This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 262 Promise You

Chapter 262 Promise You

"Hehe, welcome, guests from afar, please sit down wherever you want, don't be restrained!"

Bei Gaoyang never imagined that the famous demon lord, the master who ruled the three bottomless abyss, and Bayero, who obeyed and feared countless demons, would have such an image.

I saw that he had long, slightly curly golden hair, which was naturally tied behind his head by an exquisite headband, revealing a broad and white forehead. His facial features were carved like marble, but they didn't look cold and hard, on the contrary they gave a He has a solid, gentle, strong, and powerful feeling, and his eyes are not afraid of aggression, and they look very gentle, but there is an indescribable majesty and confidence in the gentleness...

He is tall and burly, not handsome, but extremely pleasing to the eye, belonging to the kind that people subconsciously believe at first glance.

This is the first time Bei Gaoyang has seen such a high-level demon. If he is just a clone, or a puppet being dominated, he does not have any such feeling. His intuition tells him that the one in front of the table is [-]% a powerful person. , evil demon lord.

“Enjoy the food first!”

A voluptuous succubus helped Bei Gaoyang open the high-back chair. Bei Gaoyang said thank you, and sat on the chair unhurriedly. Under the service of another succubus, he put on a snow-white napkin and picked up the chair. Knives and forks, nodded to the owner on the other side of the table and said, "Okay."

It's okay in the barracks.

Demon lord like a human noble gentleman.

Unfortunately, it's not what I imagined.

Bei Gaoyang was dealing with the food on the plate, and from the corner of his eyes, he saw the Angel of Fallen Light standing behind Bayero, consciously taking on the role of the maid.

Wow, it's really virtuous.

I can't tell if it's jealousy or what, it may come from a human male's inherent possessiveness, as if all the beauties in the world should admire him... Ha ha.

Bei Gaoyang shook his head in his heart, dispelled distracting thoughts, and concentrated on the food on the plate.

I don't know what kind of meat is made of thick soup, but it tastes surprisingly good. Here, you don't have to worry about eating some dark dishes. The majestic demon lord, with his reserved and flamboyant manners, won't let people find fault with such details.

In the center of the huge dining table, there was something baked golden, vaguely the thigh of some animal. As soon as Bei Gaoyang put his eyes on it, the succubus divided it into pieces, put it on a white dinner plate, and placed it on the table. in front of him.

Cut off a small piece and tasted it, but still couldn't taste what kind of meat it was, but after taking this bite, a cool feeling went down his throat, which made him shiver, feeling that his spirit and consciousness were one Shocked, the magic power of the whole body became active for it.

Ballero seemed to be a practitioner of the code of nobility, and there were only two light chewing sounds at the table, which continued to the end.

"how is the taste?"

After the meal, the host beckoned for the guests to follow, and walked outside the huge tent, leaving the dining table for the succubus to clean up.

"not bad."

"It's not easy for you to get your 'not bad'. I saw the little things you handed to Barn. It's very interesting. From it, I can see what a developed and brilliant civilization it is. In terms of food and enjoyment, Thinking about it, it is extremely developed?"


"Well, bring some back from the organic session, let me try."

"As you wish."

During the conversation, it looked like a young nobleman and his mage advisor were already in a huge military camp.

I saw endless stretches of tents spread out under the rust-colored sky, countless tall war golems lined up in the boundless military and government, standing quietly, a huge light gate with a height of hundreds of meters, dozens of Meter wide, these icy war machines are being transported to the front line in an endless stream.

A huge bone dragon flew by, and the high-ranking demon sitting on it monitored everything. A little demon blew a horn on the bone dragon's tail. The horn had a specific frequency, representing different commands.

Behind the war golems are tall behemoths.

This kind of monster is at least level 55 in the magic net, and they are all elites. There are very few behemoths in the main material world, and they are almost hunted down to become rare animals. In some lost planes, especially some demon farms , there is still a certain scale of existence, but Bei Gaoyang has never seen so many.

Beamon is the most suitable beast of burden, with a docile temperament. At this time, they are all reloaded, just like armored chariots, carrying common mercenaries such as humans, orcs, werewolves, vampires, etc. After the war golem passed , enter the light gate in turn.

There is not one light gate, but one in each of the four directions of east, west, north and south.

In front of another gate of light, under the direction of the necromancer, the endless army of undead rushed through the gate of light like a wave. A large pale tide rushed past, and new tides emerged, as if there was no end.

This is a real army of undead, not just low-level units such as skeletons and zombies.

The black warrior is their backbone, and the death knight is their cavalry unit. There are many such as bone archers, dark warlocks, even bone dragons, ghost dragons, etc., and of course their brains, necromancers and liches!
Under the third gate of light are all kinds of strange plane creatures... Before finishing watching, Bayero asked, "How do you feel?"

"quite splendid!"

"Is it just spectacular? What prediction do you have for the outcome of this war?"

"This... is naturally the 'orthodoxy' you represented to win the final victory."

"Hehe, dishonesty, I know that the answer in your heart is exactly the opposite, come on, let's be honest, will I still punish you because your words offend?"

"Uh...why didn't you see your direct troops?"

Bayero was taken aback when he heard the words, and for the first time took a serious look at the human archmage in front of him, and said after a while, "You are indeed very perceptive, and you can see the crux of the problem at a glance."

"Hehe, I was talking nonsense..."

Ballero sighed and did not elaborate on the subject.

Even if he doesn't say anything, Bei Gaoyang is also very clear.

To use a simple metaphor, a white-collar worker in an office fights with a gangster on the street, who wins and who loses?

Isn't it very simple.

The demons in the Bayero camp are used to sitting in an air-conditioned room and using a pen to solve problems, while the other side is used to licking blood on the knife edge to earn three melons and two dates. Of course, using a pen can earn more than licking blood on the knife edge. But once the pen can't solve the problem, when they need to speak with their fists, such and other problems will naturally be exposed.

In the bloody battle at the beginning, the order camp should have the upper hand.

But as the war spread in a crueler, longer, and more limitless direction, Bayero, his allies, and his men were a little bit powerless.

Look at this barracks, it is full of servants and mercenaries at a glance, where is the real army composed of demons?

"I heard that you have a small agreement with Bahn?"


Bei Gaoyang's heart was shocked, but he still nodded nonchalantly, "Yes."

"Tell me"

"It's some small experiments I'm doing. He invited me to join the alliance at the right time to fight against the rebels in the abyss."

"Hehe, as far as I know, those are not some small experiments. You are very ambitious and cautious enough. This can be seen from the fact that you have never done anything beyond your own ability after you got the Book of Canaan. out."

" also know the Book of Curses?"

"Isn't it the Book of Canaan? You gave it a good name, which is more in line with the mysterious rules."

"The curse is the slander of the gods and their minions, and their usual skill is to smear."

"Agreed, a bunch of hypocrites."

"I'm worried that if the bloody battle continues like this, without the strong check and balance of the abyss, these hypocritical guys will not be able to resist."

"They've already done it."


"more than"

"Did they also intervene in the bloody battle?"

"How do you think the bloody battle was provoked?"


"Let's not talk about this, it's too far away from your level, knowing too much is not good for you, let's just talk about your little agreement with Bahn."

Going around and around, and back again.

Bei Gaoyang had no choice but to say: "The agreed time has not yet come."

"You come with me."

Following behind the demon lord, after a few steps, he was inside the marching tent of a giant beast. A high-ranking demon was contemplating the map on the huge crime scene. Seeing the two coming, he saluted and said nothing. Give up the position to your lord.

Bayero walked to the huge map, pointed to the 'screen' with constantly changing structure and shape, and said, "The distribution of the battle lines looks like this now."

The 'screen' changed accordingly, and turned into a three-dimensional Rubik's cube, with small grids on the Rubik's cube, and these small grids represented the planes of the abyss.

The two colors represent the two sides at war, and the criss-crossing battle lines between them are distributed everywhere on the Rubik's Cube like cracks.

"This is the 101st and 109th floors"

"This is the 117th floor where the war is about to take place, and it's all my territory."

It is really convenient to understand the current situation of the bloody battle in such an intuitive way. Overall, the color representing the order camp still has an advantage in the Rubik's Cube. I don't know how many layers the Bottomless Abyss has, but all of them that have been developed are reflected in this Rubik's Cube. .

"The battles are tight everywhere, and all the power and resources that can be poured in must be used. I saw the war golems you sent, and I made a very interesting discovery."

"Bring it up."

After a while, some parts taken from the war golem were lined up in front of him. Bayero picked up one of them, pointed to the magic pattern on it and said, "With my eyesight, I can't see these What is the difference between the magic lines on the parts, how did you do it? Did you use the power of the different crystal wall system? Or is it related to the undead army you experimented with?"

Bei Gaoyang didn't know how to answer, there was no point in sophistry, and he was a little reluctant to reveal his own technical secrets...

"I heard from Barn that you are very interested in having a territory directly under the abyss. Here I promise you, not to mention a territory, but a layer of abyss. As long as you have the ability, you can take it directly. How about it? ahead of time?"


"Young man, Master Bayero has already shown enough sincerity and patience." The high-ranking demons on the side chimed in and threatened.

"Oh, don't do this, the two parties are equal and voluntary, without coercion," Bayero said in a good-tempered manner, and then stared at Bei Gaoyang 'gently', waiting for his reply.

It's really coercion and temptation, both soft and hard.

It seems that the situation is so serious that a demon lord who rules the three abysses is in a panic.

The 117th floor of the abyss will definitely not hold.

This guy is in dire need of cannon fodder.

If you refuse, you may not be able to leave here alive.

"Uh... In principle, it can be advanced, but I have some conditions."


"It's better to be like the Alpha plane. I'm not used to accepting other people's orders."

"promise you."

"I'm going to need a lot of bones and... er, active substances."

"promise you."

"I need to go to the front line to see the real situation first-hand. You must guarantee my safety and my freedom to come and go."

This request seemed the simplest, but Ballero hesitated before nodding.

This made Bei Gaoyang even more pessimistic about the future.

How could it be, how could it be so fast.

With the strength of the order camp, it really shouldn't be defeated so quickly and completely.

If Order leaves the Abyss, where can they go?

The best result is just to rule the river, but in that case, Bayero and the others will not be able to be demons, and will be rejected by the consciousness of the abyss.

What good fruit can there be by joining a party that is doomed to lose?
Bei Gaoyang regretted greatly in his heart, he shouldn't have agreed to Bahn in the first place, wouldn't it be good to develop insignificantly in the material world.

I don't know if the magic net can support it...

The fourth test should end as soon as possible, the fifth layer of magic net should be... barely... about... okay?
In this way, the design of the fifth layer of the magic net is complicated. It is impossible not to go to the battlefield to see it with your own eyes and collect first-hand information.

In the end, maybe because of dissatisfaction, or because of unexplainable psychological factors, after asking for a lot of materials, soul stones and soul crystals, Bei Gaoyang pointed at the fallen angel of light who looked like a maid and followed him all the way, "... I still need her!", as soon as the words came out, I regretted it, because I saw the fallen light angel's expression changed, and he became extremely angry and humiliated.

Ballero laughed and said, "I promise you!"

So, on the 'third day' after arriving in the abyss, a bloody battle frontline investigation team composed of the mind flayer Ross, the great magician Bei Gaoyang, and the fallen light angel Josephine took place. , arrived at the 79th floor of the abyss where the fierce battle was taking place.

The bones of the dead are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles?
Even the rust-colored sky is divided into two halves, one half is a tumbling, magma-like chaos, and the other half is a tsunami-like, endless waves and tides.

On the ground, the continuous bones stretched to the end of the sky and the earth, and two black lines across the earth spread over these giant bones. The moment they collided, Bei Gaoyang seemed to hear the howls and cries of countless souls.

(End of this chapter)

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