This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 259 Court Subpoena

Chapter 259 Court Subpoena
Alpha plane.

A very strange thing happened today.

A round of rising sun appeared on the horizon of the demiplane for the first time, and the shining golden sunlight added an unprecedented color to this narrow and monotonous world.

The players were amazed and guessed what special day it was today. What they didn't know was that this was a sign that the demiplane was becoming more and more stable, and it was also a sign that the rules were anchored to the main material plane.

For such a symbolic event, the system did not announce it. After the players shouted their surprises, what should they do? Bei Gaoyang is not around, which is really a pity.

However, this omen is still excellent, especially for players who choose to hold a big event today.

The inauguration ceremony of the Youdao family residence.

Ape Tarzan walked into the narrow wooden door of the residence with the flow of people, and standing in front of him was a rented system functional NPC, named [Family Resident Manager], a short and fat man with a smile, and said when he saw anyone: "Today is On the day of the completion of the residence of the Youdao family, visitors are guests, and on behalf of all members of the Youdao family, I would like to extend my welcome and present you with 5 copper coins as a token of my heart!"

If you talk to him, you can get 5 coppers, which attracts the tourists queuing up to [-] meters away, and makes it a lot of effort for a regular member like him to squeeze in.

The place where the head of the family is standing is a short house. The house is very small, like a small earth temple. Even the steps are extremely delicate, and they can be stepped up with a single lift of the foot. There must be seven or eight steps. Looks like it's for the seven dwarfs.

Entering the 'Earth Temple', there is a small two-bedroom room inside. The most important functional interface of the family is placed in the living room, such as task space, family garden, family workshop, family training ground, family breeding ranch, etc., but the most important The functional unit represents the main hall, that is, a scaled-down display stand of the 'Earth Temple'. Only when the main hall is upgraded can the family be upgraded.

An apse where family members live, after activating the teleportation array, they will be teleported to a tube building at the back, and there is also a hired functional NPC in the tube building, named [Family Member Manager], who joins the family, quits the family, appoints a position And dismissal, etc., have to look for him.

... After browsing the whole body, I feel that the function is similar to that of ordinary online games, but this is a real 3D version.

Not to mention, mission spaces, family gardens, family workshops, training grounds, etc., are still missing. Just say that such a resident only solves one problem in total.

That is, it is more convenient to go online and offline. With this station, no matter which safety zone the landing point is marked in, or in any wild or emergency situation, even if you are kicked offline by the system, the first person who goes online The location is also this tube building. If you have your own nest here, you can appear in this nest, and then you can open a free teleportation anytime and anywhere, and teleport to the marked landing point or the place where you went offline last time.

There is such a procedure, not to mention inconvenient, but at least it is much better in terms of security and privacy. The teleportation that can be opened anytime and anywhere finally makes the players realize that the "dog plan" has a reasonable side.

But the Tongzilou is so big, there are more than [-] members of the Youdao family, and it is impossible to live in them all. Whoever is allowed to live, and who is not allowed to live, must be based on the contribution of the family.

Here we will introduce the third functional NPC of the resident.

Family contribution and exchange administrator.

This NPC also holds one of the most important subsidiary functions of the family, which is the family store and family warehouse.

After the main hall and the apse is the side hall.

Teleported to the past, it was also an ordinary building, delicate enough, with two doors, one door was a warehouse, and the other door was a store.

Let’s talk about the store first. The shelves are empty now. There are only some red and blue potions consigned by some members with life professions, high-end materials, ordinary whiteboards, green clothes, etc., which are really exchanged with contributions, and the system distributes them to each family. "Welfare" is still empty at the moment. According to the official website, there will be some rare items that cannot be bought outside that will be refreshed regularly in the family store.

There are some stocks in the family warehouse, which are all donated by family members, and they exchange things that they don't need in exchange for family contributions.

Tarzan the Ape also donated a lot in the past. He used to donate a lot of good things with a swollen face to pretend to be a fat man. Now he is destitute. Looking at the things he donated, his heart is bleeding, and he wants to come back. I'm sorry for this face, besides, once you enter the family warehouse, you need to contribute to exchange them, unless the patriarch pays salary...

Forget it, forget it, isn't it embarrassing enough?

This is the side hall on the left, and there is another one on the right, which is the mission space, family workshop and training ground.

These can be built first, don’t look at it as a small house, but the game is nothing more than loading a new map. In the words of the NPC, it is a family welfare created with ‘space magic’, because it costs a lot and requires players own part...

I rely on!

This part is said to be higher than the initial construction cost of the entire resident, and those founding members who are not short of money are unwilling to be taken advantage of. The blackness of the system is simply appalling, reaching the level of insanity.

Wait for later.

The patriarch is so self-consoling, thinking that the price will drop, just like the previous price is abnormal, the system sees that no one is fooled, so it can only lower the price.

To put it simply, the family residence is a courtyard house, with the main hall in the front, the back hall in the back, the left and right side halls are separated on both sides, and the central one is the family garden.

Because the resident is too small, the "space compression" technology is used for such a layout, so it is necessary to travel to different halls, so this garden also exists in the planning.

This problem must be solved in the future, otherwise the main hall will not be able to be upgraded, so it is inevitable to let go of the restrictions on the residence. If the system continues to be blacked out, the normal game functions and experience will be affected.

The official website vaguely stated that more game functions and experiences will be further opened in the future. The implication is that this is the fourth test, and I am going to test it 99 times, and serve all the good dishes in one time. , What should I do in the future, I can't drink plain water, right?
Obviously there are more than 20 people online, and they are still so secretive. Isn’t it just that black players are not enough? I heard that Canaan’s market value exceeds the GDP of the [-]th ranked country in the world. so ugly?

Today's Dubu Tianxia is full of joy. I heard that this guy was just a small white-collar worker before. He was lucky enough to catch up with the third test. A batch of angel investments... After a lot of luck, they came to this step smoothly.

There are many families, but how many have family residences, this guy seems to be a big shot.

The ape Tarzan felt sour in his heart, he was miserable, and it was particularly dazzling to see others being happy.

Finally, a banquet was held in "Qiao Canaan" to celebrate. Organizations, companies, investors, guild presidents, and family patriarchs sat on the first floor as if they didn't need money. They could only sit on the second floor. The upper floor is a water mat, for those tourists and poor players.

The subject of the player's discussion can never deviate from the main theme, eating and drinking the food and wine identified by the system as above white, yelling, bragging, and farting, only Qiao Shan sat in the corner, a little depressed.

As the saying goes, when people are unlucky, they will stuff their teeth if they drink cold water.

After the banquet, Dubu Tianxia came over drunk and told him that the promise he had made was gone.

"What's the matter!?"

Tarzan the Ape didn't react for a while.

"It's about housing."


"Brother, you have to understand me. You have seen the scene today. So many people want to join our family. This kind of favor, that face, but there are only so many pits, and it is difficult for me to do it... Housing Thing, you didn't participate in the fundraising, so there was a lot of discussion..."

"But I killed so many people for the sake of my family, and my equipment was blown away..."

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, it turns out that you can use your being an expert to excuse yourself, but now..."

"Stop talking, I understand!"

"Brother, you have to understand me, it's hard for me..."

"I quit!"

"Uh... why quit?"

"I don't care about quitting the family, what kind of bullshit housing!"

"I said don't be impulsive, we are brothers..."

"Go to hell..."

After going offline, Li Yang became even more depressed. Things are not going well these days, and even his family members don't give him peace of mind, adding to the chaos at this time.

At night, his mother looked for him mysteriously, and talked about the lawsuit again. Li Yang had already told her that this was impossible, but rural women of this age have their own simple worldview, and they suffered a disadvantage. Why didn't you care about it? There are still kings and laws in this world. This is a lot of money. Thinking about it makes people feel distressed. Why don't they let it go?
In addition, the officials in the town did not know where the fire was for some reason, and the village was not too serious to watch the excitement, and they also booed from the sidelines. Surrounded by such a group of people, how could they give up because Li Yang's few words were impossible? ?
Well, let them toss about it.

Li Yang was about to suffer from depression, if not for another hope, he would have jumped off the stairs.

I can't help it, it's too bad.

This thought is that old grandpa...

Sigh, I don't know what the thing I brought back is, why was it taken away and there is no news, I must have encountered a liar, right? How about exposing this matter and forcing the people behind it out?
But he dared not.

To Li Yang's surprise, his mother excitedly told him the good news early the next morning.

"What, you said that the city has nothing to say, but the province has filed a case?"

"That's right, that's right, that's the high court, Yangyang, tell me, who are those bandits who robbed you?"

"I don't know who it is, I just know their ID"

"A pseudonym is fine, I'm still waiting in the county."

"A case has been filed?"

"That's still false. A special case team will come down. The county calls and asks to go there quickly."

Li Yang got into the town car in a daze, and went to the county with the smug deputy mayor.

Sure enough, there is a 'special task force' waiting.

After listening to his detailed introduction, an old man with deep decree lines who looked like a professor said to him, "The first step is to obtain the true identities of these people, so let's send a notice to Canaan Company and ask them to cooperate." .”

Here in Shanghai, the mailroom of the Canaan Company received a fax from Province K inexplicably. It was not taken seriously at first, but it was a supervisor from the Security Department who took the initiative to hand over the fax to the person who should submit it.

When the legal counsel realized that this strange fax came from an unusual source, Yu Qingdong was in a meeting with the precision manufacturing department.

I have seen half of the fourth test, but there are very few things that Canaan Company actually participates in the game process. How to open up the situation, how to deepen and strengthen the influence and control of that person is a waste of countless people. Something that a large number of brain cells can't do.

The meeting first introduced the overall situation of new materials and industrial innovations brought about by special materials and special processes. The combination of magical materials and processes with existing materials and processes produced a lot of sparks and made some achievements. There are many achievements that people are excited about, but there are many of them, which make Yu Qingdong's heart itch.

Some difficulties and limitations are also emphasized. First, the microscopic analysis and data measurement of magic materials still face huge difficulties, but through theoretical research on "special crafts", especially some mystic textbooks from that small building With the help, a lot of progress has been made. In the simulated environment, some "special laws" introduced in the textbook have been initially realized, and what has been verified, what, and what has been created... See the excited look of the scientist who gave the report, It's as if Columbus discovered a new continent, and humans discovered a new habitable earth.

Unfortunately, the premise of all this is a special environment.

What is the special environment, is it self-evident?

The focus of current research is on the "shelf life" of new materials and processes tested in special environments after leaving the special environment. There are rules.

Science is built on the basis of repeatable laws. Without this point, it is metaphysics, which makes these people scratch their heads and lose their hair...

Anyway, regardless of his own business, Yu Qingdong only had his ears but no mouth, and it was impossible for the legal consultant to drag him back from such a situation because of a trivial matter.

Therefore, when I saw the fax from the court, it was already the next day.

"Uh... this is?"

The legal adviser shrugged.

"Are you kidding me? Is today April Fool's Day?"

The legal advisor spread his hands again.

"Let us cooperate with the investigation? Province K is such an iron... Ah, no, there is an article behind this."

The legal consultant thought, you just realized it, and you don't even look at what unit we are, why do you have no idea what you are doing?

"This..." Yu Qingdong frowned while holding the fax.

After a while, he became impatient, "What the hell, let me guess, can't you explain it clearly? Really..."

"I suggest you follow the normal procedure and pretend to be confused!"

"How can you pretend to be confused? It's not like you don't know, how can we have the player's game data..."

"Maybe, the article behind this is here?"

"You mean..."

"I definitely want to take the opportunity to try..."

"Fuck, come again?"

"We just pretend to be confused."

"The player's information..."

"This doesn't need the data in the game, you know."

(End of this chapter)

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