This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 256 One side is happy and one side is sad

Chapter 256

Li Yang smashed everything that could be smashed in the room. His parents were woken up in the middle of the night, and he asked him a few times outside the door, but he yelled back.

Panting heavily, walking around the messy room like a trapped animal, looking at the clock with a broken dial on the wall, every minute and every second at this moment is a huge torment for him.

There are too many PK values. After being hung up, he will be kicked offline for an hour. This hour is longer than a day for him.

After finally waiting for this hour to pass, he went online for the first time, and found himself naked, with only a pair of underpants without attributes left, staying in the system prison.

"Haha, another unlucky guy, hey, did someone expose it?"

"Entered the system prison or got a red name, how many people did this guy kill?"

"Hey, buddy, the loss is not too big, let's talk to the big guys!"

Li Yang was stunned for a few minutes, letting other 'inmates' in other prisons make jokes and ridicule, but remained silent.

"It's over, it seems that the loss is huge, and I won't be able to accept it for a while."

"It won't be the same as the guy last time, is it crazy?"

"No way, it's just a game"

"Damn it, games? That's money, that's real gold and silver, and you're not a novice, are you making me laugh when you say such a novice?"

"Yeah, the last time I exploded the green weapon, I felt distressed for a week, and I didn't think about food or tea for a week, and I lost a few pounds... This time I learned to be smart. Once I was wanted, I let my trusted friends do it. , was thrown into prison honestly, without hesitation at all."

"This guy doesn't seem to have your self-awareness anymore. He must have been spotted in the wild for getting famous, and then he made a huge explosion."

"No way, could it even explode the contents of the backpack? Don't you know how to save it in advance?"

"Save a fart, if the PK value exceeds 50, all system functions will be disabled, and you will not be able to return to the safe zone, and will not be protected by the safe zone."

"Hey, brother, let's be careful, he will come back after all the money is gone, and he will be a good man after he goes out..."

"Ha, I went offline and closed myself."

After Li Yang went offline, he locked himself in the house all day long, neither eating nor drinking, and ignoring how he shouted outside. His parents were afraid of accidents, so they opened the door with a spare key. When they went in, their precious son followed Like a corpse, lying motionless in the game cabin.

It was already dawn at this time, and he had only been gone for more than ten hours. He seemed to be several years old, his face was ashen, his face was dull, his eyes were fixed on the roof of the warehouse, and he didn't respond to any push or shout.

His mother burst into tears, sat in a messy room and slapped her thighs, thinking that her son was terminally ill or something, but his father was calmer, knowing that something must have happened in the game, and yesterday he heard his son say he was famous, In the game "help war" killed many people, these days I have to hide outside to get famous.

There is such a son of a gamer who is making money every day, Xiaobai's father in this game also knows a little about Canaan, before and after contacting him and his son's reaction at this moment, he thought to himself, he must have been exploded with equipment.

But he didn't know how serious the loss was, so he went out anxiously to ask someone.

Half an hour later, the entire small mountain village was alarmed.

The village head, the head of the village, and the senior elders of the Li family all came, the other three aunts and six wives crowded into the yard, and the director of the village-run enterprise "Taishan Pai Canning Factory", Li Yang's uncle and people from his grandmother's side, All came after hearing the news.

With this golden bump player, the whole small mountain village benefits from it.

A canning factory was set up in the village, which found a way out for the orchards all over the mountain. There were apes Taishan and his guild underwriting and endorsement, and the market opened up, and every household benefited from it.

For this reason, the leaders of the city and the county also visited, gave instructions and encouragement, and took Manshan Village as a model, talking about the metaverse economy and the driving effect of the player group, and privately told the town The leader of the town must watch the golden lump and don't let him run away. The economically underdeveloped small town has nothing but good scenery, which may attract more golden phoenixes.

So at 10 o'clock in the morning, even the town leaders came, and those with status and status went in to see the condition of the 'Golden Pimple'. Can't get over this hurdle for a while.

This kind of situation can be big or small, and he should be relieved as soon as possible, so as not to fall into any root cause.

Li Yang's mother cried for several hours, and the crying gradually weakened. Hearing what the doctor said, she started howling again.

"There is no law, Li Mutou, how much do you estimate Yangyang's loss this time?"

Seeing that nothing was wrong, the deputy mayor slapped the table, startling a room full of headless flies.

"At least, at least... at least tens of millions."

There was the sound of air-conditioning in the room.

In fact, Li Yang's father doesn't know how much he lost, but he knows the approximate value of his son's equipment.

I just knew that Lao Li's family was rich, but I didn't expect it to be so rich, good guy, tens of millions?

The eyes of those three aunts and six wives have changed, and then look at this beautiful villa... Oh, no, it should be a manor, just like the place where the big bosses in TV and movies live. In the past, it was said that the nouveau riche is Sao Bao, but now Only then did I know that he really has the ability to show off.

The deputy mayor had another thing in mind.

As a young cadre on a temporary basis, his foresight and insight are unmatched by the people here. He knows that there is already a positioning and thinking about virtual wealth in society, and there are great controversies in taxation and legislation. There is also such a rumor in the reference news that the upper echelon seems to be brewing a method for the protection and supervision of virtual property... This may be an opportunity.

The opportunity to start the fame of Manshan Village.

A player's net worth is so rich, how many more.

A single Taishan canning factory has revitalized the orchards all over the mountain. If there are a few more furniture factories, eco-tourism...or all in one step, relying on the tide of the metaverse economy, this small place buried in the mountains will not be able to rise immediately.

Then wouldn't his personal career be opened?

Isn't there an opportunity to pull back and rise that I have been looking for!
Thinking of this, the deputy mayor's spirit was shaken. It happened that an uncle of the Li family said, "Isn't this robbery? Can we sue them and get everything back!?"

Before the others could speak, the deputy mayor committed the crime again, stood up and shook his body, "Sue, sue Canaan Company together, sue to the Intermediate Court, if the Intermediate Court fails, go to the High Court, if the High Court fails, go to Yanjing, There must be an explanation."

"Really... can it work?" A cousin in his thirties said uncertainly, "I've never heard that someone who broke his equipment in a game can still file a lawsuit."

"Is Canaan an ordinary game? Is it an ordinary thing that Li Yang was robbed of? No, it's a huge amount of money, that's our town's annual financial income, and that's the hope and hope of our village!"

That said, the room was full of righteous indignation.

They don't care whether it is legal or not, whether there is a precedent, whether the lawsuit can be won or not, since they have suffered such a big loss, they must find their way back.

Then make a fuss, and there will naturally be a saying when it gets big.

So, at noon, everyone ate a big meal in the Li family's manor. Officials, businessmen, relatives, elders, etc., all blushed and thickened from drinking.

The lawyers in the county know that this case cannot be won.

But there is a hot spot, the case itself has enough gimmicks, whether you win the fight or not is secondary, the first hope in the whole country, and even the world, is to keep everyone from getting drunk.

Therefore, the words were full of confidence, as if Li Yang's lost tens of millions had been recovered.

Li Yang's mother was full of confidence seeing so many knowledgeable people, so she went upstairs and told her son who was still recovering.

"Yangyang, you can still get the things back, don't worry, don't get overwhelmed..."

Li Yang had already recovered, and was thinking about what to do in the future.

Hearing what my mother said, and then hearing the noise downstairs, my brain throbbed again.

Get back a fart!

I haven't heard that the red name has been blown up, and it can be recovered through offline lawsuits.

Just now I went to look at the sad, and didn't even look at the backpack...

There must be nothing in the backpack, alas!
This loss can no longer be described as painful...

What else is there in the warehouse?
It's also careless, too careless, Gang Zhan never thought about saving his things first, because he can't go back to the city after being wanted, and he can't save his things.

Find someone to store it on your behalf, or find a trustworthy person to go to jail.

One side is gloomy, and the other side is joyful.

As soon as Zhang Miao opened the door, Brother Ruoran hugged and kissed him hard. Before he had time to wipe off the disgusting saliva on his face, Brother Ruoran hugged Hu Xinmin who came out of the door.

"Ha ha……"

"Sent it, we sent it, haha..."

The two hugged each other like children, laughing and jumping. Hsieh Changting and Er Niu from upstairs came down with full faces and asked Zhang Miao what happened.

Zhang Miao said the matter in an understatement.

"Exploded... A famous monster exploded? How many things?" Xie Changting's envious eyes were almost red. He didn't want to go at the beginning, so it's no wonder Zhang Miao and the others didn't invite him.

"That guy has a full set of blue clothes, and he's blown away. Even with the contents of his backpack, a celestial girl comes, richer than the boss. I don't know where he got it, but there's even a purple ring that can only be worn at level 30. , the attributes are all in a sealed state..."

"You, you, what are you talking about!?" Er Niu was dumbfounded.

"There is also a purple ring that can only be worn at level 30. The attributes are sealed..."

"I rely on!"

"You, you, why didn't you call me!" Er Niu couldn't hold back his face full of faces.

Brother Ruoran just waited for his words, and then answered in a strange way: "Why, don't you dislike us as rookies who haven't reached level 20 yet, are you afraid that we will drag the two masters back? Call you, our teammates at the time What should I do? Can people agree? We can't do something like crossing a river and demolishing a bridge..."

Xie Changting: "Fuck, old Nie, if it weren't for you, we would have lost so much money? Do you still have the face to blame others?"

"What, what do you mean, I'm all to blame for buying the land?"

Er Niu's face was full of faces: "Don't blame him, you blame who, you are so stubborn and stupid, fell into that fire pit, and even a few cows couldn't be pulled back..."

"Who the hell are you calling an idiot?"

"Whoever is stupid knows."


Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin hurried up and pulled the three people who were entangled together. Brother Ruoran was punched in the face, and one eye was already swollen. The pressure on his back, the grievance of being behind in level and equipment, all vented out, "Are you still human? Everyone agreed when buying the land, and the two of you were more active than anyone else... At that time, you What did you say, insist, you let me insist, you yourself, leave everything behind and ignore everything, everything is done by me and Xiaoer... At the end of the day, I put all the responsibility on me, blame me Let you lose money? What about your conscience? Well, was eaten by a dog?"

"I said I quit a long time ago..." Er Niu shouted with a full face.

"Morning, it's too early to put all his money into it? At that time, there was not even a hair on the ground, and you just sold it. Who can you sell it to? Can you sell it at today's price? There is no Misty Town today, no father and no day After working all night, can you sell at the current price? Standing and talking won’t hurt your back, I’m not even level 20 yet, you say I’ve made you lose money? Huh?”

Ruoran burst into tears, and Zhang Miao, who also invested a lot of time and energy, felt sorry for him, so he said to Er Niu and Xie Changting: "It's too much for you to say that. In terms of loss, Lao Nie's loss is greater than everything else. Talk to your conscience, when you retreated, you really couldn't sell it, even if you sold it, you wouldn't be able to sell it at today's price..."

Erniu Manmian and Xie Changting's aura weakened. Thinking about it, this is really the case.

But people are like this, this grievance does not happen for a while, it is a long-term accumulation of venting together, there is already a gap in everyone's heart, and it is not right to have biased emotions towards people and things, and let them admit and apologize possible.

Brother Ruoran wiped away his tears after venting his anger, "Let's break up, I knew you had planned it, but it's not easy to speak up, and it's not easy for us, a rookie who has not reached the full level, to drag down your 21st level master."

"If we break up, we will break up. Xiaoer will split the bill tomorrow, and Erniu and I will move out."

"It's not, it's not..." Hu Xinmin, a good old man, still wants to keep him.

"I saw it, a famous monster exploded, I'm afraid that Lao Xie and I will take advantage of it, right? Hehe..."

Zhang Miao also became angry, "Even if we don't break up, it doesn't matter to you two."

Brother Ruoran sneered, "I'm jealous."

"Fuck, I'm jealous?" Er Niu was anxious.

Xie Changting held him back, "Everyone is good to get together and get together, there is no need to blush and have a thick neck. Tomorrow we will share the spoils, and we will move out."

In the evening, Brother Ruoran took Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin to get drunk, and after coming back, he used the strength of alcohol to say that he was going to move out too.

"Why, there is no conflict between the three of us?" Zhang Miao asked in shock.

"No, no, no, it's my own business. You don't know. These days, my family keeps urging me to go back. They say that the leader runs to the house every day, and he is about to stay. My relatives, friends and classmates are all trying to persuade me, and What kind of policy was two also have it?"

Hu Xinmin nodded.

"I didn't have the courage to go back at first, but this time I became popular, but I have the confidence... Hehehe, this is called the road that never ends, and I will return home with a good clothes."

(End of this chapter)

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