This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 255 The Sound of Big Bang

Chapter 255 The Sound of Big Bang
After cutting down a demonized goblin, Tarzan yawned boredly, seeing that his PK value was still 55, and he lost 2 points of PK value after more than an hour of killing these inexperienced and useless mobs. Knowing how long it will take to brush, I feel tired for a while.

With the red name on his body, his attributes have been weakened a lot. Fortunately, the family has just sent supplies, and there is no shortage of potions, food, and drinks in the backpack.

He was about to sit down and rest, light a bonfire, heat up a pot of broth, etc., when he received a private chat message from the patriarch of the family.

"How about Taishan, boring, haha..."

"Fuck, gloating, right?"

"No way, this time you have worked hard for the family, and you have memorized such a high PK value, the family will not forget you..."

"Fuck, it sounds nice."

"If you have any request, just ask"

"you said."

"My spittle is a nail!"

"Okay, send two beautiful girls over."


"What's wrong, a spit and a nail, huh?"

"Taishan, this... Our family is a serious family, we don't do that kind of business... There are no beautiful girls, but they can solve your housing problem."


"The family residence is about to be built, and you are the first batch of candidates for priority allocation... How about it, the dream of establishing a home in the Yuan Universe is about to come true, and more than [-]% of the players in one fell swoop, are you excited? Is it unexpected? Haha..."

"...Cut, it's just a pigeon cage. I'm as busy as a dog when I go online every day. How can I have time to live there? What are you going to do?"

"You don't understand this, right? Having a house is the same as not having a house? In reality, why everyone is vying to be a house slave..."

"All right, all right, the house, how big is it?"

"This, ahem... about 5 square meters."

"Shit, is it really a pigeon cage?"

"Does size matter? Do you still want to live in three bedrooms and one living room? It's not necessary, old iron. I can fit a bed. Every time I go online and offline, I have a private place of my own. I'm so envious...the beautiful girl doesn't rush to have CP with you?"

"keep your word?"

"I spit on a nail, go out and inquire about it"

After finishing the conversation with the patriarch, Tarzan sat down satisfied, lit the dry wood in front of him, pretended to be a DIY barbecue grill, hummed a song, took out a packaging bag, tore it open, poured out the meat and matching seasoning bag.

I don’t know what kind of meat it is, it looks like artificial luncheon meat, don’t worry, look at the package that says ‘Master Li’s Convenient BBQ Set’, it’s produced by a certain metaverse food company, and there are detailed cooking methods and quality assurance , even a novice can make the lowest gray quality barbecue.

"Fuck, gray? Anyone can make it, right?"

Tarzan the Ape complained about such an unlimited quality commitment, put the lazy meat on the grill, tore off the seasoning packaging bag, and sprinkled it on it regardless of the heat.

Five minutes later, a suspicious-looking roast was ready.

[Master Li's barbecue (standard style), gray quality, hunger value +25 after eating, with slight poisoning effect, all attributes -5%, lasts for 2 hours. 】

"I know it!"

Anyway, there is no one in this place, so if you are poisoned, you will be poisoned.

Take a bite of the roasted charred meat, the taste of the first bite is not bad, but the fishy and sticky taste after that makes people want to spit it out. For the sake of hunger, Tarzan swallowed it , The rest of it was stuffed into the mouth with a few mouthfuls, chewed a few times, and then swallowed.

After eating the barbecue, the hunger value returned to a healthy level, but the fishy and sticky feeling was still there, and I felt that the strength of my hands and feet was much weaker, and even my reaction slowed down.

"I don't know what the dog's brain planned by the dog thinks. It's something to make life difficult for the player. It's really a shop bully."

Thinking of Canaan Company, I thought of the ring I brought back from Canaan, and the speculation that Canaan was not a game but a real alien world, and then thought of the old man who hadn't heard from him since that time.

"I don't know what's going to happen in the future... Have those experts researched anything?"

"But it's none of my business. I'm just an ordinary person. Let the officials worry about such things."

Regardless of whether it is a game or a foreign world, Tarzan the Ape will play it as a game, making money and entertaining, and enjoying himself.

Just about to get up and continue to brush the PK value, suddenly felt a pain in the back, the system prompts that you have been attacked by players and you have been restrained.


The ape Tarzan turned pale with fright, and his reaction was extremely fast, launching an equipment stunt in less than a second.

The body shape left an afterimage on the spot, and the real body had been teleported to the grass more than ten meters away. The time of restraint passed, and when I looked back, I saw that the afterimage was knocked apart by a [Charge].

Before he could see who the charging warrior was, his legs were entangled by the exploding rhizomes under his feet, and he was fixed in place again.

Only then did he hear the low voice of the magician.

"Who, that bastard attacked me?"

The man who answered him was a barbarian who came crashing into him like a tank. This time, he didn't have the equipment stunt to escape in an emergency. He could only activate a khaki light shield in front of him, but it was smashed into pieces by the heavily armed barbarian. The paralysis effect attached to the stunt was also immune to Barbarian's 30-point physique, and [Savage Crash] hit him straight, easily knocking him into the air.

The person was in mid-air, with a damage value of -23 popping up above his head, which was the next best thing. As a barbarian's housekeeping skill, the dizziness that followed was fatal.

With a bang, it was slammed on the ground, and the warrior who didn't see who it was was equipped with a stunt flashed to his side, and it was a set of [sequential skills] apart from anything else.


This series of blows almost completely blinded Tarzan the ape. He is also a warrior, and he is equipped with the best equipment, with a blood volume of up to 400 points. How much damage to go.

With a flick of his right hand, Tarzan of the Ape equipped a simple giant shield. Before the man stood up, he just waved the shield with his right hand, and a shield wall was created, which not only blocked the follow-up Shanghai of the archer, but also blocked the barbarians who were close to him. And fighters blow away!

Tarzan the Ape jumped up, and only then did he see what the barbarian and the warrior looked like. Seeing that they were two guys who hadn't even reached level 20, they smiled instead of anger, and rushed out with a [Charge].

"This guy is so tough!"

Not an ordinary tank. Feeling the huge difference in basic attributes and equipment between the two sides from the contest just now, they have already completed the [Heavy Attack] and canceled it in time, screaming and wanting to dodge the [Charge] route.

Unexpectedly, Tarzan's [Charge] has a special effect bonus, not only the distance is farther, but the speed is also beyond expectations. As soon as the heavily loaded body moved, he was hit straight. With the bonus of reloading, he was also knocked into the air, the person was in the air, and the damage figure of -17 rose, followed by not only dizziness, but also paralysis.

With a bang, he fell heavily to the ground and lost his fighting power within two seconds.

A savage who made a sneak attack when he met him, Tarzan found that the locked warrior disappeared, and the archer hiding in the dark's [Split Shadow Arrow] hurt scraping, but it was like an annoying fly, and Tarzan's blue top-quality shield also He couldn't protect all the routes, and if he didn't pay attention, he was hit by the special 'light arrow' hidden in the 'Shadow Arrow'.

Equipped with the special skill [Star Breaker Hammer], it exerted a huge effect, ignoring the penetrating damage of physical defense, and took away nearly a quarter of Tarzan's health, causing him to groan in pain, turn around and run.

If you don’t run away, you are a fool. Although the two who showed up are not at the full level, their combat, awareness and equipment are not bad. The one just now can’t be seconds, and the other one can break free from his lock and hide. The remaining mage is still there. Singing, an archer doesn't know where to hide, and a priest makes a shot without showing any trace... In this way, with tanks, output, magic damage, and healing aids, no matter how well equipped he is, he can't do it , besides, I don't know if there are any guys who haven't shot yet.

Fools don't run away.

But he couldn't escape.

Tarzan's blue top-quality shoes have special effects of [Fast Wind] and [Swift], and when he ran, he had a fight with some thieves. As soon as he ran out of the woods, he caught a black shadow rushing towards him as fast as lightning in the corner of his eyes. , the red name punishment and poisoning effect slowed down his movements by half a beat, and he was entangled by a wolf the size of a domestic dog in just this half a beat.

"Magic pet!?"

Even he doesn't have this stuff.

"Go away!"

The officer Taishan kicked him away, and the demon wolf slipped out of the way. When he turned around and was about to continue running, the demon wolf attacked his back again.

The ape Tarzan had been prepared for a long time, and the giant shield swept away, but it was swept away. It turned out that this cunning beast was attacking east and west, and it was only a [Wind Blade] that attacked the back. The real attack position was his calf. !


The bite force of the magic wolf is amazing, it actually bit through the armor on the calf, making this blue top-quality equipment lose its durability all at once, as well as the piercing pain and the accompanying agility -30 % negative status...

"court death!"

Tarzan the ape was furious, seeing that he couldn't escape, he decided not to escape. A burly phantom appeared on his back. It was a multi-armed thunder elf holding a nail in one hand and a hammer in the other. However, there was a thunderous sound like a thunderbolt, and a thick lightning bolt struck the wolf's position after only hearing "click".


The magic wolf dodged away a long time ago, but this powerful equipment stunt was locked by the soul. The lightning spread out like a spider web of lightning, traced back to a bush, and exploded a magic wolf with lightning all over its body, twitching and howling.

"Small gray!"

The attacking priest jumped out, waved his magic pet into the space to recuperate his injuries, raised the staff in his hand, and began to pray.

"It's you!"

The ape Tarzan recognized who this person was, and suddenly remembered the origin of the demon pet. The other party was a priest, and he could kill an old man before, let alone now, so all his attention was focused on the one who walked out with him. on the attacker.

Zhang Miao's chanting was interrupted, and the mage's identity was easy to recognize, so she fell to the end and started chanting again.

Soldiers and barbarians have already seen the archer climbed a big tree, except for these five people, there are no more attackers.

"Want to blow me up? Dreaming!"

With only five people talking, Tarzan the Ape, with a combat power score as high as 4300, was confident that he could handle it. Without much nonsense, he rushed to Zhang Miao who started singing first.

"Fuck, this guy shouldn't have the aura of the protagonist, this equipment is too perverted!"

In less than two minutes, the barbarian was no ordinary tank, and was completely humiliated by Tarzan's endless special effects and special effects.

Brother Ruoran is different from him, he is much more 'slick', like Xiaoqiang who can only be beaten to death, always blocking the attack output route of Tarzan the ape, Zhang Miao's fireball has already been launched, but was shot by the tall man of Tarzan the ape The frightening magic resistance canceled out most of the power, and his body was only burnt black, and the effect was not as good as the bite from the magic wolf.

Hu Xinmin's attack was even more itchy. In five minutes, five people were injured to varying degrees. The potion bottomed out, but Tarzan's blood volume was only half worn away. The potion, especially the expensive instant recovery sun water, costs nothing. It seems that a bottle will be found out in a while, and I don't know how much there is in the backpack.

"The halo of the protagonist of the bullshit, must have discovered some back door!" Ruoran worked hard to jump out of the effective range of the equipped special skill [Gravity Technique], "I want to complain to Canaan Company, it's too disruptive. There is a video for certificate!"

It was just a rant, but it made Taishan startled. His equipment was indeed obtained by taking advantage of loopholes, and it also involved the secret of the truth of the game. If it is discovered by Canaan Company or detected by the system, Maybe it will be taken back...

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, do you still want to fight?"

"Don't fight, don't fight, I can't fight!" Brother Ruoran shouted eagerly.

"Count your acquaintances!"

The ape Tarzan put away his posture, spat resentfully, and was about to say a few words... The professional dad who had a grudge against him ended his prayer without a sound, and took out a scroll from his arms.


This scroll can be seen as a high-end product at a glance. After only pulling it a little, it released a dazzling purple aura. The ape Tarzan immediately felt that something was staring at it, something was locked on it, and even the dead souls found it. slow.

"Hey, you can't think of it!", the professional dad smiled happily, "It was originally prepared for the boss of the new map, but it's a waste to use it on you!"

"Brother, listen to me, Tiezi, it's all a misunderstanding...Okay, I apologize, I..."

The professional dad looked joyful at getting revenge, and turned his head to shout at his teammate who was still in a daze, "What are you doing in a daze, blast him!"

Seeing that the savages and warriors who were about to give up charged at him again, Tarzan the ape who was locked and intimidated by the scroll cried out in despair and fear, "Old man, old man, help!"

"Old Nima, I am your grandfather!"

Brother Ruoran twisted his face excitedly, and charged into the body of the ape Taishan. After a set of combo skills A, Barbarian's [Heavy Attack] also arrived.

The ape Tarzan was extremely embarrassed to block, and desperately tried to escape with his deformed movements, but the [Mage Hand] and arrows that followed made this act of seeking to survive from death look ridiculous.

In the end, all the reels were pulled open, and large areas of Chain Lightning split down like a jungle.

Boom boom boom...

"Bang dang, bang dang, bang dang..."

The explosion sound like fairy music made the people on the scene almost go crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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