. They are real, talented monsters. The supernatural beings with magic-like abilities and animals are all powerful, and there is also a false god of the forest goddess. How could the Lone Ranger and the team sneak in secretly and have any good results?

Actions have ended in failure!
But at the outer edge of the Fairy Forest, which is near the safe zone where Zhang Miao and the others are located, occasionally one or two magical beasts can be seen foraging, and if you are lucky, you can even meet their cubs, so it attracts a lot of people. Players come here, and the demonized bear goblins here are generally 18-22 level monsters, upgrades, magic pets, and tasks are all right, so it has become a popular holy place for leveling recently.

In the rustling bushes, a demonized bear gnome crawled out of a low cave after holding a big stick. It first sniffed the nearby scent with its big nostrils, and didn't know what to do. It was only when he found some dangerous place that he pulled his strong body out of the cave.

As soon as the battle was settled, he was fixed in place by an arrow, and then a black shadow appeared behind him. A set of combo skills only dealt 45 points of damage in total.

"Fuck, this monster's skin is so thick!"

Brother Ruoran screamed and ran away from the demonized bear goblin. The teammate in the new group was 'not an ordinary tank', a level 17 barbarian, wearing a full body of steel armor, stomping on the ground like a tank It made a loud noise and hit the demonized bear who was about to sneak into the cave, but the level 20 demonized bear just swayed, while the level 17 barbarian fell out, and -17 and - appeared on the heads of both sides. 21 damage value.

"It's not only thick, it's also extremely hard!"

It's not an ordinary tank screaming and climbing up, raising the ax in his hand and screaming to remind his teammates.

The effect of [Savage Rush] is not damage, but additional dizziness. The demonized bear goblin walked like a drunk crab, and dense [Explosive Arrows] exploded on it, causing a series of damage.

Halfway through Zhang Miao's [Fireball Art], another teammate in the new team, a level 20 priest 'professional baby daddy' threw out a [coil] skill to increase the time the monster is controlled, and then threw a 【bless】.

It's not an ordinary tank with the aura of blessing. It jumped up, raised its ax with both hands, and slashed at Huashan Mountain. With a sound of "Boom!", the hard and sharp green ax couldn't cut through the layer on the Demonized Bear Goblin's body. Skin, only a knockback effect and a -37 damage value appeared.

"Isn't this fucking exaggerated!?"

The barbarian shouted in disbelief.

Just now, monsters below level 15 would be half disabled on the spot if they were not instantly killed, but now they have not broken the defense. Is this the 'rank' that other people often say?
Monsters below level 20 are one level, and monsters above level 20 are another level, except for monsters...

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Brother Ruoran's charge also arrived, stunned the monster again, and finally lasted until the singing time of the fireball technique.

Just such a small fireball, the direct damage after hitting the monster has a value as high as three digits, and the burning state of continuous attachment has appeared 5 times, each time is dozens of times, and the monster is taken away once. Three-quarters of the blood volume.

When the embers of the explosion scattered in, the scorched demonized bear goblin was left with only one breath, and Brother Ruoran and the not-so-normal tank stepped forward a few times and ended up hitting it.

Too bad nothing exploded.

"Master is Master, no matter how you change it, you can't change the position of the first output!" Hu Xinmin put away his longbow and said with a smile.

"It's just that the singing time is too long, and the PK time is too restrictive." Zhang Miao opened the mouth of the monster's corpse, and was about to knock out its canine teeth. There was no mosaic, and his expression remained unchanged, showing the qualities that an old player should have.

The new player, Barbarian, couldn't see such a disgusting picture. He was so happy that someone started to do it, and said: "I feel that the game is too unfriendly to other professions. I, a barbarian with a full body armor, can't beat ordinary monsters at level 20. See The home skill [Heavy Strike] is like scraping, how can I play it in the future?"

"The positioning is different, so there's nothing to talk about." The professional dad retorted, "There are frankness and harm, how can other professions play?"

"Have you heard that in the next test, the professions of fighters and bards will be greatly changed?" Zhang Miao asked after knocking off the quest supplies, put them in his backpack, and wiped his bloody hands.

"Well, the career orientations of warriors and barbarians are a bit conflicting." The professional dad nodded.

"It's not just conflicts, look at how many rookies have changed jobs to fighters now, shit!" Ruoran was full of resentment when talking about this.

A profession that was popular in the past few tests, but no one cares about it until now. If it weren’t for Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin, no one in the team would want it, PK is not good, and monster spawning is not good. player.

After everyone complained, they continued to spawn monsters.

The professional dad whistled, and a black figure emerged from the bushes. It was indeed a wasteland wolf the size of an adult domestic dog.

There is really no way to describe the appearance of this devil wolf, just two words, beautiful, smooth and agile like a cheetah, ferocious and strong like a Siberian tiger, and like a lone wolf, which lacks both. Cruel and cunning.

This magic wolf has already been able to 'communicate' with its master before it is an adult, serving as the eyes and ears of a professional dad, and it can come and go freely in such an environment.

Everyone watched him interacting with his magic pet enviously. After a while, the magic wolf nodded and disappeared into the bushes again.

"Go, the next nest is not far away!"

With this pair of eyes and ears, it is not too easy to find the refresh point of the demonized bear goblin. Other teams can only rely on experience, or guard a few proven caves to refresh points, etc., but they can change it with one shot. In one place, the efficiency has been increased by more than several times?
"Familiar, pet!"

It's not like ordinary Tan enviously drools, "I'm going to look at the traps after I finish brushing, you guys also have a rest, repair equipment, buy potions and so on."

"Still daydreaming?" Brother Ruoran sneered, "If that kind of stupid trap can catch magic pets, will magic pets still be as rare as they are now? Wouldn't that fill the streets? It's just The idea that the unscrupulous businessman came up with is just to fool us and make us money."

"It's just a thought..." He looked at the location where the magic wolf disappeared, and said with fascination.

The next monster spawn point is indeed not far away, it is in the gap between two big rocks, but there is a small team nearby waiting to refresh in a cave, and seeing them touch such a nearby cave directly, but I have nothing to do. Noticing it, he surrounded him.

"What are you doing, what do you want to do!?" Not an ordinary tank jumped to the front and shouted.

"How do you know that there are monsters spawning here?" An elf player who looked like a bard asked.

"Why tell you?"

"Fuck, a barbarian who is less than [-]th level is so arrogant?"

"Okay, okay, don't make a fuss, our teammates have magic pets, and the magic pets found out!", Zhang Miao stood up to be a peacemaker, there was no need to conflict over trivial matters, and the wasted game time was his own.

"Familiar, what about cheating ghosts?"

"94, we have reserved this place, you guys hurry up!"

Zhang Miao also became angry, and the teammates yelled and scolded back and didn't stop them anymore. The two sides first spoke harshly, then began to greet their parents and relatives, and finally had a PK.

Anyway, killing people and getting rich is the fastest way to get rich. Brother Ruoran picked up the harp that the bard exploded and smiled brightly. The depression of the past few days has dissipated a lot.

Hu Xinmin died and was rushing here. The professional dad threw a [Happy Bean] to the magic wolf as a reward. This guy played a big role in the battle just now, and the opponent's mage was entangled by it. Embarrassed, otherwise, they wouldn't have eaten each other while only losing one person.

But this place can't stay any longer, everyone has PK value, even if they don't guard against them and ask someone to come back to find the place again, they must be careful of sneak attacks from other player teams.

Ten minutes later, Hu Xinmin rushed back. He had lost half a level of experience, and his face was a bit sad. It was a waste of work for a few hours. Fortunately, there were a few good trophies to talk about as comfort.

It's not like ordinary tanks have a taste for food. How can leveling and spawning monsters be as fun as killing people and stealing goods? The awareness and skills of teammates are not bad. Wouldn't it be a problem if you do it a few more times?
Zhang Miao pointed to the red name above his head and asked if you want to go to jail or be hunted down as soon as you log in, and then he dispelled his thoughts.

After moving to a valley a few kilometers away, they still released the magic wolf to find the monster's lair, and found a cave where the demonized bear goblin was easily found.

This kind of monster is like a mouse. It likes to dig holes everywhere. It is different from goblins. Goblins live in groups. They live alone and feed on some demonized mobs. Live a gregarious life.

During a break in the middle, it was not an ordinary tank chatting on the World Channel and laughing. If Brother Ruoran asked him what was going on, he would show the chat history.

It turned out that the unlucky guy from the team who didn't destroy the team just chatted with him privately, and wanted to get back the dropped equipment.

"Fuck, I thought level was everything stupid, I have a combat power of 3500, the whole body is top-notch green, full of special effects and special skills, what's the matter if you are less than level 20?" After a PK, brother Ruoran finally regained some of his former colors.

"Boss is amazing, your last charge was absolutely amazing, how did you predict their position?"

"Consciousness, do you understand consciousness? One thing is experience, and the other is talent. You can't learn it no matter what others say."

"Gold medal, tsk tsk..."

"Don't listen to him bragging!", Zhang Miao smiled and came out to tear down the stage, "It's nothing more than practice makes perfect. At the beginning, he was not as good as you. He only knew how to be silly, but at that time he was a rookie, and his operation awareness was not as good as that of you. It is incomparable now. In fact, you rookies are already much stronger than us at that time..."

"First test player, tsk tsk..."

"Okay, how much are they going to pay to redeem it?" The professional dad forcibly changed the topic to the real thing.


"50 silver? That harp is green, right? A white wristband and green's almost enough." Zhang Miao was quite satisfied with the price.

"If you sell yourself, you can sell more...",
"There's no need to make a death feud. Don't do anything trivial!" Zhang Miao said.

"Then I went back to them?"


"50 silver, rub, 2 green outfits and a white outfit are worth 50 silver. Who of us took 50 silver seriously? Let's just say that when you guys just went online, there were still people who took silver coins How about spreading it out? Now? All of them have become old buckles, and the price of goods has been falling all day long. Seeing a copper coin is like seeing a mother..." Brother Ruoran sighed and recalled the past, as if it was a long, long time ago It's like a thing.

"Stop grinding your teeth, Xiao Hui is back."

Xiao Hui is now a magic pet, but this time it's different from the previous times when it came back, it whimpered around the professional baby daddy.

"What's wrong!?", not an ordinary tank asked quickly.

"Found a famous red monster!"


"Over there, follow me, be careful, don't let him find out."

"What kind of famous monster, is it the BOSS?"

Zhang Miao explained: "It's the players who are hiding in the corners and earning red names. Hush, keep your voice down, our luck has come."

Hearing what he said, it’s not like an ordinary tank almost jumps up for joy. He’s famous enough to hide in the wilderness all by himself. The PK value on his body is absolutely astonishing. Not only will he not be punished for PK, There will also be rewards from the Sheriff NPC, usually prestige, and maybe even meritorious service.

Needless to say how precious meritorious service is, one of the biggest advantages of the 'Red Famous Monster' is that it will be a big hit. There was only a pair of underpants with no attributes left in the past.

And after killing so many players, their own strength is definitely not bad, and the equipment is naturally not bad... Here and there are players, obviously a humanoid boss, is there a mobile treasure house?
The whole team was very excited, and followed the magic pet, the little gray cat, into the depths of the valley, walking through dense bushes and strange rocks.

After carefully sneaking for more than ten minutes, I saw the so-called 'red monster' in the depths of a small forest.

Red is true red, not only the ID is red and purple, but there is also a bright red system logo circle around it.

This light circle is not a buff, but a warning to remind other players that this person is very dangerous, and it also means that this person is wanted.

"It's an A-level arrest warrant. How many people did this guy kill?"

It's not an ordinary tank. After counting the five-pointed stars in the aperture, he whispered with a click of his tongue.

"I know this person!" A strange smile appeared on the professional dad's face.

"Enemy?" Zhang Miao understood his expression instantly.

"Well, the ID is Tarzan the Ape."

"Then there's nothing to say, let's explode him!", it's not like an ordinary tank's saliva is about to flow out.

(End of this chapter)

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