This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 257 Fallen Angel

Chapter 257 Fallen Angel
In the first "night" of the abyss, Bei Gaoyang spent in a coffin.

The so-called coffin is just a sealed container, a product of alchemy, which can shield the erosion and influence of the abyss in a short period of time, filter the 'poisonous' magic power, and allow the people hiding inside to get a short rest.

Such a rest in the abyss is essential, and it is also necessary for a normal person like him to stay here for a long time. Like this castle, he bought it when he was young.

From the interior decoration and layout of the castle, we can see his taste when he was young. The tall floor-to-ceiling windows and the requirements for lighting are incomprehensible to the natives of Canaan. His former friends, classmates, and lovers all prefer privacy design. , the residence can’t wait to make it airtight, tall windows mean psychological insecurity, as for the light, it can be solved by lighting more candles, I really can’t understand the eccentricity of sacrificing privacy for lighting.

When he was studying in the secret academy, Bei Gaoyang was famous for his endless eccentricities. In addition to his outstanding talent and unconstrained ideas and creativity, his eccentricities also made his students stand out from the crowd. famous.

Such a reputation is hard to say good or bad...

The first floor is designed in an earth-like style. At that time, it was not possible to return to the earth, so everything was DIY according to the style in memory. Most of them are similar in shape but not in spirit, such as this living room.

The sofa is a bit hard, and the coffee table is extravagantly carved with fully transparent crystal, and a 'photo frame' is placed on it, a constant 'dynamic photo'.

In the video, he smiles with white teeth, and is holding a lady with long brown hair who has a reluctant expression. The lady is wearing a lady's mage robe, beautiful and graceful, looking at the 'camera' suspiciously and sinisterly, the background It's a laboratory in a secret academy. In the short three-second photo frame, at the last second, a funny head protrudes from the 'camera', grinning at the 'camera'.

[Dynamic Photo] is also a kind of magic that he once invented. It can save a scene that does not exceed 3 seconds. The special photo frame is carved with a cumbersome and precise magic circle. Not exhausted.

Looking at the young lady on the motion picture, Bei Gaoyang became indifferent and alienated, and the long, yellowish memories rolled up and filled his mind.

A genius mage who was born in abandoned people, and a rebellious lady who came from a noble family, met each other in a secret courtyard and sparked the spark of love. The huge gap in identities between the two parties made everyone look down on them, including their common mentor.

A very familiar story.

The more others looked down on him, the more he, who was proud and his soul came from the earth, wanted to slap them in the face. The same was true for the rebellious noble lady. They were really inseparable during that time, and this image is left over from that time.

But although the noble lady is rebellious, she still has something she can't let go of. After all, she didn't just pop out from a crack in the rock. Chang Du stood up to put some kind of pressure on Bei Gaoyang.

Secret Academy...

At that time, he didn't know that the background of the "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft" that could exist under the eyes of the church, he thought that he had traveled to a world similar to Harry Potter, and regarded the secret academy as the master of the inner world , the actual ruler of the rules of the world, in fact, the so-called secret academy is only a place for the great nobles and even some high-level church officials to train minions and thugs. The status of a genius student not only does not give him points, but detracts from them. After all, the identity of a magician cannot be exposed. How can a future secret bodyguard marry the eldest lady of the master's family?

It's a pity that he didn't know it at the time. He claimed to be the proud son of heaven, not to mention a princess, even the saint of the Holy See would dare to provoke her.

Isn't a newborn calf afraid of tigers? Later, reality taught him to be a human being, and he was covered in scars, which also made this so-called love end with a clichéd ending.

He closed the photo frame with him, looked at the living room on the first floor, took out a magic wand hidden in the hidden compartment, waved it casually, and found that the material had been eroded so that he could not use it.

There are many previous collections in the dark compartment, such as a certain report card, a letter from a certain person, notes from a certain experiment, records from a certain flash of inspiration, and so on.

These are all memories, but Bei Gaoyang collected them together and burned them.

Watching the flames engulfing the voice and smile of the noble lady, Bei Gaoyang recalled the last scene of seeing her in the dungeon of the church.

At that time, her family had already lost in the high-level power struggle, and the young lady who was a magician became one of the heinous evidences. In order to save her, she did many, many radical things. Tens of thousands of "flesh and blood puppets" rushed into the prison of the Holy See of Light in the capital of the empire, and what they saw was already a tortured, cursed, polluted and depraved [White Ghost].

Haha... White Walkers.

The cruelty of Canaan is here. Death is not the end, but a kind of kindness. Naturally, this kind of kindness will not be imposed on such a heinous person, who is forcibly "degenerated" into something that is not human, ghost or ghost. It is convenient to fool the working people who are squeezed and exploited.

A glamorous beauty may arouse some people’s sympathy. An ugly, evil, and disgusting ghost is more in line with the wailing and struggling character on the stake, and it can also support the narrative of the church. , so that the dissatisfaction at the bottom has a suitable vent.

"Can you save me, honey, can you?"

Just when Bei Gaoyang was about to give her pleasure, she seemed to regain her senses. She tore at her chest with her sharp claws, and dug out the mutated heart that looked like a bunch of grapes inside.

"Take it and find a chance to revive me, honey, you can do it, you are a genius, the most likely existence in the history of the secret academy to advance to legend", she plucked the most 'clean' of the grapes, a pair of creepy The changed compound eyes rarely reveal human nature and a strong color of prayer.

Recalling this, Bei Gaoyang suddenly remembered something, dispersed the fire in front of him, and found a thumb-sized metal block from it.

The square metal block disintegrated automatically under the tap of his fingers, revealing a small piece of shriveled stuff inside.

"Heh, it looks like someone has been here!"

Bei Gaoyang stood up, a powerful and surging spiritual power surged out, and with a flick of his right hand, the Archmage's scepter appeared in his hand. He turned around very majesticly and slowly, and said to the empty void: "Since you are here, come out Bar!"

"You really forgot, you really forgot her!"

A dark cloaked figure stood out in the void like a shadow, and this soul wave was the malicious gaze that Bei Gaoyang sensed as soon as he stepped into the abyss.

"It's you, Ms. Josephine." Bei Gaoyang recognized the old man, "She gave you the key?"

"You have the Book of Canaan now, why don't you resurrect her, you can do it, why not!?"

"Don't worry ma'am... have you been waiting here for me?"

"I knew you would come, and you wouldn't pass up any chance, any!"

Bei Gaoyang smiled wryly, "Really, why don't I know?"

"You are a terrorist plotting to subvert the world. I knew it long ago. Since you were a student, I have seen how much you hate the order of this world. You are so dangerous. I have persuaded Miss, don't hang out with you, it will bring her unbearable danger and disaster, but she won't listen, she is too rebellious..."

"Haha, don't talk about the past, okay, how have you been these years, since the Duke of Wales..."

"Don't mention him, don't want your generous employer who was abandoned by you at the most critical moment!"

"...Don't get excited, ma'am, how about we sit down and have a good chat?"

The shadow-like cloak trembled for a while before calming down, and gradually changed from an illusory shadow to reality. She 'detached' from the void and landed on the ground. The cloak-like shadow on her body gradually disappeared, revealing half white and half black wings...

Seeing this pair of wings, Bei Gaoyang's pupils shrank, and then sighed: "Your loyalty to the Welsh family is the longest thing I have ever seen in my life."

"Don't mention the Welsh family!"

"Okay, I apologize."

This is a fallen angel.

Yes, once an angel.

Angels are generally divided into two types, one is naturally born angels, and the other is emotionless machines built by the gods.

Needless to say the latter, the former is a true creature of the kingdom of God.

What is a divine creature?

It refers to a very sunny and positive creature born because of the natural overflow of belief and the collection of pan-consciousness after a certain god's kingdom has matured and grown to a certain extent and has all the conditions for the birth of natural life.

This kind of creature often contains all kinds of human nature's good expectations for gods, teachings, the world, and the future. Therefore, from the moment of birth, it is a pure, sunny and positive creature. This kind of sunshine and positive even It is unattainable by their gods, and even harmful, so most gods have complex perceptions of naturally born angels. Those who are expelled regard them as parasites of their own kingdom of God.

Isn't there a proverb?

Pure as angels.

Such creatures are also "preferred" by the consciousness of the abyss. It would be more pleasing to the abyss if they were not tempted to degenerate. Similarly, it is unheard of to obtain the friendship and even loyalty of such creatures. So far, Bei Gaoyang I have only seen one case, which is the two-winged light angel named Josephine in front of me.

However, it is already an angel of light.

You can tell by looking at her wings that she has been captured by the abyss and fallen!

As for it, as for it!
Just for a Welsh human family?

Apart from this pair of wings, this former light angel lady is also dazzling. It is simply a collection of all the beautiful imaginations and descriptions of human men about the opposite sex. Beauty is naturally beautiful, breathtakingly beautiful, flawless, so vivid and real... …It was not even so beautiful before, because she used to have the kind of indifference and detachment that can be viewed from a distance but not to be played with, but now, she has fallen into the mud, with an extra strong and deadly look Seductive and seductive...

Her expression was also much more vivid, perhaps because Bei Gaoyang had been staring at her for too long, something reminded her, her face turned cold, and her body that just sat down wanted to stand up.

"Sorry, I remembered the old you."

In the past, it was the weakness of the fallen angel of light, and it was also one of the reasons why she fell into the abyss from the noble and pure angel of the kingdom of God.

"You haven't changed much. I really don't feel worthy for Angelina."


This name made Bei Gaoyang's heart flustered for a while, but he regained his calm after just a moment.

But on the surface, he magnified this fleeting change of mood, his eyes darkened, as if the name touched some wound.

"Don't perform those little tricks of yours in front of me, you have long forgotten her, even the heart she left for you has been abandoned!", the fallen light angel ruthlessly dismantled his performance.

Bei Gaoyang didn't have the consciousness of being exposed, he showed a wry smile, with a look of suffering.

"Resurrect her, resurrected my goddaughter, your fiancée!"

"I don't have a fiancée..."

"You were once..."

"But then it changed, she was just using me, using me to fight over the family inheritance rights!"

"But she loves you!"

"She loves her identity, family and rights more."

"What's wrong with that?"

Bei Gaoyang opened his mouth, was stunned for a moment and gave up, "I can't tell you clearly, forget it, where did you know about the Book of Canaan?"

"Little Demon Abyss has spread all over the world. I don't know how many old guys crawled out of their graves and called your name all night long."

"Nicholas!!", Bei Gaoyang gritted his teeth and read out the name of the Lich. This bastard really revealed his secret, but why didn't he feel anything when he went to the Little Demon Abyss this time?

"Resurrect her, now!"

"I can't do it, ma'am! The Book of Canaan is the former Book of Curses, the Whisper of the Blasphemer, once I use it to do things beyond my own magic level, it will be backlashed by it, its The owners of previous generations have all become 'lunatics'..."

"You are already a great arcanist, with such powerful spiritual power..."

"It's not enough ma'am, I am the great magician of the 7th ring. I am already the apex that ordinary people can touch. I will touch the barrier set by the gods on the Internet. I must always accumulate and prepare. If I don't have the strength and energy... ..."

"That's Angelina, your fiancée, the princess you swore to protect."

"But I have to protect myself first, and I have to advance to the 9th Ring Archmage to be able."

"Damn it!", the Angel of Fallen Light stood up angrily and anxiously, walked back and forth a few steps, suddenly flashed in front of Bei Gaoyang, grabbed his collar, and pulled his face closer, "How long will it take? how long?"

"I've done it again, I promise, it won't be long."

"You'd better not lie to me... My current master is Lord Bayero!"


This demon lord is really lucky.

By the way, what is Bayero's real body like?
If it's weird and rolls with this kind of stunner, it's really eye-catching.

(End of this chapter)

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