This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 261 So Excited and Exciting

Chapter 261 So Excited and Exciting
"Dodo, are you really not going with us?"


"Dodo, we will miss you."

"Meow meow meow!"

"Don't worry, the two players, our husband and wife have no children, and we will treat Dodo as our own."

"Aunt Nugget, you must treat Dodo well and treat her like your own flesh and blood."

"Yes, yes, if it weren't for the Lord System God to save us, our fate would be the same as Dodo... Damn humans, damn human gods alliance, I hope the rebels will overthrow this damn world as soon as possible, and save more people like us and A half-orc like Dodo."

"Definitely, definitely, in the future we must smash this old world and liberate everyone."

"Then please, Miss Player."

[Ding: The task is completed, Catwoman Dodo was successfully adopted by Aunt Nugge, a resident of Punk City]

[Ding: You have won the approval of Aunt Nugge, favorability +50]

[Ding: You have gained the recognition and trust of catwoman Dodo, favorability +100]

[Ding: The relationship between you and Catwoman Dodo has advanced to the level of 'sympathy']

[Ding: The relationship between you and Aunt Nuck, the intelligent NPC in Punk City, has advanced to the level of 'sympathy']

She shed tears to bid farewell to the catgirl Duoduo's foster family. As soon as she walked out of the family's field of vision, Xia Miaomiao's face changed, and she looked at the system prompt and said dissatisfiedly: "It turns out that Duo Duo didn't trust us until we really Helped her find a foster family to get real gratitude... a little heartless."

Du Shiyu smiled and said: "That's normal, we are players, and she doesn't know who we are or what a player is."

"There is no task yet, only the favorability, it's a loss."

"Don't you think the picture just now is very warm? Why do you care about these things? It's not vulgar? Duoduo's happiness is the most important thing."

"You can be happy if you follow us"

"What is happiness, to be your maid? To satisfy some of your hobbies? That is your happiness, not Dodo's."

"Tch, I can't say no to you, can you?"

"I have a reason, of course you can't speak against me."

The two bickered every day. Although they were dissatisfied on the surface, Xia Miaomiao felt comforted that Duoduo had a satisfactory belonging. The tears just now were not all fake.

In addition to the task of finding Dodo's belonging, there is also a task of guiding the Newman caravan.

At this moment, the endless stream of Newman's caravan was passing through the walls of Punk City. The one-kilometer-long convoy was loaded with various goods, attracting crowds of people throughout the city.

On the city wall, the NPC city lord was talking to the owner of the Newman caravan, a big businessman from Liberty City. On the main street, there were crowds, NPCs and players everywhere. The square in the center of the city had been turned into a temporary Newman caravan. Resident, there will be a big bonfire party tonight.

In the following 7 days, Newman's caravan will trade with the city lord's mansion and players. After the system loopholes are closed, Newman's caravan also recognizes the system's gold, silver and copper coins, but there is no such a high price difference. I don't know how to negotiate. It feels like the two parties have joined hands to 'pit' players together.

Xia Miaomiao is not interested in watching the first large-scale appearance of the "neutral faction" in the main city of the system. Those old men and women who care about the progress of the game and the background of the world call out some iconic events. It is of great significance, and she can get a glimpse of the structure of Canaan's world. She doesn't care, she only cares about her own affairs, such as whether the dozens of wild wolf skins will be taken back by the system as bugs.

These days, she has been worried like this all the time. Every once in a while, she goes back to the warehouse to have a look, otherwise she is worried.

Traffic jams, people with microscopic dioramas everywhere, even NPC kids sitting on roofs and trees, like Chinese New Year, looking like a country bumpkin who has never seen the market.

Xia Miaomiao dragged Du Shiyu and finally squeezed into a hotel.

This hotel provides rental services, and its function is similar to that of a family residence. A certain room can be used as the first landing point for players after going online, and then they will be sent to the place where they went offline last time. It takes care of privacy and is also very humane, so very popular.

Fan Chaoyue had already rented a guest room here for a long time, usually in the wild, but now in the city, it became the best place for the three of them to conduct some secret activities.

"Miss Player, please!"

"Thank you, please bring up some lunch, in half an hour."

"Uh, our store has just launched a green quality package..."

"No, no need, just normal."

"OK then!"

After closing the door, Xia Miaomiao complained every day, "Really, I will sell those expensive packages every chance I get..."

Du Shiyu sat down on his own and ignored it.

After waiting for five minutes, Fan Chaoyue went online on time.

"Where is Dodo, the task is completed?"

"Well, look at the system prompt..."

"I have it too. I'm so happy that Dodo has a good home."

"Stop talking about this, let's talk about business."

It was rare for Xia Miaomiao to be serious. After confirming that the doors and windows were closed, she said to her two buddies: "The system hasn't been recovered for so many days. It seems that we are really going to send it this time." Can't help but show an ecstatic smile.

Du Shiyu had quick eyes and quick hands, and covered her wanton laughter before she could leave her mouth, and glared at her.

"Low-key, low-key!" Fan Chaoyue whispered from the side.

Xia Miaomiao hiccupped uncomfortably, nodded and broke free from the hands of her best friend, "Mm, keep a low profile, low profile."

Du Shiyu just sat down.

"Hey, do you know what the hottest news is right now?" Fan Chaoyue forcibly changed the subject.

"I know, isn't it just a lawsuit? On TV, on the Internet, this expert, that beast, talks about it every day, popular science every day, it's so annoying." Xia Miaomiao reluctantly answered, "I'm still annoyed by the client. I know you, big cousin Hu Xinmin and his gang, haha, sure enough, the character is good for money, if you have a bad character, you have to spit it out even if you have good money.”

It seemed that Xia Miaomiao's hatred would really be remembered for a lifetime.

"Really, do you know the defendants? Their situation is not good. They were all fleshed out, and they were called bandits, robbers or something."


"But in case they lose the lawsuit, they won't be able to kill people and sell goods in the game..."

"What kills people and steals goods, you are just afraid that the world will not be chaotic." Although Du Shiyu is complaining about Fan Chaoyue, she also has this concern: "It depends on whether Canaan Company can withstand the pressure."

"Yeah, if there is such an example, all players will have to worry about being sued in reality in the future." Fan Chaoyue doesn't like PK, but he still enthusiastically supports PK itself, so he is very worried.

"It's too lenient, it's really a dog and a mouse, and there is nothing to do when you are full." Xia Miaomiao also began to be dissatisfied with her position.

"I heard that the amount involved is hundreds of millions!"

"Scary, didn't you say a few million, why is it hundreds of millions, they must be people, not BOSS, BOSS is not so rich, right?"

"Who knows, anyway, the player they blew up is so rich. I heard that he is still a player living in a small mountain village in his hometown. The locals have praised him as a model for helping his hometown get rich and get rid of poverty. The public opinion is an enemy to your friends... , very unfavorable."

"Let them die."

After talking about the 'lawsuit' for a while, the three of you looked at me and I looked at you, and found that there was nothing to talk about.

I don’t even think about upgrading when I go out for missions. With so many hot stolen goods in my hands, I really worry about them all the time. For a while, I’m afraid that the system will find out and confiscate them. In short, all kinds of fears, all kinds of worries, and no interest in doing anything.

Fan Chaoyue joined in the middle, but she was even more nervous and excited than Xia Miaomiao. What was exciting was not the value of these 'stoves', but the fact that nervousness itself was so fresh and exciting.

She is also the most impatient, even more bluffing than Xia Miaomiao, asking every once in a while if things are still there, and she doesn't care if you are full of insults and you don't have your share, it feels like she is participating What kind of conspiracy, it's like a child playing house.

This was probably what Xia Miaomiao was most dissatisfied with.

Sure enough, Fan Chaoyue couldn't help it this time, "Ah, never mind, let's take things out and make them into equipment. It's been so many days, and the limelight has long passed. The most popular thing now is not the system loophole, but the The lawsuit is a godsend opportunity!"

Xia Miaomiao also felt the same, holding on for so long was already the limit, so she looked at Du Shiyu beggingly.

Du Shiyu pondered for a while, and then nodded when she felt that it was almost the same.

"Long live!"

"Come on, go and get something."

After the 50 pieces of blue-quality wolf skins were taken out and put together word by word, Fan Chaoyue stared blankly for a while and asked, "Do you think the amount involved in that lawsuit can really reach hundreds of millions?" ?”

"Maybe, what are you asking these for?" Xia Miaomiao replied absent-mindedly, her eyes glued to the wolf skins.

"You said, can these materials be worth [-] million yuan when they are made into equipment?" Fan Chaoyue asked again.

"Scared, [-] million?" Xia Miaomiao was taken aback, but after thinking about it carefully, it was not impossible, so her heart beat wildly, her mouth became dry, her chest felt tight, and her eyes flickered like little stars.

"Don't dream, you have to make a suit... Miaomiao, have you sold the suits you made before? Is the little bridge reliable?"

"No, the big boss is only interested in complete sets."

"Then try it. If you can really make a complete set, it will have the greatest value."

"Wait a minute, I'll contact a tailor."

Xia Miaomiao had already figured out the steps, and also made an appointment with the intermediate tailor from last time. After sending a private message, the intermediate tailor players rushed over like flying.

"How, how, how many cards are there this time?"


"How much, how much?"


"...Don't be kidding me."

Without saying a word, Xia Miaomiao poured out all the wolf skins from her backpack, filling the whole room.

The middle-level tailor was stunned and didn't speak for a while.

"How about it, all of them are made into suits, are you sure?"

The middle-level tailor looked back with difficulty, and looked at the three beautiful girls with strange eyes, "What system loophole did you find? Ah, it is the loophole that the system fixed last time, right?"

"Don't worry about it, just say whether you are sure"

"Of course, there are so many materials of the same quality... Leave them to me!"

"Okay then, go get ready, we'll start when we go online tonight."

"There is a saying that the cost of tools and shops renting NPCs is nothing more than that. You have to pay a little for auxiliary materials. I don't have that much money."

"How many?"

"If you do everything, at least 10 gold"

"How many!?"

"At least 8 gold, I will pay the rest!"

"Go slowly, don't give it away... Think of me as a fool, can you be promoted to a high level with just these materials? Where do you go to find such a good job, and ask us for money?"

"Grandma, I really don't have that much money. If you pay 10 gold, I can get at least 20. I have to borrow usury for 20 gold. It's not like you don't know that there is a money shortage right now. I really can't help it!", The tailor player sweated anxiously, "Besides, the advanced life occupation system is not open..."

"But the proficiency is yours!"

"I really can't afford that much money!"

"Then I'll find someone else."

"Don't, don't..."

Du Shiyu watched with cold eyes, feeling that this person really can't make money, and 8 gold may be his minimum limit.

Finding someone else, of course, has better conditions, but it increases the risk of exposure, and the gain outweighs the gain.

But 8 gold, she and Xia Miaomiao can't get it out, all her savings have been invested in this operation, which is really a huge sum of money at the moment.

Fan Chaoyue had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, but it was a bit difficult for her to take out 8 gold all at once. She thought about it in her heart and thought that she could find a relationship to exchange for it from the black market, so she interjected: "For 8 gold, I can... "

"Shut up!" Xia Miaomiao glared at her angrily.

"What's the matter, I really can't get it out, what's the matter with my effort..."

Xia Miaomiao didn't bother to talk to her, and said to the tailor player, "We will pay up to 5 gold, and you will pay the rest. You can't pass it off as a good one. Once you find out, don't blame us for breaking the contract."

"5... Auntie, you are really good, I am convinced, oil can be fried out of stones... 5 gold is 5 gold, and I will pay for the rest!", the tailor player with a flesh-cutting expression on his face, finalized this piece thing.

When he left, Xia Miaomiao yelled at Fan Chaoyue, "It's all your fault, it should have cost nothing!"

"But my family..."

"Look at what he's pretending. He runs such a big shop. It's not an exaggeration to say that he is making money every day. Let alone 8 gold, 20 gold is not a problem. You know those institutions give such high-level professional life players What kind of rating, three S, that means unlimited credit, not to mention 20 gold, they can raise 100 gold, then use you to raise money."


Even Du Shiyu didn't know about this, so it could only be said that Xia Miaomiao had done enough homework, and it was no wonder Fan Chaoyue wanted to get involved.

Seeing that the two were quarreling, Du Shiyu could only try to persuade them to make peace, distracting them with their actions at night.

"Wow, so excited, so exciting!"

Fan Chaoyue looked forward to the evening.

Du Shiyu was a little worried, it was too smooth, and there was always an ominous premonition.

Seeing Xia Miaomiao's forgetful appearance, this premonition became even stronger.

Nothing should happen, right?

 Happy Friday everyone.

  In addition, the group can be searched, the group number is 89801196, the question is the pen name of the author, and the answer is Yue Ran
(End of this chapter)

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