This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 258 The Mind Flayer Advocating the Republic

Chapter 258 The Mind Flayer Advocating the Republic
"Are you here to participate in the bloody battle?"

The 'misunderstanding' seemed to be resolved, the two parties 'resolved their suspicions', the Angel of Fallen Light became amicable, the angelic sanctity and the deadly seductive and seductive contradictions were integrated together, the special style naturally revealed in the words, even The heart is made of iron, and half a beat has to be missed.

"Uh... just to see, to see."

"You're an opportunist. I knew that, a long time ago."

Speaking of the past, this ex-girlfriend's godmother, best friend and personal maid, Mrs. Madam, didn't have a good impression of herself. I remember the first time I met her, she looked at herself as if she was looking at some bad pickle. It was understandable. At that time, she was still A spotless angel of light, men probably have a virtue in her eyes, let alone Bei Gaoyang was born like that.

The deserted people in the wasteland are similar to the African refugees on earth, right?
Discrimination is a matter of course in Canaan, and it is more obvious in these "noble" creatures of the kingdom of God.

"I see, I will arrange it for you."

The Angel of Fallen Light was about to leave, she stood up, and the body lines she showed inadvertently were really shocking, and Bei Gaoyang couldn't help thinking of a taboo picture that was not suitable for children, about the octopus tentacle monster and the angel Sailor Moon, Sigh... It's too evil, it's too inappropriate, how can I think of the anime on Earth at this time.

"Don't forget your promise!"

what did i promise
I didn't promise anything, okay?


"Will not."

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the fallen light angel's figure began to fade, and finally turned into a faint shadow, melting into the air.

Is it really appropriate for the property company to break into the owner's home without the owner's consent?
Should I complain?

Bei Gaoyang complained in his heart, and immediately put this little episode behind him.

In the abyss, you can't be serious, you can't think too much, and don't get too entangled in a certain thing or a certain person.

This is common sense.

Being truthful, thinking too much, and digging into the horns are just opportunities for potential coveters to take advantage of, and they are spiritual loopholes. Maybe something will sneak in.

In the following time, Bei Gaoyang cleaned and cleaned up the house, not to mention, he really cleaned up many good things that had been forgotten.

A magic book, which records the analytical configurations and experience notes of hundreds of spells below the fifth ring. Looking at it now, although it has a childish and naive side, it also has a lot of enthusiasm and creativity that has been lost...

Alas, everyone has their own green years.

A few interesting spells and equipment, a fishing rod that can catch 'fish' without bait, a timer imitating the earth clock, an astronomical telescope with a magic lens, and a rusty steam engine heated by magic power , and a whimsical flying carpet...

Sitting on the flying carpet, Bei Gaoyang went out.

The flying carpet passed through the door standing in the air, and returned to the middle of a small shack in Xingfu Town. The 101st floor of the abyss in Jiri is so boring and monotonous, and it remains the same as when we left.

I randomly picked a shack and walked in. After a blurred vision, I was in a slaughterhouse-like interior. A Limo butcher stood behind the crime, waving a butcher knife with four arms, and was dismembering a fat beetle who didn't know what, " Welcome to 'The Biter Tavern', serve, serve... damn it, serve your guests!"

A double-faced demon opened the curtain and came out. Seeing that the new guest was a human male, it automatically 'switched' to the appearance of a human female. While walking, it greeted Bei Gaoyang with a coquettish smile, leading Bei Gaoyang into the dirty seat.

"A Bloody Mary, thank you!"

Double-faced Demon: "I can tell you are a regular customer just by hearing it, why don't you come for a small meal?"

Bei Gaoyang looked at the thing that Li Mo was disassembling, and shook his head.

"A cup of Bloody Mary, seat 4, one regular customer"

There are many drinkers sitting in the tavern, all of them are businessmen from various planes, and some are from the main material world. They occupy one room exclusively, and there are 5 people, all of whom are equipped with senior professionals.

Bei Gaoyang nodded to the old man who looked like a mage, and he returned the mage's salute. He turned his eyes away and waited quietly for a while.

"Your Bloody Mary."

A glass of scarlet wine that was bubbling and bubbling outwards, the compelling heat condensed on the mouth of the glass, and there were still some possible congealed objects floating in the glass, which looked extremely horrifying, but Bei Gaoyang did not hesitate. drink up.

After drinking, he smacked his mouth and said dissatisfiedly: "The year is not enough!"

"Sorry, the supply of supplies is too tight recently, you know..."

"Because of... the war?"

"Uh... The situation on the front line is very good. It won't be long before we will drive those 'evil ways' out of the abyss. Wansheng, long live Lord Bayero!"

No wonder!
Bei Gaoyang smiled, ordered another bloody mary, and then dismissed the double-faced demon who was excited and shouting slogans.

"Aha, what a coincidence, Your Excellency the Caster, we meet again."

Before the refill arrived, a tall black figure came behind him. Looking back, it was the mind flayer Ross that he met in the "waiting hall" of Xiaomoyuan.

The mind flayer raised its hood, its tentacles squirmed happily, sat down beside it in a daze, and said to itself, "Is your Excellency Ramsviel right? I was so rude last time, I didn't have time to ask Your Name……"

"Then where did you know it?" Bei Gaoyang said with a smile on his face.

"At the registration office, that little devil is very enthusiastic and the service is very thoughtful..."

The damn guy really holds a grudge.

Bei Gaoyang's smile did not change, "Are you following me?"

"No, no, it's really just a coincidence, a coincidence!"

It's weird to believe you.

That's okay, you delivered it yourself.

Bei Gaoyang doesn't mind adding a mind flayer to his collection and experimental materials. Anyway, this guy should have "followed" him. He wants to open his celestial cap, and he also wants his "brain tadpole" .

Psychic powers...

Alas, the magic net can also be used.

In other words, the fifth test should also consider accommodating these miracle races.

Ordinary racial creatures, even monsters and vampires like Edward, the magic net can accommodate them. Maybe at the first level of the magic net, specific rituals and steps are required. Now, just enter the range covered by the magic net Inside, it will be silently 'analyzed' by the magic net, and then defined, and then the 'monster technique' unit will play a role.

But miraculous races such as mind flayers and giant dragons are different. Even if they are larvae, they do not exceed the level of spells of the magic net, and it is not just to say that they can be accommodated.

The magic net will be inclusive in the future, so why not try it now, Xiao Ai is more forward-looking in this regard, and she has created a hidden class of demons early on, so she has to be more proactive.

With a certain amount of care in my heart, the smile in my eyes became more sincere.

"Can you imagine, what era is it now, there is such an outdated rule that outsiders who want to enter a city controlled by mind flayers must fight an adult mind flayer? Haha..."

"So, you were expelled from your own city for evading the duty of dueling, right?"

"You can't say that, I am a free mind flayer, do you understand freedom, I have always advocated the republic of all races"


"Living in the same world in harmony, free communication, and unrestricted communication"

"Uh... your idea is very interesting."

"It's not an idea, it's a position, it's an ideal."

"Well, besides these...uh, ideals, are there other reasons?"

"Of course, there is also part of the reason for the opponent."

"Is your opponent strong?"

"A half-dragon warlock, I don't know that the bastard left after the estrous dragon transformed into a human form has the strength of 5 rings, but this is not the point."

"What's the point?"

"The point is his guard, damn it, a berserker with a simple mind, well-developed limbs, and a mind that resists the totem magic pattern."

"Oh...sounds like a pair that can restrain psychic powers?"

"That's right. I suspect it's a trap. It's an opponent deliberately arranged by someone who doesn't like me. You know, how can psychic powers come from without a mind? This damned orc totem berserker is the killer arranged for me, my Most of the abilities have no effect on him, and I still have to face his ax that is bigger than my body... yes, it's that big!"

Ross exaggeratedly gestured the area of ​​the axe, and Bei Gaoyang was amused, "So you left your city."

"Yes, I became a free, wandering mind flayer."

"So you plan to come to the abyss to participate in the bloody battle to try your luck?"

"The main thing is to find like-minded comrades. You know, this world is too stale, and it's time to change. The bloody battle is an opportunity, an opportunity to reshuffle the cards."

"Your ideals are lofty."

"Thank you, so... what do you think of my ideal?"

"……not bad."

"Just nice?"

"Maybe I'll change my mind later, after learning more?"

"It's an honor, then we are companions? Aha, I can't wait, what shall we do next?"

"Naturally go to the front line to see."

"Together, together."


The two hit it off right away, hit it off, flirted with each other in the tavern, just like old friends who have known each other for many years.

After leaving the tavern, I went to wander around in Xingfu Town. Generally speaking, because of the war, the market in the rear was very sluggish. The plane merchants who came and went had no intention of causing trouble, nor did they have the intention of provoking insignificant people like them. Most of the shops everywhere are empty, and only the mercenary recruitment office can see a more lively scene.

Standing under a mercenary recruitment billboard, Bei Gaoyang watched the high-ranking demon desperately promise this and that to the potential cannon fodder, and watched the 'advertisement' describe bloody battles as full of romantic heroism, full of opportunities and wealth everywhere... ...not just laughing dumbfounded.

Teammate Ross came back after inquiring about the news, holding a brochure, and said dissatisfiedly: "Damn it, is this treating us as idiots with no brains? Look at what nonsense it says..."

Bei Gaoyang took the brochure and flipped through it roughly, skipping those useless and gorgeous rhetoric, he clearly saw how anxious and urgent the demons of the order camp were, so urgent that this kind of superficial effort was so rough.

It seems that the situation on the front line is really bad.

I don't know how Bahne is doing now, and how much his own war golem has played.

"You still need to receive training, are you sure!" The tentacles on Ross's head danced, as if he was dancing alone, "In front of you is a noble and powerful mind flayer, and his archmage teammates... "

"This is Lord Bayero's rule!" The big devil is not afraid at all, his body that is about to 'molt' stands proudly on a white bone base, and flicks the whip in his hand, "Go to the battlefield, whoever you are Who, the practice is all military law, you don't even know the basic military law, are you going to the front line to seek death?"

There are hundreds of mercenaries around the base, of all races, all of them are outlaws who are greedy for rich rewards. The team of professionals from the main material world is also within the period. I don't know how old the mage is. Could it be that he has lived too long and is impatient and wants to seek death?
In the abyss, death is a luxury.

"A rule is a rule, and no one can change it!"

"Who, who is talking, stand up!"

"The situation on the battlefield is very good. We just conquered the 103rd plane and wiped out the rebellion led by Quidditch. Those who say such things must be spies!"

"...The seized soul stones and soul crystals piled up into a mountain, and Lord Bayero's warehouse can hardly hold them. Those adventurers are holding hands softly one by one..."

The big devil jumped up and down, and the outlaws who didn't know where he was, were so enthusiastic about being bewitched by him, they stepped forward to sign the soul contract one after another, even if they had to accept Lao Shizi's 'training'.

"You absolutely can't participate in this kind of training." The mind flayer Ross said in a low voice, "Don't you have a local 'hukou'? Can you find another way to go to the front line?"

"Yes, yes... Wait, I'll give it a try."

Bei Gaoyang tried to contact the Angel of Fallen Light who had already approached the big boss, and received an impatient reply from her after a while.

"That's it!"

After the exchange of soul information, Bei Gaoyang said to his new teammates.

"That's good... let's go to your castle next?"

"Stop shopping?"

"This ghost place is not as good as one of the most barren underground cities. Go, go, go to your house and see."

Back at Bei Gaoyang's castle, he unexpectedly found that the Angel of Fallen Light was also there.

"Lord Ballero wants to see you!" she said, casting a menacing glance at the mind flayer who was whistling nearby, "and this octopus monster."

Bei Gaoyang's smile remained unchanged, and he nodded in agreement, "It's my honor."

Ross could not whistle anymore, "Who is Mr. Bayero?"

"The master of the bottomless abyss on the 101st, 109th, and 117th floors, the lord of all demons, the supreme authority bestowed by the supreme abyss, Lord Bayero"

(End of this chapter)

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