This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 260 Huge Virtual Property

Chapter 260 Huge Virtual Property
There is no never-ending feast.

As soon as the accounts were clarified, Xie Changting and Er Niu moved out. It is said that they were recruited by a certain big guild and went to a remote place with beautiful scenery to set up some kind of player base.

Brother Ruoran is leaving too, because he has done a lot of work in his hometown, and persuaded his parents, relatives and friends, they all unanimously asked him to come back and develop, and gave him various preferential conditions and benefits, and Brother Ruoran also has a chance to return home. Thoughts, I'm packing things up these days.

Seeing that the five-person team who fought together broke up like this, thinking back to the acquaintance and reunion during the first and second test periods, it was really like a dream.

They have gone from being penniless to becoming famous now, and they have experienced a lot. Is this what people often say about sharing adversity and wealth?
When I was penniless, I didn't have so many demands, I was happy to be satisfied with a little gain, I was more tolerant to my companions, I was able to restrain my temper, and I wasn't so bloated...

At least the money has been earned, and the game is still at an upper-middle level, at least the title of gold medal player is still there, isn't it?
In this regard, Zhang Miao's big city was a little slow to respond. It was not until Xie Changting and Er Niu sat on the plane that a staff member noticed the loss of two players under his command, and came to ask about it. Hastily went back.

The next time when Brother Ruoran is about to leave, I will send out several staff members to try hard to persuade him to stay with them, but if they don’t work, they will use various procedures to embarrass him, causing Brother Ruoran to lose his temper and look As if he was determined to leave, he reluctantly let him go.

There is no way not to let them go, we can't lock up all the players.

The big cities with a developed coastal economy feel the pressure from all over the country. The Eight Immortals cross the sea to show their magical powers. They all want to ride the tide of the metaverse economy, and they all want to develop their own supporting industries and economy, so they each show their means.

A small place has the advantages of a small place. Small ships are easy to turn around, and they are more flexible in terms of policies. The conditions and treatment given are difficult to compare with large cities with developed coastal economies, but it is far from enough to base on the player's hometown feelings , there are only a few players. It is difficult to find a way to plant sycamore trees and attract golden phoenixes from other places. Under the rigid index of "tickets" that limit the number of players and tourists, I don't know how many officials are worried. Hair, good civil servants become salesmen, people hate dogs, Zhang Miao and his development zone shouted slogans about fire prevention, theft prevention, and prevention of digging people by dirtbags. As soon as they found them, they staged the action of "sending the plague god", and the "plague gods" also tried every means to hide and seek, so they played secret agents and spies, and learned professional skills such as makeup and lurking without a teacher.

Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin have also done a lot of work in their hometowns, but their circumstances are special, their family structure is very simple, and they don't have any hometown feelings. The family also supports them to develop outside, so they have no plans to move away.

After confirming that the two of them would not run away, the staff breathed a sigh of relief, belatedly equipped them with a dedicated service channel, and asked them if they had any difficulties, they could help them out.

After learning that their team had disbanded, they enthusiastically recruited matchmakers and found a lot of qualified player profiles for the two to choose.

Of course, these things happen offline.

Just off the line that day, the enthusiastic staff came again and said that they had organized an offline exchange meeting at the convention and exhibition center in District A, allowing the two of them to attend when they had time.

The two of them didn't want to go at first. After level 20, it takes a lot of experience to upgrade to level 1. How many days have passed? Where is the job transfer door frame waiting, and the test of gold, silver and bronze medals, just thinking about it makes people daunting.


In this case, the two of them just want to relax after going offline. What kind of offline exchange meeting, isn't it just attracting investment in the name of an exchange meeting? They use these players to attract relevant supporting industry chains to settle down in the development zone. Let's see what are the needs of these players who are not short of money, what kind of transactions will be promoted offline, how many job opportunities and output value will be created... In short, they are all favorites of officials, but who care about them?

Unexpectedly, this exchange meeting was really held to solve their actual needs.

Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin joined on the way after hearing the rumors. What they saw was no luxurious venue, no reporters, cameras, speeches by leaders, and ribbon-cutting. There were not so many hungry businesses, companies, and institutions. At most, they were players. Zhejiang Province A large gathering of players.

Divided into many groups, each group is dedicated to organizing and researching a topic, and experts, professors and senior players will explain and answer questions on the spot. Players with various needs can communicate and cooperate offline without any obstacles... It's a bit like the mercenary guild in the game.

"Hehe, this is feeling the pressure and starting to really think about our players."

Hu Xinmin laughed.

"Competition is a good thing." Zhang Miao said with satisfaction.

Here you can come and go freely, there is no fixed time limit, you can leave when the online time is up, and you can join at any time after you are offline. There are no restrictions on what you can talk about or do. The clues, strategies, and answers to difficult points in the game have made many players who are not so well-informed feel the taste, and they will become more enthusiastic and active about this repeatedly postponed communication.

"I just don't know how long this kind of good thing can last."

"Five tests?"


Rumors of the fifth test have already leaked out, and the hottest topic now is how many player qualifications will be released. According to the rules of the previous tests, this time there will be no release of a million game qualifications, and the majority of cloud players will say nothing promise.


Would they still be as rare then as they are now?

Is there such a warm and thoughtful one-to-one service?
"It's a good thing that there are many people. Besides, you haven't been a Tang monk enough yet?" Zhang Miao asked back.

"That's right, the more people there are, the more opportunities there will be, and it's more fun." Hu Xinmin said with a smile.

This word made Zhang Miao dazed for a while, playing games, playing games, playing this word seems to have been away for a long time, playing in Canaan is no longer as simple as this, it involves too many things, sometimes, Zhang Miao feels that the There is no difference between offline and online. If there is no game time limit, it is estimated that most players will not go offline. At that time, they will have to worry about what to do with their bodies in reality.

"You said, will the five tests not have so many game qualifications, freeing up resources to extend our online time?"

"That's good!" Hu Xinmin was amused. He glanced at the cloud player who was eloquently introducing how to overcome a difficulty in a new map in the game, and whispered to Zhang Miao, "But I can only think about it. Think, will capitalists give up huge profits to improve our game experience? For example, China Telecom and China Unicom also treat new and old customers differently.”

Zhang Miao smiled and felt that this was impossible.

In fact, the current game time is already enough, if it is longer, there will be problems.

A real day is equal to two days in the game, one day in the morning, one day in the afternoon, 4 hours in the morning, 4 hours in the afternoon, 8 hours a day playing games, except sleep, how much time is left?
The congestion will only happen when the server is just opened. After a long time, most players will be dissatisfied with the game time, and the congestion will seldom happen again.

It's not that Canaan has the magical black technology to transform the player's physical fitness, otherwise there would be problems if they lie down for such a long time.

It is not very friendly to some liver emperors, and the time limit also caused a lot of inconvenience.

It would be nice to be more flexible.

Just as he was talking, a staff member came over with a document with a distressed expression on his face.

"This is... a subpoena from the court!?" Zhang Miao looked up in shock, handed the document to Hu Xinmin, and asked blankly, "What am I doing? I didn't do anything. I stay at home every day. Many people can attest to that.”

"It's not reality, it' the game"

"Ah!?" Zhang Miao was even more confused, "Why did the court send me a subpoena for something in the game?"

The voice got a little louder, and the players who were speaking loudly on the stage stopped. The nearby players were also surprised to hear the conversation, and they came over to ask what was going on.

"Inexplicably, the court issued summons to Lao Hu and me, saying it was because of something in the game."

A player joked with a smile, "Be honest, are you playing pornography, gambling, and drugs!?"

Zhang Miao hasn't answered yet, another player has already distinguished for him, "You don't need to care about pornography, gambling and drugs, it's really a dog and a mouse..."

The staff member coughed and said, "It's because of a huge amount of game virtual assets...uh, the ownership issue."

"A huge amount of game virtual assets?" Most players haven't understood yet.

"Affiliation question? What question?"

"It should be the explosion of equipment... Xiaoer, whose stuff did you explode? Good guy, this brain circuit is really good for offline lawsuits."

"No, is that okay?"

"Funny, if this works, this game can no longer be played, and you will have to go to court every day."

Everyone guessed in a hurry, but Zhang Miao still couldn't believe it. He asked the staff, and the staff nodded falteringly. Only then did he realize that he was the defendant.

"Huge amount, tsk tsk... Xiao Er, how huge is the amount, please tell me?"

"Yeah, the amount is so huge that it makes people lose their minds. It must not be a small amount. Could it be a purple outfit?"

"Crap, there are only a few purple outfits in the game? The blue outfits are the best."

"That's not bad, at worst it will cost several gold coins, hundreds of thousands."

"Only a few hundred thousand can be called a huge amount?"

"Xiaoer, could it be that more than one piece of equipment exploded?"

"It must be, it must be a guy who is so red, and there is a big explosion, the kind that explodes without any pants left..."

"Damn it, Xiao Er, you sent it!?"

"Boss, second brother, do you have any good things, take care of your brother."

"Boss Xiaoer, please take me with you, please take care of me."

The attitude of the players generally didn't take it seriously, and they all took it as a joke, and there was envy and hatred towards Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin, and they wished that they were the ones who received the court summons.

Because of this atmosphere, Zhang Miao was not so nervous anymore, her mind was functioning normally, and naturally she would not respond to these overt and secret temptations, and pulled Hu Xinmin away.

When I got home, I was still a little dumbfounded after hearing the details from the staff.

Hu Xinmin: "No, what happens in the game should be taken care of in reality?"

The staff was also at a loss, "Maybe, maybe the amount is too huge... I heard that virtual property protection is being considered recently..."

"So, we are typical?"

"This... should be"

"What does the development zone say?"

"Provide you with the necessary legal support."

"What does the law say?"

"Well, not yet..."

"Damn it, Xiao Er, come and take a look, it's already on the headlines."

Zhang Miao quickly moved to the screen of Hu Xinmin's mobile phone. As soon as the press release on this matter was released, it became the top trending search. Various self-media big Vs rushed to repost it, and it was also posted on the official website forum. Comments, take it as a rarity.

However, when a cloud play anchor broke the news about how huge this "huge virtual property" is, the public opinion changed and became extremely hot, so hot that even the indifferent people who eat melons were attracted by the horrifying headlines. .

"...Let me tell you, I know that guy Tarzan the Ape, I was in the same family as him before, that guy is very proud, but he also has the capital of pride, but that's in the past haha... This guy has top-grade equipment , I don’t know how it came here... What, the blue outfit? The blue outfit is only worn by top-tier people. Our president said that there are several purple outfits..."

"...The reason for this is because of the family residence. Our family competed with another family for a piece of land. It has already been built, but because the location is not good, the developer can't continue to support it, so we missed it... Okay, let’s talk about the main point, the two families are competing, and their financial resources are similar, so we agreed to discuss it in private, let one withdraw, and the other get compensation, which saves the developer a lot.”

"... I don't know why, so I started fighting. At that time, the orangutan Tarzan fought several times by himself. It was called mighty. The special effects and stunts seemed to be free of money. It was really a child, and the one who killed it was called a head. Roll... At that time, the flower of our family was so excited that he wanted to give birth to a monkey for him, haha..."

"...The number of people killed, the PK value naturally soared to the sky, and the red one, tsk tsk, turned black."

"...It's also his own death. He doesn't know when to show off. A normal person should find a trustworthy person to store the equipment at this time, or simply take the initiative to kill and go to the system prison, but he doesn't. I don’t know where I got a red name, and I was discovered, haha, it exploded completely, I heard that only a pair of pants were left..."

The video of the Yunwan anchor and the live broadcast audience breaking the news was reposted frantically on the Internet, and the position of the majority of people who eat melons changed accordingly.

Envy, jealousy, hatred and resentment, the public opinion has gradually changed from being funny on his side to sympathizing with the suffering master whose equipment has been exploded, Tarzan the ape.

Zhang Miao and the others are really famous this time. The photos of being fleshed out are hung on the forum. All the group photos of elementary school graduation were found.

"Subpoena? Received, received, our leader is in a meeting to help me find a way, fuck, I have never seen such a person who can't afford it, and the PK in the game can also sue? Strange things happen every year, Especially this year."

Poor brother Ruoran's homecoming has just begun, but he was completely devastated by a subpoena. When he was on the phone, he was so annoyed that he almost smashed his phone.

(End of this chapter)

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