This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 24 The Player in the Eyes of Tualatin

Chapter 24 The Player in the Eyes of Tualatin
"There are too few monsters, and it's hard to fight."

"Why don't we go brush the kobolds too?"

"It's too difficult to brush, and you will die if you are not careful."

"The last time I brushed the kobolds, all my equipment was lost."

"Because of the cooling time?"

"Yes, some bastards are just waiting to touch the corpse."

"Haha, you are really unlucky."

"Ah, it's refreshed over there."

The players were scattered around the "refresh point" of the goblin, chatting while waiting for the "refresh" to refresh, suddenly a goblin walked in from the red zone, and before he could see what was going on, he was shot as a 'hedgehog', causing a series of injuries The number rose, and seven or eight players rushed in, smashing the goblin who was only breathing into a mosaic.

The players who didn't grab the monster cursed, and the players who grabbed the last blow saw that they didn't explode, so they decided not to show their heads.

Soon the second, third, and fourth "refreshed" at the same time, and the three battle groups suddenly broke out, the inner three floors and the outer three floors, and no monsters could be seen at all.

"Stop brushing, what a mess, I haven't brushed any of them for more than an hour."

"A kobold?"

"No, let's go treasure hunting."

"Looking for a fart treasure, I have been searched everywhere."

"Kobold camp, the house guarded by the BOSS."

"Yes, I've wanted to go for a long time. I heard that a guy found mission supplies in it and became a tailor."

"Then... to try?"

"How many times can you die?"

"Twice for me."

"3 times, the number of resurrections today has not been used."

"Well, put away all the equipment and sell it to the grocery store first. Let's make a plan and explain first that everyone will have a share of what we touch, that is, mission supplies, and we will also compensate other people for employment, life, and occupation."

"How to compensate, everyone is poor."


"Uh... that's okay."

"In this way, we are like this..."

The boss of Novice Village—Kobold leader Tualatin Owo is patrolling along a fixed route. A large group of players are pointing at him from a distance. "Beyond the deep malice.

The players were slapping the attention of the house behind him, and he pretended not to know, or didn't notice, like a thoughtless puppet.

The same goes for the other kobolds.

They had "sacrificed" to powerful wizards, and their lives no longer belonged to the tribe, nor to themselves.

The wizard was not in a hurry to take away their souls, but arranged a "job" for them and asked them to abide by many inexplicable rules. One of the rules was the patrol route, and the second rule was the warning distance.

Each kobold needs to walk mechanically along a fixed route until someone attacks them.

Can't do anything, unless someone breaks into this distance, other than that, even if these humans are blatantly besieging and beating other tribesmen, even if they see tribesmen dying tragically before their eyes.

In the beginning, these strange humans were weak, as weak as goblins, but their growth rate was amazing.

Their number is increasing, their courage is getting bigger and bigger, and their fighting ability and fighting skills are soaring every day...

Only then did Tualatin Owo understand the wizard's intentions, but he couldn't change anything.

The tribe couldn't refuse such a powerful wizard, they didn't even dare to resist, their fate was already doomed.

If the player has a certain understanding of kobolds, they will definitely find the despair and numbness shrouded in the novice village boss.

The number of players is growing, and Turalain Owo knows they will soon make a move.

Sure enough, a player holding a shield stepped into his warning distance, knocked on the wooden shield to attract his attention, and another player broke in from behind him, rushing towards the house he was guarding.

Tualatin Owo's response was to throw his one-handed axe, turn around at the same time, and catch up with the running players in a few steps.

In the end, two white lights flashed, and the two corpses disappeared in his eyes, protected by inexplicable power.

There was a burst of laughter around, these strange humans took pleasure in the death of two of their kind.

Tualatin Owo picked up his weapon, as if nothing had happened, patrolling mechanically and numbly.

He knew that this was just the beginning.

After a while, four humans broke in from four directions, one shot arrows at him, the other hit the shield to "taunt" him, and the two rushed to the wooden house.

Tualatin Owo raised his head and roared, a yellow light flashed on his body, the [totem pattern] engraved on his face and chest came alive, his strong and tall body swelled more than a circle, and a sharp barbed right side grew out With a heavy foot step on the ground, four [earth spears] protruded from the ground, stringing four smart humans into gourds.

"Fuck, it's too, isn't it awesome?"

"Haha, enjoyable, amazing!"

"Who the hell can break in?"

"Didn't someone succeed?"

"It was fishing in troubled waters. At that time, ten or twenty people rushed together. Now who wants to take advantage of others?"

"Then what a fart, let's go, let's go!"

"Don't, everyone rush together, there is still a chance!"

"Yes, let's see who is lucky and take a gamble."

"Don't listen to him, everyone, this bastard is waiting to find the corpse, and my equipment has been stolen."


Most of the players dispersed, and there were seven or eight players who refused to leave, and gathered together to discuss ghostly.

In the end, four people broke in and were killed on the spot by Tualatin Ovo with the [Ground Spear]. Taking advantage of the time when the [Totem Skill] was cooling down and could not fire, the remaining three jumped in, and the two launched a deadly attack on him. Charge, one person rushed to the wooden house at an extremely fast speed.

Tualatin Owo killed the two people standing in front of him one by one with his axe, and the last player had already touched the door of the wooden house, with an expression of ecstasy on his face.

The novice village boss flew out a one-handed axe.

The white light rose, and the player's expression froze, screaming: "Ah, it's only one step away, it's only one step away!"

——When you enter the wooden house, you will be safe, isn’t it just one step away?

A dozen bodies were left at the scene.

A few players who didn't know where they came from guarded the corpse, waiting for the protection time to pass to touch the corpse.

It's a pity that no one is on the cooldown of resurrection.

"Grass, it's you again!"



The revived player cursed, the player who touched the corpse didn't care, just ran away with a smile, and didn't know where to sit and wait.

There was silence around Tualatin Owo, but he knew it would not last long.

These strange... human beings remind him of the plague, every time they fail, they will make a comeback every time, and they will be stronger every time...

This made him deeply worried about the future of the tribe.

Luckily there aren't many of them.

The BOSS of Novice Village glanced gloomily at the players who started to gather again, and continued to patrol numbly and mechanically.

(End of this chapter)

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